What video games have you played the MOST? As in, what games have you played through (So obviously not a sandbox game, something with a completable storyline.), finished, and then replayed more than any other game you've ever played? I have a few.

Geneforge Series- I lost track after the 30th time I played through this series but I have played it an extensive amount of times after that. Honestly its been too much to count.
Dragon Age Origins- 19 times.
I also remember as a young kid I had some math-teaching game where you ran an arcade, I did that story at least 15 times, maybe/probably more.
Oh and Oblivion. I played through that 11 or 12 times.
Then lastly Prototype with about 5 or 6 playthroughs.
I wanna add Battlefront 2 into here too. I played that through a number of times, about 5. Not sure how many though so i'll just leave it at the bottom of this list.
And obviously there's more but that's enough I do think for my list =P

9 years ago*

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Assassin's Creed 2 - replaying for the 8th time
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - replaying for the 4th time
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons - 3 playthroughs

9 years ago

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  • Civ II
  • Zoo Tycoon Complete Collection (Hey, there are lots of scenarios to complete~!)
  • Tomb Raider (2013)
  • The Walking Dead Season One (S2 is good too, but I like S1 better)
  • Donkey Kong Country games (SNES)
  • Donkey Kong 64 (N64)
  • Banjo Kazooie (N64)
  • Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time (PS2)
  • Wild Arms 3 (PS2)
9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago*

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Probably GTA:SA and CoD:MW

9 years ago

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Tenchu: Stealth Assassins (PS1). I've beaten it countless times, taking alternate paths along the way....I would say I've beaten it over 30 times.

Street Fighter Alpha 3. I loved unlocking hiddens Guile, Evil Ryu, and Shin Akuma.

Dragon Ball Z Super Butoden 2. When I was very little...I played this many times over.

Tekken 2 & 3. All the other PS1 fighters paled to these.

Diablo trilogy. I've beaten them all many times.

Myth II: Soulblighter. My most played game ever....for years.

Japanese themed/taste, yes.

9 years ago*

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Dark Souls 1 and 2
Ultima VII Part 1 and 2
Final Fantasy Series (all of them except XIII-2, XIII Lightning returns)
Persona 3 and 4

These are all games that I have played through at least twice other than Dark Souls 1 and 2 which I have played through probably 7 times each game.

9 years ago

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it not really my thing to replay any game, so the most i ever replayed a game was Tales of the Abyss, first played it on ps2 and replayed it about 4 1/2 times (was borrowing my friends copy and she needed it back halfway through one of the playthroughs)

later on got the 3ds port, and tbh, not even sure if i finished a single playthrough on that yet

9 years ago

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The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series: plenty of mods available and interesting storyline.

Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas: again it has mods. But unlike S.T.A.L.K.E.R. the map is one huge cohesive piece. Lots of places to explore and lots of side quests to complete.

Borderlands series: mostly due to number of characters and the 2nd play through feature. I actually don't like that you have to play through the game several times to reach the higher levels though. I'd rather have one play through that lets you go from 0 to the highest level.

9 years ago

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Ocarina of Time...for sure!

9 years ago

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Arkham City - 3 times

Fallout 3 - 3 and half times.

9 years ago

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i replayed bioshock infinite, fallout 3 and new vegas, and borderlands 2.

9 years ago

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Dark Souls
cultures 2 gates of asgard
robin hood legend of sherwood
star wars galactic battlegrounds

9 years ago

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Half-Life 2 was replayed like about 20 times... And Oblivion about 5...

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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I must say Broken Sword 1-2, every time those cds pass by my hands I just automatically reinstall them.
More than those Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone for Genesis. It really sucked my youth away! :D

9 years ago

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Heh, I think if you added up all the time I played Wumpus at work it would have to be that...

9 years ago

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Dishonored. I played it once in PC, and then 6 times in xbox 360. Of course, I have all the achievements.

9 years ago

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Crash Bandicoot
Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories
Resident Evil 4

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Batman arkham city - 2
Batman arkham asylum - 2
FTL - 5
Binding of Isaac - 4
Bastion - 2
COD 4 - 4

Currently replaying resident evil revelations again

9 years ago

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I'm not sure 4-5 goes at FTL or BoI even counts as playing those games. Unless you mean times you've "won"

9 years ago

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Yeah I've won them. It took my a lot of tries though lol.

9 years ago

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MegaMan Legends 2, I replay it at least twice a year since I played it for the first time, so... over 30 - 35 times?. Its my all time favorite game from my all time favorite franchise. The first one was so good, and this one was just blew over all spectaions... Except for the change of voice actor for MegaMan which was... kinda awkward. AND MY HEART IS STILL BROKEN FOR THE 3RD ONE! CAPCOM WHY?! NOT EVEN THE DEMO YOU PROMISED US?!

Wario land 4. 20~ times. So many good memories with such a fun game, it was also the first game I had for the first portable console I owned (which I still have, and still worksm but the directional buttons are not working properly). . It has a special place in my heart

The 2 GBA Fire Emblems. 12~ish times each. After MegaMan, Fire Emblem is my favorite franchise. And I just love this tipe of turn-based strategy games, its a shame that there arent many like this on steam. Also, because love (and shipping) can bloom in the battlefield.

Borderlands. 5 times. Even offline, Borderlands is so fun (yet repetitive, but still love it). Also, I don't know why, but I find this game so... relaxing, driving around, running over ants n' stuff... yeah

9 years ago

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Mass effect series, Batman Arkham series, The witcher series, DA series (never played Inquisition)

9 years ago

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Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness I've played probably over 100 times in the past 20 years.

Quest for Glory I-III are probably the runners up with some very high numbers as well, but there were times I went back to Shadows of Darkness without playing the rest of the series. Quest for Glory V: Dragonfire has a much lower number.

9 years ago

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probably either parasite eve for the ps1 or the jak and daxter or ratchet and clank seies, I play through those series every so often.

9 years ago

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Rogue Legacy, The Binding of Isaac and Risk of Rain!

9 years ago

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