What video games have you played the MOST? As in, what games have you played through (So obviously not a sandbox game, something with a completable storyline.), finished, and then replayed more than any other game you've ever played? I have a few.

Geneforge Series- I lost track after the 30th time I played through this series but I have played it an extensive amount of times after that. Honestly its been too much to count.
Dragon Age Origins- 19 times.
I also remember as a young kid I had some math-teaching game where you ran an arcade, I did that story at least 15 times, maybe/probably more.
Oh and Oblivion. I played through that 11 or 12 times.
Then lastly Prototype with about 5 or 6 playthroughs.
I wanna add Battlefront 2 into here too. I played that through a number of times, about 5. Not sure how many though so i'll just leave it at the bottom of this list.
And obviously there's more but that's enough I do think for my list =P

9 years ago*

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I don't generally enjoy replaying video games. Not sure why b/c I like rewatching movies and rereading books. So the fact that I replayed Dragon Age: Origins, Awakening, and currently replaying Dragon Age 2 is pretty big to me.

9 years ago

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An extensive list needs to be made by me here but its early and I'm ill. So it'll have to be concise for now...

Sensible World of Soccer (AMIGA) Cheating slightly by using a sports game to start but man, I must've racked up over 1,000 seasons on various saves as a kid.
Lemmings (AMIGA) Back in the day, if you lost your save "code" you had to start again. Sheets of paper where key to replay value back then!
Final Fantasy 10, I don't replay games, I just don't. I'm a once and done guy. This however was the first game that proper sucked me in to play start to finish multiple times. What a game. I used to hate Seymour on Mt. Gagazet.
Baulders Gate, the first game I truly lost weeks to, I remember taking the "manual" with me and plotting out my mages abilities. Probably the most recent "replayed" game.
All Football Managers(see SENSI)

There's a bunch more but as I said, tired and ill to make this list as good as i'd like!

9 years ago

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Skyrim, Assassin's Creed 1 and Brotherhood and Portal 1

9 years ago

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Half-Life 2 :)

9 years ago

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resident evil 4 - replayed 12 times (illegal version ,because my steam hd version have some kind of slow motion bug :( try to fix it ,but still dont run normal ,but i bought it because i want to support developer and i love resident evil games and movies :) )
and of course S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Series - replayed 3-4 times.

9 years ago

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Final Fantasy VIII

9 years ago

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Fable - The Lost Chapters
I don't know, how many times.

9 years ago

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I played games when I was young over and over and over again because I didn't have any other things to do. Starcraft, for example. Earthworm Jim. I started FFX like 4 times and finished it once.

Played Xcom through at least 4 times.

9 years ago

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Deus Ex, Shining Force 1+2, Baldurs Gate 2, Morrowind
all 10+ replays

9 years ago

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Dragon age origin- 5-6 times
Dragon age 2 -2-3 times (never finished)
Mass effect 3- 2 times
Mass effect 2- 2-3 times
The witcher 2- 4 times

9 years ago

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I like your choice of games ^_^

9 years ago

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Thx :)

9 years ago

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Burnout Paradise
Virtua Tennis
Half Life 2
NFS Carbon
Budokai Tenkaichi 2 & 3

9 years ago

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Easily Knights Of The Old Republic. I played that so much on the original XBOX

9 years ago

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super mario bros (first one on the nes)
diablo 1 on pc

beat hazard is here also but since its just whats in my music collection its not really replaying

9 years ago

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Pokemon and hitman series

9 years ago

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Shining Force 2
Phantasy Star IV
Parasite Eve 1+2
Final Fantasy 8
Chrono Cross
Resident Evil 2

I've lost count on how many times I've replayed these as they are some of my favorite games.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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  1. Pokémon series
  2. Deus Ex series
  3. Need for Speed series

'Nuff said.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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For me, most of the games that I replayed more than a handful of times would come from when I did not have access to cheaper games (i.e. PC). So the following:
Probotector (Contra)
Super Metroid
Mr. Gimmick
Kid Icarus
Blaster Master
Super Mario World
Mega Man
The Legend of Zelda: A link to the past

There are a few anomalies on PC though:
Majesty The Fantasy Kingdom Sim
System Shock 2
Red Alert
(If we would count grand strategy, rogue likes and such, that lacks complete stories and can often have strong sandboxy elements, then the following would also fit in):
Victoria An Empire under the Sun
Civilization 2
Master of Orion 2

9 years ago

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+1 for your RTS/Turn-based Strategy games on PC
Interesting though that no one has said yet HoMM3 or Rise of Nations.. as those would be my first two choices along with MW2 for back in the day and dota2/tf2 nowadays when to mess around with some new and old friends..

9 years ago

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Diablo & Diablo II <3
Resident Evil 4
Super Mario Bros

9 years ago

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Probably Peggle Deluxe. For a period of time it was the perfect little side game for me, and I used to play it on several different PC's and other platforms (including my Nokia phone).

9 years ago

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Civilization 4 & 5 but ya... :) Civilization games are all time favourite
Zelda on SNES
Half-life 2
Outcast <3
Diablo 2
Warcraft 3 Campaign

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Half Life
Half Life 2
Deus Ex

9 years ago

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CS 1.6, CS:GO and dota2

9 years ago

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+1 dat

9 years ago

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This was all a long time ago. Personally haven't touched these games in years cept for maybe the bottom few but they are mostly in-game campaigns and not really story based more so like historical or fantasy setting fictional history based.

Games I have remembered or have known of to myself to have finished:
Chrono Trigger
Wild Arms
Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance can't remember now though if it was 1 or 2
and maybe I think that one old LoTR game on the PS2

Not really story complete-able games but have spent and put many hours into these:

Master Of Orion 1/2
AoE2/TC/TF (and the SW's spin-off)
RoN/TP (the soundtrack alone has me playing it atleast 1000hrs+, definitely more than my total time on steam which steam has yet not implemented innately/natively into their UI for shame) - best soundtrack in a game ever - if you have never played it or heard it before you will cry guaranteed otherwise you are not human.
Warcraft 1/2/3 (mainly online custom maps but yeah.. back in the day before)
I think that's it. Oh wait yeah of course how could I forget.
The old and beloved ancient Command&Conquer franchise; more specifically Command and Conquer:Generals and it's expansion Zero Hour.
May that old great game rest in peace.
I think that is all.. now back to work on my RoN expansion set masterpiece :) that or SupCom haha.. lol

9 years ago

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