What video games have you played the MOST? As in, what games have you played through (So obviously not a sandbox game, something with a completable storyline.), finished, and then replayed more than any other game you've ever played? I have a few.

Geneforge Series- I lost track after the 30th time I played through this series but I have played it an extensive amount of times after that. Honestly its been too much to count.
Dragon Age Origins- 19 times.
I also remember as a young kid I had some math-teaching game where you ran an arcade, I did that story at least 15 times, maybe/probably more.
Oh and Oblivion. I played through that 11 or 12 times.
Then lastly Prototype with about 5 or 6 playthroughs.
I wanna add Battlefront 2 into here too. I played that through a number of times, about 5. Not sure how many though so i'll just leave it at the bottom of this list.
And obviously there's more but that's enough I do think for my list =P

9 years ago*

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Mass Effect series, Gothic 1 and 2, Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven, Vietcong, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, GTA Vice City, Red Alert 2

9 years ago

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Mass Effect 2

9 years ago

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Ratched & Clank 2 on the ol' PlayStation 2

9 years ago

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Resident Evil 3

9 years ago

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FF X :3

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I was gonna say Final Fantasy X, since I think it's the one I've played more times from scratch, but counting new game+ it's probably Tales of Symphonia :)

9 years ago

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Captain Tsubasa (NES)
Mafia 1

9 years ago

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I like to replay Fallout and Fallout 2 every year.

9 years ago

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Diablo series

9 years ago

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Hype - The Time Quest
Tomb Raider I to Chronicles (all Core Design titles besides AoD (it doesn't suck that much as everybody says, but the horrible controls make it not replay worthy))
Deperados - Wanted Dead or Alive

9 years ago

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Borderlands 1 & 2

9 years ago

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Deus Ex: GOTY and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. 12 times GOTY and 8 times HR

9 years ago

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Street Rod 1 and 2. :D

9 years ago

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I've played through Deadly Premonition more times than I can count

9 years ago

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The first three Sly Cooper games (wow, who'd have guessed?) and the PS2 Ace Combat games. I've completely lost count how many times I've replayed them all.

9 years ago

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There are quite a few that I have replayed numerous times. But the one I've replayed the most is

Resident Evil 2

I've beaten it around 8 times I suppose.

9 years ago

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I don't always replay videogames because I generally lose interest in things very fast so after I finish a game it takes a looong time to pick it up again, but for achievements I did play some games more than once and there are only a few I can think of right now.
CoD Modern Warfare, Gears of War 1 - 3 and Dead Space

9 years ago

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Fallout 2. Finished the story(killed the final boss)more than 50 times.

9 years ago

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I think I haven't played any game more than twice, but there are a few which I played twice.

9 years ago

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(Mostly) in order of most played:

Chrono Trigger - So glad to see this on so many lists. I've long lost count, at least played it over 20 times.
Earthbound - who doesnt love this game? Played at least a dozen times.
A Link to the Past - probably 9-10 times.
Toejam & Earl - maybe a bit cheaty since its kind of an example of an early roguelite at this point.
Sonic 1/2 - more classics, obs.
Katamari Damacy/We ♥ Katamari - so zen, much rollup.
Dark Forces/Jedi Knight/Tie Fighter - the best games I had as a kid, played them over and over.
C&C: Red Alert 2 - Hitler iz.... out of ze way.
Fallout New Vegas - 7 times, I kept restarting due to modding more and more. Also I literally had every weapon and armour in the game in one storage place by the end.
Goldeneye 007/Perfect Dark - gotta unlock All Guns man.
Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana) - I think maybe 6 times?
Myst/Riven/3/4 - I got to replay these all years later since I had forgotten most of the puzzles.

Dont really replay many games these days outside of mutltiplayers/roguelikes. Even if they are really good, we're all so spoiled for choice and have large backlogs thanks to steam. Helps explain why so many of these are games from my youth.

9 years ago

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By far Super Mario Bros Deluxe Edition for GBC.

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Mafia CoLH, Diablo 2, NFS Underground 2, AoE2, Commandos.

9 years ago

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Castlevania Symphony of the Night. I once was off from work for a week so I cleared the game 3 times, each time getting a higher percentage.
That and FF6. The greatest one EVER!

9 years ago

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