лечить будут россиян и довольно долго. заново будут объяснять, почему 20 лет на троне порождают новых гитлеров, объяснять почему подделывать бюллетени на выборах - это плохо. объяснять почему любить родину в телевизоре, обладая виллами на озере комо - это плохо. и тогда россияне прозреют и поймут, что они не богоизбранные и убивать других ради своей веры в русский мир не нужно. но это потом. а пока радуйся многих ходам очка великого стратега.
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те же, кто судил гитлера и его пропагандистов. только теперь ты на скамье подсудимых, как ни печально.
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In general, people here are really very sensitive and have serious problems of self-esteem, especially those in the highest levels. Their symptoms are usually insecureness disguised as arrogance and an overestimated self-worth. Pretty easily spottable.
Just keep pretending you care about not being allowed to enter their precious giveaways, so those poor people can keep thinking their e-penises are real to feel better. You may be saving lives.
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I wouldn't worry about it, the type of people who indiscriminately block for the most arbitrary of reasons very rarely have anything of use to offer the community.
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Possible reasons:
There are still those who blacklist you out of the blue, based on a silly comment you've made that butthurt them or based on the quality of your GA's, those are indeed sore losers, you're better off without their GA's.
Also, I've checked your profile, and looks like you're a Bloon popper by heart. I dropped a friend request for a co-op sometime.
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For #2 you may be blacklisted by Karine Jean-Pierre only
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I got a good bunch of Blacklists when i gave free games away -to clear one of my key lists-.
The people weren't willing to hide games one by one and prefered to blacklist me. Not from interest that i gave hundreds of games that weren't free and weren't trash.
But in the end, it is a two way block with a blacklist and 99% of them lost more as i in the end because not much gave ~1400 games away on sg.
So in the most cases, don't think about too much. Be around and breathing is enough for a BL.
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How do you know the specific individual that BL you so you can ... return the favor? I can see that my BL goes up slowly little by little, but I haven't been able to see who is doing it.
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The only way to find someone who blacklisted you is to click on their giveaways and get the message that you are blacklisted.
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You can't.
But when you try to enter their GAs, as example in a community train, you see which ones you can't enter and when you make GAs, as example in the community train, than you get a good bunch of cry messages from users that can't enter your GAs.
But you don't need to "return the favor".
When they BL you, you can't enter their GAs and they can't enter yours. It's always a two way block of the GAs.
As long as you don't do GAs that run for longer as 1 week, they don't have the chance to take you down from their BL, enter your GA and set you back on the BL when the GA is over, because when you take someone down from the BL you can't enter his GAs for the timeframe he was on your BL, up to max. 7 days.
And yes, i had people that blacklisted me and when they seen great GAs they unblacklisted me, entered the GAs and blacklisted me after it again. So i learned my lesson and all my GAs are only 3 days long. No chance for such people anymore.
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As long as you don't do GAs that run for longer as 1 week, they don't have the chance to take you down from their BL, enter your GA and set you back on the BL when the GA is over, because when you take someone down from the BL you can't enter his GAs for the timeframe he was on your BL, up to max. 7 days.
I didn't knew this.. Huh.. I like it though, very interesting way to handle things :D Surprisingly thoughtful.. Huh
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Holy shit this has exactly happened to me with the latest community trains, greedy f*ckers lol.
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If some of the games you are giving away are free keys for trash games, then that could earn you some blacklists. I actually read a post where someone said they blacklist users because they can't be bothered to hide games.
You'll probably get more blacklists for making this thread. That's how SG rolls. lol.
I wouldn't worry about it though. The number of blacklists you receive is still going to be relatively small compared to the number of users on the site.
I even got a bunch of blacklists for hating on Putin. But, those are like badges of honor. =)
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I can't speak to outside perspectives, but for those who handle blacklists similarly to me, it's more a matter of excluding toxic drama from not only your own interactions, but from affecting those you're directing giveaways toward. For example, blacklisting a known bigot not only saves you from their toxic hatred, but also blocks them from jumping on the backs of anyone else who comments in your giveaways. (And yes, this does happen a lot- people who are naturally toxic do for whatever reason seem to want to spread that toxicity at every available opportunity.)
And yet, despite my only blacklisting thoroughly toxic elements and excessive site exploiters, the 1000 user cap was all too easy to reach (though, in fairness, it did take like 5 years to do so).. With that in mind, I'm always appreciative of when someone of such a mentality blacklists me of their own prerogative, as it does save me having to figure out how to open a blacklist spot for them. 🙄
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I earn 30BL on my GA blizzard (HB for Ukraine) when I restricted for Rus CN BA region. Like I care...
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YES is good (and satisfying to have my own opinion)
It is like scrip but using humans 😁
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I even got a bunch of blacklists for hating on Putin. But, those are like badges of honor. =)
Okay, now you're just tempting me to make a thread labeled "Fuck Putin", just for the sake of securing some of those enviable badges of honor for myself.. 🤔 🙄
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By entering, you agree that I may reroll if I cannot gift the game for regional price differences (the game does not have keys)
This sounds rude and shows that you are oblivious to site rules at the same time (you are not breaking anything per se, just trying to impose something that's not supported by site rules), and this can and will be a reason for blacklists for many.
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Technically you can't reroll either. Even if the winner would allow it it's likely that the new winner would encounter the same issue which is just creating work for support (as a similar example I once had to re-roll a DLC giveaway that many times that I eventually manually checked all the remaining entries and every single one of them already owned the DLC which I used as a basis for requesting a deletion).
If you're creating a giveaway its your responsibility to ensure you set any appropriate region restrictions. If you ultimately can't deliver the game you should ask the winner if they agree to deletion rather than a reroll and if they don't you'll just have to live with the not recieved feedback.
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You see, this is part of the problem. The mindset of entitlement is wrong and at the end of the day, places massive hurdles on us who just want a place to dump spare money or do good. Not only do you have to pay for the game you're giving away, you also have to check all regional prices to see if the difference is larger than the maximum amount allowed by Steam.
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(I can't figure out how to TL;DR this one, given the various number of points addressed, but anyone willing to give a crack at it do by all means feel free to.)
I'm confused- if the mindset of entitlement is wrong, and you're making a point to acknowledge that fact, then why do you seem to still be supporting your own engagement in such [which, to be clear, is the only entitlement I'm recognizing in this situation, and thereby I'm defaulting to an assumption that it's what you're intending to reference]? And whatever at all do the issues with Steam as a platform (or in the particular case you're mentioning, Steam as a storefront) have to do with your description formatting or its associated appearance of entitlement? And, just to be clear, this isn't a roundabout jab from me- I'm legitimately finding your presentation to be rather bewildering, and I'm honestly confused by it, and I do mean everything I just said sincerely (ie, without hostile intent).
While I obviously can't address your comment directly, given my uncertainty towards its intentions, as far as the overall nesting, if there's any confusion over thegodoftitsandwine's comment, let me try expounding and expanding on it:
* It's relatively easy to check against regional restrictions in most cases [eg, by checking SteamDB or SG's related bundle thread].
* Staff generally makes allowances for those circumstances where region restrictions weren't obvious
* You can't insist on rerolls or deletions for any reason in giveaway descriptions as giveaway descriptions can't overrride site rules
* Basic English rules mean that personally targetted (eg "You") formatting or overly declarative (anything that implies "you must") formatting is incredibly rude- even, in many cases, when coming from a superior (barring within a military or parental heirarchy), meaning that the formatting in the quoted statement is intuitively considered rude in its presentation.
* Finally, there's also the simple fact that staff will never reroll on region restricted giveaways, due to the high probability of continued issues, making your entire comment's underlying premise faulty to begin with.
In short, for many many reasons, the phrase quoted by PossiblePsycho is very problematic and very much warranting of critical reactions (which, by personal preference, may lead to blacklists, which is entirely reasonable and exactly what blacklists are there for, and it's always deeply entitled to criticize someone else's blacklist usage to begin with [though one can certainly criticize any externalized behaviors that may come along with such an action] ).
As you yourself just noted(?), it's quite entitled to present such a statement in such a way- comparatively, doing the much more standard "I'm unaware of any region restrictions, but I'd appreciate those who enter be willing to delete if necessary" doesn't offer up any elements that could reasonably be criticized, as it clearly details the circumstances, acknowledges the second party, and presents itself politely.
Entitlement is, at heart, putting yourself above others instead of interacting with them as equals. Perhaps more precisely, it's about expecting something without being willing to provide a comparable offering in exchange. As soon as you start acknowledging the other parties with proper respect, then the fact that you're the one giving something out puts you in the advantageous position, as far as the social interpretations directed towards matters related to your giveaways (at least, from non-entitled site members).
While Steam has a lot of criticizable elements, in this particular case Shakti and others in the community put in a lot of effort to help sort out region restriction related matters for the rest of us. While you can still criticize Steam over the matter in a more general sense, or do so in regards to how it creates more work for Shakti and the others, the specific situation regarding the region-restriction based nteraction between SG and Steam is pretty well-handled at the moment, and thus hard to make a strong argument against (in regards to it impairing or overly complicating usage of SG for GA creators).
Ultimately, the site should always lean towards offering a bias towards GA creators whenever there's equitable effort put into a matter, as the GA creators are theoretically offering more to an interaction to begin with- but that bias can only be presented if the GA creators are actually putting in appropriate efforts themselves. At the point where GA creators are sabotaging themselves or their giveaways by not putting in minimal organizational effort, minimal respectfulness, or minimum provision of relevant details [eg, the method by which win will be delivered], then obviously any negative outcomes following that will be on the GA creator, as they set things up to fail from the start.
(Conversely, putting it on the winner or entrants at that point is rather perverse, even very lightly bordering on being victim-blaming- that is to say, they're not victims persay, but similar to the victims in victim-blaming scenarios they're still very much dealing with the outcome of someone else's faulty actions, regardless of how well-handled their own actions were, and it's similarly unreasonable to criticize them for something they had no initial control over.)
And, to be clear, blacklists aren't even inherently a negative outcome to begin with- if you've no previous relationship with the individual, and they're choosing to not invite you to their parties while choosing not to go to yours, then it's an utterly bewildering and phenomenally entitled (or deeply insecure) thing to start insisting that you have a right to their parties, or that you're suffering any emotional loss for the exclusion.
SG is seriously the only place you'd see that kind of response- imagine if you tried to go up to a random table at a school [hopefully one that you're actually attending], and the people there politely said "we don't feel comfortable interacting with random strangers, and our clique doesn't really seem to be a match for you" and you just kept going up to their table and insisting they accept you, and then started griping in public about how rude they were being for excluding you. Again, how they present themselves outside of the exclusion is certainly relevant- you could reasonably complain if they were rude in how they went about excluding you- but the exclusion itself is very much their right, so long as they don't also try to include themselves in your affairs (which the two-way blacklist system naturally prevents, currently making that a non-issue for SG).
Again, I'm not entirely sure about what you were trying to say, and there's nothing wrong about making a thread asking questions about a topic, even if it's one that the community on the whole is tired of dealing with, like blacklists. But given your comment below suggesting that you're perceiving your entrants as being inherently arrogant (which is less questionable due to its own merits, and more by its seemingly untenable relation to the core topic), and the fact that you do seem to be overly concerned with received blacklists (despite your claims to the contrary), it does seem as though there may be grounds for you to take a step back, take a deep breath, and stop giving mind to matters that, at a glance, seem to fall in somewhere between being frivolous and petty.
You can adjust your description to be more reasonable, and then just accept that anyone still blacklisting you is someone doing you a favor by excluding someone with a contrary mindset from further interactions with you, or you can deliberately retain your description (or even make it more instigating) and encourage blacklists just for the sake of encouraging them, and accept that they're the result of your own actions. Or you can just avoid descriptions altogether, and just take a relaxed, laissez faire attitude towards your dealings with SG, accepting whatever may come.
I'm not really seeing a fourth set of options on approaching things, there, meaning that I'm not seeing any option that makes complaining about blacklists in threads a reasonable course of action (all the more so given that it's such a great way to encourage additional blacklists, making such threads inherently contradictory, in that it's always a bizarre thing for any user who ostensibly disdains being blacklisted to bring up). Again, threads that ask questions are fine, but introducing even mild hostility into them seems rather misplaced, given the lack of any actual negative interactions that the user could reasonably complain about.
Well, in the end it's really on cg for having blacklist stats available to users in the first place, given how predictable this outcome is, based on how the average human is.. Not that I'm not personally always in favor of unrestrained information flow, but in this particular case the losses do seem to massively outweigh the gains, given that those who care about information for information's sake likely only very rarely care about blacklist stats to begin with, meaning that it's really just catered towards furthering drama to begin with.
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Rules is rules, I'm not arguing for or against them just stating them, if you have issues with them take it up with the staff. As it stands (and as I stated) it is your responsibility to place appropriate restrictions on your giveaways. If you can't figure out the specifics for a given game you can always choose to restrict it to your own country/region to rule out any issues.
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Putting that in your giveaway description is misleading and not true as the winner does not have to agree to delete it, they have the option to mark it as not recieved. While there are a good majority of the SG community who know that custom rules like this don't supercede the rules of SG, some do not, and will feel like they must agree to these terms.
If you are going to put something in your GA description something more along these lines would be appropriate. "This will be sent via Steam, so the winner will need to add me as a friend. Please be aware that Steam has regional restrictions so it might not be possible to send the game to you depending on where you live." When delivering games through Steam, in most cases, it's probably best to use region locks provided by SG for your GAs due to the region restrictions.
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Here, let me fix this for you:
Giving Away Stuff = Blacklist??
Being active on SG = Blacklist
No matter what you do, the more active you are the more people will notice and possibly blacklist you for one strange reason or another. Maybe they dont like the GAs you create, maybe because your avatar is too red or not red enough, maybe you offended the Gods of Friday by creating a giveaway for a game without cats on a friday. Its not worth trying to figure this out, just take solice in the fact that they wont be able to join your giveaways (BL goes both ways) and that there are a lot more awesome people around here ^^
This thread will certainly earn you some blacklists and this comment will likely earn me some too. Try to look at it as positive thing: They are most likely people you wouldn´t want to give your stuff to and they are banning themselfes from your GAs. Thats a win! ;)
Edit: So far, only one dude blacklisted me for this. I expected more ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Just finding the page that shows whitelists and blacklists is so complicated lmao. I have no idea why people give a shit about this.
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You should blacklist the user that stole the e from your username.
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See if any of these apply to you!
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Glad i could be of some help. Just try to ignore the BL and focus on WL. It's what i do.
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As others have mentioned, there's a hundred different reasons, some of which don't involve you in any way. I actually once BL somebody I was trying to WL by clicking the wrong button and not paying attention, for example. I also had somebody in one of my giveaways tell me they BLed me because they really wanted the game but I didn't put it on (other site I didn't even know about) so they could buy it, and they didn't win the GA. What?! Talk about sore loser.
I also found out more or less by accident that people HATE if somebody puts in the description something along the lines of "Please allow me to delete if key doesn't work." ... They seem to look at it as "You know the key won't work, so don't waste my time." instead of "You've done everything you can but you don't have control over every variable" as it's usually intended (at least, in my case). I used to put that in my GAs, something like "I bought a bundle from Fanatical and as far as I know this key should work for anybody, but just in case it doesn't please allow me to delete the giveaway." I would get at least one BL every time I did a set of GAs. One time I forgot to add the part about deleting it, just saying I think it'll work ... and I did not get a BL on that set. Coincidence? Let me see... so I did two more sets of GAs literally just copying and pasting the description from before and the "new" one... and same result. "Please allow me to delete" = at least one BL, every time... I don't say it anymore, but saying or not saying it doesn't change anything at all, because it's still up to the winner to comment that they allow it, and it's still up to the moderators to do it once I submit the ticket. ¯\(◉‿◉)/¯
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There's a huge difference between "please allow me to delete if key doesn't work" and "by entering, you agree..." though.
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I've given away over 400 games so far and my WL to BL ratio is 60 to 9. I've found that what usually moved the BL needle for me other than probably having the "Please let me delete / reroll if there are any key issues" text was when I gave away an adult content / mature game. I'd get a BL or two when that would happen. I was then wondering like you why I was getting BL when all I did was give away games. I see that you have done a few GA for LGBTQ+ games. If I had to guess that's what's driving your BL count up. People probably BL because they think you'll do more GA in those categories so its just easier to ban you than ban all the games. It's not on that BL reason list either.
Otherwise, I stopped worrying about it. People are going to BL for whatever reason. It just improves the chances for other people to win games. It's their loss.
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LOL I only gave away 2 LGBTQ+ games because I lost a bet with a friend 🤣
I don't get why people would BL the giveaway creator as a whole instead of just ignoring the giveaway altogether. It isn't like a BL is gonna stop the creator from giving away similar games. It just harms yourself as you can no longer enter their giveaways.
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Just be sigma and discard the blacklist.
I shitpost a lot to the point that the mods and admins are already salty af w/ me.
Also, it's mostly users who only GA bundled crap who use that function.
So don't worry too much about it.
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You will notice a spike in blacklists for creating this thread alone.
So yeah, people will use that function for no particular reason. It's always been that way on this website.
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Just don't care - it is their loss that they can't enter your future GA-s.
If you gonna bitch it here over a week and so on, you will get 'blessed' many and many times more and more.
Delete this thread and move on
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Welcome to SteamGifts i hope you enjoy your time here.
You breath you might get blacklisted.
You create giveaways? thats a blacklist for sure.
Posted in the Forum welcome to my blacklist ...
Dont let it bother you :) People blacklist for the dumbest of reasons ... dont let it get to you ;)
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Remember when people blacklist you its not just their giveaways you can't enter but they can't enter yours either.
So to hell with them :)
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I love the fact that this was implemented xD
I was once blacklisted by winner of my blue-heart only GA. Tne reason - because I have to many games xD Shortly after the new rules for blacklists I was suddenly removed from blacklist xD
I just love how two-faced some people are :)
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Aye, put GAs up on the last 6 days of the train. Choo choo.
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I saw my BL counter go down by a couple of digits after I put up my community carts, but I'm not gonna sweat it.
If I haven't BLed someone, they're free to join, even if they choose to be petty and block me later. I don't do retaliation blacklisting.
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I don't do retaliation blacklisting.
I don't do this too in the extreme majority of cases.
Only if i expect that the user is someone that would take me down whenever he have a advantage from it AND when it gave enough "trouble" that i try to minimize my contact with this person. I want then to be sure that it don't switch from BL to something else.
Oh and only if that user is level 5 or higher.
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Haha! I'll admit that I've blacklisted someone who blacklisted me. He's an ass anyway. LOL! Although, I genereally don't BL for just being an ass.
And the honest truth is that I rarely blacklist anyone. I usually remember exactly why they're there because it's a small list, and they've had to have been extremely obnoxious to earn it.
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I've been noticing as I give away games the number of people who have blacklisted me is steadily increasing. Are these sore losers or what
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