Ask the gifter to send in a support ticket to change the giveaway game to correct game, that is, the one you did receive, Battle vs Chess. Then you can mark it as received.
Or you can ask them to delete the giveaway.
Or you can mark the giveaway as not received as a last resort.
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It's a known issue, you should be fine marking it as received.
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Hello seNs666.
You should select Check Vs Mate. It is the same game.
Check Vs Mate is its the name in North America, Battle vs Chess is its the name in rest of the world.
Have a nice day.
Answer to my ticket 3 years ago.
Marking the game as received is totally fine!
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Heya seNs & drbeckett, thanks for your answers and the links, there are some interesting statements.
But just marking it as received would mean that i would add a not activated AppID to my account forever. I hope everyone can understand that i just do not want that, no matter if the support says that is fine.
Why does not SteamGifts fix this apparently well known issue? Unfortunately, i did not find an answer to that. It is not just a simple name change, which happened to other games, but there are two different apps. And the SteamGifts scanner does not check if the files are identical, but if the correct AppID has been activated.
That is really not your fault, guys (and/or girls) and i am very glad you want to help me, but i am very sad that i am forced to make this decision now. :-(
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If you're worried about the non-activated win tool at sgtools, the game doesn't show up as non-activated for users who have won it. They count the two as the same game. You shouldn't worry, it's 100% ok to mark it as recieved.
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I think this is the second day in a row there hasnt been any replies for hours. I spend time double checking just in case. (Also went and had some coffee.) And when I finally hit reply someone else has answered :)
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Haha oh no. But having more opinions is never a bad thing!
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Just mark it as received, I dont see the problem since you have gotten your answer and its the same game.
When you click the steam link for Check vs Mate you automatically get redirected to the the other appid.
People normally use sgtools to determine not activated wins. I did a test just to be sure, and it seems it has been configured to check if winner owns either appids when looking for not activated wins.
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use VPN to USA and reactivate or get another key
1) Using VPN is against Steam's rules and 2) that no longer works anyway as you can now only activate keys that match your store region.
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1) That hasn't stopped anyone before and 2) you can change your store region if you want. But you completely missed the point of sarcasm since they are the exact same game with just a different name, so suggesting such measures just to change the name shouldn't be taken as a serious suggestion to do so but an illustration of how silly it is.
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Same content maybe but not the same "game"
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So you imagine that the exact same content with just a different name makes it a completely different game and not just the same game with a different name? Is a rose a different flower in different countries since it has different names in different languages?
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As far as Steam is concerned yes, it it was the same game there would only be one entry and the name would be determined by the specific package/depots you hada license for.
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Except Steam already considers it the exactly same game since you are redirected to the one with a local name for you if you pick either of them. The different name is because of copyright etc issues, not because the game is different in any way. If they are different games, please show me how can I even see the store page for Check vs Mate without using a VPN to USA?
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There are lots of things you can't see the storepage for without a VPN. If they were exactly the same then Steam wouldn't let you own them both at the same time as I've shown in my previously linked image.
EDIT: Different appids, different games (even if they have the same content). I'm not denying that the two games aren't the same but that as far as Steam is concerned that they are distinct products.
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And how did you end up owning both of them without using a VPN or otherwise breaking Steam rules? For those other games I can't see I don't get redirected to a local version either, I just get a notice about not being available in my region. But because those 2 games are exactly the same, I do get redirected when trying to access the store page.
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Check vs Mate through the Store and a bundle key for Battle vs Chess. Similar to how I was gifted the German version of the new Wolfenstein games to go alongside the International versions I bought myself.
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It's just a huge mess because of stupid publishers and silly Steam system. Not like this is the only case where they have completely messed up AppIDs or packages, but still it's the exact same game with 2 different names and AppIDs, not 2 different games. All the bundle keys thus far seem to have been for Battle vs Chess, so would be quite hard to find Check vs Mate anywhere outside USA. I guess to a collector who still imagines +1s are worth anything they are different, but to anyone else not.
Interestingly I could buy to get the 3 DLCs but no base game. All the DLCs do tell me that they are not available in my region but the bundle does not. So we have 3 different ways it works already. Game redirects to other version, bundle says you can buy it just fine and DLCs tell you they are not available. I'd imagine that would be a bit more consistent if it was really intended to be that way.
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Check vs Mate is only available in the US, Canada and Mexico. There is a CD Key package available for Check vs Mate but I'm fairly positive that almost everywhere that lists the game as such is actually reselling Battle vs Chess bundle keys.
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Why does not SteamGifts fix this apparently well known issue?
Because the site pulls it's data from the US store so the site can only detect Check vs Mate. This isn't the only game with this issue, another is Dawn of Magic 2/Time of Shadows.
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I can confirm it is safe to activate it. It is the same game, even support asked me to create a giveaway for Check vs Mate instead of Battle vs Chess. Link (scroll down).
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Hello dear friends of SteamGifts,
First me...
1.) I won a Check vs Mate giveaway (AppID 211070).
2.) The working key i received is for a game called Battle vs Chess (AppID 211050; SubID 15993).
Now you, please...
3a) Mouseover the pic on the giveaway page and the URL preview shows you AppID 211070 (Steam Database link: Check vs Mate).
3b) Click the pic on the giveaway page and you will be redirectd to AppID 211050 (Steam Database link: Battle vs Chess).
And now we all together...
4.) What is going on here? The problem is that i can not mark the giveaway as received, because i have to assume that SteamGifts detects them as diffferent games and records it (the AppID 211070) as not activated. I would be very happy to get answers that will help me, thanks a lot in advance.
Greetings, kolchie.
Thanks a lot to everyone who answered me, i really appreciate that. :-)
I marked the game as received just now. I still do not feel very comfortable with it, but it is ok.
Greetings, kolchie.
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