After deliberation among the staff and listening to community feedback, these have been added to the bundle list and will continue to be added as appropriate. There really isn't much difference between the "Weekly Sale" and a regular featured bundle, other than the duration (one week vs two) and the name.

Last week, when they decided not to add the bundle, it wasn't yet known what the future Humble Weekly Sales would look like. But having seen the new one this week, it was clear that these promotions are best treated like any other bundle.

As always, contribution values for bundle games are calculated based on the time they were available in a bundle. That means that even if a bundle that came out last week is added today, the giveaways between the start of that bundle and today will lose their value when the games are added in the list. This is sure to upset many people, but this rule has been in place ever since the bundle list was introduced and hasn't changed.

For more detailed information about the bundle list and how contribution values are calculated, see this thread.

1 decade ago*

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So sniper ghost warrior for $1 dont forget to add on bundle list.

1 decade ago

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That's a sale on a single game, not a bundle.

1 decade ago

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Bastion was too 1 game and is marked...

1 decade ago

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No, Bastion was in bundle before.

1 decade ago

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Bastion was in another bundle. Sniper is a 90% sale,nowhere near 95%. 90% to 95% may not sound like much,but its the difference between getting 1 copy or getting 2 copies for the same price.

1 decade ago

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I don't get your math, but your logic.

1 decade ago

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$10 game. 90% sale= $1. With $1 you can buy 1 copy. 95% sale it is $0.50. With $1 you get now 2 copies. With 97% you get 3 copies,98% 5 copies,99% 10 copies......% is a bitch,because the difference between 99% and 95% may seem very small,but its actually a fucking lot. Bundles usually range 95% and above,in the case of the current humble weekly it is only ~96%.

Also this

1 decade ago

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Now I get it. Seems somehow counter intuitive, if it isn't stated as clearly as in your example above.

1 decade ago

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I bow before our masterful leaders, The Democratic People's Republic of SG. Their word is final and anyone who says different is a traitor to SG and should be hung for treason against our benevolent and merciful leader. Long live the SG 9. Long live The Democratic People's Republic of SG. The capitalist pigs will fall to their obese knees. I salute you great leaders.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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long live Best Korea

1 decade ago

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May the skys rain with the blood who all who oppose the SG 9's mighty rule.

1 decade ago

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may the force be with you

1 decade ago

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You're not saluting hard enough.

1 decade ago

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A thousands apologises, oh great one. People of SG, one of the nine has blessed us with his presence. Bask in the light of his greatness and bow before him or be smitten by his merciful hand.

1 decade ago

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Better, but keep practicing.

1 decade ago

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I will great one, I will. Praise your compassion and pity. kisses feet of the great one

1 decade ago

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WE salute you :P

1 decade ago

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Stand down humans and tremble before the great cg.

1 decade ago

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Darksiders Steam Key : ?B6KA-8DT5Z-2LHQF
? is a number

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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LOL I just guessed a random number I didn't actually try it ._.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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SteamGifts has made the decision and its completely their call.
I'm a relatively new guy here and rarely post on public forums, you won't find me getting in any private groups based on forum posts. =P

Like most others that found their way to this site, I was intrigued with the idea of winning games. After a few entries it was easy to see that chances of winning are super low unless you contribute. So of course I went through my list of Steam keys that I usually give to friends when they express interest in a game and instead posted them in Giveaways here.
Since then when I have some extra money I look for whats on sale the most to giveaway as of course its in my best interest but also it provides more games for everyone to win.

Some are upset because some games where 90%+ off but are okay with 75% off games? Where is the perfect cutoff? What about 77%? 80%? 85%?
What I know is there are people who got free new games because I was able to buy the games so cheap.

That's great if some people are blessed to have money that they just want to throw games around with no regard for what they get out of it and It's not like this site is run out of the generosity of someone's heart. It's here to make them money for themselves. Just as contributing helps yourself win games, its a problem/solution that SteamGift created and I hope they continue to work on tweaking it.

That being said the change they have made reduces the number of games being given away here and a lot of those "would have been" Giveaways are going to be listed on other similar sites.

1 decade ago

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cant wait to see it on galagib where we get lots of quality giveaways ....

1 decade ago

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"It's here to make them money for themselves"

LOL o.O Really? even top winners get like a game a few days - so it's at top like 1$ get a day, for most ppl it's like a few cents a day top - not to mention all investments in games. Yeah - we're really making serious money here xD

1 decade ago

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I can understand that, but why not all "bundles" that appear, for example Amazon-Sales too? They sometimes also throw a lot games in a bundle and sell low.

1 decade ago

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Lost a bit of CV, but I don't mind. At least the guy who got Darksiders is actually playing the game. :>

1 decade ago

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That is nice

1 decade ago

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Oh great! So First of all you tell us that it won't be added to the bundle, we spend money. then you add them to the bundle list!! Very bad move!!-_-

I spent money on those giveaways and if I knew it was going to be like this I would have done less giveaways!
I have to pay more than 3 times the value than any other people here because exchanging my currencies into dollar is very expensive!
NOT COOL!! -_-

1 decade ago

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Give me a source where someone said they won't be added. Please. I don't recall it ( I might be mistaken)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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That explains why it hadn't been added, not that they wouldn't been. Regardless, that is most likly the post that Skylark is referring to.

1 decade ago

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Do you know what the word "imply" means?

1 decade ago

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We have discussed this already GAR. Moreover even if Shobo's the one in charge of the bundle list he's quite down in SG's hierarchy so he has little voice or vote in that matter once it's reached the "higher spheres"

1 decade ago

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What tart said. He never said they won't be added.

1 decade ago

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Well that is the only 'official' post on the matter why it wasn't added afaik. I just wanted to be helpful.

1 decade ago

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but you did not pay the value of your contribin $, or? I doubt that you sepnt 200 dollars on these games...

1 decade ago

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More than 3 times? Sorry,don't believe you.

also this

1 decade ago

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[this] was quite enlightening. Thanks!

1 decade ago

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yeah sorry,too many chat windows,corrected it ;)

1 decade ago

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You don't believe me?! Are kidding me?! Do you even know where I live when you make a statement like that?!
Every dollar equals 3.65 for me to exchange my currencies. so a $1 game would be 3.65 for me! You know what sucks even more? the fact that it wasn't like this about 3, 3 and half years ago, the exchange rate back then was 1.1 or 1.2 ! Now it's 3.65, which is very expensive!
And about that link you gave me, like I said, I still would have giveaway games, I just would have liked it better if I knew it was going to be like this! -_-

1 decade ago

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What? All currencies are worth the same amount? Darn those rich Chinese bastards!

1 decade ago

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Was it TL;DR?! You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. damn exchange rate has been tripled in about 3 years, THAT is horrible.

1 decade ago

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That's because the currency isn't as valuable usually.

1 decade ago

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That's because of the horrible economy in our country.

1 decade ago

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If your currency drops it doesnt mean you have to pay more than others. If they would charge additionally for exchanging to $ it would be different.

1 decade ago

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I use webmoney (No, I'm not russian or any other CIS country) which has dollar currency. When I want to buy something on steam I have to exchange my money into Webmoney dollars then buy the game on steam. They do charge a little bit more additionally, yeah.
I'm not saying I have to pay more than you. you pay $20 for a game and I pay $20 for that game too, correct. but when the normal currency rate should be 1.1 or 1.2, but instead it's 3.65 then yeah, it's really expensive. and it's not like people's income increases by 3.65 too, cause if that happened then everything would have been fine, except that it didn't happen.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Is it really so bad for SG to punish those who see a chance to exploit and take it? I don't think it is. You were not forced to spend your money on those games, you chose to.
The whole idea is to giveaway games so others can play them NOT so you can win better games by exploiting bundle sales.

1 decade ago

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Like I said, I still would have given away the games, I just like to know what it will be like, before I give them away!

1 decade ago

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'I spent money on those giveaways and if I knew it was going to be like this I would have done less giveaways!'

1 decade ago

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Oh good, you did quote me! It would have been nice if you read it before you copied it.
Hence the word: "LESS"

1 decade ago

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Shall we go in circles? Saying you would have given less just proves you gave away the games for the contributor value and not for the simple joy of giving away games, which was my point which is why i quoted you.

1 decade ago

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Honey, EVERY good deed is a selfish act.

1 decade ago

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Maybe for you.

1 decade ago

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Name one good deed that isn't selfish.

1 decade ago

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Feeding a stray cat? Giving food to a homeless man? The list goes on and on.

1 decade ago

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Whoever does that clearly wants some pussy...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I know, that was a bad one x:

1 decade ago

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Why do you feed a stray cat? Why do you give food to a homeless man?
There can be many reasons and it varies from every situation, it usually is to make your self feel good.
Don't get me wrong, if making a difference, doing a good deed makes you feel good, then do it! I'm not saying every good deed is selfish therefore evil. but if you analyze every good deed you'll find some selfish motive hidden.

1 decade ago

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I believe its human nature to want to help the less fortunate. Wouldn't call that selfish.

1 decade ago

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I don't think it's the human nature. and you completely missed my point.
So you're telling me when you feed a cat, it's you instinct?! lol You do it because you feel sorry for the cat and want to make your self feel better. because feeling sorry for a cat makes you sad, therefore you feed the cat so you won't be sad any longer.
That is just a VERY simple example, it's far more complicated in real life.

1 decade ago

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I believe that feeding the cat is instinct.

1 decade ago

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I don't and neither does Skylark. You can always trace any "unselfish" act back to a selfish one.

1 decade ago

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I don't agree with that.

1 decade ago

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Just trying to get you to see that there are other points of view, whether you agree with them or not.

1 decade ago

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I agree that everyone is entitled to their own philosophy. However, you are presenting your arguments as proven facts, which they are not.

1 decade ago

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Less giveaways does not mean less generosity. How do you know he wasn't going to give away the games on the forum or something instead of making giveaways?

1 decade ago

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Your popularity just decreased by 2000%.

1 decade ago

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Oh boo hoo !

1 decade ago

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Whats the problem? Isn't the warm fuzzy feeling you get inside more important than "contributor" value?

1 decade ago

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Sure, cause everyone here give the games away because they are SO "generous".
Like I said, I still would have given away those games, I just like to know what it will be like, before I do so!

1 decade ago

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Yeah I do agree that the decision has been made kinda late.

1 decade ago

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Thank you! finally somebody read my posts.

1 decade ago

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It may be a bit late, but honestly I don't give two sh*ts about the people complaining. The site is "Steamgifts" not "Steamget".

1 decade ago

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And as I said somewhere else I think that if people hadn't abused this, we would never have seen them turning into bundles. But you know, that's why we can't have nice things.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Good move. I'm lovin' it.

1 decade ago

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I'm laughing at the idiot who lost his place in the top contributors list.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I gtg, bb

1 decade ago

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cu l8r bro

1 decade ago

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Would Indiegala Store bundles be added too?
I.e. The Crazy Machines Bundle gives us 20cv for 1$.

1 decade ago

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This thread is full of poop. Give what you want to give, enter for what you want and can enter for. Otherwise, who cares.

Sure, I'd love to enter the bioshock infinite giveaways with 2k contributor value or w/e.

Do I have the money for that? Hell no, if I had the money I'd buy myself the game. I just skip it and move on.
I may not gift much on here, and sure some people might hate me for that, but I don't know them so I don't really care
I'll gift to people I've known longer on Steam and I know want the game.
Either way, I have the chance to win free games on here, so I'll take that chance however small it may be and use it.
Doesn't matter if I can't enter some giveaways or most of the giveaways because having 1 giveaway to enter of a game I want is better than none.

1 decade ago

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Good post.

If I want a game, I enter a giveaway. Public, group or private, it doesn't matter. If I can't enter, I move on. Simple as that.

Sure, it takes longer to win something that way, my win rate is only 0.0014%, but hey, I got 8 games for free. People need to stop feeling so entitled.

1 decade ago

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Just playing devils advocate, couldn't the argument you and OP are making been made the other way around as well? Going against those who wanted the games to be put in a bundle by saying they weren't actually affected, who cares, simple as that, give what you want to and enter for what you want, etc. Or maybe I misunderstood the point I suppose.

1 decade ago

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Honestly, I don't care if someone gets $1000 CV from $1 purchase or they don't get anything.
I enter what I can, what I can't I ignore.
What's done is done, I give what I can when I can and when I feel like it and that's all.
I don't buy a ton of a bundle to give it away because I don't have the money and the few I do buy normally go to friends.. that's just how it is for me.

1 decade ago

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I understand.

1 decade ago

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no it isn't...
I posted a key for Darksiders here!

1 decade ago

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I posted a RO1 key d:

It's mostly full of poop I should say

1 decade ago

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I'll be doing something about it after this...

1 decade ago

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After seeing the Tripwire one I figured it was only a matter of time. Thanks bobo and other members of support.

1 decade ago

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Yay, added to the bundle list :D

Still gonna gift them anyways ^_^

1 decade ago

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KF is a great game,no reason to hold back ^^

1 decade ago

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Definitely, my second most played steam game actually xD

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Same here, got nearly 400 hours. First one is TF2 with over 1300. :/

1 decade ago

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Don't get me started on my first one >>'

Too much time over the 6 or 7 years lol xD

A bit may be idling in spec, but not even close to how much I've actually played Dx

1 decade ago

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For the mere 2 hours I played it when I first won it, I enjoyed it

Only reason I haven't played more is because of backlogging and I wanted to get the dlc's before playing, but now that it's on humble bundle sale, I'll probably play it when I have the spare time

1 decade ago

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the DLCs don't really change the gameplay, only the community weapon pack does and that's because it gives you access to 4 new weapons.

1 decade ago

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I know, but for some reason I always attempt to get most of the dlc's before I start playing, but eventually I end up playing the game anyways :P

1 decade ago

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So far those Humble Weekly bundles were better than most of the regular Humble Bundles.

I still hope to see many giveaways for those games. I was enjoying so many points and giveaways.

1 decade ago

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What about people from Germany? If they buy the bundle they will get the low-violence version of the keys.. that means that people who wins the giveaway from Germany they will get low-violence game(s) D:

1 decade ago

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Just change your country to <insert anything, just not Germany> before claiming the key. This should work.

1 decade ago

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This is verified? I've been offered gifts and giveaway invites before from countries with notorious censorship practices. I've always passed on them thinking I'd get a neutered version.

1 decade ago

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From what I've heard people were able to get their keys. Humble bundle gives you the key depending on your country. So how do they know your country? By asking you! Just go to the bottom of the key page and change your residence. Then claim your key and it should work. Also Humble Bundle support is so awesome, if you ask them nicely, they may give you a key for the uncut version. Also, as Don Vino already said, the devs left a switching option, so that changing to the cut version is not hard at all.
@Ardal: The RO games are uncut, even if you choose Germany. I can confirm that, since I noticed the residence option after getting the keys and got them uncut.

1 decade ago

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Ah, okay. Thank you for the helpful information, Infernotoni.

1 decade ago

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Low violence only with German audio. If you play it in English there is full gore as well as Nazi flags and other stuff they cut out.

1 decade ago

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I dont know about RO,but KF is still cut when you change the language. However,KF can be easily made uncut via .ini file.

1 decade ago

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Whoops, forgot to say I was only talking about the RO games.

1 decade ago

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I also vote for those gala stuff to be bundled

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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The best is to be a American now, you can just sit and wait till sells bundles real cheap and raise your cv. Things that Europeans if they dont work with proxys or dont want to act illegal not can do.

So no abuse of cv, get complete rid of it. There will otherwise be always an "abuse", you cant tell me that the most cv a real values, cause most ppl dont buy at steam-store.

1 decade ago

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You don't have to do anything involving a proxy or illegal to get an amazon bundle.

1 decade ago

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Last time i checked there was a sentence like that: only for american residents.

1 decade ago

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Yes but Amazon sales rep said it's okay to use a public (hotel etc) address to buy if not from US.

1 decade ago

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There are legal free services that provide you a legal US adress to legally buy things there.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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ah ok, didnt know that

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I agree with the movement. I have 7 "bundle games" in the list and I think I shouldn't have the same contributor value as other people who have paid more.

1 decade ago

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^-^ Seems like the thing to do. Thanks for the update ☺

1 decade ago

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I see that the flood of SG points is over because of this

1 decade ago

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Yeah and lots of guys who will now not get one of those games.

1 decade ago

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indeed I am still trying to win any of them...

1 decade ago

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Darksiders II Steam Key : 0IWLP-2QF?D-ACJX4
? is a letter
hint: first letter of the name of a SG member that looks like Spock when he was young!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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fast ninjas are fast !!!

1 decade ago

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thanks man! :D got it without reading hint :D

1 decade ago

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ahhhhh! a real ninja like the old days who say thanks!!!
respect to you mate :)

1 decade ago

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Who is this member you speak of?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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just spreading the love in thread...

1 decade ago

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nice news :D

1 decade ago

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Fuck I can't even be annoyed with how fair this is. I started my giveaways thinking they'd be counted as bundles in the first place and was shocked when my contributor value went up quite a bit. Easy come, easy go. Just means I have to do more legit giveaways to offset them.

ILY SGifts

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by bobofatt.