After deliberation among the staff and listening to community feedback, these have been added to the bundle list and will continue to be added as appropriate. There really isn't much difference between the "Weekly Sale" and a regular featured bundle, other than the duration (one week vs two) and the name.

Last week, when they decided not to add the bundle, it wasn't yet known what the future Humble Weekly Sales would look like. But having seen the new one this week, it was clear that these promotions are best treated like any other bundle.

As always, contribution values for bundle games are calculated based on the time they were available in a bundle. That means that even if a bundle that came out last week is added today, the giveaways between the start of that bundle and today will lose their value when the games are added in the list. This is sure to upset many people, but this rule has been in place ever since the bundle list was introduced and hasn't changed.

For more detailed information about the bundle list and how contribution values are calculated, see this thread.

1 decade ago*

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Doesn't bother me any. I'll still giveaway games bundle or not.

1 decade ago

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Best news I've heard all day! :>

1 decade ago

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PPl were creating these giveaways for contribV. Now that no CV is given (bundled game), no more fast point gain.

1 decade ago

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I don't get why they thought it was a good idea to not do this to begin with. I think it's unfair to the people who got the impression that they wouldn't be added to the list, thus wasted all $3 of theirs. Whatever, not like I donate to the site anymore. xD

1 decade ago

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So its not fair to the people that put up 3 copies in order to cheat the CV system? Yeah....about that, most people that aren't looking to do it for CV are doing it out of wanting to give games with nothing in return, those people will have no issue with this decision.

1 decade ago

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It's not fair listing it as bundle after the whole bundle sale is well over (more than a week later).

I'd still have 2 copies of the 2 "less than average" games left to give away, as i got the bundles mainly for the "above average" games for me and my GF, but i'd rather have them gifted on GalaGiveaways where i can get credit for bundle games that don't yield contribution here as I always do.

1 decade ago

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So my point remains true.

1 decade ago

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As long as you acknowledge there's quite a large grey area between "cheaters" and "people who totally disregard CV"... mostly people that want to give away their extra games for a little bit more of a chance to win something. I don't consider it a crime.

1 decade ago

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No, I still disagree, I don't have to acknowledge anything of the sort.

"mostly people that want to give away their extra games for a little bit more of a chance to win something."

Basically this still sounds to me like CV cheating, but lets just agree to disagree I guess.

1 decade ago

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The problem with this is that you can't distinguish where the games came from. I tend to hoard games in my steam inventory until I either decide to play them or that I don't feel like it any more, at which point I give or trade them away. As it is I lose value on a giftable or amazon copy of a game every time a new bundle drops

I know there's no way around this, and there probably shouldn't. It just irks me that the only way to "beat" the system is by spamming the few fantastic deals that slip through the cracks (i.e. I should have jumped on the Crazy Machines way harder if I wanted to) Worst part is half the time I just want to put enough of a buffer that the next bundle game I give actually makes it move.

And yes, I know CV isn't what you're "supposed to be" thinking about when creating GAs. But I am an engineer and I have just enough OCD that when the system is in place I damn well need to pay attention to it. The fact is that creating GAs for bundled games as long as I'm "maxed out" on that is inefficient, and inefficiency will not be tolerated. As such I create fewer GAs than I would have otherwise. For example, I bought IG Dwarves purely for Ardania and Warlock, and with the happy hour bonus I have a ton of games I will never use - but that my brain just won't let me put up for no gain when there is a system that implies there is a reward

1 decade ago

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"I tend to hoard games in my steam inventory until I either decide to play them or that I don't feel like it any more, at which point I give or trade them away."

I'm guilty of "hoarding" almost all of my digital purchases in key form until I decide to actually use them. That way I can retain the same ability to gift, sell, or trade I can with more tangible productss.

1 decade ago

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This is exactly why I do it. It got to a sale and I realized I still hadn't played some of the games in my library, or that I had even lost interest in playing them entirely. Problem with that is that now something like Dead Pixels (which I traded for over xmas) is no good for giving anymore - so I guess I'll trade it if I decide I don't want to play it later

1 decade ago

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You will have that value added if you give non-bundle games afterwards. It's more like stored than wasted.

1 decade ago

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I'm aware, but that still requires that I have 80% non-bundle games. With the amount of bundle keys I have (and I have never even bought a bundle twice) that just isn't going to happen any day soon ;)

1 decade ago

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It just irks me that the only way to "beat" the system is by spamming the few fantastic deals that slip through the cracks (i.e. I should have jumped on the Crazy Machines way harder if I wanted to) Worst part is half the time I just want to put enough of a buffer that the next bundle game I give actually makes it move.

You're not supposed to be able to beat the system, though. That's the whole idea behind this change.

(I admit that I'm the OCD type who tries to optimize things, too. But I can also shrug and say "yeah, that makes sense" when they patch an exploit like this, because obviously allowing those was suboptimal to their goal of using CV to reward generous people.)

1 decade ago

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oh my.... thank you times INFINITY BOBO, im so glad you guys did this :D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Whelp, looks like I'm done contributing. Oh well.

1 decade ago

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and you sir, are the reason why we cant have nice things.

1 decade ago

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Not that Herp has nice things.

1 decade ago

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If he only abused the Humble Bundle Weekly then by no means is he the reason.

The people abusing Amazon and Indie Gala Store were doing it long before HB Weekly started and judging by your giveaways, I'd say you enjoy Amazon quite a bit

1 decade ago

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Dreadful attitude.

1 decade ago

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Not really. Not everyone is going to donate to a site that is unappreciative of donations given. It's being picky and instead of trying to think of a realistic system like saying that Killing Floor now is only worth $1, it's worth nothing. They COULD also just require the user to show a receipt of some sort but instead show no progress in thinking of a fair system for these games that been bundled. There is so many good quality games that we will never see here and that is a shame.

1 decade ago

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its not worth nothing. Give away non bundle stuff and your KF will still add contributor. But since you only want to giveaway bundles (for whatever reason),yes...capped at $30

1 decade ago

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Yeah sure. Who will handle all those receipts, you?

1 decade ago

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Its not worth nothing. It goes towards extra value in non-bundled game giveaways.

1 decade ago

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It's not worth nothing, If you gave away $200 worth of non-bundled games, and 0 bundle games, then gave away the Killing Floor Bundle, you would get the full $40 from it.

1 decade ago

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Silly bobo, proofread your comments!

1 decade ago

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How embarrassing!

1 decade ago

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You know thats one of the only words I always tend to make mistakes on also...I think many people can relate :-P.

1 decade ago

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Nah, I was missing the "n" on "then". I would never made a then/than mistake! :)

1 decade ago

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Ahh I see, but yeah many people do anyways, I find it fine in an Internet post since people know whats being said, but not for something like a school/work assignment, I double check that....:-D

1 decade ago

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i guess lots of ppl will act the same

1 decade ago

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And nothing of value was lost.


1 decade ago

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Oh well.

1 decade ago

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Nice one support team!!!


1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I didn't find it OK, its ok when your mark it as a bundle when it comes out!

1 decade ago

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sure, because whole support should be online 24/7 doing nothing else but checking all possible bundles to add them the minute they go live...

If you gave a game away b4 bundle started - you will still get full value - so it's fair system.

1 decade ago

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This needed to be done, good.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Thanks for this, tired of seeing these games and users who get all of their contrib from exploits. I'd also suggest adding galastore bundles to the list also, though I know that takes a lot of work. I think what many have suggested makes sense; putting some sort of timer (6 months? 4?) on bundles so that the majority of the library doesn't become bundle.

1 decade ago

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awesome !!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Very nice ploy to get people contributing for two weeks before laughing in their faces.

In other words, what you're trying to say is there were a lot more posts with people whining about the Humble Bundle Weekly sale than the Indie Gala Store bundles so you had to add them? That's the only thing that makes sense seeing as the Indie Gala Store bundles were not added as well.

It's a shame the corrections I sent in for giveaways with incorrect values hasn't been touched and that was before the Humble Bundle Weekly even started. I suppose making the "contributors" who abuse Amazon and Indie Gala Store happy is a higher priority.

1 decade ago

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You fail

Start again

1 decade ago

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Judging by your giveaways, you're one of the "leet high contributors". I see a good number of Darkness II, Borderlands GOTY and even a handful of Metro 2033 in there!

No wonder you don't agree with adding Amazon and Indie Gala Store games.

1 decade ago

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So, you're saying that because he would stand to lose something based on those changes invalidates his arguments because he has personal stakes lying upon the decision? Wow, what do you know, you have five Red Faction: Armageddon giveaways, clearly this means all your opinions are now irrelevant because you have personal reasons for making your arguments.

I also like how you always craft some argument making out the moderators to be conniving secretive organization out to wrong you and everyone else, that they are deliberately doing these things on purpose, and that you on the other hand can see through their lies and deception because you are some pinnacle of morality and have some intuitive sense to clue you in when people are planning acts of evil mischief. At the same time, you make base assumptions about the reasons for their actions, you jump to conclusions, and never give anyone the benefit of the doubt. This is of course a response to your original post, but I figured if I posted two separate times in such close proximity you would ultimately just ask me why I'm boosting my comment count.

1 decade ago

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Did you see that I made a valid point before his reply? My second reply is in response to him trying to "invalidate" my opinion. (or whatever he was trying to accomplish) I'm assuming the rest of your post is about as important and valid as the first part, so I won't be reading any further.

1 decade ago

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LOL. This is just like you ignored my arguments on Steamtrades that one time because you are so hard headed and singly focused on your own agenda of making the mods out to be evil people. And you "invalidated" his "invalidation" with the reason that because he has personal stakes in this decision by the mods that his opinion is biased and of no consequence, and I'm just calling you a hypocrite in the form of parody, I'm not actually suggesting that anyone who has some personal stake in this decision by the mods can't make opinions on this matter. Anyways, I know reading comprehension is hard and then I use tricky English tricks like parody it's just so hard for some people to follow, sorry.

And no, I don't see that you made a valid point, I see that you made a conjecture with little to no proof to back it up, as well as you making assumptions about why the mods made the decisions they did.

1 decade ago

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I don't see any posts from you in that thread.

I didn't read your last reply though, why would you think I cared enough to read this one?

1 decade ago

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I know you've shown rather sub-par intelligence (by which I mean I think you're just trying to misconstrue and belittle my point so you can save face and ignore me) so far, but I figured you'd at least remember that you deleted your main post in that thread consequently deleting all the replies to it (which is how these forums work, any reply to a comment is lost when the original comment is deleted)

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the personal insults!

I'm sorry this is upsetting you so much.

1 decade ago

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I guess you're doing this thing where you continue to not read parts of my post, or you would realize I'm not insulting you, just making a point. I like how you completely try to derail everything I say. "I'm not reading what you typed" and you go onto search a thread to see whether I posted there and take the time to type out multiple sentences stating you aren't reading my post. One second you're saying you don't care and you can't bother to give me any type of time, yet you still respond to all my post as if you read some portion of it. Selective reading I guess, eh?

1 decade ago

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I've only been reading the first sentence which in your last post said "I know you've shown rather sub-par intelligence" which to me, sounds like an insult.

1 decade ago

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This is not the first time support have gone back against their word. CG personally told me that Nuclear Dawn would not be added to the bundle list when I argued that it should be included. Then he added it a couple months later.

1 decade ago

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Well, cg didn't add it to the list, even though if he said that it would not be added that implies no one else would add it either. Did he promise you it wouldn't be added or just said it wouldn't be added? I personally made a ticket about the issue, and that's when it was added to the list, I can personally testify that cg did not handle my ticket, and if you want to see screencaps for proof you can gladly add me on steam.

1 decade ago

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Did you know a contract can be made without the word "promise" in it? Are you just trying to argue for the sake of arguing?

1 decade ago

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Why so hostile? I'm working on paraphrased version of what cg said. Cut me some slack or tell me what he said word for word. My image of cg from what I'm told by one of the mods that he has a tendency to get sidetracked and is somewhat forgetful at times (and admittedly he has a lot to handle), so maybe, believe it or not, he isn't out to maliciously go back on his word.

1 decade ago

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Sorry, thought your reply was hostile and replied in kind >.<
I know he's not maliciously going against his word. I'm not saying he's a bad person or anything, I'm just saying it has happened before, whether he meant it or not.

1 decade ago

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I didn't mean for my posts to seem hostile, I just get into it sometimes and it can come off that way ><

1 decade ago

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Totally agree. I thought you were being serious in the first line and was about to call you a dick

1 decade ago

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I regret giving away those 5x Red Faction: Armageddon as it just gives people ammo to say "You're just mad!", when it's the hypocrisy and sense of never knowing what the hell is going on that is bothering me.

I'm really starting to feel that removing the contribution value is the best thing. Eventually we'll have 90% of self published games giving no value along with whatever AAA games they randomly add to the list.(still feel THQ Bundle should be included) In the end, if you contribute, you're going to "lose value" due to inevitable price drops or other situations like this.

1 decade ago

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Honestly I still feel its overblown CV wise for the THQ ones, I don't even mind if they add those to the Bundlelist, I gave a few of those away but you know what they were extras and I got them for dirt cheap so there would be no hard feelings if they were added to the bindle list....

1 decade ago

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How about we bundle everything that was on promotion?

1 decade ago

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How about we bundle everything except Bioshock: Infinite?

1 decade ago

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So there will be massive giveaways for it.. I SEE WHAT U DID THERE.. xD

1 decade ago

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In this order,there will be no good games to be given away on SG such bullshit IMO,but it could all be fixed if those games in the bundle list get deleted after a time duration

1 decade ago

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People hold on to keys.

1 decade ago

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There are plenty of good games to be given away, you just don't want to spend any significant amount of money on them.

1 decade ago

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So if you gave away tripwire games before it was added as a bundle you still don't get the full value?

1 decade ago

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If you did, you got it.

1 decade ago

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No, if you give away games before a bundle they will stay non-bundled. However, if you gave them away after the bundle began but before they counted as bundled they will count as bundled games.

1 decade ago

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Yes. That's why there's dates next to each game in the list

If a game is featured in several bundles, it's the earliest date that counts.

But if you gave away the game before that date, it will not be handled as a bundle game.

1 decade ago

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It says Apr 2 but when I started the giveaway yesterday it wasn't added as bundle yet.

1 decade ago

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It's from the time the bundle starts.

1 decade ago

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cg handles most of the admin features alone, so sometimes things take a little longer before he can tend to stuff like updating the bundle list.
it's not unusual that bundles get added to the list some days later.
In this case however I admit that announcing in the forum that the bundle will not be added to the list (Darksiders from the previous weekly bundle even got removed from the list) was somehwat confusing and may have pissed some people off.

Generally, if something is sold on a bundle site, you can expect it to wind up sooner or later on the steamgifts bundle page ;)

1 decade ago

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it's ok people, everything will be alright :) here's sth to ease the tension, cheers :3



1 decade ago

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and please reply if you already redeem the code so that other people won't have to waste time ^^

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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all of them? I don't know how to verify that so I expect people to at least say that they have redeemed the keys...:( anw, sorry

1 decade ago

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All gone :(

1 decade ago

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haha you expected a thanks in thread where butthurt leechers and abusers are complaining about their CV gone...

now seriously,that sucks,although it's nothing new and it's pretty sad. Ninjas will always be ninjas,you dont hear them,you dont see them.

1 decade ago

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I lost CV too, but we will get through :)(you can see a thread of me ranting 1,2 hours ago :))

1 decade ago

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happy to see I wasn't the only one to do this! =)

1 decade ago

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Instead of capping with $30, why not u guys mark the games at $1 or anything less?

1 decade ago

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It's not capped at 30$ it's 20% of your non bundle value. Being the first 25$ whitelisted.

1 decade ago

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+1 for the update! thanks :)

1 decade ago

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Hurrah for bundles, I mean science, go school!!

1 decade ago

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anti abuse win

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by bobofatt.