After deliberation among the staff and listening to community feedback, these have been added to the bundle list and will continue to be added as appropriate. There really isn't much difference between the "Weekly Sale" and a regular featured bundle, other than the duration (one week vs two) and the name.

Last week, when they decided not to add the bundle, it wasn't yet known what the future Humble Weekly Sales would look like. But having seen the new one this week, it was clear that these promotions are best treated like any other bundle.

As always, contribution values for bundle games are calculated based on the time they were available in a bundle. That means that even if a bundle that came out last week is added today, the giveaways between the start of that bundle and today will lose their value when the games are added in the list. This is sure to upset many people, but this rule has been in place ever since the bundle list was introduced and hasn't changed.

For more detailed information about the bundle list and how contribution values are calculated, see this thread.

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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This makes sense, thanks

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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only shitty giveaway from now :) and sg is useless with only fairie solitaire, fortix etc etc ;)

I won red faction armageddon and the dlc. for this reason i bought the bundle and i created my giveaway of these games. but from now i leech only if my cv don't raise. and many other like me (80-90%?)who don't have a lot of money for buy games from steam store.

ps. sry for bad english

1 decade ago

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That statement infers from where?

1 decade ago

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look sg when there aren't sales. what games you find? ;)

1 decade ago

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You edited the post in the meanwhile.

1 decade ago

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Good games? CV wasn't always there.

1 decade ago

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Don't make up statistics, it's a bad habit.

Also, if all you're giving away were bundle games before, you were effectively leeching already.

1 decade ago

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i can't have 140$ of cv with only bundle games don't think?

1 decade ago

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I based my statement on what you said about your CV not rising.

1 decade ago

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but my last 2 ga was HB weekly sale. and now my CV is gone. wasted money because I won all games in bundle and my CV is blocked. gg sg

1 decade ago

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so heres my question for the wise moderation staff.

why is one low priced game ok (shadow harvest for 1 dollar, 20 contrib), but another low priced game (red orchestra 2 for 1 dollar, 20 contrib) NOT ok? arent they the exact same thing? 1 dollar games for high contribution? arent people STILL spending money? arent both cases examples of playing the contribution system? I dont mind rules, but when theyre this inconsistent..

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Shadow Harvest should be on that list too.

1 decade ago

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Should be but won't be.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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So I read this and it's fine with me since you know why get full points on something you got dirt cheap. I am planning to buy the bundle but have no interest in red orchestra games. No issues in making a giveaway right? I was also wondering do I get half the points or lower?

1 decade ago

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Perfectly ok to give them away. This thread explains how the points will be calculated. Based on your current gifts, you will probably not receive any value from giving them away until you've given away more non-bundle games too.

1 decade ago

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No points? I'm cool with that since making a giveaway is much easier and fair to most.

1 decade ago

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Not saying this was a bad move, but I am wondering what sets this apart from the indie gala store bundles and the flood of crazy machines and the like?

Humble store weekly sale for bastion was nothing like the ones that followed but anything like that will get them on the list? Where as, the indie gala store bundles, that has price directly effected by the gala bundles u brought are exempt? Is it jst the fluctuating bta values of humble vs the fixed of indie gala?

1 decade ago

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Thank you for not warning anyone and taking a completely gratuitous retroactive addition.

Your fairness is amazing, and I feel strongly encouraged to contribute even more now.

1 decade ago

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That's cool. 1 less person flooding this place with cheap crappy bundle games.

1 decade ago

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I never did FYI. I don't gift more than 1-2 copies of a game, the only ones i gifted more than twice actually never appeared in a bundle (AFAIK).

1 decade ago

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I really agree with you. I won Magicka, for example. According to JoeyBeanz is a cheap crappy bundle game. Ok, I like cheap crappy bundle games. I hope that more person flooding this place with cheap crappy bundle games.

I do not know how are the laws in the U.S., but in Spain no law can be retroactive if it impairs citizens.

1 decade ago

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Oh god, this is beyond impairing. I bought these bundles entirely to help myself, officer! It's against the law for him to FORCE me to buy something for others..what's that? Do i have proof he forced me? er..well..uhh..Well still! I bought it for myself so my value as a contributor would rise via exploiting the sys--what? that's not right? Er..well..YOU'LL BE HEARING FROM MY LAWYER ABOUT THIS! IT'S AGAINST THE LAW TO IMPAIR ME FROM BRINGING THE LAW INTO SOMETHING IT DOESN'T APPLY TO!

god damn this thread's total IQ is under 10.

1 decade ago

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Guys, guys guys. I've got the perfect song for all the people complaining about how they 'wasted money' on buying bundles to give away. Go here!

1 decade ago

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In five years almost all the games will stay in the steamgifts black list...

1 decade ago

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Yes because there are never new games and we have like 100 bundled games per week

1 decade ago

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We always know Skyrim will never be blacklisted.

Just jinxed myself, Skyrim in the next humble bundle xD

1 decade ago

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One suggestion I do have is that if someone can somehow prove that they purchased a non-bundle version of a game, they should be able to get full credit for it. If it requires a timestamped photo of yourself posing next to a screen, so be it, but it would be fair. And it shouldn't be too time consuming to respond to the requests. It's just a major bummer when you have a key you're considering giving away and then it becomes bundled. That happened to me with the unexpected THQ bundle, and while I got rid of my Darksiders and Red Faction keys before they officially became bundled, I've heard others lamenting the same issue. I think it would be a good solution, and it shouldn't be too time consuming to be viable either.

1 decade ago

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So many users would do this, it would be very very time consuming, on top of the fact that you would be surprised what some(including myself) could do with 30 minutes in photoshop...

1 decade ago

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Agreed, and this issue was raised before the policy and contributor system was changed in the past. But like HillaryClinton said, there are concerns with trying to implement such work-arounds. Simplifying the system on bundles won out, and that meant some people's contributor values got reduced even though they really shouldn't have been. Yes, it's an issue, but I don't know if we can expect any policy changes to correct that, unfortunately.

1 decade ago

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Well its not like I had a credit card or another way of paying to the Humble Bundle or IndieGala to get these games.. So I guess it doesn't really affect me :D

1 decade ago

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My issue is that I have tradeable versions of games that are now in the bundle list. Is there anything in the pipeline to possibly allow full contributions to count for tradeable versions of games labelled as a part of a "bundle".

1 decade ago

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Unfortunately, no. People complained about this in the past before the change was implemented. But it's too much work for the staff to manually verify that the games weren't bundle keys for all of the people who have this issue, and there's always a chance that people could fake screenshots to "prove" they had tradable items. So yeah, it's an issue and kind of unfair, but the policy probably isn't changing any time soon.

1 decade ago

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if you bought them after they were on the bundle list anyway it was your own fault. If you bought them before and kept it all the time: Welcome to the game of better offers. Games lose value. Compare it to trading. You buy a game for $20. Depending on the game,how much it was on sale already,how widespread and wanted it is,you might actually get something else worth $20. Now the game gets bundled. Doesnt matter that you bought your copy days/weeks/months before,now its worth max $1,maybe $2 and it will never rise again (at least not much).

Also...if you gathered enough non bundle CV already you will get full CV for those games,too.

1 decade ago

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I didn't know there was a page for the bundle list. Thank you for that.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by bobofatt.