After deliberation among the staff and listening to community feedback, these have been added to the bundle list and will continue to be added as appropriate. There really isn't much difference between the "Weekly Sale" and a regular featured bundle, other than the duration (one week vs two) and the name.

Last week, when they decided not to add the bundle, it wasn't yet known what the future Humble Weekly Sales would look like. But having seen the new one this week, it was clear that these promotions are best treated like any other bundle.

As always, contribution values for bundle games are calculated based on the time they were available in a bundle. That means that even if a bundle that came out last week is added today, the giveaways between the start of that bundle and today will lose their value when the games are added in the list. This is sure to upset many people, but this rule has been in place ever since the bundle list was introduced and hasn't changed.

For more detailed information about the bundle list and how contribution values are calculated, see this thread.

1 decade ago*

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Great, now people won't spam good games anymore, only shitty games like Phantom ops.

1 decade ago

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your point is? we've got so many giveaways on the site from games that's never been in any bundle, heck - even for games that were never in any sale (preorders maybe?) - why should it change now?

1 decade ago

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Read my post again, and notice how I used the word "spam"
I'd rather have the option to join a 100 GA's for killing floor or Red Faction then having hundreds of Crazy Machines, Phantom ops or Van Der Schmash DLC's being spammed on the site.
I'm not for or against adding those games too the bundle list, All I wass implying is: why would you only nerf the CV gained from the one site that has really good games and disregard the same type of store with the shitty games?
On another note, the GA's you're referring too were mostly given away for free, you just didn't know about it.
For example, Bioshock Infinite was given away for free on pax, and so was the new Tomb Raider (by AMD if I recall correctly) you could just take a handful of cards with keys or so I've heard.
The same goes for other AAA games, most of them were either pre-order bonuses (a rather new phenomenon, we have yet too see if that trend will continue) or other (mostly American) online stores, since we both live in Europe we just don't know about them.

1 decade ago

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I really think they shouldnt be threated like that :) Atleast BTAs

1 decade ago

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And all -75% offers, Amazon Bundle, etc, etc. Because why not?
Contribution system killing SG.

1 decade ago

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Is 75% off the same as 95% off?

1 decade ago

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Well, now, you see, if I draw the 7 with a loop and make the bottom rounded.. it could just about be the same.

1 decade ago

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He didn't learn math

1 decade ago

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And 100% off (free games from promotions)? Regift from other sites? And different Steam prices (US, Europe)?
Contributions =/= real money spend and that is the reason why this system is stupid.

1 decade ago

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Edit your comment now...

I never said CV was flawless nor a good thing.

1 decade ago

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CV is good but need changes.
You think i don't want give games? I want, but i spend 4,5 USD for each 1 USD.
And this is unfair, because CV based on money.

1 decade ago

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nope - CV is the worst thing on SG. EVER. PERIOD.

1 decade ago

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Omg. Try win at PB.

You can't do it without contribution. You spent money at PB, win game, regift here... I don't see any problems

1 decade ago

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well - even after contributiong I cannot win on PB anyway ;p

1 decade ago

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Well done team <3 !

1 decade ago

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great! well done :D

1 decade ago

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Thx! <3

1 decade ago

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Finally, thank you!!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Brilliant news :)

1 decade ago

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Why not create a bundle list cut off depending on how the price relates to the contributor value.

For example, if the contributor value exceeds 15 times the price of the bundle -> bundle list.
That would work great with current bundles:

"Bad bundles"

Darksiders + Darksiders 2 ... = $110 + $7 CV vs. 15 x ~$7 = $105

Tripwire bundle = $70 CV vs. 15 x ~$3 = $45

Crazy Machines bundle = $20 CV vs $15

"Good bundles"

The Darkness 2 + Spec Ops = $60 CV vs. 15 x $5 = $75 (or exactly $60 when you have a discount code)

Also every Amazon bundle I think, too lazy to calculate ;)

1 decade ago

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oh bull :/ right when i think "hey i'll just give away this weekly once and get a bit of contrib" it all goes to hell the next day.. oh well guess i'll set my filter to $66 again :'(

1 decade ago

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Steamgifts Plus has an option to automatically filter out red games.

1 decade ago

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Finally, thanks guys.

1 decade ago

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Instead of making the bundle system worse by the day, maybe try to improve it or replace it with a better system?

1 decade ago

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no one cares what you say

1 decade ago

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I noticed, because I don't give away "real" games, nothing I say gets taken seriously. I don't know, but I'm not going to pay to be taken seriously on a forum that's a quarter nice people and three quarters assholes that complain about leeching.

1 decade ago

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You understand sth. wrong.

1 decade ago

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You know what's worse than a leech?

A complete douche bag.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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You posted it second time in this thread. What's up with it?

1 decade ago

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You're not familiar with Mr. Raseto?

1 decade ago

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...I regret asking.

1 decade ago

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This change makes me quite happy. I'm unsure who you mean by EVERYONE

1 decade ago

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I agree with the sentiment, but nobody's managed to come up with a better system yet. And it's been about a year since they implemented this.

1 decade ago

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I've seen multiple better systems described.

1 decade ago

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Go ahead.

1 decade ago

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I'll edit them here later, got to go at the moment.

1 decade ago

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well - it's been over 5 hours and we're still waiting for your great system ;p

1 decade ago

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Right. This thing is really suck. My steamgifts lust has gone. Far avay...

1 decade ago

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Looks at profile

Nods acknowledgingly.

1 decade ago

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Get him, boys!

1 decade ago

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Oh look, you like the fact that he has been cheated by a system that is burried deep within the faq, which is hidden at the bottom of the site and you might not ever see if you use the popular SG+. Not only that, they first publically stated that the system would NOT be used for these specific sales, yet they put them in later and reroll all the possible contributor value that they received.

This isn't just about people farming contributor value, this is also about people getting cheated out of contributor value that they have been clearly promised before. It's shit like this that makes me not contribute at all through the site. You'll lose the value anyways later.

1 decade ago

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lol your contributions so far have been invaluable. Must have been the fear of losing that kept you from contributing even more.

1 decade ago

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Back at my hometown we say:

Bona excusa tĂŠ el malalt que es pixa al llit i diu que sua

Roughly translated as: Good excuse has the ill person who pees while being in bed and says he's sweating

Take it as you wish

1 decade ago

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I'm going to write a thread now and tell you what's wrong with the system and how we could change it.

1 decade ago

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These should have been added to the bundle list on the first day. It's a dick move to bundle list them after saying that the games would not be added on.

1 decade ago

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I do agree with you in that. Although I don't really know if anyone explicitally said they were not being added.

1 decade ago

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This isn't the first time this has happened. CG personally told me that Nuclear Dawn would not be added to the bundle list then went back against his word a couple of months later. Note that I thought it should have been on the list in the first place and when I argued that it should be on the list, he said it would penalize too many users who didnt get it from the bundle and instead got it for free from the devs.

1 decade ago

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I knew there had been some drama over that. I just mentioned it somewhere else.

And, well I dunno, I do consider the addition of those games a good thing, it's true that the way it's been done has not be the best but well, you don't really know how things will turn out to be until you experience them. I don't know.

1 decade ago

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BTW, the post I am referring to is here. Shobo doesnt explicitly say that they wouldnt be added, but you can definitely see the implications of his statement.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, one could infer that it's not going to be added as it really could be read as that. However as it's not been said explicitly one can clutch at that last straw.

1 decade ago

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You would make a fine lawyer.

1 decade ago

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Thanks, I guess.

Anyways you know what I mean.

1 decade ago

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While I can agree that they should be added on 1st day, the one who tries to exploit system in any way must be ready that he may lose. Be it bundle game with 1:20 exchange ratio, exploited key, big giveaway on a site/fb or any other.

The other point is - if they added new bundle, and didn't add previous one it would be unfair towards ppl who gave new one. You would take from some and leave others free...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This thing is a very big suck. Thanks for this...i need it, for my day gone badly. -.- If one user say before me: shitstorm...

1 decade ago

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I'm confused as to what you're saying. My day was going well until I read this thread. Now it's GREAT! :D

1 decade ago

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Thanks for your kindness. I wish simillar peoples around you.

1 decade ago

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Rofl! I like that system!

1 decade ago

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Of course you think it sucks. Why wouldn't you. You gave away:

Darksiders x6
Red Faction: Armageddon x4
Red Faction: Armageddon - Path To War x4
Red Orchestra x2
Red Orchestra 2 x3

Do you expect $308 contributor value? We all know you paid no more than $10 for all of that. You're exactly the type of people that caused this. You have no one to blame but yourself.

1 decade ago

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I agree with you but be cool man, he's having a bad day.

1 decade ago

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yes, this is all a very big suck

1 decade ago

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Hate it when that happens :/

1 decade ago

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Me on the other hand, I love a big suck.

1 decade ago

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And why he don't get this $10?
For you "only" $10, and for me $10 = $35 (humble, because other bundles and Steam wants euro from me).

1 decade ago

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Excuse me?

1 decade ago

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Bundle or not bundle, who win this, dont interesting this thing. I think. If the people havent ~250$ value, have a little chance to win anything good stuff. I see. But i finish the komments here, i think. I want only chance, to win something smart game. Excuse me for this...

1 decade ago

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Excuse me, what?

1 decade ago

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Try understand this, or you try to speak hungarian. English is not my first languege.

My fail was this, if i want chance in this site, to win. Shortly summarize, and this new rule is suck, i think.

1 decade ago

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So basically you want to invest $10 to get $250-300 contributor value and enter more exclusive giveaways that have less participants and higher chance of winning. But there is a flaw in your plan. You're not the only one exploiting that system and before you knew it, everyone would have contribution value in hundreds of dollars which would completely kill the point of your plan. Everyone would be still able to enter those "exclusive" giveaways and reduce chances of winning.

1 decade ago

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My sin is horribly, yes. :) Only i see, if a lot of user "value" price reduced into a pathetic number was sick trick. We have different thinking about this. But i finished this mindless contention.

What are the constributors 200$ giveavays? Valhalla? :D Only rich guys can enough game give for this, but rich guys have what need to nice games for free? This is a little paradox. No matter. :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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you dont need to be rich to get contributor. There's 75 % off sales on steam, Amazon and elsewhere..

1 decade ago

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Yah! Only lost $3 Contributor I think...

1 decade ago

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I personally am very happy with this decision and this would really stop all that contrib farming going on for last 1 week

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Looks at profile

Nods acknowledgingly.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Of course not he like others with high CV buy the games at full price and gift them, what you think...

1 decade ago

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I've bought more than one and more than two games at full price, actually I've been the first in giving away a title.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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made my day xD

1 decade ago

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Did he say that? Where did he say that? You're missing the point of his comment.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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I could not care less about CV.

And cry me a river.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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You are drowning in a teacup.

1 decade ago

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No, he seems to be making sense. Do you have a rebuttal of any sort, or are you just going to keep dismissing his argument out of hand?

1 decade ago

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It's been discussed over and over, the CV system it's flawled at its best.

1 decade ago

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It's been discussed over and over, ignored, seen official word that it wasn't changing and to not let the door hit you on the way out, and even been been locked or deleted at times.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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The difference is. Have you seen me complain?

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Is it?

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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That does not work that way. Also wanna talk about your Perimeter. Shadow Harvest and that?

That does not benefit you? Right?

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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I do. Good luck managing that, though.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Oh I've run out of space.

Yeah I do think that CV is not fair many times either and my two cents would be removing it entirely as it brings nothing but confrontation and problems to SG.

And I've been a bit asshole-ish too. Sorry for that. :)

1 decade ago

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Why this guy have the full CV for dota 2?????????when is no more in steamgifts...

1 decade ago

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I have become 2 copies for i give it away

1 decade ago

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Oops. I was actually agreeing with you, I had the side of my window cut off so I couldn't see names and I thought that was actually a reply to your comment, not to the reply.

1 decade ago

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Why does it matter? First of all, MrC hasn't even won a single game from contributor value. Why should he care about it?

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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I agree with the sentiment; games like Aquaria have only been in two bundles several years ago and have never had giveaways made for them. However, the unfortunate truth is that nobody's managed to get any sort of consensus on how to fix the system, or if it even needs fixing at all.

1 decade ago

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Most people say it is flawed, so it probably needs some fixing, but as far as I can tell, it should be easier to get rid of the whole system instead of patching it a little bit here and there.

Just make an extra category in the "Create giveaway" menu for people, who contributed to the site. So we have public (nothing given), contributor (one game given), group and private giveaways.
The easiest method with the least bit of effort.

1 decade ago

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Sales and bundles are not the same. In most bundles you can get several games practically for free. If you have a credit card, you can afford 90% of bundles out there. Easy as that. Just because it's highly likely that you have a dollar on two on that credit card.

On the other hand, sales have certain percentage off of original price and that alone makes them multiple times more expensive than bundles. As such, they're much less exploitable.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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hihi, stupid contributor value strikes again - less games here, great

1 decade ago

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You mean games as those you gave away, right?

1 decade ago

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if we get less
Vegas: Make It Big and more actual games anyone want's to play - it's totally ok with me ;P

1 decade ago

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good call imo.

1 decade ago

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I was little sad that the Humble weekly sales weren't going on the bundle list, but now that they did, I'm very pleased :D

1 decade ago

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You do realize that this will severely cut down on the amount of games actually contributed, right?

1 decade ago

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quality > quantity

1 decade ago

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It had to be done, it was at 300 pts every 30 minutes, people were going crazy. And it's a weekly sale, so it would've went on forever. And while I am kind of disappointed they took away from my legit one (granted it was right before THQ went bankrupt and started to do super sales on amazon), I figure fairs fair.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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personally I think the BTA games shouldn't go on the bundle list, to beat the average you pay the price of a really good sale that will show up somewhere as is, for normal bundles for humble, only the initial BTA shouldn't(as the bonus ones are given to early buyers even if they pay a dollar)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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you paid 3$ for games worth 70$? Thats ~96% sale (and I dont even take the soundtracks into account)

Just because you don't care for something from a bundle does not mean it isn't worth anything. You still have to calculate 3 for 70,not 3 for 40

1 decade ago

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the average is usually around 7 or so, its only 2.90 because people spam bought the $1 bundle to giveaway

also you can check my giveaway history, its almost all below average stuff I didn't want/already had, or stuff that wasn't in a bundle

1 decade ago

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the bundles with a BTA of 7 (which is not the average) have more games. YOu dont pay for just one game,you pay for the full bundle,leftover keys arent worth nothing just you dont like them. Also ppl often count oft the steam games only for the value,but there is usually desura,drm free and music,too.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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lol, it's all good, I had a feeling this was going to happen, so I'll check with my friends again, and if not, back to reddit with the random giveaways (it doesn't really matter which set of random people I give it to in the end). No fear, whenever I get something from amazon that isn't a bundle game, I'll continue to give it here.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by bobofatt.