The great Sighery once compiled a beautiful script to ignore users here on SteamGifts. And since there is absolutely no moderation whatsoever since Russia invaded Ukraine, slaughters innocent civilians and commits war crimes on a daily basis, my advice is to use this script to block every russian at SG who supports the war, supports Putin, makes fun of dying children or whatever.

If we all stop feeding the trolls and/or ignore them, maybe then there is still a slight chance to stop the SG community ripping itself apart. Because as it is now, us sane people have to share this forum with very vocal supporters of a dictator and a war criminal and the amount of hate within the forums is close to being unbearable.

So use this script, ignore Putins supporters and let's try to at least reduce the hate a little bit.

Sigherys script collection:
Direct link to install SGIgnore:

So far, creating this thread has:

  • cost me five whitelists
  • gained me 32 blacklists

My words were twisted and framed as me saying: "Use this script to ignore all russians!"
Which I never said.

I deliberately did not name this thread "Script to ignore all russians", I deliberately did not say that every russian user should be blocked or ignored.
I explicitly said that supporters of a war criminal, supporters of Russias invasion of a sovereign state, people that make fun of war crimes and dying civilians could or even should be ignored by a script that floats around SG for six years. To protect yourself from getting riled up or feeling the urge to answer or being dragged into an endless argument. And to not let them control the narrative.

For this I was branded a racist and called a Nazi.

3 years ago*

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Now that deserves an upvote.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Based on my judgement hahaha
*oops another bump has been added.

3 years ago

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nice, useful script! Thank you!

Sad to see an big contributor as StarWhite got rattled and been banned while this troll can still spread toxic BS and insults after a short ban

3 years ago

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He got banned again? He said last ban wasn't even related to this topic.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago by a staff member, MSKOTOR.

3 years ago

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didnt know about these facts. I have the feeling its a little hard but maybe I'm not objective because I dont know all that happened before. I'm sure you do what you think is fair, with things you see and no doubt your choice has been pondered

3 years ago

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Using more than one account is permaban even if you're Mahatma Gandhi.

3 years ago

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Thank you for always taking on your responsibilities./(o'Θ'o)ノ))
I would like to ask one question for posterity: how many times was the ZAP directive to me considered?
I know you are busy and you don't have to answer.

I thought that the people of the earth might be more concerned than you might think.
The topic changes, but the anime ED music that appears seems to be very popular.
(Was it?)📺
But what about the cartoonish reality? I have been wondering about that lately.

3 years ago

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how many times was the ZAP directive to me considered?

Exactly zero times. We even have a special title for you:

View attached image.
3 years ago

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Was that the case for the backstage?
It's embarassing.
But thank you for telling me( *'Θ')っ🥒)'ω`)yum yum..

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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We even have a special title for you:


3 years ago

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Shouldn't there be a consecutive or incremental strike issued for repeat offenders?
e.g. first strike 1 day.
second strike 2 days.
third strike 4 days,
then 8, 16, and at some point it might just need to escalate into a ban because he's never going to learn?

3 years ago

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Not for multiaccounts. That's a huge no.

3 years ago

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Yeah, i was referring to the 9 consecutive cases of getting blocked for 1 day for abusive behaviour obviously

3 years ago

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Why would you assume that every suspension is 1 day only? They can be customized by mods and every category of infractions has a different length

View attached image.
3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

3 years ago

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While xarabas's screenshot is nice, we can also see those default lengths via the Roles link in the footer of any SG page.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago by a staff member, MSKOTOR.

3 years ago

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This script has been very important to me for years not because you can block users but because of the little x-button with which you can hide specific giveaways! It still works for everything though.

3 years ago

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Thank you!

3 years ago

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It is good for those who think it is necessary to use it.
Mental health is important.(o'Θ'))

However, I would not want to be the cause of a trend that freedom of speech is not guaranteed, so I will continue to avoid using such things.
Because don't worry, there is talk of the Russian internet being cut off from the rest of the world's internet around March 11.

NEXTA on Twitter: "#Russia began active preparations for disconnection from the global Internet No later than March 11, all servers and domains must be transferred to the #Russian zone. In addition, detailed data on the network infrastructure of the sites is being collected." / Twitter

L'HuffPost on Twitter: "La Russia vuole chiudere internet. Pronta a passare sulla sua RuNet" / Twitter

RuNet? :(

If look at Twitter these days, there is only the occasional BOT that speaks the same lines as the content of "Russian embassies in various countries" and spam from foreign Russian media-sourced sites.
(Although some of the content is still mentally distressing...)

It is within each individual's freedom to turn away from things and only see them when you have time.

Just as long as you don't remain silent in situations where you insist that what is wrong is wrong.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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Freedom of Speech also has limits. If people violate human laws, local/country law etc. they should be punished and content removed or blocked. See no problem here.

And i mean, it's just ignoring/blocking trolls on your own end.

Sgifts should also counter Russian/Putin trolls, which spread misinformation, hate etc. - but thats hard to do, because massive uptake of this right now.

3 years ago

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Freedom of Speech also has limits. If people violate human laws, local/country law etc. they should be punished and content removed or blocked. See no problem here.

Of course.
But SG requires the use of user reports.
Send them a ticket if they don't improve after a "gentleman's warning" based on the "Guidelines."

And i mean, it's just ignoring/blocking trolls on your own end.

Failure to do so will leave a negative impact on other new users.

Sgifts should also counter Russian/Putin trolls, which spread misinformation, hate etc. - but thats hard to do, because massive uptake of this right now.

I have an idea about this issue and have been providing information to support for a week now.

In addition, it will be difficult to respond to spam trolls.
It must be done steadily.
This is because many people do not report them because ignoring them is the easiest way to avoid them.
(I am afraid to say this, as I have sent many support tickets...)

There will be a number of posts in the future where Steam users will suddenly "go crazy".
There will also be account hacking tragedies.
The community needs to be prepared for such an eventuality.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

3 years ago

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The basic stance on all of them will be the same as what I just posted.

Some actions are too inappropriate from the point of view of certain countries, while others are considered speech, and it is the job of SG supporters and moderators to decide the best way to handle these issues.
The best thing to do is to keep it to a minimum, don't reply to it out of hand, file a user report in a support ticket, and quietly don't worry about it.
You may do so in a one-time comment with the URL of the discussion attached, to the "giveaway SEND" of the user in question in a gentlemanly manner without trolling the discussion.
There are workarounds for that as well.
If they don't like it, they will notify the support ticket, but as long as both parties are gentlemen, there is no problem.

This is a gaming community by nature, not a place to discuss politics or reality.
So each person will ignore it.
Some may come here to see something fun when they are "cranky" on TV or the internet.
However, cyber-attacks and Internet censorship caused the major websites to fail in the early days, and many people came to this place as refugees to gather information.
It is no wonder. We will just have to face reality.
 However, we can probably avoid the problem if we just keep in mind that a heated exchange of comments will not make anyone happy.

3 years ago

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the Third Reich on steamgifts, i did nazi that coming

3 years ago

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please don't go that way, there's nothing to win

3 years ago

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make me giggle

3 years ago

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In general are such a script good but to be honest i am shocked how you wrap it.

You paint all VERY black and white. [War is never so black and white]

You are racist against, a good bunch of, russian people in the end and you throw all in one pot that have a different opinion as you (and the masses).
Not all that don't see russia as the only bad guy in this geopolitical "game", support a war or think killing people is ok.

But i hadn't seen you, and many other ones, protesting when the usa invaded and pillaged other countries [with much more killed civilian people in the fights].

It looks like, European deaths are important, deaths in arabian or asian countries aren't and thats the sick thing for me on it.

let's try to at least reduce the hate a little bit.

When you really want that, then you should rewrite the OP text.

I avoided to read all discussions about the ukraine/russia war (and attached ones) because i seen, after one tiny glimps, how heated (and far from ok) it is there.
And i don't want to waste lifetime with comments there because it is clear it will not change something to the better.
Not for steamgifts, not for the war, not for myself or the other person(s).

The mods should close all Ukrainian/Russian Threads to lower the problems/hate but because a big part of the active mods are russians they hold back because it would be give stress when one of them would close threads or ban people for insults etc..
And that cg appear, write a rule about "no ukraine/russian stuff till X" and handle it that way, will not happen.

Ps.: Because i got in the past comments that i am a racist against russian ones (a lot of the black sheeps that i hunt are from there -thats not racist, thats a geo. fact-) is it a bit funny for me that i am one that come forward to say that it isn't correct how all gets presented here.

3 years ago*

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I agree with you for the most part except there's no racism against Russians possible as there's no Russian race. The Rus people came from Scandinavia historically.

3 years ago

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I don't known that to be honest (and believe you without to check it).

But when you start this way then it would, maybe, not give german people too because we are a mix of a lot of origins. And i assume the same for the most other countries.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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+1 to that
glad that there are still sane people full of with humanity and positivity <3

There are good people and bad people everywhere, nation has nothing to do with this =/
Do not judge people by politicians, government and other people, each of us is an individual person with his own mind, thoughts, points of view, etc.

Peace, people ;)

3 years ago*

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Actually, being Russian, I don't feel that the OP has attacked me in any way. It's not about Russians per se, AmanoTC is miles away from being a nationalist. It's about a way to preserve one's mental health because reading all this stuff about how killing Ukrainians and repressing Russian opposition is fine is, frankly, rather painful. And I'm glad that these threads exist, reading comments from sane and decent people from all over the world have been an immense moral support for me these days.

3 years ago

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to block every russian at SG who supports the war, supports Putin, makes fun of dying children or whatever

Due to reading everyone of your comments in the relating threads since February 24th, I think that I know a little bit about you. And you are right, I was neither talking about you nor about russians in general. I was talking about specific users, mentioned in the quote above. And you are not one of them.

So thank you for actually understanding what I wrote. The same can not be said for everyone.

3 years ago

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Totally agree to that! Some people drift towards virtue signaling and simply do blanket judgment upon others based on race. There is always good in the bad and bad in the good. And the media is filled with fake news nowadays which are totally biased to one side. Kinda sad that when the Middle East or Asia were in peril, there's not the same level of action being done. Such a script mimics what a fascist would want if faced with opposing views 🤔

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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ill pass

3 years ago

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If we all stop feeding the trolls and/or ignore them, maybe then there is still a slight chance to stop the SG community ripping itself apart.

You don't need a script to ignore trolls. Just... Ignore them and don't answer to them? And maybe report them if you really want them gone? The only thing this script achieves is hiding your head in the sand like an ostrich, it won't make the trolls go away.

Because as it is now, us sane people have to share this forum with very vocal supporters of a dictator and a war criminal and the amount of hate within the forums is close to being unbearable.

I take it you're not familiar with the Pride Month or Ramadan threads, as these typically lure a lot of homophobic or racist trolls too. There's always been idiots on Steamgifts, it's not something that just emerged because of the war.

3 years ago

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I take it you're not familiar with the Pride Month or Ramadan threads, as these typically lure a lot of homophobic or racist trolls too. There's always been idiots on Steamgifts, it's not something that just emerged because of the war.

The only difference is Ukraine and its conflict are a popular trend rn...Unfortunately...

You don't need a script to ignore trolls. Just... Ignore them and don't answer to them?

Such a simple yet not obvious for many truth...

3 years ago

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Just... Ignore them and don't answer to them? And maybe report them if you really want them gone? The only thing this script achieves is hiding your head in the sand like an ostrich, it won't make the trolls go away.

Ignoring and not answering them doesn't solve it either, but hiding certain people's comments do help the one using the script.

Just as some people can sleep easily with the lights on, some people can ignore others easily. Other people, or even same people in different & more stressful times, have trouble ignoring information they see, read or hear.

It's really unpleasant to have the same ignorant comment just bounce in your head for half a day, because that's just how your brain works. There's definitely a benefit for ignore functions on any platform.

3 years ago

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I didn't think of it that way, I guess you're right. I'm so used to seeing trolls they could as well just not exist to me :x

3 years ago

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I take it you're not familiar with the Pride Month or Ramadan threads, as these typically lure a lot of homophobic or racist trolls too. There's always been idiots on Steamgifts, it's not something that just emerged because of the war.

True that, we're gonna see that happen again within a month when Ramadan starts.

3 years ago

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You don't need a script to ignore trolls. Just... Ignore them and don't answer to them?

Best practice anywhere, especially since social media doesn't always provide ignore features in a practical way.
Still, not always easy and even when you don't reply, it can get your blood pressure on the rise. So I welcome the option to hide them whenever I can.

3 years ago

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ESGST also has a user filter for those who want to stay low on scripts/extensions as well ^-^
Great reminder thread though for those struggling to keep peace of mind in these times! Thank you much, AmanoTC.

3 years ago

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I haven't seen it on here, but it's sad to think that anyone would support or find amusement from the mass murder of innocent people :(

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

3 years ago*

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whitelists, blacklists.
Don't let that get to you in the slightest.
Those guys are doing you a favor really.

3 years ago

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It is common for people to try to make things "funny".(dark)
There are local cultures and languages (dialects), and often "slang" and "sarcasm" are converted into "bad language" when using the "space translator.

Therefore, we don't UFO abduct... on matters that are clearly converted into irritating "sarcasm" or "bad words", right?
It would be good to comment on their old GA and talk about how it showed up with these connotations to confirm it.
Well, it is easy to blacklist them and ignore them, but the blacklist is also capped at 1000 entries, so perhaps those who push today will have to worry about the cap in 3 years.
At that time, they will be lamenting why they did not consider more mutual understanding.

Those who pull out the long log and read it from the beginning know that I am posting about "Russia" (mainly about censored matters and how to defend oneself against them) and "Ukraine" (information about evacuation and the actions of other countries).

Even though we do those activities, it's because we do them.
I can see similar W/B fluctuations to yours.
It is increasing and decreasing and fluctuating

There is no proof that the W/B truly "did the right thing".
If you did it for the best, you can leave it as it is.
If you think you didn't word it well enough, you can add to it.
This is a place for gentlemen of the earth to share game matters and play nice, right?
So there is no problem.

Oh, please don't hit me with rocks because I'm from outside the earth.
=͟͟͞͞( っ'ω')╮ =͟͟͞͞💣  ヽ(Θ´; )ノ≡ヽ( ;`Θ)ノ

3 years ago

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and what else is new on the internet?
consider your options, do what you think is right, never look back, never apologize, never repent.
unless you come to the conclusion that you made a mistake of your own accord. then you obviously need the balls to right your wrongs.

For this I was branded a racist and called a Nazi.

View attached image.
3 years ago

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Top notch. I used ESGST to ignore trolls and haters before but it stopped working a while ago for me so I gave up.
Screw the haters. People who blacklisted you will lose more than you do, I'm sure of it.

3 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up on the script. I don't comment nor read much on sg, but nice to have options.
I had to blacklist quite a lot of racists/facists recently. :( [don't help that i constantly clear my blacklist cause i forget the users actions]

Hiding specific user messages could prevent me from constantly reading said users hate speech.

Thanks again.

3 years ago

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Wait, we're supposed to clean our BL?

3 years ago

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the internet is always filled with trolls, its always hard but this does help filtering the things you do not want to waste time with.

3 years ago

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Closed 2 years ago by AmanoTC.