How do you categorize your Steam library?
This application allows you to categorize the library automatically and manually_
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That one is basically dead, but there is an active fork:
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How do you handle your Steam library hot mess?
a) installed
b) not installed
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Trying to keep them categorized. Recently decided to add a SteamGifts category, just to keep track of which ones I still need to play (hint: a lot).
Favorites contains games I often play, also have games categorized on my interest in them and filtering out the (local) mp for when people come over.
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Nice to see another one categorizing the games based on the chievos! :)
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I am very happy with my filing system. Basically they are all filed by publisher if they are big publishers, and then everything else into very specific 'indie' categories by genre. So not just 'platformer', but 'platformer - hard', 'platformer - modern', 'platformer - metroidvania' etc. Then it's easy when I get in a mood to play a certain genre to look in those categories to find something.
I also have a few special categories, one for games I will prioritize, one for games I consider 'dead' and one to store completed games I don't need to see any more.
The initial set up took a while, but I did it when I only had a few hundred games, and I just go through once a month and add new ones into their categories, so it's pretty easy to maintain.
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I don't categorize them on steam (not counting using default favorite option) but I do have them sorted on BLAEO's site with their default options (never played, unfinished, beaten, completed, won't play).
Maybe I'll sort them out on Steam one day, actually I might go and make categories now for games I've beaten and for those I don't plan on playing just to clean the mess a little bit.
EDIT: Alright, nevermind. Fuck Steam categories and not being able to organize in what order you want them. Instead they're sorted alphabetically which annoys me.
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I like to keep mine simple and categorize by played, playing, will play, will never play statuses.
BOTTOM OF THE BARREL - Mostly or Overwhelmingly negative. Will never play.
COMPLETED - Games I finished
MULTIPLAYER ONLY - Games that are MP only. TF2, Planetside 2, DOTA 2, etc
SOMEDAY, MAYBE - Games with Mostly/Overwhelmingly positive reviews but not something I would usually play
UNPLAYED/UNFINISHED - Games with mixed reviews or games I tried but rage quit before finishing
GAMES - Everything in my backlog I intend to play someday
VR - My VR library (I own a Rift)
As for what to choose to play next, I almost always use the wonderful site Steam Filters to narrow down what I feel like at the time.
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Mine is all categorized in ways the likely make sense only to me and there are still hundreds of games and each category lol. All the categories are by genre, more or less.
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I only have a few categories. I want to to genre categories but I never got around doing it.
I have:
Currently playing
Always playing (mostly multiplayer stuff I place regularly)
Started (games I started and want to finish someday, but not at the moment)
The next categories are for unplayed games. I sort them by user reviews
Very positive, mostly positive etc.
Done (games I played and won't be playing anymore (done everything I want to do))
Completed (I did everything that's possible in this game 100%/all achievements, all personal goals)
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Sounds there a link to a descriptive page, or just the github download?
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Gotcha...but it organizes things as a plugin in the Steam UI itself, right? It's not a standalone UI or anything? I'm just asking because I'd prefer not to add another separate place to look through my stuff. ;)
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Thanks for the great description! Hmmm, sounds like something I might dig. I'll likely download this and mess with it later. Thanks for the heads-up on this app -- didn't know that it existed.
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I assign genre tags and number of players (single, local coop, online coop, multiplayer). I have under 500 games and maybe only a third is tagged :)
But it's a mess. The thing that bothers me the most is that when I select "installed games" and have say 10 installed games, it shows me like 20-30 categories (each game is displayed several times because it has several tags).
I wish it was more like GOG's filters: one for genre, one for number of players, one for status (completed, favourites, etc). And so that you could add and edit those categories (maybe you want to have achievements, cards, difficulty and what not filters).
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Grats! That sounds like quite the undertaking lol. Mine is sorted somewhat, but not as in-depth as yours. I have:
Favorites - anything I pretty much have 100+ hrs in or I feel I should be playing
100% - anything with all achievements
Almost - anything with a few achievements missing
Beat - anything beat without achievements
Excited - anything early access or waiting to get a huge patch soonâ˘
other than that, I usually use the Recent tab to hop into games that I've got/played in the last few weeks.
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You are my hero. I probably will never sort it, even though I have a few categories (like, finished games, finished only in coop, going to play, going to play in coop, replayable, and "not going to play at all"). I don't remember exactly what categories I have, not at PC atm.
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I have a very organized list and started doing this after been looking a lot for my local coop games. I need to run my Despressurizer again and make some adjustments to make the perfect list!
Hide some games weren't an alternative because i think i'm pretty lazy for that, but i'll take a look because i need to get rid from a few junks that hurts my eyes - I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU, ACHIEVEMENTS MINER AND ASSET FLIPPERS.
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871 games categorized
326 games hidden
Hidden games include:
trash (Brilliant Bob)
games I just don't like (Binding of Isaac)
games I finished and will never play again (Hero of the Kingdom)
games I tried and got some enjoyment out of but am not interested enough to finish (Inside the Gear)
"duplicate" games (Fallout 3 when I also have the GOTY version)
Non-hidden games are sorted into 69 categories, including the Favorites category. Many games appear in more than one category.
I sort by:
genre (jRPG, ARPG, Twin Stick Shooter, etc.)
series and sets (Batman, Bethesda, GTA, etc.)
common elements (Zombies, Dragons, Space, etc.)
I have some special categories like Kickstarter Early Versions and Free To Play (so there's a place for Path of Exile whenever I reinstall it).
I use the Favorites list for games I return to often. It's a pretty short list - a dozen or less.
I have a category called Want To Play which is a kind of on-deck list. Games I'm excited about. Some are installed and in process. It's my go-to category when I sit down to play.
In the past I tried 3rd party utilities that analyze your library and use Steam tags to sort your games. But that was a waste. Steam tags suck. So, I've been sorting by hand here and there in odd moments for over a year. And now I'm done! I even went back through the Hidden games to make sure I haven't accidentally hidden some. And I had! So I saved those from Oblivion.
How do you handle your Steam library hot mess?
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