So basically I'm very new to Youtubing (a week) and overcoming all sorts of social anxieties in order to give it a proper shot. I find it really fun -- and I'm working on overcoming nerves and improving my vocal personality and such -- but it'd be more fun if people were actually watching the videos. It's also pretty hard to get a foot in the door and I KNOW I'm not very good (hopefully YET) I decided the best thing to do is offer something in return for views and subscribbles and suchlike.

So I bought yall some games.




More incoming. Just ran out of spare cash.

I'd reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally appreciate if anyone would be kind enough to check my stuff out and help me get better. I don't do this for money and I don't plan to unless I suddenly get supre famuz (which to be honest hardly ever happens because there are way too many Youtubers out there now). It's just a bit of fun I'm looking to get more enjoyment out of c:

8 years ago*

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Bump :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I've doubled what I had before and I really appreciate it. Still nowhere near my goal so new readers: please give me a chance c:

8 years ago

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I have made an edit with the next bunch of giveaways.

8 years ago

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Follow your dreams, Ponyboy. Best of luck!

8 years ago

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The games you are playing don't really interest me that much but I wish you the best of luck! One thing I recommend doing is making thumbnails for your videos. It makes it easier for the viewers to see what a game is with a good thumbnail. Also, thanks for the giveaways!

8 years ago

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What kind of games DO interest you? And don't worry, I'm working on thumbnails. My second shadow warrior one has a very basic one. My ex is currently on art so I basically have to accommodate her schedule.

The giveaways will keep coming until I get that custom URL. I suppose that's not much incentive for people since they'll want more free stuff but hey.

8 years ago

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I play a lot of platformers. I'm not the biggest fan of FPS games but I will play them if they look good. Just keep on making what you like to make and the people who want it will come around. Don't try to accommodate for what the viewers want too much, in the end it'll just make you unhappy.

8 years ago

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Oh believe me the shooters will happen, but I actually enjoy producing videos in general. There's a lot of satisfaction when you edit something well. Plus, I need to broaden my horizons. I've played nothing but shooters since 1999. As for platformers...I was thinking of doing Super Metroid alongside Axiom Verge. Do you have any other recommendations?

8 years ago

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Super Meat Boy is loads of fun if you like a good challenge. I don't know how many views it would get though since it isn't very relevant anymore. Also, in case you didn't know, Nintendo will take 50% of the revenue for your Super Metroid series if you are monetizing it.

8 years ago

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Me? Monetise? It costs me nothing to record bruh. I'd only do that if I got Internet famous and the chances of that happening are slim. Right now I'm just having fun. And challenge is fine I just can't promise I'll get too far haha. At least me failing tends to be funny. For everyone but me.

8 years ago

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Grabbed Super Meat Boy for three bucks so I'll get to practicing c:

8 years ago

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Keep it up, I haven't actually checked the videos yet (pretty short on time atm) but from the comments I gather you're doing this for fun. So, as long as you enjoy it, record on.

8 years ago

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Heaps of fun. Especially now that i have requests and aren't just struggling to find games on my own.

8 years ago

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I have most of the giveaways already and I am not particularly interested in any of the games being played, but I sincerely wish you good luck! Bump!

8 years ago

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Cheers for the bump. I'm always open to suggestions too c:

8 years ago

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Edited with another copy of Skyrim. It's all I could afford to spare this week c:

8 years ago

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I have all the games you have listed but still subbed you.
good luck with your channel man.

8 years ago

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You're a rare breed of good person, man. <3

8 years ago

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