
Someone (you probably recognize yourself) told me on the other GA, oh i thought it was bip not bip
Well after some thoughts actually i can do it too.

Actually i don't know magic at all, best i can do is to V share a gif i loved and bookmarked about that :
What ? Is it out of context ? Not at all ! I feel deeply that this game is about that too. (I've two recent movies in mind too about that ? The prestige and the illusionist ? I loved the illusionist !)

Do you know other funny or insolit magic tricks ?

And so the game happens in France. So i'll just say in short why i love France, you'll think if it's a good reason or not.
I was abandoned at a very young age in my country of birth (which i know nothing about) : South Korea.
I've no B real problem with that cause i know the reason : i'm disabled.
So a french couple adopted me, and i grew up in the french countryside with a good dose of french cooking.
Hey i love this country, was it always easy here ? Nah obviously but in my mind it's one of the world's most welcoming countries.

Now the GA that end tomorrow noon, it's for an unbundled game with weird region restrictions again, a game in France about magic tricks.


€ a letter of the alphabet, uppercase that is walking alone though the text above
$ a letter of the alphabet, uppercase that is walking alone though the text above

not available in the following countries as per publisher request:
Brunei Darussalam, Réunion, British Indian Ocean Territory, French Southern Territories, Aland Islands, Micronesia

(sorry for these regions, especially for french dom-tom, empty blacklist)

edit : i forgot to thanks all those explained these cards games in the other thread ! i love poker but really hope that it won't kill the diversity of cards games in the end, they are all a treasure
edit : OMG i'm sorry that i failed the GA creation again. This one is the good timer and region-restrictions, i feel awful about that sorry.

2 weeks ago*

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Did you know this game ?

View Results
Yes i had an eye on it
Yes i know it i am totally a shark
No but i'm curious now
No but i prefer other sort of games
You can't understand anyway that i prefer potatoes

Thanks for sharing your story. I personally think I'd like to explore France more. I'm from central Europe, but only been in France twice briefly.

Anyway, I think you set the region restrictions incorrectly, so it's only available in the specified regions.

BTW: An interesting giveaway that you grew up in France is that you're leaving spaces before ?, ! and : 😀

2 weeks ago

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i'm an idiot, i'll recreate now it's nice from you to tell me, i blue you

2 weeks ago

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recreated thank you !
It's already a lot twice, i hope you enjoyed your stay, the countryside can be beautiful here, not always depends on the region there is a high variety of landscapes.

2 weeks ago*

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That was quick, thanks!

2 weeks ago

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Yeah, I was in Paris and Strasbourg, both very nice cities, but I'd also like to see the coasts (Normandy, Provence, Brittany, Gascony) and the mountains (Savoy, Basque, ...).

2 weeks ago

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Strasbourg i never went but i would love one day !! You choose the best parts !
I'm from Champagne, here there is no sea nor mountain, but there is... well there is champagne. We often see people from Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, more rarely Spain Italy UK in this region.

2 weeks ago

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recreated a last time sorry, i just noticed that i failed the timer seeing "one week remaining" facepalm
sorry that i managed to fail twice, please reenter it's for the good now

2 weeks ago*

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No worries, thanks for letting me know!

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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recreated again sorry, i just noticed that i failed the timer seeing one week remaining facepalm
sorry please reenter, thank you for your bump

2 weeks ago*

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No problem. Thanks for the notification and the giveaway!

2 weeks ago

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Thanks for sharing your story with us! The respect and gratitude you've got for France/the couple that adopted you oozes through the text, but still I can imagine it does something with you to realise you were given up by your biological parents... And being disabled can be a big challenge in itself. So glad you've found a loving home in France and indeed the food (and wine!) is awesome over there!

And the smell of freshly baked croissants... oh la la!

2 weeks ago

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Ah bravo now i wanna eat croissants ! 😩
(thanks for your message, you're really nice !)

2 weeks ago

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recreated again sorry, i just noticed that i failed the timer seeing one week remaining facepalm
sorry please reenter, i won't recreate again

2 weeks ago*

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no worries, all good :)

2 weeks ago

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Ohhhh, by reading this , I realise Ii was VERY clumsy in the last message i sent you, please accept my apologies.!!!!

Let me make it up to you :

The prestige is my favorite film. I really loved how the magic part was made, and the final twist was awesome.

If you do not know Gray Matter, I strongly recommend it to you. First it's made by Jane Jensen (one of the best game writers in my opinion) .Second , your character uses magic and illusionim to overcome her issues.

Wanted to share that, with my apologies again.

2 weeks ago

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recreated again sorry, i just noticed that i failed the timer seeing one week remaining facepalm
i hope you'll have enough time to re-enter, it ends tomorrown sunday noon

edit : Don't worry you made no mistake i noticed nothing anyway !
i liked a lot The prestige too it was super impressive, but prefered The illusionist because ambiance is a bit less dark and more romantic, but both are masterpieces, especially The prestige that is known as a masterpiece for sure
thank you for your game recommandation !

2 weeks ago*

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Thanks for the giveaway and especially for sharing your story. :)

2 weeks ago

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recreated again sorry, i just noticed that i failed the timer seeing one week remaining facepalm
thank you for your nice message, sorry could you please reenter

2 weeks ago*

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Thanks for the update. Don't worry about it, it happens to all of us. :)

2 weeks ago

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bump! very interesting story for sure

2 weeks ago

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recreated again sorry, i just noticed that i failed the timer seeing one week remaining facepalm
thank you for your nice message, please could you reenter a last time

2 weeks ago*

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Thanks a lot! Have a nice day :)

2 weeks ago

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recreated again sorry, i just noticed that i failed the timer seeing one week remaining facepalm
sorry please reenter and thank you for your bump message

2 weeks ago*

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2 weeks ago

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recreated again sorry, i just noticed that i failed the timer seeing one week remaining facepalm
sorry please reenter, thanks for the bump!

2 weeks ago*

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2 weeks ago

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recreated again sorry, i just noticed that i failed the timer seeing one week remaining facepalm
thank you for your funny bump gifs, please could you re-enter a last time

2 weeks ago*

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2 weeks ago

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recreated again sorry, i just noticed that i failed the timer seeing one week remaining facepalm
please could you reenter a last time, thanks for your beump

2 weeks ago*

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No problem. You just want us to read your story again, don't you? ;)

2 weeks ago

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I promise the hidden letters are still at the same place in the text than before ! XD

2 weeks ago

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Sorry for the short spam, i had to notify the people who bumped that i had to recreate this giveaway a last time, because i failed the timer
i am really sorry that i failed the GA creation process, don't know why i'm puzzled this morning

View attached image.
2 weeks ago*

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Do you know other funny or insolit magic tricks ?

There are two things in my life that seemingly disappear so fast leaving no trace and without any way to escape. Simply they vanish, as if... Magic.

Money in my wallet and food in my plate.

2 weeks ago

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Yes i understand the feeling, the same that why you need to write a new shopping list as soon as you get back from errands ? :D

2 weeks ago

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Can't really respond to the topic as I've been to France once on an excursion during a trip to Geneva. Instead I would like to ask a question. How do you think life in big cities compares to the countryside? Are the aspects you described more related to national, or rather regional culture.Where I live the differences are quite visible

2 weeks ago

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Interesting question, i'll try to answer.

Most tourists just visit paris and here we like to shit on Paris from the countryside because it's a large metropolis sometimes very disconnected from the rest of the country (but we can probably see this difference in many countries).
In fact 1/3 of Parisians are born in Paris ; 2/3 come from other cities and countries. So Paris is like it is because big city ambiance more open-minded and modern but with a high population density and related problems. A lot of people live at Paris for work, and they're in a constant hurry. And that's why they have a reputation for not being very polite to tourists, or to each other either. But as everywhere you can find nice and not so nice people, they're just all in a hurry. Paris concentrates most of the cultural life, museums, historic monuments, sport and theatre, cinema, etc. People who live there like Paris for that too, the intense cultural life. Most Parisians are progressive politically, and atheists, like in most big and medium cities.

I live in a medium city. Here life is very different. There are much less jobs available except in tourism and vineyard. Cultural life is less intense, insecurity is much lower. There is a famous monument here (that's why the tourism). And... that's all. People come here just to drink champagne, visit the cathedrale, and sometimes see the vineyard. In rural area sometimes people meddle in your affairs while you're anonymous in town. People here are not easy to befriend, don't open their door easily, partly culturally partly because of increasing insecurity.
But they are mostly polite and some are really nice.

I grew up in a rural area, very different mind. People much more supportive, IF you are from this area. Here we started with a huge advantage. My parents were little local wine-growers. Everybody knew them. They have a big heart and adopted multiple foreign children and adopted 1 native too. So here in the rural area, when i was young most people were right or far-right politically and catholic. They were all super nice because of our parents links and because parents sent us to church regularly and my brothers sisters worked sometimes in vineyard. Religion here was cultural, and it opened door, IF you were from the same religion. So to be fully assimilated here, you had to love France, be catholic, and love wine but not be drunk because everyone drinks a lot and holds high amount of alcohol. Now these old people are dying, some younger come from the city, and the ambiance is more modern, more open-minded on some points, but also solidarity and local cultural life mostly died. Because it's people who make a village or a country. These people die - the village or country changes. I've the mind from someone who grew up in this little village and then live in a medium french city. Where you live and who you live with partly make who you are. Tourists are very welcome in rural area, they can sleep and sometimes eat in the homes of local residents (paying when you're a tourist, but sometimes free when you're for example on the road of Compostelle pilgrimage), something you don't do in medium or big cities.

Regional culture (folklore) is mostly dead in France. The old dances, old songs, old languages and regional differences. Disappeared with the old generations. It's a country where Paris has historically tended to crush regional differences, by force, school or cultural influence.
And there is now a strong international influence, most young French understand basic english, eat fast food casually. Many forgot french cooking. And many know how to play poker (ahah the other thread). This sort of things.
Last really traditional place is rural Corsica. But even French continentals are not always welcome there lol, in Corsica yes in rural Corsica hmm let's say we're the same than tourists in Corsica.

Please just if you wanna answer, where do you live ?

2 weeks ago*

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So to some point similar to what we have here.
People in big cities are less traditional, but also less likely to trust someone. I think it just comes with the population density and way of life. People are more progressive but also in a constant hurry and at the same time more anonymous, by which I mean in a big city you're unlikely to meet again like 90% of people you interact with. Oh and there's also a factor of people being partially tired of tourists, who can be a nuisance to the locals.
In rural areas traditional hospitality is a thing and especially in less crowded touristic regions it's quite visible. In small societies it's easy to identify the black sheep which generally makes trusting people much more affordable. People tend to stick together and help each other. At the same time traditional values are much more important and anybody not sharing those is a suspicious outsider.

As for local culture I believe it's still quite visible, especially in the south and east of the country . Probably to be expected considering western territories were granted after WW II. Another likely factor is probably caused by how often the country was divided, the borders shifted etc. While there were multiple attempts to enforce one culture or another due to the above I don't think there's a region which was under one influence long enough to make it successful. Times are changing and more and more often the folklore is becoming just part of tourist business, but in many places it's still genuine local culture

I hope I'm not ignorant,but I believe that in case of France borders were much more stable thus bigger influence of historical country wide policies, in our case current culture is a mixture of regional cultures which were never fully eradicated and a lot of foreign influences. It's quite visible even in language. Putting aside the variety of regional dialects, even the everyday language has a lot of different words and phrases used in various regions of the country.

Ps If you haven't guessed yet I'm living in Poland

2 weeks ago

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We agree a lot in our observations, but you are much more efficient and concise ! The access or absence of public services (health, school, etc.), the loneliness in big cities with high density (the freedom that comes with the end of rural community links), higher % of population in these cities fastly changed our countries, for better or for worst.

You're right that since revolution french state is directive at national level and frontiers didn't move much, and that it's what modeled it really differently than Poland.

2 weeks ago*

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Last really traditional place is rural Corsica

Don't let the Bretons catch you saying something like that! ;)
I think a lot of regions are still very attached to their cultures but it's mostly true of the regions closest to borders. I guess they have been historically more culturally resistant. Like Alsace or Catalogne.

most young French understand basic english, eat fast food casually. Many forgot french cooking

Not sure about basic English but the fast food problem is definitely a thing. There's a literal epidemic of scurvy in Paris among the younger population (!) because they are eating mostly nutriments-empty fast food and no fruit or veggie. It's kinda crazy.
And yeah sadly most people don't cook anymore but I think it's the same in most countries. It just feels sad here because of the rich tradition and food culture that's being left behind.

Btw, I love your city. Been there several times (it's not that far from Paris and I take just any friend who visits from overseas there) and the countryside is amazing. And I don't even drink ;)

2 weeks ago

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Like Alsace

Living there, I can confirm that :D

2 weeks ago

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Heh. I just spent 6 months there working in a restaurant and it didn't take me a whole day to realize it
It's great though. It's as it should be. Culture is important and it should not easily be erased by marketing and whatever's trendy.
As long as it doesn't turn into hatred of everything different but that's an unavoidable side effect I guess, and it's only a small percentage of people.

2 weeks ago

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We clearly have both types.

Most people are kinda open minded, maybe a bit uneasy at first , but then they warm up.

And some hate everything/everyone that is different from them, and do eveything they can to not approach any of it. (funny thing, this behavior is more frequent in small villages than in bigger towns)

But as you said, it's only a small percentage of people.

2 weeks ago

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I'd say that's true of a lot of regions. People have feelings of entrenchment and regional pride that can devolve into more of a "us vs. them" mentality but once they are in touch with "them", they are open minded enough to see there's nothing to fear or hate there.

And some hate everything/everyone that is different from them

In my experience these types are only looking for excuses to hate others, nothing to do to fix them. But they're by far the minority. They'll use nationalism, regionalism, football or religion but they'll find something to hate you for.

2 weeks ago

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I never visited Alsace, but i hope i could do it one day, you've the most beautiful houses.
Je veux des maisons à colombage aussi ! XD

2 weeks ago

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We clearly have some beatiful houses.

If you visit Strasbourg one day, try the Petite France quarter.

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2 weeks ago

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Lol i'm almost jealous of your beautiful cities, you're lucky to live there !! 😍

2 weeks ago

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But your food is at a higher level than ours so, I'd say we're even !

2 weeks ago

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In Champagne ?? Certainly not !! XD i wouldn't dare comparing with Alsace i'm not crazy to that point !
But we've the best drink, the only one that you don't have a hangover the next day. (Oui oui le vin d'Alsace :3 )

2 weeks ago

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Le vin d'Alsace n'est clairement pas mon préféré :D

But in Champagne, you have delicious sweets, and mostly healthier products than we do

2 weeks ago

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Sorry my opinion is extremely subjective based on where i went to holidays ! XD

When we visited Corsica with my parents, we stayed as tourists in the city and then a more insulated house.
There have been fires in close proximity. I was young. When we entered in a bar, people were chatting together, and i asked to my parents : were the fires deliberately set ? There has been a sudden silence in the bar and we left quickly because lol my parents were not happy and i understand.
And then we took a tour without a guide of the deep Corsican countryside in search of a church for sunday. The road was so narrow that only one car could go, and i was afraid that while we were going up, another car would want to come down the same way. When we arrived, the village was silent and the church was so full that we stayed at the back. We were surprised because the ceremony was in fact traditional and in latin, and the seats were reserved by name. Then there was a long procession through the village carrying a tall cross, the villagers were not very happy to see us, we were in bermuda with cameras around our necks. We felt we had to leave !

While we often visited Bretagne, camping, visiting villages around, all was really modern the people and the place. Maybe i didn't find the hidden village of Bretagne. But you're right i should run before the Bretons be angry. :p

There's a literal epidemic of scurvy in Paris among the younger population (!) because they are eating mostly nutriments-empty fast food and no fruit or veggie.

Ah i didn't know that at all. It wouldn't be surprising then that we see that too in the medium cities soon, we eat the same.

And yeah sadly most people don't cook anymore but I think it's the same in most countries. It just feels sad here because of the rich tradition and food culture that's being left behind.

It's a time problem too. People have no more time and sometimes their parents didn't or couldn't teach them. And money problem for some too obviously.

Btw, I love your city. Been there several times (it's not that far from Paris and I take just any friend who visits from overseas there) and the countryside is amazing. And I don't even drink ;)

You managed to come to champagne and not drink champagne ? You're a warrior !

2 weeks ago*

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There has been a sudden silence in the bar and we left quickly because lol my parents were not happy and i understand.

Hahaha yeah three things you don't talk about in a bar in Corsica: fires, explosions and "la metropole"

The road was so narrow that only one car could go, and i was afraid that while we were going up, another car would want to come down the same way.

lmao that is familiar. I have been there only a few times, with a friend who knew the roads and I kept thinking about whether I should have paid more attention in Sunday school and if there was an afterlife, was food going to be great there

the villagers were not very happy to see us, we were in bermuda with cameras around our necks. We felt we had to leave !

Ironically in that way, Corsica is very much like Paris, even more so, because they rely on tourism to literally have an economy but they hate hate hate tourists for it.

While we often visited Bretagne, camping, visiting villages around, all was really modern the people and the place.

Bretagne definitely is more modern. The independent spirit is very much alive though. There are few regions of France that have entire schools dedicated to learning traditional patois. I have friends who are Bretons and said that it was not an option for them as kids. Their parents (while being modern people who worked in banks and offices etc) made them learn la langue Bretonne. It's a way of life.

2 weeks ago

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Ok then i said nothing about Corsica about these 3 things !!

lmao that is familiar. I have been there only a few times, with a friend who knew the roads and I kept thinking about whether I should have paid more attention in Sunday school and if there was an afterlife, was food going to be great there

Ah yes i see the feeling, just by reading you lol ! :p

Ironically in that way, Corsica is very much like Paris, even more so, because they rely on tourism to literally have an economy but they hate hate hate tourists for it.

Yes the same here but we love tourists ! (Some would say we love tourists money but hey don't say that !)
It's because champagne is a trading region, we've a product to sell. Not really landscapes to admire.

Sorry to Bretons about their language, respect ! Here nobody talk champenois, we're probably just too close to Paris.
But we still have some rare funny words :

Va te ratifurer - va te rhabiller
Il s'est empiergé - il s'est pris les pieds (dans le tapis par exemple)
Il s'est entruché - le liquide a pris le mauvais chemin quand il a bu

2 weeks ago

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Yes the same here but we love tourists ! (Some would say we love tourists money but hey don't say that !)

Heh you guys are just better than Parisians, that's what's going on here ;)

It's because champagne is a trading region, we've a product to sell. Not really landscapes to admire.

Quite a product too. And the great pink biscuits to go with it ;)

But we still have some rare funny words :

Haha love the local colloquialisms! I'll try those on my French colleagues on Monday to see if they can guess what it means.

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Up we go. :)

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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My magic movie picks would be The Incredible Burt Wonderstone, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, and Smokin' Aces, maybe?
Penn & Teller Fool Us has many many great magic tricks.

2 weeks ago

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Waaa this billard ball trick. Thanks i bookmark i'll watch it fully later, but that's exactly what we talked about yes.
(and you're exactly the one i was waiting for here)

2 weeks ago*

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The magician you link is impressive, i really thought it was the ring that opened, but then the finger thing uhuh.
Thank you too for these 3 movies recommandations they look really tempting !

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Thank you. And I can see why you would love France. Btw, your adoptive parents sound like a really great couple. Always makes me glad whenever I hear something like that. :)

2 weeks ago

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Thank you it's super nice yeah our relationships were not always perfect but i feel really lucky they adopted us.

2 weeks ago

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Have a French bump! (not from France, mais en français quand même)

2 weeks ago

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Merci beaucoup !

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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France seems like a really nice place. The liberty, the social policies, the level of education and salaries, different regions with a great views and nature, the sea, mountains, lavender fields, castles, estates, etc.

Oh, and I absolutely love mesmerizing architecture of some modernist buildings in Paris!

P.S.: Some of French music quite good too!

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2 weeks ago

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Woo you posted beautiful photos ! I didn't know at all all these modern buildings, they are intriguing.
I just went to your second photo place, and still have the scent of lavender in memory.

Recently i visited a world war 1 museum, fort de la pompelle, here a photo for you ! It's called

russian soldiers befriending villagers in montagne de Reims.

I don't endorse the current events and know it's probably not the time to post that. But please take this photo as a thanks, maybe it'll make you smile !

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2 weeks ago*

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Yeah, every time I see those pictures — it makes me want to visit Paris) I really wish I could live in a cool house like that and enjoy the view from its huge windows, balconies and roofs) And going for a walk at dusk in lavender fields with purple grass and purple skies sounds equally awesome!

I don't endorse the current events either, I'm against aggression, occupation and repressions. But I hope that one day the reason will prevail, people will stop believing the propaganda and different nations will stop feuding.

2 weeks ago

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The 2nd is an abbaye, you would have to become a monk with a lot of garden work !
(they make a lot of products lavender based)

Still i agree with you it's really cool photos of beautiful houses !

2 weeks ago*

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The 8th picture is definitely not in France.
So I search for the image with Google Lens and I found this: https://www.redfin.com/TX/Spring/2615-Timberloch-Pl-77380/home/33372670
It looks like it is in Texas.

2 weeks ago

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My bad, should've doubled check it. It was in some post with pictures from French. Well, at least the post's text stated that it was photos from France.

2 weeks ago

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No problem, there is too many fake stuff to check everything anyway.

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Closed 2 weeks ago by coleypollockfilet.