Well. I kinda have a problem. Is not really "my problem", but affects people I care.

A little context: My country is facing a severe crisis, unemployment hit the double-digit. People are desperate, and scams fluorish.

One of my best friends got sucked up into a multi-level marketing company.

For those who don't know, these companies are pretty much a scam. They will tell you they're not a scam. They will tell you they're not "really" a pyramid scheme, but as someone pointed in youtube: "Those things are so pyramid shaped you can probably find a mummified pharaoh in there somewhere."

This "business opportunities" are a strongly cult-based recruitment traps, in which the great majoritie of the people who joins actually loses a lot of money, or best case scenario, have to work their asses off as a salesperson of an overpriced (mediocre at best) "product"

The product, is not important. They'll put the pressure on recruitment, you'll have to recruit more people to thrive in this "business". Long story short, you'll annoy all your friends and family, or worse. You'll recruit them in a borderline legal scam.

I can't talk my friend out, he is already deeply brainwashed. So I will do the next best thing. I'll talk of this to anyone, to warn them about this exploitatives companies.

So. If you are facing unemployment, please don't fall for this. You will be literally better selling ANYTHING ELSE.
Don't get in debt to enter this schemes (you have to pay in advance to enter, they call it "an inversion")

TL;DR - Please take your time and watch this video by John Oliver on the subject

An interesting blog about it;

Documentary on Netflix

A more neutral video

A very very modest Level 1+ GA

You can share stories or opinions in the comments, so we can raise some awareness on the subject.

5 years ago*

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¿Por casualidad es una pirámide que tiene que ver con productos de limpieza y ese tipo de cosas? Un amigo se metió en eso a pesar de que todos le advertimos que sonaba demasiado a que era una estafa.

5 years ago

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Si, es exactamente eso. Es una estafa. Hay gente que gana plata, obvio. Pero es un trabajo full-time de venta y reclutamiento, los meten diciendo que van a ganar plata sin hacer nada.

5 years ago

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Sí, él se metio de cabeza como un boludo a pesar de tener un negocio propio en el que le va bastante bien. Es uno de esos tipos que prueba con cualquier cosa que parezca medio rentable, pero es medio muy inocente. Igual no escuché nada más acerca del tema así que capaz se pudrió y los mandó a la mierda, la verdad tendría que preguntarle.

5 years ago

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Capaz tenemos el mismo amigo. El mío también tiene un negocio propio en el que le va bastante bien. Dice que se metió porque "no tiene tiempo y necesita crear algo que le de tranquilidad económica", ahora se pasa todo el tiempo libre vendiendo productos de limpieza, además de su negocio :(

5 years ago

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¿Sos de Posadas?

5 years ago

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Entonces no, soy de Capital Federal. Pero me llamó mucho la atención. Mi amigo tiene un negocio, y por lo general me parecía un chabón con buen ojo para la guita. No puedo creerlo. Es como si un profesor de geografía me dijera de repente que se volvió terraplanista.

5 years ago

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Hay mucha gente que no termina de entender como funcionan las estafas piramidales porque aparentemente "producen plata", entonces no pueden ser estafas. Si no tenés un poco de experiencia haciendo matemáticas un poquito más complicadas que lo que dan en el secundario es fácil que te engatusen con explicaciones demasiado enquilombadas como para seguirlas (a propósito obvio).
Gracias por hacerme acordar que tendría que hablar con mi amigo a ver como anda, desde que me mudé al centro no paso mucho por allá.

5 years ago

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Además del marketing multinivel, en mi país tenemos una variación de esa estafa en la publican anuncios de reclutamiento con sueldos altos y poca experiencia. Te hacen llegar a un salón u oficina, te dan una charla motivacional y te dicen que si logras vender todo el producto (usualmente son 12 perfumes) te pueden ofrecen una plaza. Pagas por adelantado por el producto, lo vendes y al final cuando regresas al salón u oficina resulta que la empresa se mudó a saber donde. La estafa es que no existen dichas plazas solo te hacen comprar sus productos. A los días puedes ver otro anuncio donde te envían a otra oficina y el ciclo se repite.

5 years ago

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Bastante turbio eso, hay muchos que se dedican a enganchar gente desprevenida y estafarlos. Y lo peor es que no dejan rastros así que buena suerte denunciándolos.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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...huh? Not gonna lie I'm a bit lost, I suppose that by democratic (and the fact that your reply is in English) you mean the one from the US, the thing is I don't really follow the polics from there in detail (just the usual world wide news of "what did Trump did this time?") so not sure what's discussed in their debates.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Thanks for your words. You're right, that's a good thing to do.

5 years ago

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You need money to make money

5 years ago

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I’ve had to cut off friends because of it, there’s nothing much you can do if they don’t listen

5 years ago

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I also recommend the documentary Betting on Zero. It's about Herbalife but it is the same crap

5 years ago

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Nombre de la empresa?

5 years ago

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En este caso Amway, pero hay muchas; Herbalife es otra muy conocida

5 years ago

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Preach it, my brother lost a lot of money because of this...now he has learned.
I will say it right here and now: There is NO quick way to make money

5 years ago*

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There are quick ways to make money but they usually involve:

  • doing something illegal
  • a ski mask
  • a "small loan" of one million dollar from your dad.
5 years ago

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Desperate times and desperate people. Best targets for cults and scams. The industry of desperation is made on the back of naive and willing people but they're really not to blame. It's human nature.
Those scammers though, should get hit hard by the law. Most of the time they are barely investigated.

5 years ago

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They're victims indeed. I can't blame a desperate person

5 years ago

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I saw another video on YouTube about this very topic just a couple of days ago. I'll just put the link here for anyone who's interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLBmElR0Luw (There is a lot more MLM brands shown in this vid)

One of my closer friends was "taken" by Amway as well. The last I saw, she's still pushing their products/recruitment on all her social media - been posting in random Facebook groups (and yes, we're still technically friends on FB).

*Adding 1 more vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6eujSJ0-RU

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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Pretty accurate

5 years ago

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I was a millionaire once... Everyone in my country was. Damn inflation.

5 years ago

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My parents got into one of these. Actually, my mother tried 2 or 3 others but those really were scams. But this one stuck, and it's not bad. The promise of getting insanely rich with not much work is a lie of course. I see how people with less economic knowledge can be scammed into risking too much and continuing despite constantly losing money. But it can also be done in a smart way.
You mustn't give up your regular job for it. This is not a job. You can earn some side money with it if you do it right, and if the system is good. Not every MLM is the same, as I said the 2 or 3 others were really scams. One instant sign is that you must buy products regularly or else you're out. That's not sustainable. Or paying membership fees, that's the same, you just don't even get products for that money.
If you think of it as a loyalty reward program, it works better. You get discount on the products the more you buy them and the more you recommend them to others. That's why the products do matter. If you like them, the reward program is a good way to get them cheaper. And then it is not really a job when you recommend them to your friends. You do that with a lot of products anyway without getting rewards for it. Some of your friends are not interested in the reward program but they like the products and will buy from you but only if the products are good. So if your goal is to get the products cheaper and maybe even earn a little money on the side, it can work for you. If you want to become a millionaire or leave your regular job, that's not a good idea. If you can recruit A LOT of people from the first group (wants the reward program), it can be done, but with A LOT of work, luck, you need good people skills and even then you may fail, and you have to recognize it in time. It's just like starting your own enterprise. 90%+ fails.
So my parents have been doing it for 10 years. If it was a real pyramid scheme they would be millionaires but they're not. We use the products because they're good, and we get them kind of free because some friends are also buying them through my parents. Sometimes the discount comes up to more than 100% and they even earn profits, sometimes it's less but they're not losing the money, they get products that we use. Other than that, they got a lot of things that cannot be measured in money. They met a lot of good friends with whom they're working together. Here, you can choose your coworkers, not like in a regular job. They're spending some of their free time on MLM, which would otherwise be spent on watching TV or drinking in bars whatever. They learn people and business skills. They truly become better persons.
The community is not this good everywhere, and it's not for everyone (I know it's not for me). And yes, there are a lot of scammers as well. I get your point and it's good to warn people about the pitfalls and to watch out for scammers. I'm just saying that it CAN be done in a clever way, and that not every MLM is a scam. Btw I'm talking about Amway but keep in mind that its system can differ from place to place, and the community is very important too.

5 years ago

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That's a far cry from being your own boss, quit your job and own an enterprise. That looks like having a little side pocket money by working hard and selling cleaning products. That's not what they offer.

How many people can they get if they tell the truth?

5 years ago*

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thanks for sharing, I'm gonna read something about this and your country's situation tonight.. here in Europe we really don't get any kind of news from the world =\

5 years ago

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