I'd say it should "Adjustments" not "adjustment" but other than that, it looks good! Maybe use "and more!" instead of " and other formats you need" but that's more stylistic.
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What this question means, if I am interpreting it correctly, is this: Are you making the adjustments to the software so that the options are fixed, or is the end-user making the adjustments to his/her own project?
If the former, you might want to phrase it that way: "Adjustments to the software for individual users' needs may be made by the developer," or something along these lines.
Otherwise, I'd let it stand, because the second option is implied by the statement. It's a quibble, really, because the statement as it reads could mean either one, but the end-user might be extremely disappointed and give you a poor review if he/she can't make the adjustments because you've limited the options and he/she misinterpreted this statement in his/her favor.
This issue is related to an implied warranty of merchantability and fitness of purpose: https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Warranty+of+merchantability
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im trying to tell that if someone wanted to buy the pre-made design that i made, and if he wanted to change the color or text before he buy it, i can make the adjustment and change it for him. And after he buy the design, he own the full rights to use, change and manage the design to whatever he wanted it to be. Im would also write (i didnt put it here because i think its already correct
xD) that the the design is sell as an exclusive design, which, after the buyer buy the design, he would own the full rights of the design
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Not really able to do much without an understanding of the context but, working off the contextual framework suggested by Lev's comment just above, here's the formatting put more closely in line with typical "market speech" [which isn't necessarily the most desirable if the topic isn't marketing].
Available in the format you need- AI, EPS, PDF, and more!
Each color available with different layers!
[with-> in, different-> multiple?]
Adjustments can be made as needed!
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hii, sorry for not including the contect, but its kind of like an information text that i would put on the post for the design that i sell
anyway, thank you for the advice
oh, and what is the meaning of "[with-> in, different-> multiple?]" ?
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oh, and what is the meaning of "[with-> in, different-> multiple?]" ?
Depending on context, the phrasing might be different. I was just offering possible substitutions.
That is to say:
Each color available with different layers! could perhaps be better phrased as Each color available in multiple layers!
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This comment is copyright by pusella.
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it's the currect phrase,but is just my opinion maybe i'm wrong,i'm not perfect lol
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Might I suggest...
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cool :D
• can you explain why the first sentence is not using on? and is it important to add "may"?
• oh, on the second sentence, im trying to tell that i separated the colors on the different layers for each of the colors. e.g. there are 2 colors, red and blue, i put any object of the design that colored red into one layer (red layer), and i did the same with the blue one. im using photoshop and illustrator XD
• is it? XD ahaha, so this is like the second image that contain information (the sentences above) after the first image which is the design (im about to post it to instagram), and im trying to tell that any adjustment or change can be made for the the design (first image), that way i said "adjustment can be made". im not sure if its totally wrong XD
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can you explain why the first sentence is not using on?
Generally "in" is more possessive-associative, while "on" is generally more relative-associative. Technically there are exceptions- "on notebook paper, in my binder" should theoretically match to "in PDF format, on my computer", but clearly has the formatting switched.
To explain the latter ("in PDF format, on my computer") structure: Being in PDF format indicates that it's posessive to that format, meaning it can't easily be transitioned out of it- ergo, indicating more of a posessive/linked association. Whereas saying "on my computer" or "on my website" indicates that it could perhaps be presented on another computer or website- ergo, indicating more of a relative/temporary association.
The explaination for the other formatting ("on notebook paper, in my binder") gets a bit more peculiar: In this case, "in" simply means "inside", and therefore avoids the more meaningful associative connotations entirely*. The "on" retains its relative use, as the indication is that the text or artwork on the paper could theoretically be presented elsewhere (for example, being redrawn or scanned into a computer).
* That is to say, it's the subtle difference between "can I have this in blue" and "can I have this in[side of] a blue box". It's clear in the latter statement that the item in question is not inherently associated with the blue box, but is associated with being blue itself with the first statement. You wouldn't use "on" for the box, as that would indicate your placing the item on top of the box, rather than inside of it. In summary, the in/on formatting you'd use changes depending on if you're referring to the nature of the object [eg, in PDF format or in blue coloration, on a computer or on a website], or whether you're referring to its physical location [in or on top of a box].
Again, that's more of a peculiarity. of context. For the kind of topic that is in discussion, it's generally reliable to go with "in" for formats and "on" for mediums for presentation, as per the previous example.
and is it important to add "may"?
Yes. In addition to potenitally making the sentence just sound "off", excluding such phrasing in English can also potentially make your phrasing come across as overly forceful or insistant- which'd give a rude or scammy impression. When in doubt over what phrasing'd cause offense, in English you should rely on using soft modifying terms [in this case, "may"; More broadly, the use of words like "may" or "can" should be used in place of words like "will" or "must" or in place of a lack of any modifying terms at all] and non-personal terms [ie, avoid "you" where possible, if making general statements].
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Yoooooo! Thanks; this is a much more in-depth and technical explanation than I could've given! You must have an English degree; mine's in another language, so I have a good feel for how language comes together, but I don't always know the terminology.
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Available on means it is accessible on a platform or carrier media. Available on CD, DVD. Available on Xbox, PlayStation. It is the thing that carries the thing.
Available in means the format of the thing that can be used. Available in widescreen or letterbox format. Available in MP3 or FLAC. Available in red or blue.
(Side note: You managed to surprise me, based on the phrasing and style I would have guessed you are from Latin America, not the SEA region. I guess I am a bit out of practice.)
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I hate to be that gal, but I'm wondering if this bullet-point format of advertising might not be a good fit for this. You might want to consider just a flat description of the service you're providing, or have the bullet points just be the different kinds of options that are available. For example, available formats, available colors (if relevant), available graphics (if you have any shapes or anything you can add to it), how many bits of text can be put into a single work. That kind of thing is much more informational, and while it might be a bit less exciting and eye-grabbing, it is a very no-nonsense way to let prospective customers know what they're getting, and I, personally, would appreciate something like that.
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• for the second sentence, it's a bit important, some client usually asks whether the design is ready or not to be printed for an apparels, that is why i include the second sentence, to make clear that i already separated the color of the design, so the client doesn't need to separate by himself
• I'm a bit confused, I'm afraid that if i write "custom orders available" that would not pointing out to the first image (which is the current design that i sell). By writing "adjustment can be made" (the awkward one XD) above, i point out to the first image (the design) that if someone wanted to buy the design, and want to lets say change the text, i can make the adjustment to change the text to their name or brand name, and without an extra charge. But I think I would also write down "custom order available" on the caption to tell that i'm open for commission or custom work
At first i wanted it to be a flat or short description, but im afraid it wont give the complete information to the client or audience XD
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I like talgaby's version the most. Clear and precise. Although I still don't know what different layers for each color mean or do exactly. So if your clients are going to be noobs like me, maybe it'll be easier to sell your product after rephrasing this point to something simpler :)
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sorry for my poor english, i wasnt be able to explain it as clear as possible XD, i mean that adobe illustrator have layer feature, we can create a lot of layer, and inside of a layer, we can store or put a lot of shape (outline, color, shadow, and many other parts of the design) into that one layer. I manage to sort the color of the design, and stored it to an individual layer, based on the shape's color. e.g. all of the red shapes are stored into "red layer", and all of the blue shapes, are also stored into the "blue layer". So, every color is separated into different layer
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hi guys, i need some little help here to correcting these sentences
these sentences is an information that i would put on the post for the design that i sell
is there anything wrong guys?
or can you guys help me with an alternative sentence
thank you and really apreciate for those who help :)
*and sorry for my poor english XD, i mean, i really have a little knowledge about english XD
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