Hi guys, I started playing BR recently, and I was wondering if it is in any way Pay to win (P2W), and if everything, including all cosmetic stuff is unlockable by in game money. I found the menu to be little more confusing, I saw option to buy some cosmetic stuff by both real world money and in game money, but it did not look like all of it was available :D.
Thanks :D

11 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

11 years ago

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Some cosmetic stuff isn't unlockable by in-game money, all the weapons are unlockable though at a certain level. At the beginning customize the heck out of a SMG and focus on low recoil, fast reload and close range scope ( i chose the hologram one ). After you grow up a lil go on combat rifle with a long range scope instead of sniper focusing on high damage, though the recoil will be huge you'll need only 2 shots for a kill ( Both headshots ), counting the fast firerate, the TTK for a frag with a CR would take about 0.5 seconds. Note : Don't try close range with combat rifle at those settings.

That's what i did anyway and was considered a hacker and got some neat scores like 17/4, 15/0, 22/4 ( Check my screenshots )

11 years ago

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Thanks for a tip :D, I received combat rifle from mmobomb giveaway, and I have to say, it is very powerful :D. I will stick to that for a while (actually, 3 days only, lol :D ).

Close range combat was never really my way of fighting, middle range was, even in MW2. I sucked with snipers though :D

11 years ago

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Trust me, the SMG i told you about pwns at 40m ( Considered mid-long-range in BL:R ) if you know how to burst fire it.

11 years ago

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Ok dude, I will build one myself :). Thanks for tip!:D appreciate it :)

11 years ago

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Yes the game is pretty mutch builded up on Money... but i like it beacuse they usally put you in good games with people in the same lvl and with the same skill :) but yes the game is really mutch P2W :/ i would suggest you to get Ghost Reacon Online :D it is amazing to if you like tactics games but some stuff is also pay 2 get weapons but not mutch :D

11 years ago

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You either don't know what P2W means, or don't have any idea how blacklight works.

11 years ago

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I completely agree.

11 years ago

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I've yet to play a free game which is not P2W.

11 years ago

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Solitaire, Pinball, Spider Solitaire, FreeCell

11 years ago

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So F2P games like TF2, LoL and Dota2 are P2W for you or you just haven't played them just like BL:R and are saying bs.

11 years ago

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league of legends

11 years ago

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Super MNC

11 years ago

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World of Tanks ;)

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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really depends also you need to know if a game is free 2 play the devs have to make money somehow so the whole concept of F2P is weird coz its ok to monetize on cosmetic stuff but not on each and every in-game item

11 years ago

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This game is NOT pay 2 win, I've played it a TON of hours, and you only need to play the game to unlock stuff, and you can buy the 3-day weapons to build enough level to PermaBuy. Also, you get reward each level so you don't have to waste GP.
Think it like Tribes: Ascend model.

It's not P2W.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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Wow. So many idiots here. I've played Blacklight: Retribution for more than 450 hours. It is not P2W in any way. Almost everything can be bought permanently with game money, and the other guns that can't can still be rented with game money. The only stuff that requires IRL $$$ are most camos, most taunts, and loadout slots. Loadout slots are mostly for convenience. And there are some camos and taunts purchasable with game money. Hell, look at Combat Arms. The best weapons require real $$$. In blacklight, a player who has spent $0 will have no disadvantage (apart from skill/and items which can be bought with game money) compared to a player who has spent say $40.

11 years ago

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No. It is not pay to win.

It's actually one of the few F2P multiplayer games that are actually well balanced. The only advantage to paying is that you get some equipment sooner, and even then that won't guarantee you stomping everyone.

11 years ago

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^This, their premade guns also allow lower levels to have the same gear as high levels

11 years ago

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Conforming with my tastes, none of the premade guns are actually good enough for me and the 2 setups i said down below ( or up above ) worked the best for me. Combat Rifle was most used by me in that city map, forgot it's name.

11 years ago

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If anything it's Pay to Save Time, the new trend in F2P games where paying money removes the grinding aspect from the game. I enjoy the grinding though so I can actually justify being a jew for once.

11 years ago

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One of the most played games on my computer, haven't spent any real money on guns or anything. All it takes is dedication to get all the gear you want but this is easily earned and is at most reasonably priced also the renting system and the pre-mades give you the opportunity to use high level weapon builds.

11 years ago

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You can technically grind for everything but cosmetics I think, but unlocking guns takes forever(At least permanent ones).

So basically you are stuck with the beginner guns which aren't bad BUT if you are anything like me you like to change it up a lot which is impossible unless you put tons of time into it. So its not that fun for me, I would need to put way over the price of a retail game to get enjoyment out of it since I am not one to game for hours at a time in one game.

So....its not P2W, its more like pay for fun or F2P if you are ok with basic gear...

11 years ago

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Lemme put it this way:
In blacklight I can make up the rental of a shotgun, SMG and revolver in <40mins.
In Repulse (a F2P game that has since dies) the same rentals would take 3.5 HOURS to make up their 1 day rentals.
Blacklight has the best pricing of any F2P game, period.

11 years ago

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Thats the thing, its fine for some people but I don't even usually game for 40 mins at a time even,if it takes me around 40 mins to unlock the guns I want to use as soon as I enter a game, the game losses all the appeal to me. Now lets say I want to change to a sniper all of a sudden, now I have to play longer just to unlock that gun. This would all be fine if they were not timed guns. I know you can unlock permanently but that takes a bit of grinding.

Also I disagree, Super MNC is the best I have ever seen a f2p do honestly. Tera and Aion also do it better imo, even tribes to an extent is easier to unlock permanents. All my opinion of course.

Thats all, its not a bad system but its not for everyone, was just answering the OP.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Tbh I never spent a cent on that game but I played and enjoyed it a lot, if you're good at fps you should not have any problem... I just bought weapon's parts with the in game money (GP), and unlocked them leveling up!:) I won a lot of matches against players at low level with weapons unlocked at higher levels, or against high level players... For me it is a really good game, and the best thing it's F2P ;) Try it and if you don't like it just don't play it... in every game I saw if you pay, you'll have more chance to "win"... It's not so different!:)

11 years ago

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No. I pretty much raped my enemies with the default class.

Buying that medikit thing and that proxy-mine will help you to survive sometimes, but i'd say it's not essential.
And if you really need to change something on your weapon, the points you get from playing are more than enough to purchase those parts (just buy it for a few days)

11 years ago

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Just level and grind you can unlock everything by leveling and playing.

11 years ago

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Not at all. Default class often has a high score, which means you can get a high score (or even be the lead player) without buying anything. If you want to buy something, you'll eventually earn what you need to buy it. Also, you get free stuff whenever you level up.

The only F2P games that I've played and think actually feel like totally free games are Blacklight Retribution, Team Fortress 2, Super MNC, and that weird Gotham game.

11 years ago

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Its a shame that Gotham City Imposters has such bad server support...rather liked it.

11 years ago

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Me too. I just forgot the name. =)

11 years ago

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I loved GCI, to bad it does have bad server support. :/

11 years ago

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Nope, I haven't spent a penny in BLR and I still dominate most games.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by SausageFaerg.