Yeah, I thought about that for a few minutes before posting.
Oh, well! I guess there's no point worrying about it.
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While there's certainly no point in worrying about what random individuals are doing with their lives or what their perspectives toward you are, there is in fact a benefit to carefully considering an action that you've already determined will get negative response, as far as determing the reason why it'd get you a negative response. Stating that you're doing something you've already deemed as being negative [in the sense of being lacking in merits, not in the sense of being troublesome] just for the heck of it [ie, not for a productive purpose] doesn't exactly give the best impression as to your character, maturity, and/or impulse control.
Not that I'm stating that that was the perspective you were commenting from, I'm just noting that the cavalier way you presented your sentiments would only serve to further any negative impressions. Likewise, I'm not knocking your thread itself- though I can't say I understand the impetus for it or any benefit from it- but you should probably avoid comments that reinforce the opinion that you're being willfully spammy just for the sake of being such (that itself presumably being the main reason blacklist threads encourage additional blacklists, outside of the more obvious cause that is the entitlement and rudeness that so often pervades such threads). :P
To answer your thread topic, assuming you were blacklisted after accepting your gift, the obvious answer would be that you were blacklisted for not visibly expressing any gratitude for the gift you received. Beyond that consideration, it's pretty fruitless to worry about the matter, which makes threads such as these meaningless self-indulgences, rather than a productive use of anyone's time. (That is to say, if an answer can't be determined, then the only basis for a thread such as this is in venting. Which in itself isn't usually an issue, but the matter is rather a meager one to bother bringing up.)
In any case, putting all that aside, you're being far too specific on who you're having issue with, which means you're at significant risk of being suspended for violating the site's "no calling out" rule. If you feel this thread does have merit enough to warrant keeping it open, then you should consider removing any details indicating which giveaway is being referenced.
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I disagree. I prefer someone who communicates in direct terms and tells what they feel (as long as they're a nice person, of course) to someone who is more interested in manipulating people's reactions.
Knowing you got blacklisted is always interesting, especially if you're interested in improving your behaviour. Just ignoring actions because you can't understand them doesn't lead anywhere.
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There is a topic about "how you get blacklisted" but I would not care about it at all.
See the thing is: people will blacklist you for everything. When you have your own opinion, when you say thank you to much or never, when you have a bad ratio, when you do GAs for games they don't like, when you do puzzles, when you do events, when you not give them blueheart and i can go on and on...
Not sure why you got a blacklist. Maybe because you did not say thank you after you recived the game (I'm happy to see a thank you when people win something from me)
Maybe because of some other reasons. Just don't think about it. (and prob. even this topic and my answer will gain us some blacklists ^^ )
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Huh. Fair enough!
I actually found out because I was trying to leave a thank you. :P
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Your ratio is fine.
In terms of SG Etiquette, just say thanks when you win something (except in cases like yours where you can't), and try to play the majority of your wins (winning games with no intention to play them is definitely looked down upon by quite a few people).
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Yeah, people black list for all sorts of random weird reasons. They'll black list for even mentioning black lists in your comments.
... well, crap.
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Did you say thanks after you won? That's good manners. Still, some GA creators blacklist their winners to spread their wins.
Also, your won/sent is good, so no worries
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Did you win some GA from the discussions? There are some giveaways that have rules like "You enter this GA and will be blacklisted for the rest of the GA's" If you understand what I mean. You might get unblacklisted after new years passes and all events end.
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Just relax. The may have blacklisted you, but they also may loose a sweet GA by you, since they can't enter your giveaways either. Anyway, I like your ratio and for what is worth have a π! Keep it up!
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Easy to check - he/she won just 3 games xD One looks like actual game (with simple graphics though) and one looks like your thypical steam "+1 game".
Thanks to flood of the last type - some people started to consider all 1p games as "+1 games".
Comment has been collapsed. Chances are you've probably triggered one of these. As others have said, people can blacklist you for breathing or typing a message on a forum so don't sweat it. Merry X'mas or Happy Holidays to you and focus your time on your family and friends rather than this as it really isn't worth it.
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Am I a 'low-quality' participant here?
When I first read your thread, I thought "hm, maybe someone with like 100 wins and 2 groups-only or RU/CIS GAs", but nope, nothing special here, a rather great ratio that not many people have (I know I don't... :( )
Is there a certain ratio of won:sent games that you think is appropriate, and what is that ratio?
When I used to do SGTools GAs, the ratio requirements I set was in the 0.2-0.4 range, excluding group or region restricted GAs.
I don't really bother much these days, I only set high level requirements because I assume people with a higher level will cause fewer problems and redeem their wins in a timely manner. Which unfortunately isn't as true as I'd like it to be π
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If you are following the rules and guidelines, do not think deeply. Do not worry. That is the best.
People sometimes ....
When you talk about Blacklist, you get on someone's Blacklist.
Enjoy SG :)
I used to offer a "prize for BOT detection", and set up a trap to add a lot to the block list.
To that end, I made such an article.
I was added to the black list of others and it increased from 0 to
It is not a purpose to win or to receive a game but to provide someone to have fun, if there is such a reason, there is no problem.
Recently, registration from Blacklist is canceled and it became half of it.
If your daily activities are good, time will be resolved.
Notes:This story includes partly exaggerated parts.XD
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Hur dur, use google before posting, bla bla bla.
added you to WL to maintain balance of the Force
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Since someone else also whitelisted him, one should blacklist him to maintain balance of the force
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Don't stress, it's not a dark mark on your character. With your ratio of giveaways they're the ones actually losing out.
I would just assume it's their normal routine to stop repeat winners. Not worth the worry either way, and you're a contributor with no obvious horrible jekyll & hyde moments in the public forums, so you're probably cool.
Besides, this time of year is supposed to be about having a good time, forget about it and bask in the uh... food coma? Yeah lets run with that haha.
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I haven't used this site much until recently.
I just moved up to Level 2 and actually won my first 'real' game! (Rebel Galaxy, which was previously in a bundle)
I was immediately blacklisted by the giveaway creator.
What's up? Am I a 'low-quality' participant here? Is this a normal thing that you'd do to help even out the distribution of games?
Is there a certain ratio of won:sent games that you think is appropriate, and what is that ratio?
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