Is TF2 worth playing again?
The cool thing about TF2 is that you can drop in and out whenever you'd like. The special stuff helps, but I don't feel like I'm helplessly crushed by people who have spent money on special items. Install it and fire it up. Worst case scenario is you remove it the same day...
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Sorry no card drops in F2P games. It might be different because you owned it before it went F2P but as far as I know every ~ 7 € spent ingame makes you eligible for 1 card drop.
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I see. Too bad I only have the Orange Box for console.
Probably gonna just buy the cards for the Lvl 5 badge sometime since they are not as expensive as I thought they were.
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The way its set up now, is you get a card drop for every 10$ you spend in game. Ive spent maybe 10-15$ of my own money, and then selling the things Ive dropped/traded for Ive got about 12 cards. I know you said youre not interested in the monetary side, but ya.
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Not interested in putting money into it. Says nothing about not selling whatever does drop.
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I stopped playing it ever since the latest update the game became unplayably laggy on my old rig
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Even though "good" is a very subjective analysis. I believe most would agree with that statement. Popular tends to be of lower quality, because of availability vs cost. For me it is like a steak vs a hot dog. TF2 is just a very good hot dog, but obviously we would all have the steak if we could.
Comment has been collapsed. well we'll have to find out this year, i thought you were part of the first 2 (2009, 2010) if you say you stopped when it went f2p (2011)
what's installed? a single player game is a good candidate to temporarily remove
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I stopped playing awhile before it went F2P. I guess I didn't state that clearly.
I do have a lot of abandoned single player games installed but I leave them there to remind me to play them again. The best candidate for uninstall is Modern Warfare 2 since I rarely play but every so often a friend will want to play.
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I haven't done the spec ops missions. I finished the campaign and then stuck to multiplayer. I mainly play Insurgency now so when I go back to MW2, I kinda hate it but sometimes my friends are persuasive. I'm in the eastern US and I used to run into hacked lobbies enough that I made a batch file to backup my profile. I like to work my way through ranks, not get hacked to level 70. And I did notice a MW2 patch some months ago. Made me chuckle.
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It´s still woth playing, no matter if you just want to casually dick around or actually have the incentive to get better. With the different gamemodes and classes I´m fairly that sure that most people would find something enjoyable as long as they give it a chance.
Community is different depending on where you go. EU generally has less people talking over mics. Official valve server has 80%+ players that are very new into the game meaning they´re not that skilled, 18% of people who are okayish and 2% really good who stomp the rest. Even tho it´s F2P cheaters aren´t much of a problem.
Community servers often have better players and they´re also more wiliing to communicate and work with actual teamwork~
There´s also a competitive community even tho I guess most non TF2 players and even the majority of players are not aware of since Valve does very little to support that side of the game which really is a shame if you look at how the handle CS:GO and Dota. However they did announce that matchmaking is on the way so hopefully it´ll take off eventually. And even without Valve´s support the comp community has done fairly well with tournaments, fundraisers to get the best NA teams to EU etc etc. Occasional shittalker like in any other game but most of them very nice.
Imma also leave a video here for that ;o
tl;dr: Yea go play it
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There are a couple different gamemodes. The 2 popular ones are "6s" and "Highlander".
Highlander is easier for new people to pick up since there´s 1 of each class. 1 scout, 1 solly, etc etc and each class has a different role since their abilities are different. For example a pyro is used to deny the enemy ubercharge as he can airblast them and so put the aggro away from the own combo key classes.
6s has been around for longer and usually features 2x scout, 2x solly, 1x demo and 1x medic. Over time that setup has just proven to have the best overall well ability to adjust to situations. Players can offclass to others when needed like an engy to defend last or whatever.
As I said due to Valve´s lack of support the comp scene ain´t that big compared to what others have. But there are casted games, tournaments with price pools, community created "matchmaking" and overall it´s impressive what the community achieved and there are without a doubt loadsa great people around.
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I just got back into it 3 month ago after a 2 year brake. The game is still in my opinion one of the most fun FPS. However on the same PC I played it on 2 years ago without a problem, now I have to play on minimum settings because of the amount of crap they added to the game (like effects on weapons and skins recently). So you might need a stronger than average PC to play it, but IMO it's worth getting into again.
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Are you serious? I play on my 5 years old laptop and i don't have any problems. :D
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Yes yes yes! Halloween coming soon = new cool events. I don't know how it is with you guys but i love it! They added new modes, new maps, new skins, new hats, etc.. I really like it! :)
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I'll vote no, but I will say that it's worth it if you have friends with whom to play with. If not, don't even bother. Oh yeah, the sheer size that this game has come to occupy on your hard drive might be a deterrent. It really was for me. It's ridiculous, given its outdated cartoonish graphics and I, for one, don't want to sacrifice this much for a rather mediocre game at this point, with a community made largely of d-bags (because it's free2play). At least League of Legends is smaller :-p.
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I voted yes, BUT, if you're not willing to put 5-10$ into it, then maybe no? The f2p pubs are nightmarish sometimes. I absolutely love Mann Up, and Gun Mettle was interestingly fun at first, plus I made some profit selling the stuff I got from it. And were right around the corner from the Invasion/Halloween update. Good of a time as any to come back.
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I was in the same boat as you, I bought TF2 for $20 at walmart, played it and after hundreds of hours, I stopped.
Then 7-8 months ago, I played it again, but the trading got to me. I made horrible trades until I got better. Now I have 1 tf2 key, some ref and an item sitting for the value to go up. or down. My own money spent: $20.. from when I bought it from walmart. I have never spent money on tf2 besides when I bought it.
gameplay wise.. it's ok.. you will want to go through trading to get better weapon and hats without spending money. You can sell your weapons of which should be Vintage by now. Vintage cost more, and that's how I started. If you have Vintage earbuds.. then you are already rich.
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Well the game is great for a free 2 play, most of all the matches are fairly balanced and the maps are well done and polished...
all in all not a bad game some people can be annoying on the mic and chat but there is a mute function so it isn't really a problem
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The community and all that is pretty much the same, game play and all that is also unchanged. You can buy stuff, but everything you can buy, you can get as drops, so you don't need to buy anything at all. It will just take longer to get things if you don't spend money. Since it became free there are more players, and servers as well, never takes long to find a match.
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"Ages" ago (2009) I bought The Orange Box for $10 (first purchase on my account!) and put in 160+ hours in Team Fortress 2. I was only mediocre but I had tons of fun. I haven't play it since it went F2P though. I didn't stop because it went F2P but because I started playing other games. However, I've been hesitant to get back into it because it is F2P (I think gameplay and community dynamics can take a toll in F2P games). I've been watching some TF2 streams when I'm bored and now I have a hankering to get back into it.
Is it worth playing again? Has much changed besides all the new weapons? I'm not interested in any money grabbing schemes by Valve so I have no intention of sinking money into the game. Will that lessen my enjoyment of the game? Do I still get item drops?
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
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