It's an open source website that lists top 250 games based on steam user ratings. It shows rank, title, genre and date, alongside with number of votes that were counted. Apparently it's using Wilson score to sort them out.

edit 1, 2017_11_25

They've changed default algorithm and added several pre-defined searches too, so the list is far more usable now.

7 years ago*

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View Results

The top ten only has one awesome game and 2 decent ones.
The trend continues, with 3/4 of the top 25 being utter crap

This is less than useless

7 years ago

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I agree that it's weird seeing Fallout New Vegas or CoJ Gunslinger far behind some "sexual content visual novel" game, but... from what I've seen on reddit, author is open to suggestions and people are already giving great advises on how to make it good. Or at least better.

7 years ago

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Troll reviews

7 years ago

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that's not true. the only people that buy those games are people that enjoy the genre, so of course it's going to have good reviews if it's anything past decent.

7 years ago

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Did you Know that companies pay for good Reviews?
Even the shit Games have good reviews

7 years ago

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where can I found them ??? it is good for us we get pay to reviews shity game that fine with me lol

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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+2 this list is clearly superior

7 years ago

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You cant make a global list that everyone will Like

7 years ago

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i like this part "Because overwhelmingly positive means more than IGN 10/10."

7 years ago

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Preorder now and get an exclusive item vs preorder now
9,99 vs 10
Big tasty vs tasty

7 years ago

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bad rats

7 years ago

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I was skeptical about the list when Ty the Tasmanian Tiger is further above than Witcher 3 in ratings. The gaming community was saturated with positive responses for the Witcher game at one point, but not a peep for the Ty game.

7 years ago

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It has 98% positive, while TW3 has only 97%, it would be weird if TW3 was on further on the list :)

7 years ago

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However, the number of reviews are radically different for both games. The positive scores for the Ty game(1409) have more weight to them than those of the Witcher 3 game(112266), so the list is still at fault for not considering positive score value based also on popularity.

7 years ago*

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Useless. The list takes into account games with a very low amount of positive reviews. Just because the game has 100 positive reviews, does not mean it should make the top 250. lol

7 years ago

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No, because there isn't an XCOM on #1.

7 years ago

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I support the above statement

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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It lacks the option to weigh-in by number of reviews so it's pretty dodgy, any bland and generic game can get some 50-100 positive reviews if the devs promise keys or something like that and then appear on the list.

7 years ago

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Well, I see One Finger Death Punch and Rabi-Ribi (and Portal 1 and 2, but come on- that's a given) really high so I guess I have to agree with the list even if I know very little about the majority of the other games in it. :D

Boring serious reply to thread:
Unfortunately, since people have different tastes, it is impossible to make an objective list of top games. Since they are listed along with genres this could mean that people can search by those instead, but they seem to have taken that information from the Steam tags which can be... unreliable.
The list has some uses though- in a way it shows how satisfied the people who bothered writing reviews for those games were with what they were expecting and what they got. I'd guess that's why there are so many anime games there- most people who don't like anime games tend to not buy them, therefore leaving the majority of people who did satisfied since they knew those were games they had an interest in.

7 years ago*

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I've never heard of at least half of the top 25 and the rest seem way off from where I would place them. Also, early access shouldn't even be included.

7 years ago

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I don't know, man. How is a beat-up volleyball qualified to rank games?

7 years ago

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Where's Bad Rats? :(

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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With only "yes or no" votes on steam this list will not work.
Seeing games get smashed because some wired decision that not even affect the gameplay by itself makes the list unaccurate.

Of cause people should vote with their wallet when a company acts strange and they don't like it. But sometime it get's out of control.
For example "We happy few". The game launched 1.5 years ago in EA for 20€ (or 30€? don't remember). They said from beginnen that the price will raise over the time. Then this year they got Gearbox as publisher and startet also to sell a Pre-Order option of the game. With this they changed the price to the upcomming full price (but also said this 4 weeks infront so people could still get it at the lower price)
Before the pricechange the game was "mostly positiv" now it's "mostly negativ". The game itself didn't changed at all.
Steam Page

This is just on example. There are games that got voted down because some of the devs did some strange things like claiming copyrights at youtube or saying something wrong and all that.

7 years ago

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True, but author of the website nor any of us can affect that. Only Valve can/could change rating system on steam.

7 years ago

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In that case, the players are just trying to rebalance the score a little prematurely. Since Gearbox touched it and it is not a game with Borderlands in the title, the trends of the past years show that it will be a bland game which will be dead and forgotten within 24 months. It is inevitable and might as well pre-adjust the score to reflect that.

7 years ago

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It's not a multiplayer and Gearbox is only publisher. So I would not think about Battleborn at this game.
It's not a "rebalance", it's a shittrain because some internetrambos don't like a decision of the dev-team. It's even okay to say "fuck this i don't like gearbox".

The question is: if it would not be gearbox, would the reviews look like the same? The Answer is to 99% NO. You can't say this game is good or bad based on reviews if people are still spamming reviews with some stuff that dosn't have anything to do with the gameplay.

We Happy Few is just one example. There are more like this.

7 years ago

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Where are the Elder Scroll games?

7 years ago

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The only good Elder Scrolls game, Morrowind, is too old for most Steam users. Heck, it is older than most Steam users.

The others are popular, but popular does not equal high-rated (or good). The most popular game on Steam right now is struggling to maintain a 50% global score.

Also, ever since Bethesda re-introduced paid mods, most of the TES and their Fallout games have been review-bombed to death. This was the entire reason Valve introduced the review trends graph and promised Bethesda (and the users) that they will try to devise a system against review bombings.

7 years ago

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While I agree that unmodded, Morrowind is the best, I still like the other 2 (not counting ESO) very much. But that's not the point of this thread.
But that list is still very flawed. The number of reviews should have a lot more weight.

7 years ago

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Wow they group games with over 1000,000 votes along with those with just a few hundred....

Where’s the logic in that?

7 years ago

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players opinion depend also on different thing. they could put 9.0 to a great 60€ AAA game and 9.9 to a poor 1$ because their expectation from those games were different to begin with. if no mans sky was 3€ and didn't overselled their game with their publicity i would have said it was worth it, yet you can be certain that i won't say it is as of now..

7 years ago

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if TY the Tasmanian Tiger is in the top10 best steam game, im ready to move back to console gaming

7 years ago

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Thank you anyway I found some new interesting looking games I've never heard before 😉

7 years ago

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A Hat In Time <3

7 years ago

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As it was mentioned in the thread previously, I'd rather prefer
At least here the list seems to have a 1k vote entry minimum (10k for top25).

Although I admit, even the linked site could be good for an average gamer to maybe try something new and find games in a new genre that seem to be generally well-received. So in this regard, it can be helpful and useful.

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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