I thought about pre-ordering the game but since BF4 im pretty afraid to do that
In general i would like to know who already bought it and if u didnt , why not ?


11 years ago*

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gameplay is really refreshing, but for 50 dollars they asking too much for mp game and many people hates origin. I dont see it as main problem

11 years ago

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Another cookie cutter FPS title is refreshing? Please.

11 years ago

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There's no reason to pre-order, just wait

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Why pre-order? To experience the laggy Servers at launch-day? :-)

11 years ago

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I haven't played the beta, but I've watched plenty of videos. Here are some reasons why I will not be buying it:

The Titans seem like an annoying gameplay feature.
The soldiers jumping and flying abilities seem like an annoying gameplay feature.
6v6 doesn't sound fun, especially when I'm paying $50-$60.
Origin isn't fun.
EA is the devil.

11 years ago

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Only 6v6? They'll probably add game-modes... At least i hope they do so.

11 years ago

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I've played the Beta

Titans are are not that annoying of a gameplay feature since they are easy to take out alone

Soliders don't fly around they have a double jump feature

6V6 is okay in that game since the maps (betas) wern't that big and anymore would be kinda anoying

You're right Orgin isn't fun since it just an online game store (like steam is) but made by EA not VALVe

EA is pretty shitty good thing they're just the publisher of this game nothing else.

11 years ago

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If one soldier (without a Titan), can take out a Titan easily, then it's still annoying.

I understand the soldiers can't fly. I was referring to how they dart around the map. Something more experienced players will no doubt exploit. Think of those ridiculous sprinting prone jumps from COD.

Maybe 6V6 is ok, but I can't pay so much money for matches that small :/

10 years ago

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Origin just sucks, let`s be real , never works , it even does not want to reset my password and such things..

11 years ago

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lol, Origin works perfectly fine for me (and many others).

10 years ago

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Do you realize that without those features you don't like, the game is just another CoD?

10 years ago

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There are much worse multiplayer games out there than COD.

10 years ago

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the beta was great and i guess i will buy it eventually, but not for full price.

11 years ago

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Played the beta...
will be buying but not direct of origin at the price they are charging,found it on web for around £30.00 to £40.00
was interested in game before beta,but did not plan on getting as dislike EA,but after playing lots of fps/cod games i was very impressed by the game-play and how well the titans work in game.6v6 was good but yes i hope they increase the amount of players on maps to 8v8 or 10v10 but any more would make game almost unplayable if the other team all gets titans at same time....
so up to you if you want to wait and see or get before but i would recommend getting game if you like fps/hell even if you've not played and fps

11 years ago

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you don't believe in punctuation, do you? xD

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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haven't pre-ordered it, as current price is too much for just a MP game. Game is no doubt. Will be waiting for sale or some third party source. One thing I don't understand why most of the people hate origin? I don't see any problems in it. I agree its not as good as Steam but I don't see any problems there, no connectivity issue, no major bugs. I would really like to know why Origin is hated by people?

11 years ago

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they believe EA is the root of all evil, so of course they automatically hate every related piece of software.

11 years ago

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Origin is a really shitty program and EA is a shit and evil company, I don't blame them for the hate. But titanfall doesn't look worth more than 30 dollars. Honestly it should be free with an in-game store like all the other MOBAs and free-to-play shooters, because thats what it is, COD in moba form, just the minions are even more braindead than in LoL or Dota, and there are ALOT fewer classes/customization options/titans to choose from, hell even COD has more customization.

11 years ago

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Do you know what beta means?

  • It was open beta, they've just given you taste of the game.
11 years ago

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implying Open Beta means they really still work on the content

11 years ago

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There were only 4 guns in the game. Of course they're adding more content.. max level was 14.

11 years ago

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EA is evil, they ruined a lot of game franchises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-LE0ycgkBQ

11 years ago

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they also made whole genres possible, like e.g. god games. they published populous back in the day, when no one else wanted to take that risk. without EA, we maybe wouldn't have gotten god games as we know them. and who knows, maybe even peter molyneux games in general (and he made some of the most awesome games of all time).

10 years ago

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It's simply. Because it's not steam. And it's an EA product with bad sales.
My biggest problem is, that i can't launch origin games with steam overlay. All my friends are on steam and they have to invite me to voice chat (with that annoying phone ring), when i play BF4 for example. Even uplay is better, because of this. I can easily launch a uplay game with steam overlay.
Also there are connectivity issues! Especially when a new update/game comes out. I had to wait a half day when titanfall came out. There were a lot of errors when i tried to download it.

11 years ago

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Stay away from Titanfall, it's an EA title and is't basically a MOBA shooter, and it's probably going to go into that "competetive" leauge shit, so it's going to be filled with try-hards and self-centered elitest retards.

But as a general rule, DO NOT PRE-ORDER GAMES, the only exception I have made was Star Citizen, but that's because it's funded by the community and not a publisher, I suppose any kickstarter is an exception if you want to risk it, but otherwise, do no ever pre-order games. And if they are giving some bullshit OP thing or free DLC or whatever with the pre-order don't be tempted. Look at Aliens: Colonial marines, loved that game because they kept it hush-hush about how abd it really was and used illusuions of marketing to make it look good, and gave us a pile of shit, almost pre-ordered it. Rome 2 is another example, horrible game, and they ahve bullshit DLC, like restircting playable nations unles you pay 20 dollars, and blood dlc. BLOOD DLC. FIVE DOLLARS TO SEE BLOOD IN YOUR GAME!

tl;dr NEVER! EVER! PRE-ORDER A GAME! EVER! (kickstarters are an exception, at your own risk)

11 years ago

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I pre-order shit all the time, not for PC though. Yesterday I picked up Thief (PS4) and Tales of Symphonia Chronicles (PS3). Both were pre-ordered.

11 years ago

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I don't really recommend preordering any games because each year more games are broken and/or seriously flawed on launch. I'll wait for it to come out to see how stable is it.

The game is good though. I enjoyed the beta. The only thing to be afraid of is map packs, CoD style.

11 years ago

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The best advise I could give is- don't pre-order stuff unless you're given enough good "freebies" with them to cover the cost in case it's shit. No freebies, absolutely no point in pre-ordering.

11 years ago

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A lot of people here seem to be negative just for the sake of it. The open beta was loads of fun and knocked out pretty much any other shooter I've played. The price is high, to an extent, it seems like all us pc gamers have some kind of entitlement to getting every game lower than $20.
And how many people here saying "it's bad and don't get it" have even played it?
Also while EA may be exceptionally greedy, here's something you don't seem to get, ALL publishers are greedy. Most companies in any category are faceless and have a simple goal of a higher end profit.

Oh and the games bomb, preordered after I played the beta for a few days.

11 years ago

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I haven't bought it yet but I will buy it soon, the beta was much fun. However, there's no real reason to preorder it, you can just wait. There are no in-game bonuses of any kind for preordering it.

11 years ago

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reading some not payed review and forums i think this will be Titanfail, 6vs6, small and lienar map, full price for a Mp game, graphics is the same old gen graphic...ttitan not so well implemented...well i think this game will be a F2= game very soon

11 years ago

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i see here a bounch of little kids. Wood brain as i call 'em.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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So, if no one EVER pre-ordered, how would one tell if the game was buggy as hell or a terrible game? It seems a lot of people don't trust reviewers anymore so what should people do?

11 years ago

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The people shouldn't have to do anything. The developers and the publishers, however, shouldn't be releasing games that are buggy or of low quality in the first place.

Devs and pubs get away with releasing substandard games in part because consumers pre-order them. It's a vicious circle.

11 years ago

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Cost you like 33€ on g2a pre order, but I don't recommend pre ordering anyways.

11 years ago

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I don't understand why people are hating on Origin. The support is better, they have a refund policy and Valve is pretty much the same as EA. Any real CSGO player will be able to tell. They keep putting out more microtransactions without supporting the game properly. They add an auto pistol, laggy servers, unoptimized game, 64 tick servers (anyone who has a 120hz monitor will be shafted) and the amount of cheaters/hackers in the higher ranks is insane. You pretty much hit a wall if you're a legit player because you just can't survive the wave of cheaters.

On topic now. Titanfall is a really fun game and it's a refreshing fps. If it had a singleplayer to talk about the world it would be worth the $60 since the world looks like it would have an interesting story. If it's multiplater only I expect about 10-20 maps and 4-8 game modes. We're talking about $60. We pay that much for a game with a passing singleplayer, 5-8 maps and 3-5 game modes. Removing the single player (with a game like this I would enjoy a single player expansion if the multiplayer is REALLY good) causes the value of the game to go down. I'll most likely just wait until it goes down to $30-$40. If you ask me you should never pay full price on a PC game. They go on sale so often and so randomly you can just wait a month or two and get it for 30%-50% off and it's fully patched and reviews are in and people know how the game plays out.

11 years ago

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At CSGO part, you confuse server ticks with FPS.

I'm curious what higher ranks you're talking about, I rarely see any cheaters in competitive or otherwise.

However I do agree that the game runs worse and worse every update :/

11 years ago

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No the tick rate. The tick rate is 64 which means that the server is counting whats going on 64 frames per second. That isn't a problem for people running the game at 50-70 fps (which is about 60%-70%) but if you're running the game at a really high framerate (120hz monitors for example since they only display 120 frames on the screen) it's only keeping track of about half of what's on the screen which leads to bullets not registering and other problems.

11 years ago

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Server ticks and client FPS are two diferent things.

Also monitors are irelevant here.

10 years ago

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You don't understand it because you don't pay enough attention.

Origin is not bad.
Origin's support is not bad - or not worse, than the average IT support.
Origin is run by a dickhead company, that constantly aims for the next epic fail of corporate fuck ups and franchise vandalism.

Many people dislike Origin, even if they'd get the games for free, for the simple reason of its owner - EA.
And as long as EA keeps being an utter asshole and keep staying true to their greedy mentality - milking, ruining and slaughtering entire franchises - most people will keep refusing them, their platform and their products, regardless of the quality or price.
They have their asshole mentality, we have ours, and I think it's only fair.

And who said Valve was a saint?
Valve with their regional pricing and lock policy, as well as all the micro-transaction stuff can also go fuck themselves. The only difference is, Valve is a lesser evil compared to EA or SEGA, but it still is one.

// my 2 cent to this whole "why people hate origin" drama.

11 years ago

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Yea the only problem is people go around saying Origin is terrible bla bla bla and most don't really say anything beyond that. You can't bash the software if it works.

11 years ago

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But look, this is not any different with Valve.

Nobody here would say "fuck Valve for their regional locks" (well I just said it), instead everyone's insulting Steam, because Steam is the embodiment of Valve, and so is Origin the embodiment of EA.

So if people say "fuck Steam's regional locks", they actually mean "fuck Valve's regional locks". And if people say "fuck Origin's stupid policies" or whatever, they actually address EA with that. The Origin client itself is only a piece of software as you said, it all depends on who is the owner of the said software.

Little example: If Valve sold Steam to EA, people who are long term Steam fans would start insulting and flaming Steam, not because Steam stopped working, but simply because it's now owned by a company those people dislike. Valve would still be the saint innocent lamb for most here.

It sounds strange, but if you pay attention and observe those heated discussions for a while, you will come to the same conclusion.

11 years ago

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EA tried to buy Valve company for 1 billion dollars...So a message to all this wood brain kids haters: EA ain't give, never will give a fuck for you! I personally like EA's products...but so much wood kids...don't even bother to talk to them :)

11 years ago

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I never preorder and preferably I want to actually test what I buy before I do.

11 years ago

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It was in open beta and there was also closed beta..

11 years ago

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The beta was an incomplete version of the actual game. It was missing maps, additional guns, and additional game modes, along with a bunch of other features.

Anyway, betas are almost never a true indication of how the actual release is going to run. Take a look back at Red Orchestra 2's beta tests, or Battlefield 4's beta. Initial appearances can be very deceiving.

11 years ago

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Well, the beta is more like a demo, but it would've been useful to see how it actually plays and feels... and how it runs on my machine. I didn't know there was an open beta though... I signed up and didn't get any reply.

But anyway, I don't really trust pre-demos/betas to preorder a game... expecially since there's really no benefit in doing so, I want to see the finished product before I can decide on buying, like a free weekend :P

10 years ago

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Im going to buy it on CDKEY webpage, preorder have no sense for me cause they didnt give anthing with taht. I played beta and think is really good game.

11 years ago

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Well thanks for sharing ur opinion
I planned on pre-ordering it from a cdkey website that sells it for aroud 25 pounds
and im pretty sure i read on their Facebook that u get the first DLC or something

Anyways I guess i should wait for like a month to see if there are they problems or people are getting sick of it fast

11 years ago

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I liked the beta but 60 € is too much expensive for me. After some researches I bought it at 32.99€ (£27) here

11 years ago

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10 years ago

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I loved the beta, quite frankly. My boyfriend did too as we played together, so I'm lucky he got us both a copy. I honestly wouldn't get it this early if it had been me. It's easy to fall into distrust when it comes to pre-orders nowadays (same with Early Access). Pretty excited for Titanfall however. :)

11 years ago

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Don't preorder games published by EA !
Wait a week after release and take a look if they bugged it to death or not !

11 years ago

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Truth be told I haven't seen or heard of any real bugs. Seems like EA has learned their lesson and isn't rushing the dev team, but who knows. Still I don't pre-order games nor buy them at full price. I just wait a month or two and get it on a 50%-75% off sale. If the game turns out to have a LOT of content and it's bug free I'll think about purchasing it at release price, but as Total Biscuit said these devs are DLC happy. Combine that with EA being DLC happy means we will see a season pass or 2-4 dlc packs for it so I might still just wait a month or two for the price to drop so I can use the money I saved to purchase the DLC.

11 years ago

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I have never really seen an EA game with a smooth release. I do not follow every single EA title, so I am sure they exist, but I never personally experienced a game release by them go smoothly at all. Being you pay the same regardless if you preorder it or not, I wouldn't bother. The only reason preorder existed before was because of limited hard copies... but... well... digital age, kthnx.

10 years ago

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Not getting it because the game is even worse than Battlefeel 4, gamefun wise.

The setting is quite cool and all, but the game gets boring very soon because it's monotone. It's not worth the money, there are many other games worth playing.

11 years ago

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Don't preorder.

11 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by viperziv.