was playing league since 1st season, quit last year (too old for mobas i guess) / i'll coment the stuff only here (sorry i don't remember password to my lol-profile) : gj, you are doing the right things. consider that as a bump <3
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I cant add the information yet, because of the majority of Indie and andorid game devs, stealing ideas lately from forums and such. And it's gonna be wrong to give most of it so people will know what will happen in advance if it gets dev. and released later
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It is 2 am here and seriously too tired and sleepy to reply to your post right now but I have some stuff to say. I'll do that tomorrow morning ( or is that today morning but later?)
I'll edit this post in a few hours. Good night. Don't close the thread before that XD
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Just gonna, add. I currently got mass cencored in lot of LoL community forums and stuff and I think they'll start doing it till the end of the day in the boards aswell. So if you dont manage t ocomment there, I wont mind your toughs here aswell, jsut because the opinion of people is important to me, unlike i supose the devs! Have a nice day ^^
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First of all, let me say sorry. It is my day off today and I slept in and then went out. I totally forgot to reply to this post. XD I'll post the reply here because I don't want to post it twice.
So I read through your post yesterday and once again today. Let me start by saying while I understand the gist of the idea you are proposing, your original post is a meandering essay containing a mix of role play and fan fiction.
What you want is a progression system or quest system which will unlock skins that are lore based and impact the story and lore of the game, correct? Like in that example you posted?
Let us make one thing clear, skins are the primary method for the Game to generate income. So they aren't going to give you free skins at any point. Any free skins that you get, are those that they give away as part of promoting some social media accounts (like the Riot girl Tristana and the Alistair skin etc) or the result of reworking the visuals of an existing champ like the Karma and Sejuani skin.
There have been events like the big Bilge-water rework of Gangplank where they released skins for TF and Graves but again, it wasn't for free. You have to pay for it.
Now for skins based on lore, Riot has released many skins that tie into the lore. Usually Riot ends up making skins based on an event or a theme, like we have the Blood moon line of skins and then we have the harrowing line. Pool party line is an another one where they re-imagine all the champs relaxing at the pool in Summer. There is always a theme or an event (like some festival, eSports or holidays). Some example of Lore based Skins are Queen Ashe, King Tryndamere, Freljord Ashe, Iron Solari Leona, Human Ryze, Tyrant Swain, Renegade Talon, Sinful Succulence Morgana, Freljord Taliyah and Pre-Void Kassadin (at least the ones I remember off the top of my head)
The idea you have about lore-based skins is something I really like and support. In game lore is something I enjoy a lot in all the games I play and I've been following the LoL lore since I started playing the game way back in Closed Beta. The biggest problem that we face is the lore itself. Since Early 2014, Riot pretty much decided the rework and relaunch the lore, which they still haven't done. An example of that is all the retcon they are doing regarding most the champ lore after reworks. Ever since they stopped the Journal of Justice, the lore of the game is a mess of clashing ideas and themes. I remember them announcing some author to work on their Lore but I don't think they ever updated the community on it. Currently, even some of the lore based skins are almost non-canonical after the rework of the Shurima, Bilge-water, Shadow Isle and Kalmanda lore.
As for the PROJECT line of skins, they are actually canon. The entire line of skins is based on an apocalyptic future of Runeterra where the fighters are enhanced with cybernetic implants. It is like an "What if?" scenario. I kinda like the Project line up. Especially the Katarina and Ashe skins.
And I've been rambling for so long that I think I lost the main thread of my argument but this is most of what I wanted to say.
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I hate the Katarina one with my heart... But you missunderstod my idea.
My idea isnt a free skin event. The idea is this for example
10 mins cinematic this week, shows 2 skins in it (or a book like tale).
2 skins appear in story
10 mins cinematic 2nd week, shows 1-2 skins
the skins appear in store - Gloomy summoner rift
10 mins cinematic 3rd week
2 new skins - new minions looking like shadow monsters or smthng else from the noxian forests
10 mins cinematic 4th week
1 up to 3 new skins
10 mins cinamtic 5th week
a new champion or new skin release
last 10 mins cinamtic 6th week
Ultimate skin + Normal skin
So bascailly wins money, wins an awesome story, wins a FU Project skins im a better skin, ultimate skin
And ppl who forgot the lore will start reading it again, instead of reworking all of it again and again...
But I I really need a post on the thread, because it will A) bump it up and B) will get easier notice by the dev team :x
But thanks for the feedback
EDIT: Forgot to add that after the first cinematic, Katarina gets disabled until the 6th one is released. with a message "Unknown reason"
To keep it all mysterius and ppl to be hyped to see what's going on. Plus it'sa good way to welcome a "minor" rework as they plan to do to her... Even if I dont belive it's minor...
EDIT2: I dont see why you think it's awesome to murder the champions and then put their branes into cyborgs and control them as slaves >_<
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Erm. for starters I feel bit awkward asking here for it but... I was told by a Riot support member, (whiel I ranted to him and gave him an example) that my idea is actually good, but for him is not possible to contact the designers and suggest it and stuff, he told me to ask the community in the forums to assist me and if there's enough interest the devs. will actually check it and consider doing it/to ask me to assist them with evolving this idea to something real in the game.
naturally the post i did in the boards is a copy paste of my rant letter towards him, the story itself has wholes, becuase I dislike how some indie/mobile game devos. steal the ideas and make them as their own little games and stuff.
So I ask the league of legends players here, to give me the honor of reading my idea and commenting at the section (it's on NA boards, but all region accounts work). Would love any negative and positive feedback on it, thanks in advance and sorry for distracting which such meaningless stuff ^^
Here's the link to the thread
Edit: I wanna say sorry aswell that I didnt post a link to a giveaway, I am in a really horrible financial state for the past year. :{
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