For me

  1. The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
  2. Icewind Dale: EE
  3. Middle Earth - Shadow of Mordor
  4. Wolfenstein: The New Order
  5. Undecided


10 years ago*

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  1. Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments
  2. Dreamfall Chapters
  3. Max: the Curse of Brotherhood
  4. Dark Souls 2 <- maybe: still trying to decide wheter to wait for the remaster or not
  5. Probably others :)
10 years ago

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will the remaster be launched as a new game?
I was hoping they would do it as DLC...

10 years ago

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From the info they realeased so far it will be a different game entry altogether. Which, at least on PC, is quite sad, if you ask me. We were asked to wait so they could get some extra console money, then they still make a double release. :)

10 years ago

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damn... if it is a new entry, the online community is completely different...

the regular version may end up with really few players, no?

10 years ago

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Ok if you calculate your two posts 5-5=0 0+2+my comment on this topic=3

Omgggggggggggggggggggggggggggg Half Life 3 Comfirmed Deceptionnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


10 years ago

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thx for skyrim

10 years ago

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  1. Mafia 2-Been into the prohibition/mafia era time
  2. L.A. Noir-Really love the noir feeling of the game and love the detective part
  3. Deus ex:Human Revolution- Loved the First game and been wanting to play all of them
  4. Game dev Tycoon- Really enjoy the type of game this is
  5. Final fantasy 8- Really any final fantasy on steam could fit this spot.
10 years ago

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  1. Middle Earth - Shadow of Mordor
  2. Call of Duty - Advanced Warfare
  3. Metro: Last Light
  4. Titanfall
  5. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
10 years ago

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  1. Damned
  2. Dream
  3. The Forest
  4. Plague Inc. Evolved
  5. Nether/ The Fall / Magrunner / Polarity/ Qbeh-1 / Escape Goat 2 (if they are sold for really cheap, 75% or more, I'll buy these ones)
10 years ago

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I want damned too, it looks great

10 years ago

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I won't be ripping off developers by buying my games from poverty ridden countries, but here's my top 5 list.

  1. Nuclear Throne
  2. Spelunky
  3. Shovel Knight
  4. Transistor
  5. Gods Will Be Watching
10 years ago

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Spelunky is an awesome awesome game. (Have it on 360, Steam and PS3)
Dont forget though, you can play the original free on the net. Pretty sure it is freeware anyways.

10 years ago

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I played some Spelunky freeware and it was really fun, but the controls are a bit better in the remake and I don't want to get used to the freeware controls and then have to switch. Thanks for letting others know about it though.

10 years ago

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  1. Divinity: Original Sin
  2. Prison Architect
  3. CastleStorm Complete
  4. LEGO Star Wars Saga
  5. Disney Universe
10 years ago

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2.Serious Sam: Revolution
3.maybe Agarest
4.Fortix(to GA)

But I honestly don't even know if I'll buy something this winter :/

10 years ago

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Depends on what's on sale, where and for how much. Ideally:

  1. Mass Effect 3 (Origin)
  2. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  3. Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
  4. Murdered: Soul Suspect
  5. Final Fantasy VIII
    (Btw, Shadow of Mordor and Wolfenstein are region locked.)
10 years ago

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Well, if thats the case I have a nice bit of GMG credit. Will use towards those :D

10 years ago

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  1. Boku no Pico
  2. Boku no Pico
  3. Boku no Pico
  4. Boku no Pico
  5. Boku no Pico
10 years ago

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Muh man.

10 years ago

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What about shifting eyes

Boku no...

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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  1. Risk of Rain
  2. Morrowind
  3. Fallout 3
  4. Fallout NV

that's it for me.

10 years ago

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  1. Valkyria Chronicles
  2. Child of Light
  3. Sokobond
  4. GTI Racing
  5. LEGO Batman 2
10 years ago

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  1. Dungeonmans
  2. Shattered Planet
  3. Sunless Sea
  4. Road Not Taken
  5. Cosmochoria

I think a couple of them were on sale during the fall sale too, but I've got my fingers crossed for them to get even more on sale during the daily deals.

(Nuclear Throne would be on the list, but I'm pretty sure the developers have said they're not going to put it on sale until after it goes out of early access.)

10 years ago

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Ultimate General: Gettysburg
Endless Legend

10 years ago

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*Dishonored GotY, don't do like I did, getting only base game, trust me after finishing it your mind won't be satisfied, you will need more Dishonored, and you won't satisfy yourself if you don't get the GotY.

10 years ago

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yep im planning on getting goty provided that it gets 75% discount :P

10 years ago

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66% maximum price offer GotY will get. Unless very lucky. Don't expect more than 66%.

10 years ago

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  1. Game Of Thrones - A Telltale Game Series
  2. Valkyria Chronicles
  3. Lego LOTR and Hobbit
  4. Child of Light
  5. The Escapists or This War Of Mine or Sunless Sea (The one that goes lower price ) D;
10 years ago

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  1. DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition
  2. Transistor
  3. BattleBlock Theater
  4. Sir, You Are Being Hunted
  5. Payday 2 DLCs

I will get more games, but these 5 for sure, unless Steam decides to not go beyond 50%.

At least I can get them from my cousin, he lives in Russia, obviously giving him tf2 keys to sell, he is not even a trader, but sending a little amount of gifts is ok seeing how trades are now.

This sale I plan to spend more than I usually do.

10 years ago

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Your 1 and 2 are excellent picks!

10 years ago

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  1. Guise of the Wolf
  2. Day One: Garry's Incident
  3. Rambo: The Video Game
  4. Revelations 2012
  5. Ride to Hell: Retribution

(not really)

10 years ago

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you can't actually buy ride to hell retribution anyway :)

10 years ago

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The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

Agarest Generations of War Zero

KOF98 Ultimate Match

Ys Oath in Felghana

Binding of Isaac Rebirth

That's just my tops, I think. No particular order

10 years ago

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Love these choices!

10 years ago

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XCOM Enemy Unknown
Shadowrun Returns
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Borderlands 2 or Arma II:Combined Operations(Dayz Mod)
Shadow of Mordor

10 years ago

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Well if we're talking games that are already on our wishlists and we would genuinely want to buy over your winter/our summer:

1) Talltale's Game Of Thrones

2) NaissanceE

3) Portal

4) The Forest

5) This War Of Mine or Lumino City...or both

10 years ago

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  1. Sleeping Dogs
  2. Dishonored
  3. L.A. Noire
  4. Screencheat
10 years ago

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Dishonored and LA Noire are fantastic

10 years ago

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Not really interested in many games, but I'm dying to play Styx Master of Shadows, just waiting for a good price drop

10 years ago

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Morrowind if itll be 66-75% off.

10 years ago

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I was thinking of my winter but i guess you mean this Dec/jan/feb winter so umm i guess maybe

2-Dragon Ball Xenoverse
4-Age Of Mythology
5-Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

10 years ago

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1.Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments (heard it was crap though. Anyone know?)

2.Magical Battle Festa

3.The Wolf Among Us (75% off please!)

4.Fading Hearts (shit's never on sale. Might not buy it at this discount but at least 30% off man...)

5.CoD:AW (NEVER liked CoD but that Exo-suit boosting around seems VERY Doom-ish to me and I like that. I'd try it.)

10 years ago

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