...and it's F*****g awesome!


For those of you who don't know what a Nexus 7 is clicky


Ninjas gonna be ninjas


12 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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i want one!

12 years ago

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good for you, I'm afraid people won't really care about it.

12 years ago

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Yeah...I just wanted to share happiness ç.ç

12 years ago

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And your happiness I care about, BECAUSE I SHARE THE SAME HAPPINESS! :D haha

12 years ago

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:P just joking, I am kinda on a bad mood

The reviews say that it has a pretty good quality camera even if it has not that much MP, u need to download an app to access the camera strangely enough

12 years ago

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Yep, thats correct! The camera is a decent quality, and is only on the front (Thank goodness google + asus haven't gone mad thinking we'll be taking pictures with a tablet! >.< You can use skype or there are programs used just for taking video/pictures

12 years ago

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Yeah, I think taking picture with a tablet (even if the Nexus is just 7 inches) it's just not so easy to do (and I really don't care, if I want to take a pic, I have my mobile phone .-.)...but I think the front camera is a good idea

12 years ago

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The lack of back camera is exactly why I reluctantly chose something else for my daughter. She snaps picture with her 7" tablet all the time.

Even on my 10" tablet I wouldn't go without a camera. Losing the ability to scan QR codes or using augmented reality apps would suck too much. Of course I won' use the tablet to snap a portrait but getting a quick shot to add to something I'm working on without the need to get my phone out and then transfer the picture to the tablet is always appreciated.

I understand they wanted to keep the price point low by not including a feature that many won't use. However I still believe they should have offered one with the back camera alongside the current model. I would have gladly paid the extra $50 for it.

12 years ago

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I have about six camera apps on my phone, so that's hardly a problem for me.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Mediaworld (italian equivalent of a Best Buy, I suppose)

12 years ago

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excellent shot friend

12 years ago

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Nexus 7... I have one! They are absolutely F***ing amazing!! Was definitely a good purchase! :)

12 years ago

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great! please tell more about it!

a fast one I'd like to know... can I watch movies from my main PC tower on it ? (pretty much like I do with my PS3)

12 years ago

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You cant watch movies on your computer and stream them to your tablet, but you can store them on your tablet and watch from there. It is very fast and the prices are just fantastic!

As the person below me said V you can do it... But it costs, so not the best option

12 years ago

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if it really does the job I'm willing to pay for it
mostly if it can handle 720p .mkv files and regular xvid
I really don't want to tranfer the movies into the device but watch them on wireless

EDIT: also, I dont want to convert anything in order to watch

12 years ago

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Yeah there are some apps that can handle this :) Give it a quick google!:D

12 years ago

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sure thing, I am over it
I found one app called Plex that seems to fit my needs
problem is I'm not that experienced with Android stuff and I am seeking proper advice here :D

12 years ago

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Not out of the box. IIRC, there is an app, however, that lets you access your PC files via your mobile android device [Nexus, smartphone, etc]. Rather on the pricey side for an app though, around $10.

12 years ago

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thx Rook
can I have the name of that app and link please ?

12 years ago

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Uhhhh, I do not know how to copy the page from the Google Play store on my tablet, but it is called "Splash top Remote Desktop". If you search it on the play store, you should find it no problem. Actually they are having a sale right now for $5.

12 years ago

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this one really looks awesome, thanks a lot for your time to help me out!

12 years ago

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I think you can...I mean, there should be a way (I've never thought about that :S)

12 years ago

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There's a VLC player that can stream movies through VLC on the PC. I tried it and it works.

12 years ago

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I got one awhile ago, and I love it. :)

Unfortunately about a month later, there was a $50 price drop. :I
Can't complain though. Well worth the price I paid.

12 years ago

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I agree with you! I got the 16GB when it first came out, the price drop is kinda depressing but the tablet is still worth every penny that I paid for it! And more!

12 years ago

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Yeah I bought the 16 gb because of the price drop...I don't really need 3G...and 32 gb...well, I won't play a lot of games on it (I have my pc for that :D)

12 years ago

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Is that like an iPhone or something?

12 years ago

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it's a tablet...so it's more like an Ipad...but it's made by google

12 years ago

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And much more affordable. $200 for a 16 gig compared to the iPad's $700. Even their 7" tablet is over $500.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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and...here, have a cookie :D

12 years ago

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Congratz. I got one last month and it really is awesome ^_^!

12 years ago

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^^ here, have a cookie, :D

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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thanks for Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC =)

12 years ago

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no prob, just a left over :D

12 years ago

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After I get myself a new laptop, a Nexus 7 will likely be my next purchase. ^^

12 years ago

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Congrats! =)

12 years ago

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I bought one less than 2 weeks ago. It's going to be my main gaming machine.

12 years ago

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Don't forget to thank yourself.

12 years ago

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im planning on getting one soon cos its cheap for a quad core. are they any good for gaming ??

12 years ago

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with the tegra by nvidia you can have some very good gaming experience...and if you want you can even use your ps3 controller or wii remote

12 years ago

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yeah all the cool stuff works

12 years ago

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are they good for gaming lol! they are great

12 years ago

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Archos gamepad?

12 years ago

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Youngest brother has one. He loves it.

I've personally never understood tablets or why people feel the urge to have them.

12 years ago

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I'm sure you never tried to understand them. Would be pretty easy to understand what your brother likes about it if you only tried.

12 years ago

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My dad recently got himself an iPad Mini. All I did was talk to Siri for 2 minutes, then I hopped back on my PC, and rest is history.

12 years ago

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Oh I've tried and tried and tried. My brother plays android games and that's about it. But but but so does my phone and unlike the tablet, it fits into my pocket. So in that case you may as well bring a laptop which can play even better games. Do you see what I mean?

12 years ago

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Okay, I'll explain why I use one. I'm rarely at my PC and I want something mobile that I can play games on decently, as well as browse and read.

I don't like current phones. I stopped using my Motorola Defy and moved back to my old Nokia 6120c, which fits better in my pocket and is better for making calls. While I could browse on the Defy in a way that I couldn't on any previous phone, it still wasn't that comfortable. My wife's Galaxy S2 is larger and more powerful, and therefore better for browsing and gaming, but it's even less pocketable and not that comfortable for phone calls.

For gaming, a 4" screen is okay, but it's still too small for adventure games like Broken Sword and RPG's like Avadon. Even 7" is a tad small, but it's big enough and mobile enough.

A small tablet is IMO a sweet spot for portability vs. power. A phone is too small for many uses (and if it's big it's not comfortable to carry and use as a phone) and a laptop is too bulky to comfortably carry and use anywhere and is more cumbersome to use. Phones and laptops have their advantages, but tablets definitely have a place.

12 years ago

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more or less ^this

12 years ago

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You make a fair point, easy browsing and simple gaming. I suppose my feelings are aimed towards the fact that I can find many other things to occupy my time whilst travelling or on the move. Music, small games on phone, looking out the window etc.

Wherever most people travel, they'll have a phone on them. To dedicate another device primarily for travel when I sort of have that covered with my phone just doesn't seem worth it to me. I'm just going from A to B so to manage two devices whilst doing that seems more cumbersome than fun :P

12 years ago

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I used to carry a small laptop with me almost everywhere. But a tablet can perform most of the same functions, and it's easier to carry.

Just going somewhere, I typically don't take anything (well, a phone sometimes because for some reason people think they should be able to get hold of me any time), but any significant travel, I have a bag and putting a tablet in it would not be a problem.

12 years ago

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Honestly nothing special but nice for laziness.

I keep my tablet on my bed for when I am to lazy to get up, thats its only use.

12 years ago

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I will use it a lot: in order to reach my University I have to spend 1 hour in a bus and it's quite boring; I can follow my classes on my tablet because my teachers use pdf files with a projector and if you are far from the teacher's desk you can't see a thing; I can record my classes; I travel a lot and train travels are quite boring :D

Can I live without it?of course.
Having a tablet helps me?yes.
Is it worth it?for 149$ IMO yes.

12 years ago

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Those are all valid reasons to own a tablet. But why not just buy a large screen smart phone? You can put that in your pocket and don't need to carry something in a bag all day.

12 years ago

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Simply because a big screen smartphone costs more and I don't really need to "update" to a new one (My motorola Razr is the first series but he does his job!).
And...you know...tegra core by nvidia...it's interesting :D

12 years ago

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I'm someone who doesn't like having more than one gadget on me, that's why I'm making this argument :P Wouldn't it be better if you could find a device that does everything you want instead of having to manage two different devices?

I don't really need to have a big screen and tegra core to read a pdf file or enjoy an android game. I would be more inconvenienced by the size, but that's just me.

12 years ago

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I see your points and they are all good...but still I think that a 7 inches tablet for that price is worth the (little) space in my bag and my money :D

(as I said before I could live well even without it, but I think it's a good purchase for me)

12 years ago

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Yes, it's better to use one device for everything, but when i tried that with my smartphone my battery is like "NOPE, bye!" XD. And a tablet is way easier to carry around compared to my 15" ACER laptop XD.

12 years ago

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Was it on sale for 149? I'm thinking of getting one, because all the Adobe Creative Cloud touch programs are on android.. 199 isn't bad either but save 50 is always nice x) This thread makes me want to get one even more though

12 years ago

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Yeah it was on sale!

12 years ago

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How can you gift yourself something ... You did mean: "I did buy Nexus 7"

12 years ago

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An early Christmas gift...to myself...:P

12 years ago

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Good deal, would get one if I didn't hop on that discounted HP Touchpad like I did.

12 years ago

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Nice one. It's better than the the shit ipad or any other apple product.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Oh, you got yourself one of those funny things that, if you look at it from the wrong angle, breaks? One of those things where actually calling someone is more complicated than it was, when portables came out? One of those things that lets you "game" but has a delay on input? One of those things you are more obsessed in getting apps for than actually needed? One of those things that want to be a MP3 player?

Yeah well... Have fun with it, i stick with my Nokia 6310 ;)

12 years ago

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yeah I like things that pretend to be other things like this

12 years ago

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"Oh, you got yourself one of those funny things that, if you look at it from the wrong angle, breaks?"

No, he's not talking about a relationship, he's talking about a tablet.

"One of those things where actually calling someone is more complicated than it was, when portables came out?"

No, it's a tablet. You don't call people on it. (Well, you can on Skype and such.)

"One of those things that lets you "game" but has a delay on input?"

There's no device that has no delay on input. I'm not sure what you're getting at.

"One of those things you are more obsessed in getting apps for than actually needed?"

Is buying more games for the PC than playing them any different?

12 years ago

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Awesome! I gifted myself a Nexus 4 and a Nexus 7 last month. Massively worth it.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Napster1098.