11 years ago*

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Both are unfinished and in a despicable state. I regret purchasing them, let alone wasting my time on them.


ʸᵒᵘ'ᵛᵉ ᵇᵉᵉᶰ ʷᵃʳᶰᵉᵈ

11 years ago

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Much surprise, very unaware

11 years ago

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It was YOU that was warned before purchase, so don't complain if the games are what they said they were.

11 years ago

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I totally forgot about the critique-proof early access shield!

Don't be one of those.

11 years ago

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Then don't be one of those who buy alpha products and rate them as if they were finished :)

Anyway it's not like you buy just the alpha, you get the full game too at a lower price... seems pretty fair to me.

11 years ago

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I just don't understand why someone would purchase it and then be disappointed at the fact that is lacks content.

11 years ago

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I can only advise people to hold off on a purchase. There is no reason to buy a unfinished product when there are so many more finished ones. For the same price, even. DayZ and Rust and all other games should never have gone Early Access, they should have completed the game. Greed took over because they want them £$€. Understandable but sad.

11 years ago

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And how would you feel now if I would buy it and blame you for not telling me I shouldnt

11 years ago

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While everyone likes different games, I'm only telling people to wait until it's finished. I get the distinct feeling that you're trolling me. But in case you didn't understand, let me spell it out for me:

There are finished games on the market. Play them first.

11 years ago

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I have to agree despite my better judgment I bought goddus to try out even though it was in alpha. This whole unfinished product thing is terrible. I pretty much paid for a preview map of the game... hey similar to something you can find on youtube or such. Made me lose all faith in game purchasing for a bit lol. You are paying for a product that is unfinished at close to full price (let's be honest here) with the hopes that they would eventually someday if the developers feel up to it finish. But tbh it seems like the mentality hits with alotta these games that there is now little rush to finish because they already got a decent payment outa the game, and they can very easily tire over developing it if they so choose. Side note my game hasn't been worked on since December where they added a bush or something.

11 years ago

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You misunderstand my point completely.

I am not trolling, I am using a simile to try ridicule the situation to the point where you would see the analogy and agree with me.

Your point is that the game is unfinished and shouldn't be bought. Even the developers agree which is why they ask you to NOT BUY THE GAME, even in caps. You essentially tell me and everyone else the same, not to buy the game.

Now how would you feel if I just went and bought it and then blamed you for presenting me with Dayz, no matter how you presented it and I would start telling people how you suck and people shouldn't pay attention to you.

The facts are, that Bohemia is clearly stating that you should not buy their game unless you clearly understand that this is an alpha, it lacks content and has many bugs. Yet you bought it and you were disappointed.

My point is, that Bohemia can't do more than that, they are already very extreme with their means. At this point it's not their fault you were disappointed but yours. This ofcourse is not ment as an offense, it's just me stating facts the way I understand them.

11 years ago

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I could agree with you about them wanting the money if you had to re-buy the game once it was finished. But.. you don't.. so this is just like if you bought their finished product, according to their wallets. Some teams even technically potentially lose money on early access if they sell E-A for cheaper than what the final product will cost.

11 years ago

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Alpha means the game is incomplete and probably broken in many places. You're buying something that will eventually become a full game but is nowhere near there at the moment.

If you can't deal with a game being broken, sometimes beyond playability, then don't buy early access games. Those games are meant for people who want to participate in testing the game as it develops and share their thoughts on what the developers could do to improve the experience.

If you want to play a finished game, then buy that. Stay away from the early access games.

11 years ago

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Alphas used to be free. This new trend is not good.

Ohey, you're the guy who won Rust from me! Shame you didn't enjoy it, I guess.

11 years ago

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I don't want to be rude, but you still don't get that you're not paying for the alpha but for the FULL game PLUS the alpha.

See it as a preorder, you don't have to play the game, nobody is forcing you. Personally if I buy a game in alpha it's because I want to buy it for a lower price, not because I want to actually play it at that state. Most people do this, but there are others that really can't resist and want to play the game right here and now. Some end up loving it even at alpha state, some judge it like a finished product and are disappointed by it, like yourself.

And what are you talking about? Alpha were never free, because usually developers didn't let any user outside development play it (unless it was a really really indie game). Sometimes developers gave beta access with the preorder of the game, and that's pretty much what's happening now with Steam Early Access, nothing less and nothing more.

11 years ago

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"I don't want to be rude, but .... "

Pre-orders are bad too! You're paying for something because the marketing-department makes it look good. That doesn't sound too smart!

Most Early-Access games don't appear to increase in price.

The problem is that you're trusting the developer, while there's no reason why you should, really. Maybe he will discontinue the development and bail? Steam doesn't set any clear rules and a game could be in Early Access for ... forever. But most importantly, I think it's about the message it sends. We, gamers, are telling the developers that it's okay to release unfinished products as long as they promise updates! That's why we have more than 300 of Early Access Games, something we did manage without for a very long time.

This debacle reminds we when people "bitched" about patching and later DLC.

11 years ago

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"The problem is that you're trusting the developer" So are you saying publishers should stop making games because they have to trust the developers?

Early Access is essentially crowdfunding, while you dislike the idea of pre-orders etc. many others agree, just look at the success at kickstarter, you can't deny that and many projects do finish or do their best to do so, I'd go out on a limb and say that if a dev/presenter of the project wants to bail with the money it's usually obvious.

11 years ago

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Free alphas means you still have to buy the game at the end. Early access means you're pre-ordering the game plus getting the opportunity to see it evolve.

I actually did enjoy it, even though it's still in a very rough state. Will get back to it from time to time to see how it evolves. (A bunch of stuff going on in real-life and couldn't log in much playtime over the last week) I knew what I was getting in and did not expect a finished product. But I expect the game to become better and more balanced as time goes by and they get closer to the actual release.

11 years ago

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For $20 you can buy multiple finished major games if you wait for the right sales. Save your money and wait for these two to finish their development and play something better in the meantime. Then grab Rust or DayZ when they are both done and on sale.

11 years ago

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Have both, played both with friends, had fun with both, eagerly watching both of them progress. Do not buy rust if you're alone, dayZ can be played without friends, but I cant imagine playing rust alone. Always better with a few mates.

11 years ago

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Go to origin, I've heard their support can help people who lack the ability to comprehend what early acces means! They do refunds also, because you couldn't understand the difference between a laptop and PC :)

11 years ago

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Wait... but you told me to buy Rust! PONY!

Early access is shady. You should not buy an early access game expecting it to improve. The developer can easily just stop supporting the game or not bother trying to finish it completely, similar to cases such as "Towns". Even if you are currently willing to pay whatever the current price is, the developer can easily ruin the game by adding in things such as microtransactions. There are thousands of other great games on Steam to play while you wait for the game to come out, and you'll get far more enjoyment out of it when the game does - or you'll learn the game turned to shit and have money to spare for a different one.

11 years ago

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Depends what you want, DayZ got zombies, rust not, of that i think in Rust you have bigger possibility of building

11 years ago

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Wut? Rust is riddled with zombies... and they're the cause of 90% of my deaths so far. (Rest comes from animals and other players)

Edit: OK, I just saw they removed the zombies, haven't been playing since.

11 years ago

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Oh no, I disagree, PLAYERS are the 95% cause of death in that game >_>

Also I had no idea either :P

11 years ago

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I was just lucky to find a good server I guess. Or simply didn't meet enough people in my time there.

11 years ago

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Rust is more casual, more about player interaction etc.

DayZ is more seriousl, if you like ArmA you'l like DayZ. Looting, developing your character etc. is the focus.

11 years ago

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If you would like to try DayZ you should be able to get ArmA 2 cheap for example from Steamtrades and then download DayZ mod.

11 years ago

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7 day 2 die

11 years ago

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Rust Z

11 years ago

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Rust :)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Neither. Both are not in a playable state in my opinion. I dont support Early access.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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+1, early access is an excuse to cash out on unfinished incomplete games

11 years ago

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For me it seems pretty fair. Early Access helps indie developers to raise some money to help the development of the game.It's the users choice if he wants to take a risk and get the game for an usually lower price, without knowing how it will turn out or not.I don't really see the problem for the users.One of the bad things it can cause is bad feedback from users because they want 'their full game they payed for' as they don't even read what early Access means and tell everyone that the games are brocken or bad :P

11 years ago

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The problem is that it will 100% be abused by greedy devs that will just not finish their game. And later on the AAA companies will join in the Early Access, because why not ? They tried it with Kickstarter...

11 years ago

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Both are under developement, don't know exactly about Rust's "what's still coming", but DayZ standalone is very far from complete, I for one haven't bought it, and will not until working, and -hopefully- glitch free vehicle system.

Also IMO in DayZ you have got a better chance at surviving alone than in Rust, as far as I know, in Rust people team up and hunt everyone down, also if you don't spawn in a lucky area you have no chance to survive.

If I were you I'd buy some other game for now, and after 2-3 months take an another look at DayZ.

11 years ago

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Both are in the "top sellers" list of Steam for ages now. Not just in the list; they're the TOP selling games. Large amounts of money have been made from them. And yet, both games are still in a crappy state.

It's either developer incompetence, or they simply don't care anymore since they already make heaps of cache :-/ IMO, the "early access" thing should be removed from Steam altogether.

11 years ago

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you could read that there is a weekly patch in DayZ with tons of bug fixes, and you shouldn't generalise just because all you see are the 8-bit OMGSORETRO indie early access games with no future, just way too obvious money grab

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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"Tons of bug fixes". That's an exaggeration, don't you think? You're giving Rocket and his team way too much credit.

DayZ Standalone is in even worse shape than the mod it's coded directly from. That, and the recent news that Standalone is not going to be ready for its beta state for at least another year, should speak volumes to you about how dedicated the devs are to actually "finishing" their game. For Christ's sake, they've been working on it for a year and a half and almost no appreciable progress has been made, despite the fact that they now have funding and support from Bohemia in addition to the millions they've made off of Early Access buyers.

Rocket's lackadaisical approach to game development is doing DayZ no favors.

11 years ago

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I found the standalone to feel much smoother than the mod ever did. Developent is quite fast as well. I am satisfied with my purchase, no matter if there are bugs and it lacks content.

Other games like Interstellar marines with their slow developement and now the Indiegala fiasco, or Folk tale with their even slower developement are Early access games where discussing whether or not they should be on steam is a good idea, or other games like Towns which is sold as a regular game but plays like an Early Access Alpha version without any hint given in the store page.

The bottom line is that progress is good in SA. I've been there from the beginning and compared to the Mod the SA is rocketing (haha..ha) developement wise.

You should not forget that the mod had all the player models, weapons, sounds etc. from ArmA 2 and it's various DLCs to use, while SA has to redo that from scratch, bringing us many cool new features like weapon attachements, player clothing etc.

11 years ago

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I can understand your enthusiasm; I played the hell out of the mod despite its issues, and I want Standalone to be even better. However, I'm not going to ignore Rocket's sloppy development history -- he constantly backtracks, he concentrates on the most superfluous material while throwing major game-breaking issues like player exploits and ghost zombies to the side, and he can't seem to keep his team focused for any reasonable amount of time. I just get the impression that he is in way over his head with this project.

I personally wouldn't call the progress made so far in Standalone "good", and I certainly don't consider it to be a smoother experience compared to the original. I can only hope that Rocket doesn't abandon Standalone and leave it as unfinished as the mod.

11 years ago

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It's nice to see that quite all the people here, don't understand "Early Access" on Steam. "Full of bugs", "developers are unskilled", bla bla bla. Do you realize that "EARLY ACCESS" it's like a "debugger" that gives us the chance to play before the release? If you don't like it or don't want to support developers, JUST DON'T BUY THEM... DAMN! :/ There is no reason why Early Access shouldn't be on Steam.

11 years ago

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DAYZ !!!!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Dayz !

11 years ago

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Quite enjoying dayz right now. Since I've had it things have been added every week, and there are normally quite a few things. I don't know people can think they are unplayable.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Looks like lyrics to me,
I say, "-Day Z". =))

..actually, I meant that news post about rust:
"Zombies were removed,
Wildlife was improved,
Resource objects were improved.
Other Changes."

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Minecraft FTW :D

11 years ago

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Rust :)

11 years ago

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I've been playing RUST for 33 hours and DayZ SA for 59 hours plus countless hours in the mod. I really like RUST for it's easy crafting system and stuff and I'm really looking forward to what they will add in the future. Nonetheless I think DayZ is by far the better game. You can't really compare the feel you get when playing both games.
In RUST you allways have your safe spot where you will spawn again after death and can store stuff so you don't have to start from the scratch again. On the other hand, it is very possible that your base will be raided and all you have accomplished on a server is destroyed, even when you're not even online. That creates some real sick frustration and has nothing to do with the permadeath from DayZ.
In DayZ on the other hand, death is everywhere around you. There are no safe spots, you have to play safe to be safe. And there can always be some guy around the next corner that just waits to blow your brains out with his sawn off shotgun. But that is what the game is all about, the fear of other players and to die and have to start all over again. This creates some real intense gameplay when facing other players.
RUST is more about starting a base and maybe raiding others bases, but if all your progress is destroyed when you're not even online that is just frustrating.

Well that is just my opinion about these two games. The bugs in DayZ aren't that bad to be honest, at least not for a game in alpha status. And they've added really much content since the release of the game.
The next big update I'm really waiting for is the vehicle system finally being implemented. That is something I think RUST will never get.

11 years ago

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DayZ :)

11 years ago

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rust is very alpha. you should buy dayz;)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Rust is pretty fun if you get in the right server and have some friends, but it needs some more work done. DayZ is alright, haven't played much of the original but the standalone game looks better from what I seen. I'll just recommend both.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Casinoman.