Could I get an invite? fellow ISR :) Have read the rules.
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Can I get an invite please. I've read your rules on group page.
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no, sensible
multiple languages is whats stupid, needless barriers to communication for the most part or at the least annoyingly inconvenient using googletranslate to communicate within the group.
otherwise you get members off in their own little subforums who never interact with the rest of the group at all and may as well not even be there.
Speaking one single language so everybody can actually communicate with eachother is a big deal for doing pretty much anything. that whole "french and english canada" thing is just silly.
as for why english? its fairly wide spread and something of a common/international language for many people. its like saying "why metric system? I like cubits" (more people should learn cubits so they can talk to me and the conversion isn't that hard really, everybody else is just being lazy)
besides he is recruiting from an english boards so anybody reading the advert should be at least reasonably proficient in that language(which means anybody who signed up and decides they need a subforum for russian or whatever is just being pigheaded)
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first of all "2nd: You dont see the point, "English only" and "Please English only"" confuses me, I do not think you have made your point half so coherently as you think...
2nd are you saying it isn't a needless barrier to communication that I can't talk to a person from china despite having the means to do so simply because we were deliberately taught different words for everything as children? Its retarded on a forum and yes its stupid on earth too. just on a larger scale which in some ways makes it easier to live with.
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saying english please is identical to speak english....I still do not understand your logic there. although if there were a difference it would take the force out of it, people would treat it as [en] only generally but still start a discussion nobody ever goes to labeled [ru]. Besides if you're offended by "en only" you'd be just as annoyed by "please en only" Be honest here.
and 2nd...I will clarify what I was trying to say with some help from my friend bablefish. take it away bablefish:
Is féidir leis a dhéanamh a ghrúpa ar a laghad áit inar féidir le gach duine a thuiscint a chéile ar an gcúis chéanna nach mbeadh tú a dhéanamh suas do chód rúnda féin a labhairt ar do chairde . Ar an gcúis chéanna go bhfuil sé seo amaideach a bhfuil mé ag déanamh ach anois.
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nah, that'd be no fun. In that case I must switch sides
*Must write in English only!
(I don't actually know why he objects and this beyond "stupid" so this will be a short switching of sides)
maybe its like racist or something I guess.
but racist against languages...
you're a dirty linguist
(i know its not his argument, but this is the only other thing I've ever heard argued against this)
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Why would he put Please in front of English? To satisfy peeps like you who have nothing better to do than to piss people off on some forum? He obviously means no other language is allowed. English language is the only language allowed. Deal with it sonny. Rules aren't meant to be "soft". If you want "soft" rules then go and play Monopoly with 6 year olds.
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Все просто, я могу писать по русски и меня почти никто не поймет, но так как предпочитаемый язык английский, я и буду его использовать в большинстве случаев. Но если другие языки запрещены, честно говоря меня это даже провоцирует нарушать данное правило, or use bad enlgish, leik tis, veri isi to rid, dond yu tink?
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(i can speak perfect english but this rule makes me want to type russian or broken misspelled sentences instead, very easy to read don't you think?)
Ah, so it is just you getting all offended for no reason and wanting to be an ass then? :( I addressed that in my first post as "stupid"
thats disappointing...I liked the argument better when it was just "Stupid". more interesting back then
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