So I haven't been on in a while, but I want to ask something random of you guys.

So im looking for a This War of Mine copy ok....but I went to steam trades and like almost no one has it. I thought This War of Mine was a cool looking game im surprised theres not a small abundance of it up for trading. Does anyone else think so? If not, is it because this game is actually not known from people around here?

Anyways just me wondering why I can't find a This War of Mine.

For takin ur time I was lookin for soemthign to give yall and looky wut I found link

Ill make a giveaway shortly and post it here. so stick around for a minute. Thanks for your time....if u actually gave my random banter a thought :P

heres the giveaway of apparently perviness

P.S. Friend me if you win. I don't want to wait for a stupid month,so im gonna buy and send directly to winner.

10 years ago*

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SteamTrades users wouldn't have snapped up copies with only a 25% discount so far since release, so yeah, it will be hard to find. Good luck getting it slightly cheaper though. And thanks for perviness.

10 years ago

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Is it bad that I'm a girl and am still kinda tempted to play this?

bewb power too stronk.

10 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. has a story :P

10 years ago

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I attribute it to being a bit queer, but how can you not be ;)

No offense intended ~ Fellow female here

10 years ago

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Haha. :) I guess girls in general are attractive.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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It has been a while since I saw you around here. :)

About This War of Mine, possibly due to region lock? I'm not much of a trader myself, so I'm not up to the latest about region locks and that kind of stuff.
Also, the game being a very recent release, perhaps there hasn't been any pricing low enough for any trader to purchase it just yet.

10 years ago

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well I mean, GTA V has no sale anywhere, but people frantic around and found a deal in China, im just surprised that This War of Mine didn't get that much attention or opportunity in a region

10 years ago

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That's because GTA5 is a pre-order which didn't get it's own subID for China yet which is a rare case not common at all, This war of mine however has been region locked for a while now and isn't really cheaper in any other region that has no lock thus the margin of profit is too low for most traders to get it.
See it this way, it has 25% discount, but to be able to get the cheapest non locked version a trader has to buy it from another trader in the cheapest region for a small fee during a sale, if the discount is only 25% on that game and the cheapest region is only 10% cheaper then most other regions then they'd lose all their profits on the purchase since noone is going to buy a game from a trader for only a 10% discount.

It's just easier for traders to resell games that have been at least 50% off or so, then they can resell it outside of sales for a 33% discount and still make 0.5-1 key profit.

10 years ago

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I'm not a trader myself but from what I've heard about the game, its really good and very emotional. So probably all the traders who got it must have decided to keep the game for themselves :D .

10 years ago

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My little Pepperoni :)

10 years ago

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Sakura Angels has a nice plot :')

10 years ago

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in csgolounge 1 person was selling it for 5 keys

10 years ago

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I have just tried to find a copy.
Indeed, there is not much offer right now.
Maybe when there will be another discount.

10 years ago

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When I saw you created a thread I already knew you're giving away Sakura Angels. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

10 years ago

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I don't know a thing about This War of Mine, but that giveaway of yours... I entered. Bump and thanks.

10 years ago

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it's a really nice game, I would compare it a little to FTL:Faster than Light. Thanks for the input, for every person who says they don't know about it I at least get an idea of how known it is

10 years ago

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run ):

10 years ago

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Did you try SteamGameSwap?

10 years ago

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I have no idea where you could find one, I never trade D:

10 years ago

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