Our group name is also a statement of purpose. We strive to create an environment where all our members can have access to Quality Game Giveaways and a proper chance to win them.

It is a simple aim, or at least, it should be. Since the conception of the group, roughly 6 years have passed and time has shown us that while a goal might appear simple and direct, it will still require a proper structure for it to work. This means that our group rules came into shape after countless revisions and discussions, and while there is always room for flexibility and change, the most important thing is that they are there for good reason: to make things as fair as possible for everyone and ensure that only those who want the same things stay in the same group.

So if you....
...like to give back and enjoy quality games giveaways, this is the group for you.
...like for your games to be played and play the games you win, this can be the group for you.

Here are some giveaways that got 12+ entries in our group in the last month (you can see the top 10 from previous months here)
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
Buckshot Roulette
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
Tails of Iron
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch™ Remastered
My Friendly Neighborhood
Himno - The Silent Melody
tiny & Tall: Gleipnir
A Plague Tale: Requiem (2 copies)
Abomi Nation
Earl vs. the Mutants
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles
Sifu (3 copies)
Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition
Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Lust Theory - Season 1
Ghostrunner 2 (7 copies)
LISA: Complete Edition (2 copies)
BLACKTAIL (6 copies)
High On Life (6 copies)
Astral Ascent (4 copies)

QGG Main Group
QGG Special Game Group - HardCore - Game ended. Next Special Summer game in December
QGG Special Game Group - Casual - Game ended. Next Special Summer game in December
QGG Special Game Group - Casual - Deprecated
QGG High Tier Group - Deprecated

How to join:

  1. Read all the group rules (especially the "new members rules"), understand them (if anything is unclear - ask me), and be willing to follow them. Full group rules can be found here.
  2. See that you comply with all the general rules. if you don't, I won't add you to the group, so there's no point applying.
  3. Leave a message in this thread with the name of the game you're planning for your "new member first giveaway".
  4. I (Mdk25) will add you as a friend on Steam (so I can communicate with you)
  5. I will invite you to the group

Group recruitment window is from the 1st to the 20th of each month.


• At least Level 3 on SteamGifts
• Have given away "QGG Monthly"-quality games in the past
• If you're new to SteamGifts, you need to be a member for at least 3 months, and be a member of at least one other closed group (a group where you need approval to join).
• For users below level 5: User must have a positive Real CV ratio (Check ratio here) OR Positive SteamGifts won/sent ratio
• Clean slate at SteamRep (https://steamrep.com)
• Steam profile has to be public
• Multiple or unredeemed wins within the last year - are forbidden.


Please read these rules carefully, and only apply if you're sure you can follow them.
• New members need to create a giveaway in 48h upon receiving an invite to the group
• New members first giveaway must be a QGG group-exclusive giveaway
• New members first giveaway must last at least 7 days
• New members CANNOT enter any group giveaways until their first giveaway is finished. (Finished = marked as received by the winner)
• New members first giveaway must have at least 12 entries when it's finished. To check how many entries individual games received in QGG giveaways - see insturctions at the bottom.
• New members first giveaway counts as the monthly giveaway of the month he joined
• New members first giveaway cannot be region locked
• New members first giveaway must have at least 10P value, and one of the following:

  • 10,000+ reviews on Steam and 70%+ Steam rating
  • 1,000+ reviews on Steam and 80%+ Steam rating
  • 100+ reviews on Steam and 90%+ Steam rating

(I recommend using the tool provided below, to checking how many entries it got last time this game was given away in the group, to prevent the situation where your first giveaway doesn't get enough entries, and you're forced to create a new one to replace it and wait another week)

For full list of rules, see our group rules page

Rules still unclear? Check here

How to check how many entries a game received when it was given away in QGG:

  1. Go to http://www.sgmt.name:8080/SGMT/CheckGameGiveawaysUI
  2. Under “Group” choose from a dropdown: “Quality Games Giveaways”
  3. Under “Name of the Game” write the full or partial name of a game
  4. Optional: You can add “Start Date” if you only want to see GAs from last 3 months for example.
  5. Click on “Get Giveaways Data” at the bottom

A word of advice: This is not one of those groups where nobody really checks what you do, so you can do whatever and nobody will care. This group is more similar to "Actually Playing Games" or "Playing Appreciated" where there are strict rules, and everyone needs to follow them to the T. If you're more a free spirit, who just wants to give some games and win some games, and not to think about it too much - this is not the group for you!

A word of advice #2: If you're thinking of joining the group, and entering as many giveaways as possible until you're kicked from the group - please don't!
Many have tried. All have failed. Our group management tool allows me to see exactly which GAs each member joins, and as soon as I detect new members trying this, this person is kicked from the group and blacklisted by all members.

Management of this group is done using the SGMT tool. All checks and verifications (new user, monthly, GA quality, etc.) are fully automatic.

5 years ago*

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December recruitment is now closed.
Happy holidays!

3 years ago

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i think this is the Group iam searching for. I read the Full Group Rules and the New Member Rules and i understood and accept them..

The First game i will spend is The Evil Within 2.

Please invite me. Would be awesome.

3 years ago

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Sounds good.
Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours, and that you cannot enter any group GAs (at all) until your first GA ends and is marked as received.

Happy cake day!

3 years ago

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Thank you for the Invite. I will create my first Giveaway now. Understood :)

Yeah today is my cake day :)

3 years ago

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Group recruitment for January is now open

3 years ago

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Hi i would like to join

3 years ago

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Please don't just write "Hi I would like to join" under every group recruitment post.
At least read the instructions first.

"Leave a message in this thread with the name of the game you're planning for your "new member first giveaway"."

3 years ago

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Haha sorry for that..
I would like to give away Metro Redux Bundle as my first giveaway

3 years ago

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Hello sean901,

Unfortunately you currently do not qualify to join the group, as you do not pass all the group rules (as described at the top of this post).
I encourage you to read our rules, and re-apply once you've rectified the situation.


3 years ago

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January group recruitment is closed

3 years ago

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February recruitment is now open

3 years ago

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hi!! can i join mate? :D

3 years ago

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Hi Xarliellon,
Which giveaway are you planning as your "new member first giveaway"?

3 years ago

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i have tales of the neon sea, great game and with 82% positive reviews +1000 reviews

3 years ago

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Hi Xarliellon,
"tales of the neon sea" only got 1 entry when last given away in the group, so it will not fit as your "new member first giveaway".
See explanation in the post at the top of this page,

3 years ago

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o i have the last humble montly games basically i will take a look if anyone fits

3 years ago

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Hi! I would like to join your group, I meet all the requirement but one - unfortunately I'm not yet 3 months on steamgifts. But maybe an exception could be made given how many games I gave away here already. 😊

For first giveaway I'd give Green Hell - 86% positive of over 22k reviews.

3 years ago

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Friend request sent.

3 years ago

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Thank you! <3

3 years ago

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Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours, and that you cannot enter any group GAs (at all) until your first GA ends and is marked as received.

3 years ago

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Hello. I would like to join you.
For the first draw, I will offer "Everything".
(The record check page is not open, if the game is not suitable, I will look for something else)
P. s. The page with the lists has opened, the game is not relevant)
I'm going to think further)

3 years ago*

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Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition?)

3 years ago

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Hi Dreamson,
Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition - only got 7 entries last time it was given away.
As you read in the post at the top of this page - the first GA needs to get 16 entries in the group.

For example of games that can reach 16 entries you can see the list at the top of the post. (If you find any specific game - please check individually, as number of entries changes as the game is given away more)

3 years ago

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For some reason, the site where you can see the lists does not work for me.
"The server encountered an internal error and was unable to fulfill your request. Either the server is overloaded or the application has encountered an error"
And last time it showed that no one handed out "Batman". Strange)

3 years ago

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Yeah, it's been having some issues since I moved it to a slower/cheaper server - sorry about that.
You can always use search on the group link - https://www.steamgifts.com/group/6HSPr/qgg-group
But it's much less accurate - as it will show entries from all groups in case of a shared giveaway.

Crawl only got 2 entries last time it was given away, as you can see here or here

3 years ago

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Thanks for the help.
"The Painscreek Killings"?91 entries

3 years ago

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See, that's what I was talking about when I said it's less accurate.
91 for a giveaway in a group of slightly more than 100 members - simply doesn't make sense.
If you look at the giveaways of the game over time, you will see that the previous giveaway (only 3 weeks prior) got 3 entries.
So it wouldn't make sense for the number of entries to jump that rapidly.

The obvious explanation is that the last GA was shared with multiple groups, therefore the entries is from all the gorups, not from QGG.

I restarted the server of the SGMT tool - should work fine now

3 years ago

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Does not work(
I use group search.
"Darkest Dungeon" 20 entries

3 years ago

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Darkest Dungeon looks great!

Could please try the tool again?
(I moved it to a stronger machine, hope it helps)

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours, and that you cannot enter any group GAs (at all) until your first GA ends and is marked as received.

3 years ago

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Hi Mdk25 I would like to join (^^)
My first game Trine Enchanted Edition or Dry Drowning I see these games have gathered a lot of participants)
Please invite me. Would be awesome.

3 years ago

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Hi dimmio777,
Unfortunately Trine Enchanted Edition only got 11 entries last time it was given away (we have a GA ending right now).
And Dry Drowning only got 15 entires in December - so there's a good chance you won't be able to reach the required number of entries giving it away.

Would you like to check another game, or try your luck with Dry Drowning?

3 years ago

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I could try my luck with Dry Drowning, but if there are not enough people I can do something else;)

3 years ago

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As I said - you can try your luck with Dry Drowning, but you will need to wait 7 days until it ends, and then you may discover that it didn't get enough entries - and you will have to start the process all over again with another game, and wait another 7 days.
Which sucks :(

So it's up to you if you want to take the chance...

3 years ago

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I think I would like to try it, I checked it out and I have a lot of people in my friends who want it, I think that your group will also have a sufficient number of people)

3 years ago

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No problem - friend request sent.

3 years ago

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Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours, and that you cannot enter any group GAs (at all) until your first GA ends and is marked as received.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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Disgaea PC sounds good.

Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Hi, can I join?
First - Little Nightmares or Age Of Wonders III

3 years ago

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Hi Romario7878.
Those were both given for free. Everybody and their mother already has them.

New members first giveaway must have at least 16 entries when it's finished.


3 years ago*

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I'm not sure Little Nightmares was given away for free.
At least on Steam...

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I must have missed that :)
Thanks for letting me know

3 years ago

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Hi Romario7878,
Unfortunately Age Of Wonders III got 0 entries last time it was given away in our group.
And Little Nightmares got 9 entries. Which is more, but still not enough for a "new member first giveaway".
And it was given away for free recently - so number of entries now will probably be much lower.

You can see the first giveaway rules, and instructions on how to check entries number, in the post at the top of this page.

3 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Hi! I'd like to join. If you don't mind my sent/won ratio Real CV is quite acceptable. I accept all the rules. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition seems to be fine for the first GA.

3 years ago

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Hi axlnase,
No need to worry, sent/won or RealCV ratio is not a factor in our group (except for special cases).
We care much more about your ratio in our group, and the quality of your giveaways.
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition got 19 entries last time it was given away, so hopefully it should be ok this time as well.

Sent you a friend request on Steam.

3 years ago

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Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours, and that you cannot enter any group GAs (at all) until your first GA ends and is marked as received.

3 years ago

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February recruitment is now closed.

3 years ago

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March recruitment is now open

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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I can join?

3 years ago

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Hey MakenTY,
Wildfire is wishlisted by 22 group members.
However it was never given away in the group, so I can't promise it will get enough entries.
Is that ok by you?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours, and that you cannot enter any group GAs (at all) until your first GA ends and is marked as received.

3 years ago

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yes, we will create a new distribution within 48 hours

3 years ago

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Wildfire вошёл в мартовский бандл от Humble,так что,есть вероятность,что он не соберет нужное количество записей

3 years ago

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Привет бывшый MakenTY 👋
Ты меня извини, просто ты так быстро убежал что я забыл тебя предупредить что делают у нас в группе со скамерами 😁

A word of advice #2: If you're thinking of joining the group, and entering as many giveaways as possible until you're kicked from the group - please don't!
Many have tried. All have failed. Our group management tool allows me to see exactly which GAs each member joins, and as soon as I detect new members trying this, this person is kicked from the group and blacklisted by all members.

Можеш перевести через Гугл перевод.
А потом советую проверить количество людей у кого ты в блеклисте. Мне кажется ты будешь неприятно удивлён 😂

3 years ago

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В твоей группе 110 человек, участвуют 9-10 людей. значит остальные фейк боты. и спецом сделал правило 16 человек что бы остальные не вошли в топ. ты мошенник. и твое правило 16 участников специально что бы новенький участник не принимал участие в ваших ГА.
Your group has 110 people, 9-10 people participate. then the rest are fake bots. and made a rule of 16 people as a specialist so that the rest would not be included in the top. you are a fraud. and your rule of 16 participants specifically so that the new participant does not take part in your GA.

3 years ago

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First of all, there are plenty of giveaways that get more than 10 giveaways in our group, so your claim that there are only 10 users makes no sense.

Secondly, there have been plenty of people who got 16 entries in their first giveaway and joined the group. You can see them all over this post.
Moreover, if a candidate's giveaway is at risk of not getting enough entries, I don't let them into the group, do they don't "waste" their game. You can see plenty of those as well here.
From the people who create a first giveaway, around 90% are able to join the group. And those who don't, usually do it because of different reasons, not because their giveaway doesn't gets enough entries.

Thirdly, you yourself haven't even created your first giveaway when you joined the group, so you can't say anyone scammed you.
You did however start entering group giveaways, which is clearly against group rules, and which I explained to you on several occasions.
In addition to making your Steam profile private (after I told you I removed you from the group), and changing your SteamGifts nickname, so you can remain in our group and continue entering giveaways (despite your claims of us being scammers).

But don't worry, I have already opened a ticket with SteamGifts support, and provided them with screenshots of your behavior.
So I'm sure they'll contact you real soon.
Take care now 👋

3 years ago*

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ну ничего себе тут клоунада, пеши есчо лолбля

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Alright chaps, can I join please?
For first giveaway how about Resident Evil 7?

3 years ago

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Hi rufioh,
Resident Evil 7 got 31 entries last time it was given away - so it should be fine.

Sending you a friend request on Steam.

3 years ago

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Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours, and that you cannot enter any group GAs (at all) until your first GA ends and is marked as received.

3 years ago

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March recruitment is now closed

3 years ago

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April recruitment is now open

3 years ago

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Hello Mdk,
I have read the rules and would like to join the group..
My new members first giveaway will be "Control".

3 years ago*

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Control should be ok.
Friend request sent

3 years ago

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Group invite sent.

Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours, and that you cannot enter any group GAs (at all) until your first GA ends and is marked as received.

3 years ago

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Hi! I'd like to join :)

3 years ago

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Unfortunately you do not comply with group requirements - please see "general rules".

3 years ago

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Sign in through Steam to add a comment.