I'm a Persian.if you don't know the diffrence between Jews and Zionists you better know. The media is in their hands so they feed your minds with what they want. ISIS (they claim that they are muslim but they are enemies of muslims) killed thousands of muslims (even kids and women) but you just know about Paris.
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I'm jewish, honestly I dont care about the Paris situation. Yes Daesh kill muslim, they kill everybody because they are less than human beings. Media sucks, Daesh suck, you suck for being pro-terrorism.
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واقعا؟ به نظرت همینطوری نظرشون در مورد ما خوبه؟ برو ببین در مورد توافق هسته ای ایران چه جک هایی ساختن و چی میگن. من دیگه جوابشونو نمیدم چون وقتمو تلف میکنه
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actually saying "down with Israel" IS antisemitic.
saying to the only country of Jews "DOWN WITH"... how is it not antisemitic? just because you replaced "Jews" with "israel'?
yes you can give clean criticism on israel, also on israel people and it wount be antisemitic but HOW you say it and on WHAT you are saying it can be determine as antisemitic.
and here it is loud and clear ANTISEMITIC!
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only country of Jews? There are plenty of Jews in America, hell there is even a large community of Jews in Iran. So Israel is not the only country of Jews.
There are even Arabs living in Israel.
Criticising the Israeli government is not being anti semitic. Being anti semitic is being anti Jewish. If I say I hate Jews because they smell, that is anti semitic. If I say I hate Israel because it is full of Jews that is anti semitic. If I say I hate Israel for talking land from Palestinian people, that is not anti semitic.
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"only country of Jews? There are plenty of Jews in America" - there is a deference between "country of" and a community in, its like owning a house vs ranting one, if you cant understand it then i cant help you.
"There are even Arabs living in Israel" - yes there are also Christians and others, thats doesn't change the fact its a Jewish country, Jewish HOMELAND, same as Arabs in Europe/us/Canada etc doesn't change them, same as Christians and other nationalities living in Jordon/Egypt/turkey etc doesn't change.
"Being anti semitic is being anti Jewish" - i will copy paste you again "yes you can give clean criticism on israel, also on israel people and it wount be antisemitic but HOW you say it and on WHAT you are saying it can be determine as antisemitic. and here it is loud and clear ANTISEMITIC!"
"f I say I hate Israel for talking land from Palestinian people, that is not anti semitic" - who took whoos home? my people were forced to exile and Arab (and others) refugees were brought in, also the same Arab refugees in Israel you are talking of only began identifying themselves as part of a "Palestinian people" in 1967 - there were never a "Palestinian" nation only an occupation name for the Jewish homeland!
this same "Palestinian people" when they are asked where they are from says the countries they imegrated from (like egypt/soria/jordon)
and every report before 1917 on israel says the same thing The land was desolate without inhabitants!
you dont believe me (how can you..)?read what wrote:
The historian James Parkes: During the first century after the Arab occupation ( 640-740CE ) , the caliph and governors of his own Holy Land only Christians and Jews . The only Arabs west of the Jordan were soldiers [James Parkes, WHOSE LAND? A HISTORY OF THE PEOPLES OF PALESTINE ,Harmondsworth, Great Britain: 1970, p.66.]
In 985 , complained Muqadassi (Arab writer) " empty mosque worshipers ... The Jews are the majority of the inhabitants of Jerusalem . " (in all Jerusalem was only one mosque - and it was empty ) [Muqaddasi, quoted by Erich Kahler who cites this statement from KNOWLEDGE OF CRIMES, p.167, in THE JEWS AMONG THE NATIONS (New York: F. Ungar, 1967), p. 144]
In -1377 , wrote Ibn Khaldun , one of the most reliable Arab historians : " Jewish rule in Israel lasted for more than 1400 years . The Jews were planted by the culture and customs of the permanent settlement [Ibn Khaldun, quoted by Yahya Armajami, MIDDLE EAST PAST AND PRESENT (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1970), p. 143]
In 1695-1696 the Dutch scholar wrote a book documenting Adrian Reland visits in Israel His conclusions: The country was mostly empty , deserted , the inhabitants were few and concentrated in the cities of Jerusalem , Acre , Safed , Jaffa , Tiberias and Gaza . Most of the inhabitants were Jews and the rest Christians . There were few Muslims , mostly nomad Bedouins . The Arabs were mostly Christians , a tiny minority of Muslims . Jerusalem , there were about 5,000 people , mostly Jews and some Christians . Nazareth were about 700 people , all Christians . Gaza were about 550 people, half Jews and half Christians . Umm al-Fahm was a settlement of 10 families , all of them Christians . Was exceptional Nablus Nablus where about 120 Muslims lived Natshe family , and 70 Samaritans [Hadriani Relandi, "Palaestina ex monumentis veteribus illustrate" written in Latin, Published in 1714, Utrecht, ex libraria Guilielmi Broedelet (Trajecti Batavorum)]
In -1835 Alphonse de Lamartine wrote : "Outside the city of Jerusalem we saw no living thing , not a life ... we heard a silence eternal and absolute control of combustion , road, country [Alphonse de Lamartine, "Recollections of the East", Vol. 1 (London 1845) p.268]
In 1844 writes William T'kbri the road from Jaffa to Jerusalem : " The area is deserted and you ride among what appeared to be so many petrified waterfalls . We saw no animals moving among the stony . Barely a dozen birds throughout the journey [William Thackeray, "From Jaffa To Jerusalem" (1844)]
In 1857, the British Consul in Palestine reported James Finn : "Earth serious degree empty of inhabitants and therefore its greatest need is a group of residents [James Finn, British Foreign Office Documents 78/1294, Pol. No. 36]
In 1866 writes OM SHAKTHI Thomson : " Wilderness is this utter . Not a house , not a trace of inhabitants , even shepherds, to relieve the dull monotony ... Much of the country where we went for a week appears never to have been inhabited or cultivated . And there are other regions Other , barren [W.M. Thomson, "The Land and the Book" (London: T. Nelsons & Sons, 1866); and "Southern Palestine and Jerusalem" (1882)]
*In 1874, Reverend Samuel Manning wrote : " But where are the residents ? This fertile , able to support an immense population , almost deserted ... our grief , every day we see again that the denunciations of ancient prophecy were very letter - and she became your country was destroyed and her name and a curse where sitting ( Jeremiah MD , 22 ) " [Reverend Samuel Manning, "Those Holy Fields" (London, 1874), pp.14-17]
In -1867 Mark Twain - Samuel Clemens on his Journey said - "There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent , not for thirty miles in either direction . There are two or three small groups of tents of Bedouins but there is not even one permanent settlement ... may ride ten miles hereabouts and not see ten human beings...Desert , barren hills ... A desolate country whose soil is rich , but I grew weeds ; Dark and silent spaces ... polluted Bedouins only cruel joy in life is to stab and kill unsuspecting Christians...Nazareth is desolate ... cursed and destroyed Jericho , Bethlehem and Bethany poor and miserable living creature ... even Jerusalem known , the name attributed to the history , lost its ancient greatness and became a town of beggars . The Sea of Galilee has long been known deserted ... Capernaum - a shapeless ruin . Magdala is home to Arabs beggars . Bethsaida and Korazim disappeared off the face of the earth ... a wasteland inhabited only birds of prey and foxes . "Palestine" is a land barren and unpleasant [Mark Twain, "The Innocents Abroad" (American Pub. Co., 1869) you can get the book at - http://www.gutenberg.org/files/3176/3176.txt]
In 1892, writes Bo Johnson : " ground level between Mount Carmel and Jaffa rarely seen again or any other sign of life ... another journey of half an hour brought us to the ruins of the old city of Caesarea . Forth , a city of two hundred thousand inhabitants and the capital of the Roman of Palestine , and now deserted completely . Lying on staff at night , listening to the hum of the waves , and I thought about wilderness around us [B. W. Johnson, "Young Folks in Bible Lands": Chapter IV, (1892)]
In 1913 a British Royal Commission - The Palestinian Royal Commission - in its report describes the state of the coastal plain along the Mediterranean : "The road north from Gaza is merely a summer trail suitable for camels and carriages . No orange groves, orchards or vineyards do not appear until you reach the village of ( Jewish ) will be built . The houses are made of mud , and schools are not available . The western part toward the sea was almost deserted . The villages in the area , and thinly populated . Many villages were deserted by their inhabitants!
As we can see , throughout history , as documented by Arab historians and foreign tourists Prior to 1917 , the land was desolate cities outside of Jerusalem were not Muslims (except 120 Muslim Arabs in Nablus ) , and a number of Arab Muslims (as opposed to Muslims in the Ottoman or Christian Arabs ) was minuscule , most of them nomadic Bedouins . In 1695 it was not in Gaza , Nazareth and Umm al-Fahm , an Arab even one Muslim . All Arabs there were Christians . There is a huge difference between these descriptions and Arab and Muslim today fake propaganda.
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come to israel, see how it is here, see the truth in YOUR EYES then lets see you call us killers.
we do not kill for pleasure nor for resources, heck we are even wiling to give parts of OUR ancestors lands for peace!
we protect our people from terrorists!
from terrorists who lunch rockets on our cities! civilian cities!
from random terrorists with strap bombs to them self to detonates them on civilians!
from random terrorists who pick Knifes and kill old men woman and children in there sleeps and on the streets!
from random terrorists who try to kidnap our brothers and sisters!
you call us killers? for waht? for making our civilians - our brother and sisters safe from terror organizations and countries who says in broad day light they wish to wipe us out! kill us all! (look at the Charter of the Hamas and iran about israel and Jews) - safe?
sorry to disappoint you but we aint killers, the first thing a soldier on my country learns is not weapon activation is the moral of using it or not - and that is proven time after time in any conflict and any war israel was in.
my people shot to protect innocents - the one you stands for are shooting to annihilate them!
my people use soldiers to protect civilians - the one you stands for use civilians as human shield!
you can look for your self on the net but here is one taste of the truth
what ever you saw in the media, what ever a sick brain maniac have told you is bull shit, i say it again come HERE and see for YOUR OWN EYES the truth and the lets see how you call us again killers.
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You are jewish. you can't accept the truth because if you accept that, you agreed that your people aren't really good people. The link you shared doesn't got a proof(actually it's a cover for Isreal for airstrikes on hospitals.there are many buildings. why should Hamas take a hospital as a cover? and how Isreal air force doesn't know the location of hospitals and other buildings after years of war?).it could be all a lie and it is. I want to inform other people about what Isreal is and about what Islam is.
I hope God punish these people sooner. What your people did to people of Palestine is beyond any crime. just search "zionist soldier" in google. and if you people are curious about Islam, read Qur'an and ask yourself why Islam encourages people to study about universe and science. why do you people think what BBC or any other media shows you is right? I really want peace for earth. but it doesn't happen when Isreal exists.
these links reveal what ISIS is:
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are you Sirius? Hamas take a hospital as a cover and you blame Israel for it?
wait...that is logical you pick up a gun, you go inside a hospital/school/ children garden you fire from there and what do you expect? flowers? - this is the meaning of HUMAN SHIELD!
"I hope God punish these people sooner" - as do I, I hope he will punish all those who hate and kill innocents take there aid $$$, teach for hate, have no respect for there children's life and blame us.
" I really want peace for earth. but it doesn't happen when Isreal exists" - good lath you can see Israel intentions for peace, just open the net and look on the other hand you see nun from your side, just killing, head beheading, woman abusing, and use of your own people as slaves and as a ticking bombs.
before you blame others fix your own country! help your own people!
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actually this The Truth About the Palestinian People i will copy paste the basic for those who dont have the time to read it all:
Israel became a nation in 1312 BCE, two thousand years before the rise of Islam.
Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of a Palestinian people in 1967, two decades after the establishment of the modern State of Israel.
Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 BCE, the Jews have had dominion over the land for one thousand years with a continuous presence in the land for the past 3,300 years.
The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 CE lasted no more than 22 years.
For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never sought to make it their capital, and Arab leaders did not come to visit.
Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach, the Jewish Holy Scriptures. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran.
King David founded the city of Jerusalem. Mohammed never came to Jerusalem.
Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray with their backs toward Jerusalem.
In 1948 the Arab refugees were encouraged to leave Israel by Arab leaders promising to purge the land of Jews. Sixty-eight percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier.
The Jewish refugees were forced to flee from Arab lands due to Arab brutality, persecution, and slaughter.
The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is estimated to be around 630,000. The number of Jewish refugees from Arab lands is estimated to be the same.
Arab refugees were intentionally not absorbed or integrated into the Arab lands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab territory. Out of the 100,000,000 refugees since World War II, theirs is the only refugee group in the world that has never been absorbed or integrated into their own people's lands. Jewish refugees were completely absorbed into Israel, a country no larger than the state of New Jersey.
The Arabs are represented by eight separate nations, not including the Palestinians. There is only one Jewish nation. The Arab nations initiated all five wars and lost. Israel defended itself each time and won.
The PLO's Charter still calls for the destruction of the State of Israel. Israel has given the Palestinians most of the West Bank land, autonomy under the Palestinian Authority, and has supplied them.
Under Jordanian rule, Jewish holy sites were desecrated and the Jews were denied access to places of worship. Under Israeli rule, all Muslim and Christian sites have been preserved and made accessible to people of all faiths.
The UN Record on Israel and the Arabs: of the 175 Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97 were directed against Israel.
Of the 690 General Assembly resolutions voted on before 1990, 429 were directed against Israel.
The UN was silent while 58 Jerusalem Synagogues were destroyed by the Jordanians.
The UN was silent while the Jordanians systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives.
The UN was silent while the Jordanians enforced an apartheid-like a policy of preventing Jews from visiting the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.
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If a muslim pray with his back toward Jerusalem 'purposely', he commited a sin. the only thing about the direction of prayers is we should face toward Khabba.
even if jews got the right to occupy Palestine, it doesn't mean they can do whatever they want with people of Palestine. The media shows people good reasons for Isreal and US government to attack other countries. like ISIS and ...
like this: http://nodisinfo.com/death-american-nohemi-gonzales-faked-zionists-start-syrian-war/
I wait for the Arrival. then is Islam's age to show the truth and bring justice!
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If your unactivated Windows is not Win7 Starter Edition, you could try this nifty 'lil tool I discovered yeeears ago and wouldn't want to live without anymore:
Maybe it works - good luck.
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I use the same one. My update to Windows 10 failed (on day 2, the PC would no longer start up), so I went back to Win7 for now, and I haven't bothered customizing anything.
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time changes, people who don't are forget in the past DAN DA DAANN
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Since I just bought Fairy Fencer F, figured I'd use a screenshot from it.
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It's a photo from Fallout 4 - which I don't even own. xD
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This. Except for me it's solid blue.
I still remember configuring a whole desktop theme for my Windows 95 PC. Complete with high-res background. Closing a window could take ages as the whole thing was painfully loaded from disk again.
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Ouch! Delta was saying there was a ultra graphics mod he was using that improves performance you might try. Hopefully it will help! :)
Whoops. Meant to say performance mod :D
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no money to buy this great game but i can have background free:p
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