A quick double clap can mean enough. You're thinking too deeply about something that is irrelevant.
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I guess it has something to do with European countries helping the US bombing IS.
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Is there a war going on we (or I) are (am) not aware of? I'm sorry, I'm helplessly uninformed. I threw my TV out the window 15 years ago and I avoid news as they only make me depressed and angry and I feel this doesn't help anything to make my or anyones life better if I suck up the negativity that is spread within modern media.
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The fact that you seem to not know anything at all is kind of sad because this shit is everywhere and it would do you good to study up on it. Start from the history of the Middle East and work your way forward.
My opinion is that the West has finagled in Middle Eastern affairs for so long and royally screwed their nations up are angry, ill-informed, brainwashed, and want to return to a "Better time" where things were black and white. These are people that see the West, especially America, as liars, dishonorable, corrupt, sinful, and Godless, which are technically all true in some degrees. This is religious extremism married with political agendas and blah blah blah, it's honestly nothing the new. The only thing that is new is what flag they claim to be flying under. They claim to be Muslim and I ask all y'all this question: Christianity follows the teachings of Jesus. Are the Westboro Baptist Church and KKK still considered Christian despite their history of hate speech and in the latter, hate crimes and what I would honestly label as terrorism for decades? If the answer is yes, then ISIS is also Islam in that it is an extremist form of it.
If your answer is no, then ISIS/DAESH is, by the logic you have extended to discount WBC and KKK, not "Islam".
People claim that Muslims just want to watch our Western world burn for not thinking like them, but where have I heard that kind of thing before? "These savages do things incorrectly, let's force them into our ways" "These communist/socialist countries don't understand how things should work like us capitalist countries, let's fund guerilla warfare to overthrow their communist governments" Same old, same old.
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Placing the blame wholly Europe or the West is ignorant of the history of the region, so to be brief:
There have been sectarian conflicts in the middle East for centuries. Not to understate the fact that they threw gasoline into the fire that was the region at a several points in the past 50 years.
The problems in the Middle East, to my understanding, stems mostly from the last Islamic "reformation" putting fundamentalism, scripture worship and dogma above the pursuit of knowledge/reason/science (look at the number of Muslim nobel laureates for example) after that the sources of innovation and social improvement slowly died out. Eventually the spread of liberal values from the West started improving the situation again, just look at what Iran was starting to be in the 70s, Do you know what happened? The Islamist theocracies again started focusing on following dogmatic and fundamentalist ideas.
Afterwards some of the conflicts that started in the west helped further destabilize the region and attempts to intervene either maliciously or in a "the road to hell is paved in good intentions" kind of way didn't help the matter. Overall I doubt you can find a moment where there hasn't been conflict in the Middle East in one scale or another and it has been mostly because of cultural/religious/sectarian causes.
The problem is how much of a religion agrees with the non-liberal/fundamentalist ideas of the religion. You can for example look at the stats of how many muslims in europe/the UK are against gay marriage or want to institute sharia on the west. The reason ISIS/ISIL/etc. are waging Jihad on everyone they consider an infidel/enemy (muslims from other denominations included) is because that is their fundamentalist interpretation of the Quran.
That's why a reformation is in order, which is what helped reign in Christianity and its theocracies, but it's hard since it has no real central organism to define the orthodoxy. Look into the efforts of Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Overall all religions have bad ideas and negative effects on the world especially when they have political power, so calling someone an "Islamophobe" or racist because they criticize said ideas is idiotic.
Good people are good often in spite of their religion's dogma, not because of it, so the less weight it has the better.
People need to stop having the reflex to avoid criticism of Islam by using the argumentative equivalent of saying "heroin is bad but so is cocaine" when people are talking about heroin. The no-true-Scottsman fallacy doesn't add to the discussion.
Bottom line is many of the fundamentalist ideas in all religions are not compatible with the liberal values of the West, just some religions have a greater degree of fundamentalism than others.
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I think that I should start using hashtags xD
# sarcasm
fyi I was reffering to desribing Islam as a religion of peace
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Yeah... Like studying the history of the Middle-East is a simple task.... Most of the books you really want to read are in Classical Arabic.
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Clap . you do know what you say about history, well say
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Sadly the world and news shows are in a way that I can only agree on throwing out the TV :\ It's not good feeling miserable about something I can't actively affect. At a point I started following Hungary's politics closely and I actually got sleeping problems after a few weeks, so I had to stop it...
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In short: To change our 'wrong' believe by force.
Sad news. As European I feel more anger than fear about it.
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Hence why I put it in single quotation marks, because there is no right/wrong or good/bad.
However, I'm save to say that it is wrong to murder civilians (children/babies included) when they feel save on a festive place/day.
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It's what I said before, they don't like that we are bombing their sandcastles.
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The question is though, who had started it, because they sure won't be the ones ending it. They'll just get bombed even more until their sick belief is extinct and their holy crusades will stop.
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Because they can do it there, my guess. Russia and US bomb the shit out of them, but terrorist probably have a haaaaard time trying to sneak into in to these countries.
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This yes, and meanwhile we keep the European borders wide open.
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This sounds reasonable, thank you. It still doesn't explain what they want though... Simply revenge? I mean, some of them visited western schools, we have television and internet nowadays, aren't these people reaching a somewhat sophisticated education and mindset? Seriously, my mind is not capable of making up an explanation why anybody would do such a horrible thing.
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I would substitute "fanaticism" with "Religion" in your sentence, but it is possible you see the two as one and the same.
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I certainly do. Religion without fanaticism isn't really what anyone would call religion. It's basically traditionalism. Calling yourself a member of that religion just because your parents brought you up that way or because that's the standard for your community. Without actually believing in the serious stuff from what you claim is your religion.
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I think that his sentence is just right :) I mean that refusing to eat meat on Fridays or not using contraception because of religion is also weird. Fanaticism just make things extreme (like killing people who disagree with you upon that matter).
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Nope, fanaticism is just the next level, like - exaggeration...
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there's extremism in every religion and community. From Muslim to Christians. There's even Atheist extremists. From Animal rights groups to equal rights groups. Basically, what it boils down to is this: If there is something people feel passionate about, it can and usually does spawn extremists. People who don't see things going their way, and feel the only way to change it or fix it is by force.
It's not that difficult to arrive at that mindset either. Despite education or technology. Humans in general are a violent race. War is in our blood. Combine that with the fact that when governments don't have things go the way they want with other countries...they go to war. They use violence to solve it. So, I don't think it would be far fetched for a group to go "What's good for the goose, is good for the gander".
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ISIL is not just a terrorist group, it's a religious fundamentalist group trying to fulfill their version of end times prophecy.
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It's quite easy in this age to maintain a closed mindset. Just look at the USA's science-denying right wing. They have first-world access to the Internet. But search engines are programmed to learn what you are most likely to click on, not for evaluating the truth of the results itfinds. So if you continually look for information online about President Obama being a Muslim you'll eventually only get results for sites that claim such a thing. Same thing goes for religious views.
The Internet as it stands today is not just the most amazing fount of knowledge in the history of mankind, it's also the greatest social experiment in confirmation bias.
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Terrorism is a part of islam. You can read it in Quran. It says to kill all non-believers and terrorize them. It should be banned in every civilized country just like nazism and fascism. This is their way to colonize Europe. Islamic State said they will send 500 000 immigrants and hide terrorists between them and they are doing it.
The solution? Stop importing muslims to Europe. Kick out / kill (ok, maybe you are right, that's too much) existing ones.
I hope there will be more attacks like this with even more casualties so Europe will finally wake up before it will be too late and we will have caliphates of France, Belgium and Sweden
Edit: You people are so naive. You have no idea how dangerous islam is. They are trying to kill you and you want to hug them. None of you've read Quran. There are no muslims in Poland because we hate them and we don't want them. We've been through nazism and communism and we know that forcing foreign culture on us is not ok. There wasn't a single terrorist attack in Poland after year 2000. Rich people from other countries move here to live safely. But people are still scared here. When someone leaves a bag in the bus or something they call counter-terrorists. It happens few times a week. That's the goal of islam. To scare people.
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Well I must say that I agree with him, except of course killing muslims that live here. Europe needs to stop bringing in people who don't want to adapt to our way of living.
I live in the Netherlands and we have major problems with muslim youth and even have so called sharia police in the big cities, police are afraid to enter those districts.
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muslim youth? what a big lie. in the netherlands you have a problem with the marroccan youth. not muslim. And couple weeks ago there were terrorists attacks in Turkey and Saudi arabia, i didnt saw any ''muslim'' hater there.. because IS also attacks muslim people. sooo what do we see here? we see that IS nothhing has to do with the Islam.
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Moroccan, muslim, it's all the same. Adapt or leave.
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no, religion is not a race. please don't associate them as one.
you can say most moroccans are muslims but not all of them are (or practising)
just like most people say i'm christian, out of the reason that their parents were.
U shouldn't think like a stereotype because thats the reason people associate islam with terrorism.
My point is anyone can shout a phrase that belongs to a religion before commiting something, but what is the prove that the person belongs to that particular religion? you can search his biography and u can say based on his origins, race, parents that he is so and so but religion isn't something u can see. its in you. it's what u decided to believe in. so please don't think them as 'same'
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Totally agree. I don't mind taking in people that want to adapt, but there are too many people that don't even try. It's getting more and more common to hear foreign languages on the street. At some places you even hear more foreign languages, then dutch. Plus our country already has so many people, taking in more will eventually lead to bad things happening, especially if they all are very different to each other (so different culture, religion etc).
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I don't think hate is the right answer to hate. What do we get then? A neverending hate spiral. We as humans should instead try to evolve above that reptile brain thinking. Maybe try seeing it as a chance instead of a threat. Hippie talk, I know...
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I also read parts of the quran that preach nonviolence and say that violence is only ok in an uprising when you are being prosecuted for your faith. I know plenty of muslims who condemn these attacks. Hell, about 85 percent of victims of extremist terrorist attacks are Muslims! Madina, the second holiest city in Islam, had a terrorist attack during the last week of Ramadan, their holy month. Daesh aren't muslims. And it hasn't even been said that this person who committed this attack was, in fact, a muslim. Could have been an asshole Frenchmen who lost it for all we know so far.
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It's actually a tactic that is and was used a lot by muslims to attack with ramadan, has been so since the old times.
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Terrorism is a part of islam. You can read it in Quran. It says to kill all non-believers and terrorize them.
And the Bible has no similar verses?
The Quran verses that are usually cited out of context that makes it sound like Muslims should attack all non believers only look like that because they are cited out of context. There's far more to it, and actually killing someone else is a last resort.
The solution? Stop importing muslims to Europe. Kick out / kill existing ones.
Congratulations, you're an IS recruiter! How does it feel?
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As someone who has read the Quran, I can certainly see why so many Islamic believers are going around committing acts of terrorism. Some verses, yes, are taken out of context, but a predominant amount of the verses where Allah instructs believers to kill disbelievers do not have any context surrounding it and blatantly encourage these acts of violence.
Through surveys and statistics, it is shown that over half of the Muslims on earth can be classified as what WE call 'Radical Muslims'. This is a direct result of the type of things written within the Quran that support violence (Jihad) and Sharia Law.
As for the reason why these terrorists are attacking Muslims, that can be shown throughout the verses in the Quran on hypocrisy.
With regards to the Christian Doctrine (i.e. The Bible), there is not one single verse in the New Testament or that Jesus says that instructs Christians to commit violent acts against those we disagree with, in fact it says the complete opposite (Parable of the Good Samaritan, etc.). Where you may find vaguely similar verses that talk about war etc. are found in the Old Testament which is not a set of rules, but rather a historical account.
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You mean the Pew poll? That one is interesting, as it shows that while a large portion of the Muslims of the world do support Sharia laws, it also shows that they don't support all of them (the parts that are enforced through bodily harm see far less support, where only a comparatively small minority actually wants them), and they don't support enforcing Sharia laws on non-Muslims. It does of course differ from region to region, in the Gaza you see a far larger support for "exporting" Sharia laws and enforcing them on non-believers than you see in say Saudi Arabia (which is still a country where laws are rooted in religious customs) or Morocco.
How you should read the old testament is really something that's up for debate among Christians. Some do see it as a historical account, yes, other (luckily a small minority) take what's said in there more literally, and use it as a justification to commit terrible acts. The KKK is a protestant-Christian organization that has in the past committed terrible acts based on their beliefs.
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One would think that people could at the very least consider the simple fact that the world population is roughly 7 billion today and the estimated number of muslims is roughly 1.5 billions. As much as i like to think every terrorist attack is one incident too many, one would think that if they were all terrorists we'd be having A LOT more terrorist attacks.
Plus, i heavily resent the fact that if one states that hatred does in fact breed hatred, one is automatically pegged as either naive or a hippie. A statement which should be common sense these days - as subjective as the notion can be at times - given the sheer endless amount of historical data supporting this...
One would think that there shouldn't be anything considered naive about being informed about just how powerful collective thinking can be... one way or the other, for better and for worse.
Sadly, as much as we live in a time and age where information is highly accessible to the vast majority of the western world, so is misinformation. And let's face it, the human spam filter these days seems to be far worse than that of a pre-2000 e-mail account.
Won't even bother addressing the fact that some people simply do not care to look into the historical data before every trying to form an opinion in these matters. Not that i'm gonna pretend to be a history buff or even incredibly informed, although i try to be somewhat informed at least, but i certainly do feel that as much of a cliché as it is, the biggest reason why history does indeed tend to repeat itself, is precisely because humanity simply completely refuses to learn from its past.
I for one have lost track of the number of countless debates i had with friends and acquaintances regarding the sheer value of history and it's just appalling how dismissive of it, the vast majority of people are, moreso now than ever. :/
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Yes, the Bible has similar verses. But a thing called the Age of Enlightenment happened. The separation of church and state happened.
Out of context? Please... https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Qur%27an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Muhammad_and_Terrorism
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You are misinformed. Your understanding of Islam is as flawed as that of the "Islamic terrorists."
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Guess they didn't teach you about the crusades in bigot school lol
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sigh SG ate my message. So here's the abridged version.
There are several reasons for why IS would attack an European nation.
It's important to note that IS has been losing ground, both economically and more literally. IS is not as strong nor as rich as it was when it invaded Iraq. Back then IS could lure new members into its fold with promises such as high salaries, a robust welfare system and so on. They can't anymore, IS can't even pay its soldiers as is. They're reliant on outside funding and getting recruits from other nations, and in order to stay "relevant" in the eyes of people, they need to do attacks like this.
IS wants to turn the opinion in Europe (and France in particular) against involvement in Syria & Iraq. Their goal is to make the people afraid of continued support for the attacks against them.
IS also wants Muslims in Europe to be treated as poorly as possible. The reason for why someone would join an organization such as IS is similar to why people would join a sect. If someone feels like they're being treated poorly by society, like they don't belong, then they are far more likely to join an organization like IS. Someone who feel like they're being treated well by their country is unlikely to turn against it, while someone who's treated poorly is far more likely to look for an alternative, one that "understands them".
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You ask a simple question, and there is a simple answer, but it seems 90% of the world's population doesn't know the answer. I do, so I will try to explain it as simply and clearly as I can for the benefit of those who actually want to know. (I assume you are one of them.)
Last week, a young Black American (Micah Johnson) shot a bunch of police officers in the Dallas, U.S.A. You may not think this has anything to do with your question, but it does. You see, people in the U.S. saw this guy for what he was; someone full of rage, confused about right and wrong, and deluded into thinking that his actions were justified, somehow. There was no labeling him as a "Christian terrorist" because almost all Christians know that their religion does not condone such acts. There was no confusion about his agenda being political, or his actions being sociopathic, and everyone was clear about how this individual did not represent "all Black Americans." They understood this because they understand his background and his religion (assuming he was Christian), and they can therefore see his extreme and twisted behavior as a rejection of what everyone else knows for sure: murder is wrong.
Now, back to "Islamic Terrorism." If you knew and understood Islam, even if you weren't Muslim, you would see these "Islamic terrorists" the same way everyone views Micah Johnson. Full of rage, confused about right and wrong, and deluded into thinking their actions are justified, somehow. You would not see them as "Islamic terrorists" because you would know that the religion of Islam forbids extremism, murder, killing of civilians, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. There would be no confusion about their agenda being political, or their actions being sociopathic, because you would be clear about how they do not represent all Muslims. You would understand this because you would understand their backgrounds and their religion, and you would see that their extreme and twisted behavior is a rejection of what every other Muslim knows for sure: murder is wrong.
But most non-Muslims do not understand Islam, nor do they understand Muslims, nor do they understand how the past 70 years have led up to today's headlines. In short, the behavior you are seeing today has been around since before the time of Pharaoh, and it has always been held in check by those who recognize it for what it is and extinguish it before it spreads. We are living in a time when those with the authority to do something about the problem do not understand it and don't know how to deal with it. There will be no end to "Islamic terrorism" unless and until the (true) Islamic State is re-established, the Muslims are united, and terrorism is once again extinguished by them.
With all that is going on in the world, I suspect that will happen a lot sooner than anyone anticipates.
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Islamic State is re-established, the Muslims are united
Who should do that? There's no sign of consensus between their religeous parties, and also they are of different ethnicity and language!
Also was there any kind of Christian Super-state that put end to dark ages? Not in any way.
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Do not confuse Islam with Christianity. The Muslims are not like the Christians in the ways you seem to assume.
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Humanity has gone through many "ages." We are now living in the Age of Confusion, where the lie is seen as truth, the truth is seen as a lie, people are killed without knowing why they are killed, and killers kill without knowing why they do so. There is so much disinformation flying about that people no longer know what to believe. The Youth have stopped respecting and listening to their Elders, and Elders have all but given up on the Youth. Families are divided and fighting amongst each other, and the good people of society are outnumbered by the bad with the majority in the middle suffering the most.
These are difficult times, but they will not last forever.
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Only the book of the Twelver Shi'ites says that. All other Muslims believe lying is prohibited.
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Can I ask you a simple question? Why did Micah Johnson not scream "Jesus is my lord!" while shooting to the police officers? Why muslim terrorists always scream "Allah akbar!" instead of something like "Let Ismalic State be united again!"? The so-called cannon fooders commiting suicide attacts in Europe have been recruited because of their religion and their religious beliefs. Islam is connected with terrorism. Deal with it. Don't be a hypocrite. The same concerns Christianity during the crusades era. It doesn't matter that the pope wanted power, lands and money. The most important aspect is the fact that knights were killing people because of their religous beliefs and for their god. I am not saying that every single musilim has something to do with terrorism. But still Islam as general does for sure...
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Actually, that's five questions, but I can answer them if you wish. I don't have the time right now, since I have to go to work, but I'll think about how to give you a short explanation when I come back. (This isn't the place for the 25-page answer.)
For now, I'll just tell you that <insert Muslim terrorist here> would say "Allahu akbar" because he is Muslim. Muslims say it about a thousand times a day. Pretty much everything we do is punctuated with us saying "Allahu akbar," or "alhamdulillah," or "subhanallah," or "astaghfirullah." In fact, it would be surprising to a fellow Muslim if you were to perform an action and not say anything. He would remind you to do so.
You do not understand how it is for Muslims because you do not know Islam, so you "fill in the gaps" in your mind with what you know from "other religions." That is what humans do, so it is natural and not surprising. Islam, however, is not like other religions, and there are many things about it that "outsiders" do not understand. One of them is how all of a Muslim's actions are supposed to be part of his or her religion. The same applies for a Muslim whose actions are clearly wrong and forbidden by Islam itself.
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90%, where did you get this number from? The US shooter was not labelled as Christian terrorist, because he was not doing it for religious reasons. He was a racist. He wanted to kill white people, especially white police officers. He was similar to Islamic terrorists in terms of acting upon a set of ideologies.
Muslims think about Mohammed as God's perfect example. By any modern standard, he was a horrible person. Marrying a 7 year old child, leading wars and genocides, ordering assassinations, decapitations, torture, viewing women as inferior to men.
Very few dumb people are talking about the terrorists are representing ALL Muslims, but Pew polls show us that many Muslim sympathise with their ideas, and it's not just a "minority". We can see in today's Islamic countries the lack of free speech and human rights and they oppress minorities and women. If someone in the world burns a Quran or draw a picture of Mohammed, Muslim communities around the globe are enraged and calling for violence against them, just because "muh buk saays".
Do you really think if IS/ISIS/Daesh gains full control in Syria, they will stop there?
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Thank you for making my point.
Why does it seem to me that 90% of the world's population doesn't know why "Islamic terrorists" attack Europe? Because most Muslims don't understand it, and non-Muslims really don't understand it (your response being an example of that). The only people that do understand it are people like me. I am a practicing Muslim who has spent many years learning Islam and the correct understanding of it, and I also have the extensive background knowledge required to know what is really happening in various parts of the world and why. Understanding the problem and how to solve it is nice, but it would be much nicer if I could get any of the policy-makers to listen to me.
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That is not what I said, but let me address your paraphrasing.
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I am pretty sure you are obessed over "true" Islam. You can't say anything bad about yet there is plenty things like sexism in Quran. So they don't understand "right" then that would be Allah's fault to create humans not even be able to understand his last book. Same God failed with other books can't even get it right with It's "last book." Your masseges would give me a peaceful look if i didn't open Quran or living in an Islamic society. But I agree with what you said above "true" Islam not as voilent as ISIS but it is voilent enough to beat people who don't fast on Ramadan. And every system can be perfected with the right people that's not something to brag about.
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Sorry, but it is difficult for me to respond to what you wrote. I have trouble following your use of English. Even so, I can say this:
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Sorry if i seem rude in English, it was hard to write what i thought too. So If it's not understandable with "opening" then it's not for every people but a few selected one. That's pretty much telling Islam is not for everybody and people should just do what other people who understand "true Islam" to them. And that's what made Islam is today. Sorry but you should really understand based on your sayings Islam is not for uneducated people. Yet most of the Muslim people are uneducated. Can you see the problem and flaws here? Also every Islamic education is really bad.
I can write much more of it but this is basicly what i think. Also I don't think it's right topic to discuss something like this. Again you are right ISIS is not a good example but there have been always hate within Islam.
I just remember we have been before like this and forget to speak with you after that. :D
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"Mohammed as God's" - Not true, he's only a massanger
and others is more incorrect. but i wont answer that, since on yr first word is already a huge mistake. and telling me that yr really did not know islam at all.
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If you really want to know, go and read up on post World War 2 Israel. I'd love to explain myself, but you can't criticize Judaism these days without being branded an anti-Semite.
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Actually, Judaism was against the establishment of the current State of Israel (due to prophecy). The Zionists pushed it through over the objections of the Rabbis, and now we are seeing prophecy fulfilled.
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You, same as everyone else, are being manipulated by your media. ISIS is not Islam, it doesn't represent Islam in the sightest way possible, they're just trying to make us look awful, whilst Islam clearly said, "killing a single soul, is equal to killing entire humanity". I wouldn't agree more on the fact that those terrorist have beards and do their 5-times-a-day prayer, but that doesn't mean they're true muslims.
In our religion, there are three types of religious people:
Muslim: He agrees there is one god who's Allah and Mohammed is his prohpet, he does his 5-times-a-day prayer.
Faithful: Muslim, but also knows Islam is more than just a religion, but a way of life(Most if your so caled manners existed in our religion 14 hundred years ago).
Well-doer: A faithfuk muslim that knows no matter what he does and no matter what he think, he will always be punished, thus will always do good for you and will never try to harm you.
Those terrorists my friend, exist in the Muslim category, they just know Islam is a religion that said fight for your land, but don't know fighting comes with rules as well. As upon conquest of Mecca, our prophet said no tree shall be cut, no children shall be harmed, no women shall be humilated, no unarmed men shall be killed and no elderly shall be disgraced, only fight those who hold arms against you.
Moral of the story, Islam is not bad, people are bad.
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Daesh, as have other Islamic fundamentalist terrorist organizations like al-Qaeda and the Taliban, has explicitly stated on multiple occasions that their goal in attacking Europe and the United States is to aggravate tensions between Western society and Muslims in general. They want to increase discrimination and hostilities toward Muslims because the persecution would, in their minds, induce them to join the global jihad that those organizations are attempting to incite.
Unfortunately, they are becoming increasingly successful in this goal, and their principal accomplice is ironically the political far-right. Every time one of these attacks occur, nationalists, conservatives, and white supremacists further aggravate the issue by increasing their persecution of minorities, especially Muslims. In doing so, they are playing right into the hands of these groups, thereby perpetuating the conflict and increasing the likelihood that a world war (the Islamic fundamentalists' jihad) would occur.
From a strategic perspective, it's rather impressive what these groups have accomplished. Daesh in particular is so successful, in fact, that they're attracting disaffected youth and other non-Muslims to join them in their fight. So long as fascists and right-wingers continue to be useful idiots for jihadists, this global conflict is unlikely to resolve anytime soon.
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Do not lump the Taliban in with the others. Groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaida, Hizbullah, and ISIS are all political organizations who believe "the ends justifies the means." As for the Taliban, they were (and are) simply trying to free their country from the brutal, criminals known as "warlords" who had been pillaging and raping it for years and years (until the U.S. went in and handed the country over to those same brutal criminals).
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I don't know enough about the Taliban to really comment, but it was my understanding that they are Islamic fundamentalists engaging in a jihad in Afghanistan for the purposes of implementing their strict interpretation of Sharia law on the local population. The Taliban has moreover collaborated with al-Qaeda and other Islamic fundamentalist groups for the purposes of achieving those ends. As far as I'm aware, the consensus is that the Taliban aptly fits in the same general category as those other groups and organizations.
Do you have any sources detailing otherwise? I'll gladly peruse them.
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I'm gonna close the topic now it served it's purpose, just letting you know so you know why you wont get a reply back anymore from Khalaq ;)
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It happened in Nice though, so maybe that's what he meant? At least, I hope so. :P
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Heard of it. But who did it? How do we know it was a terrorist's action though? But anyway, France has become extremely unsafe and that's quite sad. :/ I hope that all these attacks will end. :(
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I dunno but using a big lorry to drive in to the crowd and then emptying a machine gun on the remaining people sounds very terrorist to me.
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Well, I'm not speaking English fluently, but what I meant is: How do we know if he was a deranged person who just wanted to randomly kill people or a person that had a plan?
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There were 2 persons in the truck, 1 was shot dead and the other one got away. Just heard he took hostages in a restaurant.
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This was denied some minutes ago by the authorities. The number of dead is also not clear yet, some officials speak for 60 some other for 30...
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I hear it's over 60 people, French tv says 73 now ffs.
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For the moment french media are unable to confirm as it seems that there are conflicting declarations by some officials. It's at least 30 and even this of course is horrendous...
EDIT: There's a lot of rumors circulating in social media and some less serious media reproduce it. Major media haven't yet confirmed the death toll...
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And they believe it was ISIS' fault, but we can't really know that (at least not yet). I'm just wondering about their intentions. Let's hope for no more victims. :/
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unfortune i remenber the sentence who say "I see humans but not humanity" . I'm sorry about that, and hope future can be possible we all live happy and without worry about this. It's so horrible imagine when u go out and don't know if u will return to home =/
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wtf.. Humanity....
Bob Dylan - Masters of War
Bob Marley - WAR
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John Lennon - Imagine - my favourite
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I've just checked liveleak for unscensored footage. It's a tragic slaughter. Just horrible what humanity is capable of doing to one another in times were we should know so much better.
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It's a risk, I know. You never know what to expect from the footages posted there, but sometimes i want to make myself an image of the 'damage'.
However, later now, I've watched a German news video (ARD) where one could also see piles of bodies and body parts. It's so horrific that they don't even bother hiding it.
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Well, that is the real world. Not everything is so pinky as most of us are used to think it is. Sometimes you see this kind of images and realize how lucky you are, and that there are bigger problems than your slow internet speed..shit like this wakes you up.
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The Liveleak footage is like something from the battlefields.60 KIA's,100 wounded and the driver that went full "carmageddon" has been treated with a healthy dose of lead to the cortex.And a fire at the Eiffel Tower?Yeah,not a fucking coincidence.
So much for a "celebration".Especially with so many people that will never see the light of day again.
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"let's not generalize, it's just a single crazy person, don't be a fascist xenophobe, remember the crusades" in 3..2..1..
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Don't forget the goodness inherent in most of humanity just because a few of us are rotten apples. It is always worth standing up for truth, righteousness, and justice.
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A few? Don't make me laugh, the world is a big cesspool, corruption is at it's highest, and people hide behind their smartphones and tablets so they don't have to see it. The system has to change or we'll all go to hell.
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There are good people in the world, and they are a minority. There are bad people in the world, and they are also a minority. Most people are between the two extremes, just trying to get by as best they can and wanting to be left alone to live their lives. When the bad people hold sway, the "middle" suffers and gets pushed toward bad behavior. When the good hold sway, the bad people are kept in check and have to toe the line, and everyone is able to live in peace.
Things may look bad, right now, but one good person is worth hundreds of bad people. Things will reach a tipping point, and good will once again triumph over evil. If you live long enough, you will see it.
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