I think I'll start doing the same. After the Paris attacks my wife often reminds me to avoid using the subway as much as I can. I usually laugh at her. Then she says the same about the big sales, "try to avoid being in the center of the city at these times".
Then recently came the Euro, and I was certain something would happen, the opportunity was just perfect for them. It did not happen.
And yesterday, as I was preparing myself to go see the fireworks, I was thinking again "mmh, tonight is a perfect opportunity, I bet a bomb explodes somewhere."
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Not going to enter the discussion, but just wanted to give you some info on status of France as a christian state: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_church_and_state#France
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Nice is a city in France. But title looks really stupid.
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Thanks for posting this here, I would have missed it otherwise; I've just been too busy today.
It's a shame, really. But my opinion still is the same - the world would be so much better if there weren't any religions.
It won't be a higher power that will kill mankind in the end, it will be mankind that will extinguish itself, I'm calling it now...
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100% agree with "the world would be so much better if there weren't any religions".
Leave you with a portion of the lyrics of a song that describes my feelings about all this (Imagine, John Lennon):
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace... You...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
This is utopic, sure. Too much wrong with the world today to believe that this will be even remotely possible someday. Countries ruled by capitalist democracies (emphasis on the first), countries ruled by money and corporations (the USA comes to mind, with their arms problem, but pretty much all European and Asian countries), countries bursting with corruption (this is all over the place, but I tend to think first on Brazil / Latin America and African countries), and so on. All this makes John Lennon's dream just that... a dream.
But let me tell you: this is not a today's problem. Referring to the middle east and Muslims "problem", this is historical. All around the Mediterranean (Europe, Middle East and North Africa) there has always been expanding and falling empires, being this area so rich and strategic (the Middle East is the connection between west and east and has always been kind of a commercial warehouse). There was the roman empire, then the byzantine empire, then the ottoman empire, then both the world wars... and all the empires tended to conquest and expansion around the Mediterranean. So, a very conflicted area since the "beginning of times".
All comes down to too much ambition and lack of respect for rights and life in general. And you know: this are kind of endemic "features" of mankind. Not sure if anything can be done about it. But got to keep trying and hoping.
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Sadly, you don't need any religion to end up with a bullshit ideology, it's not that simple. Literally dozens of millions of deaths in the 20th century are testament to this.
Sorry, but if you ask me, John Lennon was just a pretty average idiot.
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Well, not an idiot, just an "average" artist, trying to pass on a message to whoever want to hear it. He was an idealist, sure, the world he imagined was utopic, sure. Nevertheless, the message is there.
And I agree with you. Religion is a cancer, but not the only cancer, as I emphasized on my first post. And as Lennon emphasized on is lyrics.
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Mankind is sick, makes me afraid, I had read at some point how we kill each other every year, everywhere by many millenniums, by the most stupid reasons, sense of belonging (race, country, ethnicity, religion, who is the best), I hate it, i don't feel like a human, but I need it the sense of belonging to be with other humans, I've been robbed, lied, laughed, people i trust leave me alone, "HOPE" the only thing you will see everywhere, the form how you can buy/read/do things with a single word, meanwhile others doesn't care at all who are they hurting, they only will see for themselves.
My body sees like a human, but when I see what mankind is doing themselves, supposedly to be like others, do the same stuff, go to the same places, do the same biological process we are destined to do, but simply i don't feel like it.
Sorry for the wall text, just a quick rage moment, not a good day at all.
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Depends on when you'd started. As for motivation:
A lot of blame shoud be placed on this man: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Ghazali
Afterwards there are too many points to pick.
How to avoid it in the future: perhaps a reformation of Islam or preventing the split that ISIS is trying to generate between the moderates and the west and having them adopt the values of the west against the fundamentalists.
I doubt further regional intervention would help... Perhaps more education and nuanced discussion on what Islam is/should be should be more available to these people. Perhaps finding a way to encourage more integration into society in general rather than the echo and self-validation of one's ideologies that often happens in the internet.
I'll leave how to impede the act itself to someone else.
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Excuse my ignorance, but are the Middle Eastern countries being affected the most doing anything about ISIS? I'm not naive enough to think bombings would be helpful (they've literally helped ISIS recruitment), but a troop invasion of sorts would be best in my opinion.
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Not much.
For example a local force trained by the US fled to the point that only 3 or so remained in the fight. The zone is such a clusterfuck that everyone is pretty much fighting against everyone else in different areas. There's a segment from John Stewart or John Oliver, can't remember right now where he tries to illustrate it.
The countries most affected are too weak to fix things and often join the invaders or flee elsewhere rather than fight. That directly put military armament in the hands of ISIS.
As far as the bigger/richer theocracies, Saudi Arabia and Iran support ISIS either financially or through sheer inaction and do very little to take in refugees.
Drone attacks also push more people to join against the west.
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Not on its own certainly, it was just a good segment to illustrate that point, and they are/were fun enough to watch. Though I don't watch much TV.
I do like the "exposes" for Dummies John Oliver does, like the IRS one.
At least they aren't Fox News...
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Have you actually watched a John Oliver piece? Yes he makes fun of it, but for the most part he just states facts, interjects a few jokes and then continues. This idea that there is this perfect news source that is completely unbiased is false. CNN is terrible, MSNBC is Terrible, Fox is terrible, the moment that big corporations start owning news media and the whole system is based on getting money through ratings then news as a whole is generally untrustworthy. John Oliver isn't a news source, I agree but the state of news and media as a whole is so bad that simply watching him makes you incredibly more informed than watching MSNBC and their wall to wall trump coverage.
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You really think that soldiers raiding their villages appears as less 'evil'? And it's not like that these young guys, stressed out by the experience of war, would rather shoot one suspect too many as one too less, wouldn't they? Incidents like this happen on a regular basis.
But if you have any reputable sources that back up your claim about taking more innocent lives and the resulting consequences of increasing radicalization, please tell us..
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The latter is common sense, I cannot help you if you don't understand how an innocent family is bombed and then their relative becomes radicalized. As for the former, bombs naturally take a larger radius of casualties than gunfire does, common sense.
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Common Sense? Nope, that's not a source. I hope you don't seriously believe that there is a 1:1 causal relationship that could be constructed.
Also, I think your insinuation, that the people who live in this part of this world do not understand what war is and the gruesome consequences it brings, is slightly, uh, offensive.
As for the former, bombs naturally take a larger radius of casualties than gunfire does, common sense
Apples and Oranges, my friend.
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Yes, common sense is not a source, it's something that is well-known by a vast majority and therefor wouldn't need a source. Also, I stated that it was one of my theories, not the only one.
"Also, I think your insinuation, that the people who live in this part of this world do not understand what war is and the gruesome consequences it brings, is slightly, uh, offensive."
I didn't mean to offend, but that isn't an insinuation and me and you both know that.
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Then I hope that you did not mean that literally, every single 'innocent' person killed in that region creates exactly n radicalized would-be-terrorists, where n is the number of relatives (male, certain age bracket) that are still alive and witnessed the death of their 'innocent' relative.
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To quote you:
One of the few theories of mine is the bombing of innocents, which then radicalizes their relatives.
This happens, but not 1:1, as I said. You can't just explain it this way alone. Correlation is not causation.
I put 'innocent' in quote marks, because there isn't an easy consensus on how to define this. This does not mean that innocent citizens don't exist, of course not. There are many innocent citizens suffering from war, unfortunately, that's the tragedy. But you can't just assume 'innocence' just because someone claims that, in the media for example.
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How could it have been avoided?
Unfortunately, it looks like we are currently using "Method #4"....
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It seems that in all 4 methods you suggest that forming of an "Islamic State" is necessary. Can you elaborate what this actually means? I thought we already have Islamic states (e.g. Iran, Pakistan etc).
Also, you mentioned an Islamic State that was dissolved in 1922. Which entity are you referring to and what made it different from current Islamic states?
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The only thing I can think of is the UAR which formed in 1958 and dissolved in 1961 because of internal quarreling (and that were only 2 countries), but that was not an "Islamic" union.
I can't really see a modern "Islamic State" entity replacing so many different types of governments, if there were any intention of forming anything like a "Middle Eastern Union" on the EU basis, I'm pretty sure not a single ME government seriously supports the idea of it. Much less so if it was a strongly tied federation like India or the USA.
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The Islamic State (in Arabic, Khilaafah, AKA Caliphate) is a form of government. It includes its own social, political, economic, judicial, and military systems. Within a Muslim community, the Islamic State functions as the seat of power and oversight, providing protection and services to its population. When overseeing a non-Muslim population, it acts as the protective framework of "last resort." In other words, if the local people fail to reach satisfactory arbitration, they may appeal to the Islamic government and/or court system for a final decision. The rights and privileges of both Muslims and non-Muslims within the Islamic State are too many to list here, but they can be summarized as the protection of "blood, property, and honor."
Structurally, the Islamic State is a representative republic, with Islamic Law being the final word in matters brought before the courts. No one is above the law, and the people are governed locally by their selected representatives. Political structure is similar to that of a corporation where those who "manage" a population are selected by merit and ability, either by those they govern or from above. Failure to perform well results in being replaced. In many ways, the U.S. form of government is similar, but the Islamic State is inherently more flexible and easier to correct when things go awry. Instead of having to wait years to replace a bad representative, or needing to impose term limits, the Islamic State simply sacks the guy and replaces him with someone better.
Within the Islamic State, the chain of command is neighborhood leader to city leader to county leader to state.territory leader to Khalifah (executive). While non-Muslims may hold positions of authority, only Muslims are allowed to hold leadership/oversight positions. Preferably, each group of leaders selects one from among them to represent the next tier of leadership. Hence, the Majlis Ash-Shura (body of territory leaders) selects the Khalifah to represent the entire Islamic State. The judicial system is, of course, separate from the executive branch, and laws are determined locally by the respective representatives. Oversight and continuity is the responsibility of upper tiers of leadership.
There is a LOT more information about this, but hopefully that will give you at least a vague idea. Why is this form of government not in existence? Because those in power have gone to great lengths to prevent it. There have been multiple attempts by the Muslims to reform the Islamic State in the past 50 years, but they have been suppressed and killed for trying.
But that is another long story.....
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Muslim kills over 60 in a European country. (The suspect is still being """""identified""""") Let's let more of them invade, er I mean immigrate.
When will Europe and the US learn? And when will Western liberals pull their heads out of their collective ***es and learn that the world isn't a fairy tale land of peace and kindness? These people will kill you, and you let them in through the front door with open arms. The level of stupidity and naivety is just baffling.
Besides, if current demographic trends continue France will be a Muslim Caliphate in under 100 years, and the French who do not convert will be killed in their own homes once they lose their political power/majority.
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You have not been paying attention to the news in the past 2 years have you? Muslim attack after attack after attack. If the truck driver was a white Frenchman who worked at the local post office the odds are 1/1000.
You need to watch this video to begin your path to enlightenment. David Wood is a good place to begin to undo the brainwashing. You are being had by the media and the do-gooders who insist everything is okay with Islam.
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No, I do research on my own and do not easily get brainwashed by both right wing media such as your video and left wing. Therefor, no one "had" me. I see this problem, but my rationale behind why it's a problem in the first place is much more complicated and thorough than "it's the Muslims! Argh!" One of the few theories of mine is the bombing of innocents, which then radicalizes their relatives.
I've never been able to get a straight-forward response by the other side of the argument. What's your proposal to end this problem you speak of?
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The bitter truth is "right wing media".... I see.
To end this problem? Simple, deport the Islamic faith and those who follow it, and do not let them re-enter, deport, then defend. France, Europe, they owe nothing to these people. The great countries they have built, they do not owe that to anyone, they do not owe their peaceful successful lands to savages who throw acid in a woman's face as punishment, who throw gays off of buildings, or topple walls onto them, or who take child brides. Would you rather live in France, or Saudia Arabia? The people make the nation, not the land the nation is built upon.
If a weak man says "I will kill you once I have the strength." Do you provide him a bed, food, and care in your own home and let him stay? Utter insanity and cultural suicide coming from the left. (Left and right are world views, you have to lean towards one or the other unless you have no opinion at all, right wing nationalism putting your own people first, or left wing globalism putting everyone else first)
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Unfortunately that is discrimination and has no place in the 21st century. I've always thought an invasion with troops, not bombs, would be best to take down the IS. Of course the Middle Eastern countries would need to be supportive with their own troops, especially since the land the IS hold are in their region.
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One more thing, because you are not being straight-forward with your proposal. How do you "deport the Islamic faith and those who follow it"? How do you do this? Ask people if they're Muslim, and if so, do not let them in? You think terrorists are dumb enough to fall for that?
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Well, it definitely has something to do with religion.
To answer the question, when did it start, you must agree beforehand on how far back in time you are willing to go.
But this is really complicated stuff, and I think that it's not even necessary or productive to really go there...
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It is necessary to go that far back when you decide to blame a religion. I'm a Christian myself and I certainly am no fanatic. I want to know when the surge of terrorism started. Not a couple of lone-wolf incidents, but when did this terrorism become a global issue? I don't recall anything of significance before the 1900s.
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Terrorism has always been around. The actions by Rome during the Punic Wars have often been described as terrorism, for example.
But if you mean the current wave of Islamist terrorism, that didn't really take off before the Iranian Revolution, I'd say. So it's pretty new, yes. On the other hand, Wahhabism has been around for a bit longer.
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The driver seems to be 31 yo tunisian man born in French. Religion is still unknown but I'm willing to bet.
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Yeah, let's not let in people who are fleeing for their lives from war zones and terrible living conditions. People who are not at all that different from us.
Why? Because allegedly some bad apple might make it through. Just block them and sing a little mantra that then nothing bad will ever happen, ever. Their suffering is not your problem so why should you care?
This video is a few months old and might be outdated by now (I don't really know how the numbers are now), but the underlining point of "don't be a xenophobic prick" still stands.
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Your grandchildren will be singing a different tune when they are desperately trying to stop Sharia Law from becoming the law of the land because of the stupidity of modern generations. Why not let the entire world immigrate to France, immigrate to the US? Let everyone in who is "living in terrible conditions." Just let everybody in, nothing bad will happen.... rock yourself to sleep..... nothing bad will happen.......
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Until you let us in your time machine to prove it, you are doing nothing but trying to scare people into agreeing with you.
Did you even watch the video? What is this "entire world" and who are these "everyone" you speak off? We are talking about refugees from a specific region. Constantly being surrounded by hunger, war and terror is not living in terrible enough conditions? Wonder if you would wanna stay put if places in their shoes (and how you would feel when people push you away because "you're one of them").
Anyway, this has veered away enough from the thread's original purpose. I'd rather it get sidetracked to something positive rather than just more negatives. <.<
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Most of the immigrants are currently fleeing from the ISIS (and other unpopular entities in the area), so they are definitely far from wanting an Islamic state to rule them.
If they wanted to be ruled by Islamic law (sharia) and Islamic leaders, rather than western democracies, they wouldn't take a much dangerous route through the seas to reach Europe, they would just relocate to Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan or someplace stable (as in not currently at war) where Islam is already a state religion.
Yes, there is people who immigrated and who is currently not satisfied with how we run things in Europe, but I believe that is a vocal minority (that can be forcibly relocated if considered a threat). Besides, I've always been puzzled by people who want to make Europe more alike to the country they actually fled from, why not remain in the first place, or go somewhere alike (the world is certainly not lacking in Islamic theocracies).
Now, the fact that Europe is already overpopulated, it's pretty small if compared to Africa and Asia and their population, it has no "unclaimed territories" to colonize, and can't endlessly support immigration (we can't take in the whole of Africa and Asia), yes that is a real issue that needs to be faced, but that is an economic and political aspect, not religious.
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But that IS the problem. They flee from a current warzone due to their religion, and STILL want to turn Europe into something resembling that. They ARE fleeing from Islam and meanwhile want to Islamitise Europe.
It makes no sense what-so-ever, but it's what's happening. And it's already causing a lot of major issues in Germany, where most of them ended up.
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You should watch this documentary about ISIS and other similar extremely radical groups to understand them, their motives and how sympathizers are constantly increasing in number.. This situation is out of hand and literally cannot be stopped from now on except.... Europe has just one choice..
edit :Just carefully watch their eyes when they are talking about going to Paradise.. You will be scared. If ISIS is completely destroyed in Syria, what would sympathizers do in return for sake of going to Paradise ? I live in Turkey. It is possibly the most modern and westernish muslim country aaaaaaand we have 6million sympathizers of ISIS and etc. What if just 50.000 of them decides to go active ? How would you stop 500 individual terrorists who decided to do something in their own way with their own decisions in Europe ? As we see no one can do anything to completely stop it.. There is just one complete solution for Europe.. I wish it was also possible for my country too..
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I'm reading the news, I can't even sleep. It sucks.
But I wouldn't say religion is the problem, most of these terrorists barely know about their religion so religion is not a problem and will never be, it gives people hope, stupidity is the problem.
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IIRC most of the terrorists involved in recent attacks were actual petty criminals who did drugs, alcohol, lived off stealing and robberies, and didn't pray once before being recruited by shady people who somehow turned them into war machines.
How do they pull off these kinds of mind tricks is beyond me though... convincing someone to do something bad might not be hard (you just need a good amount of money, almost everyone has a price), but convincing someone to do something bad AND die while they are at it, well, how they do that? :/
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My condolences for all victim and family...
What a tragedy on celebration day with many people =(
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Of course I feel bad for the victims and their families.
And you are always so touchy and sensitive.
It is just a recent event that affects us all, almost entirely in the negative light, so I hoped to point out, its not all bad, and it could of been worse.
edit: no hard feelings
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I guess Christianity evolved over the years while islam is still the barbaric religion it started out as 1400 years ago.
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I personally know and beleive, christianity did not evolve, they are only reaping the benefits of having an established empire, after the countless greevious crimes and sins they commited. (not all christians, just the religion itself).
Islam is just late to the starting gate. (and probably equally as bad as christianity)
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I can't think of how any person could try to justify or even try to present reasons for what is plain and simple murder. Murder of innocents. And some of those being people that had earned my respect in these forums make me rethink my very participation here.
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Sigh, been in Nice twice - once for a large parade and can absolutely visualize how horrible this attack was. I just want to cry for the world that we've sunk so low in the name of "religion". But then I see how low the US has sunk in terms of government and well, as my mother would have said, "the world is going to hell in a hand-basket". I guess global warming wiping out the human race might not be such a terrible thing considering how we just can't seem to get along after thousands of years. We can't stop fighting and demanding everyone be exactly the same as "me" or you need to die or worse be marginalized into some ghetto. Crap, aren't we smarter than this? Apparently not. We truly seem to appear to deserve nature doing her best to wipe us off the planet....
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Then this hits you more personally then other people for sure.
Um, about everything else, I would equate the current world state to one thing, over population.
(well, that and pollution, which lets face it, only exsists cause greedy/lazy/don't care, persons).
I hope you feel better, but I personally believe the world will continue to get worse, ... to spare you(and me) the very sad and depressing subject of China.
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This is sad and disgusting. Why attacking random civilians, kids, parents and brothers. Being french doesnt mean we all agree with our government action! These terrorists are just pussies in disguise, they train to fight, yet they run away from the fight and go kill innocents then die like pathetic little shit they are in a truck or a supermarket.
La Marseillaise still ring true 200 years after being written.
Arise, children of the Fatherland,
The day of glory has arrived!
Against us tyranny's
Bloody banner is raised, (repeat)
Do you hear, in the countryside,
The roar of those ferocious soldiers?
They're coming right into your arms
To cut the throats of your sons, your women!
To arms, citizens,
Form your battalions,
Let's march, let's march!
Let an impure blood
Soak our fields!
What does this horde of slaves,
Of traitors and conspiratorial kings want?
For whom are these vile chains,
These long-prepared irons? (repeat)
Frenchmen, for us, ah! What outrage
What fury it must arouse!
It is us they dare plan
To return to the old slavery!
To arms, citizens...
What! Foreign cohorts
Would make the law in our homes!
What! These mercenary phalanxes
Would strike down our proud warriors! (repeat)
Great God! By chained hands
Our brows would yield under the yoke
Vile despots would have themselves
The masters of our destinies!
To arms, citizens...
Tremble, tyrants and you traitors
The shame of all parties,
Tremble! Your parricidal schemes
Will finally receive their reward! (repeat)
Everyone is a soldier to combat you
If they fall, our young heroes,
The earth will produce new ones,
Ready to fight against you!
To arms, citizens...
Frenchmen, as magnanimous warriors,
Bear or hold back your blows!
Spare those sorry victims,
Who arm against us with regret. (repeat)
But not these bloodthirsty despots,
These accomplices of Bouillé,
All these tigers who, mercilessly,
Rip their mother's breast!
To arms, citizens...
Sacred love of the Fatherland,
Lead, support our avenging arms
Liberty, cherished Liberty,
Fight with thy defenders! (repeat)
Under our flags, may victory
Hurry to thy manly accents,
May thy expiring enemies,
See thy triumph and our glory!
To arms, citizens...
(Children's Verse)
We shall enter the (military) career
When our elders are no longer there,
There we shall find their dust
And the trace of their virtues (repeat)
Much less keen to survive them
Than to share their coffins,
We shall have the sublime pride
Of avenging or following them
To arms, citizens...
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Someone really wants to intimidate Europeans, the goal - to destroy the European Union, to separate nations, because alone they are easy to win.
First step reached - Britain leave, now France, next can be Germany.
Our condolences to the French people.
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Its just awful that things like this happen..there is just no excuse for all those lifes taken, none.
also for all those ppl saying that: oh but ppl dont give a shit when thousands get killed in Syria and middle-eastern countries: two wrongs dont make one right.
civilians being killed is equally terrible, no matter where it happens.
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That's fairly easy to explain actually.
A large population of angry muslims that are in under-developed areas of Paris and have little hope on a bright future... they are easy prey for conversion to terrorism.
Remember the riots in Paris in those neighbourhoods before terrorism really became "a thing"? It's those people IS recruits.
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Do you want to tell you it is because of the amount of Muslims in France? Because it is because of the amount of Muslims in France.
All religions are fucking despicable and should be ended, but damn, Islam does have a fetish for blood and pedophilia.
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It's stupid how people forget about the human casualties in such a horrific incident and jump to turn a thread like this -which is supposed to be an "In memory of the victims" type of thread- to a "Whose religion is better" type of thread.
May the poor victims rest in peace.
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