How often do you cry at video games?
Telltale's The Walking Dead. Specially Season 1. I cry evrytiem.
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I just heard about That Dragon, Cancer on the radio
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I'm avoiding that one, I can't imagine why anyone in their right mind would want to try to experience what a parent of a dying child goes through, The description of the game alone was enough to almost make me cry. Maybe I would have treated the game differently if I weren't currently kinda parenting an adorable 21-month-old niece, but right now the topic of the game sime just too horrible.
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It's a kinetic interactive story. To the Moon didn't feature much more gameplay either: one "puzzle" and one trial-and-error segment which is often considered the worst part in the entire product.
Masking simple animated stories as games is popular nowadays anyway (just think of all the visual novels or the interactive movies like the current TellTale portfolio). Shortness is also a bane of video games, but for quite some time.
Still, from a few-dollar indie, I think it wasn't that short. Could have been 2-3 hours, sure, but normally you drag out the story by some grinding or travel segments; many million-dollar AAA games costing 60 bucks have less than 3 hours of actual story content. At least in A Bird Story, even the walking served some story purposes, setting up scenes in one way or another.
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Seeing here some negative opinions about A Bird Story I decided to describe my experience with this game.
First time I've played it, I didn't know what was going on and quit after around 5 minutes. Few days later I found out that it's just a short, interactive story and decided to try again ... and it "clicked". I got so immersed in the story that I found myself nearly crying ... (alright alright, I was actually crying) ...on the last scene. I think the length of it's gameplay only makes it better. It's hard to stay drawn into the story this much when you play some part of the game every evening for a few days. 1h gameplay makes it a complete emotional experience, when you firstly get to know the characters, then get involved in their lives and finally create an emotional bound that makes you feel like a part of the story. All in a one session.
I'm sure it's not gonna be the same for everyone but approaching it with a right attitude definitely did the trick for me.
+1 and thumbs up!
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I just finished Syberia 1, good story but don't think it's emotional enough to be listed here, just my opinion though.
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what charecter do you mean its been awihle since i played?
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Oh man, this is right up my ally!!!!
Gone Home: Short, sweet and an emotional story
The Walking Dead and Other Telltale Games: The Walking Dead will definitely make you cry and if you like that one you can move onto other Telltale games
Her Story: Won it, haven't played it yet
Life is Strange: Beautiful game! A really emotional story about 2 friends!
Bioshock Trilogy: Now, this is more along the line of Spec Ops when it comes to the narrative. It's the perfect combination of an amazing narrative and amazing gameplay!
Will add more later!
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got that from the capcom bundle and can confirm its a good game but i didnt like the fighting
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eh, it wanted to do too much, I think. nothing was frustrating, but neither was it exceptional. the worst was the 'exploration' . Combat was fine except for the bosses where you had to interrupt your normal button mashing for pressing specific ones.
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I'm gonna go with "it tried too much". As you said, there was nothing frustrating about the gameplay, but the gameplay was fairly blah. There were a lot of interesting attempts, that weren't completely thought through or properly playtested or whatever. If they could have spent more time on e.g. the novel platforming or the different combat system, they could have either made the new approach work better, or realize that it doesn't work and abandon it in favor of more traditional gameplay.
The game was definitely innovative, in so many ways, but I think that that's where the problem lies - too much innovation and not enough perfecting the innovation.
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i cry very easly but games? its REALLY rare that they make me even tear a bit
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Well i've only played the first episode of Life is strange... really need to get the others... and valiant hearts... i got emotional on it and into the characters but never cried
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i was having dem feels as i inched closer to the ending of Ass Effect 3, but then i saw it, and my hearth froze up even harder than before.
TWD made me feel the feels again but not enough for crying, i wish there was a game that made me cry, Skyrim did but it was about how heartbroken i was... On a serious note i feel like most games try to make you have the feels by removing player agency and forcing you to watch stuff, and by doing so they fail to be good games IMO.
Apart from that some games have made me feel other emotions, like anger, i mean proper anger at a character not to a troll on CS:GO xD
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Valkyria? Why? The only drama I can think of is the death of a character who pretty much had a "sacrifice to make hero stronger" sign on the moment they appeared on screen. (I have to add though, first I thought that the person who mourned that death the most would be the mandatory loss in the squad.) Otherwise it was a straightforward, fairly predictable, yet stable and entertaining story that focused a lot on being as lighthearted as it could without ever reaching goofy status.
A great game, no argument there, but the writing wasn't really on top of conveying any emotions.
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Valkyria Chronicles is a game that actually dares to address real life war horrors (from it's inspiration WW2). That other games even shy away from such as concentration camps and the treatment of innocent civilians.
It can be a bit heavy- handed at times.
I was legitimately invested in the lives of my characters and the story of Gallia itself.
Great Game and lengthy too.
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Great game, and should be played more. I don't know that it made me cry, but it was a great story along with beautiful 3D-platforming. One of those games I couldn't get myself to uninstall after I completed it.
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Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock 2 has also a pretty emotional story. I totally agree with to the moon and Spec Ops (though I can't cry with games).
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Kana: Little sister made me cry like a bitch. I almost couldn't finish it. But the story is so powerful, i recommend this VN to everyone. :3
Ever17 one of the ending made me cry a bit.
Katawa Shoujo is also very nice. Hanako ftw!
Family Project also has it's powerful moments.
Discipline: Record of a crusade made me cry of laughter, because the story is so surreal.
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I'm looking for games with strong emotional story. So far I've played:
So any suggestions?
And please tell us which games made you cry.
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