Currently, clicking "Claim code" leads either to error or to 404 page.
For those who don't know, claim here -
upd. finally worked, code appears on the same page instead of the button
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Didn't see that was clickable, ended up googling to reach
SEGA's page (and emails) aren't the clearest
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got code to claim but epic says
"Code redemption failed. Please contact customer service with the code you entered.
Error Code:
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Double check the game itself mate, the page redeems the code then goes back to the redeem code page, so it looks like it hasn't done anything and when you click it again it throws that error. Did it to me, I went into the game and the factions were there ready to play.
Not sure why they set up the page to work that way...
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Indeed thats the case. I noticed that i got the dlc as i saw it under transactions.
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I linked the account and claim code isn't working.
404 error after clicking the claim code button
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Try blowing on the cartridge and try again.
After several errors it worked
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Got it. A few hoops to jump through if you haven't logged into TW or Epic lately but it went smoothly.
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Thanks for posting about it. What a giant pain in the ass to actually get though.
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Nice!! Thanks for the headsup. I almost bought it!
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I used it it said failed the nit says I already used the code ... I assume it went through then. shrugs
Their store SUCKS. I can't see it in my transactions list and no email about it? Epic blows
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Got my code, thank you.
First TROY, now AMAZONS for free, Epic rocks!
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Im not complaining, free dlc is free
But why do i need to link account when i already created an account ill never use again!?
Why not login with epic or somthing. Why the need for an account?
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From what CA has said there are mainly 3 reasons:
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unlocking games across platform is nice, but unlikely. steam wants its share
all the other stuff is valid but creating an account and linking it is just a useless extra step
they could just allow login with Epic or Steam and create profiles.
with every publisher adding their launcher\hub\website the less likely users would look into it
could be just me,,
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unlocking games across platform is nice, but unlikely. steam wants its share
Steam doesn't want their share for outside content redemption AFAIK.
Steam want their share if, inside a Steam game (launched via Steam), you buy anything.
Also via EGS promotion they can't nicely harvest email addresses like they can with this. SEGA loves emailing the shit out of you (see Make War Not Love promotion with free games).
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you are misunderstanding CA's plan. The idea is not to allow you to buy stuff inside the game. The idea is that if you bought the game outside steam paltform CA will gift you the game for steam.
Currently steam doesn't have any rule that prohibits that behavior. There are several games that yo ucan buy at the dev store and you get a DRM-free version + steam key.
This is basically the same with the difference that you don't get just 2 versions of the game but all the versions.
This is different that what EA did a while ago where you could have micro transactions inside steam games that used websites to circumvent steam's share.
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Steam (like all platforms) gets the money per sale. so while providing keys for Devs, they must have a limit so they can drive the store sales and keep profiting.
in game purchase (MTX) through steam is still a thing. but its not as exploited as mobile platforms
Epic claims to have a smaller cut and is doing the whole fight apple thing, yet they keep going for exclusive deals on the platfrom
so im sure they are looking to keep the profits as well.
im yet to see cross platform sale outside some limited marketing campaigns.
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no steam doesn't have a limit on key generation. you can read the rules here
In very simple terms it basically means that as long as steam users get the same treatment as non steam users, valve will stay out of your way. Also if Valve suspect you are abusing the key generation they may deny further requests without explanation.
When steamspy worked i remember that there were games where more than 50% of sales were steam keys so clearly valve doesn't really push for steam to be the dominant "store".
Valve seems to believe that as long as their client is better and offers more feature they will always be the major store
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It isn't that unlikely. What CA basicaly does is use a free generated key from steam and activate that on your account. They are testing the same for the EGS.
If i remember correctly steam rules for keys only mention that steam users can't have a worse deal than non steam costumers + rules for preventing abuse.
Theoretically what CA is doing is inside the rules steam currently has.
The biggest problem is, as always, EGS. They want users for themselves and they don't like sharing. To my knowledge EGS doesn't even have the rules for their key use in a way for us costumers to see.
Also even if it was unlikely it is written in their wood elf DLC blog that this is their plan.
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CA text "A long planned for goal and major feature for Access we’re working on is the ability for you to link your different store accounts through it, so TW games and DLC you buy in one store will transfer to the others. This means that, for example, you can buy a game in one place, and then take advantage of a DLC sale in another. Plus, play multiplayer with people on different platforms. We’re working on it with our retail partners at the moment and we’ll let you know when we’ve more to share. "
From here
The ballpark is on EGS and steam's court now. Probably more on EGS as steam usually plays ball with anything that favors costumers.
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What CA basicaly does is use a free generated key from steam and activate that on your account.
I mean, if they use your Total War account, they can just let you access DLC based on what you're allowed to have at login time, without using keys at all. Just a server side ownership check of what you paid for on any platform.
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I don't understand what you mean. CA's free DLC (grombindal, gotrek, amazons, scary big spider mount) were all activated Steam/EGS keys.
Also wouldn't that server side ownership check require the game to always be online? Because currently total war games can be played offline as long as denuvo doesn't interfere.
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Because SEGA/CA wants you to use their site, they want you to get invested in their ecosystem, and drive traffic their way. It's basically a marketing tool.
They've given away small DLCs on there in the past, for the same reason (those are still available, by the way, so if you have Warhammer 2, you can still grab them, but unlike the free DLC for Troy, they're "exclusive" to their platform, and you need to register there to claim them, you can't buy them elsewhere).
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Amazons will be free to claim if you have a Total War Access account. Free to claim from the 24th of September to the 8th of October 2020. If you claim the DLC during this time, it is free to keep.
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