Yeah, tell them not to use their distribution platform.
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Yeah, because telling them to change their bussines model is not stupid enough. Convincing them to not use Origin is on the same lines. Also it's not the first time I've seen such claims made...
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Does it matter to EA if I buy their game on Steam or Origin? Probably not since they get a sale either way.
The problem is two fold for me though. I don't want Origin, at all. If it's not on steam, I'm not buying it on from their Origin store. Infact, Even if it's on Steam and they force the use of Origin (much like Sims 3, or UBI's uplay with farcry 3), then I'll not be buying it either.
There is no need to deploy two sets of DRM for a game, and for as long as EA and UBI soft and the rest of the asshats continue to force stupid DRM and restrictions on me, then they've lost a sale.
boo-hoo; I hear you. But I'm not alone in this way of thinking, if the publishers want to snub potential paying customers, then that's their own problem. It's their loss, I'll just play a different game and I'll still be enjoying it.
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Sure, I forgot that selling on Steam and every features they offer are free. Silly me.
You are the one forcing a stupid DRM (Steam) on you. You are the one missing games, you are the one with the blinds shut down.
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Ya, this is probably true... But they don't make the games, they just force tight deadlines... DICE can make a decent game with air and land battles...
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The story, no... The combat I thought was decent. Yes it wasn't as good as like 1942, but it was still a decent game. If they can take that kind of gameplay, turn it into a Star Wars game, add thirdperson, then you've got your basic Battlefront 3. They also need to add rolls like in Battlefront 2...
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EA has so many problems with it and yet you worry about Origin which isn't bad at all. Obviously it's not as good as Steam, but it doesn't make it bad if it isn't as good as something else.
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I don't use Origin, but I've heard their support sucks and they have some other problems, but I never use support so Origin might be fine...
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EA has one of the best supports out there. It's a hundred times better than Steam's
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But at the same rate, it isn't very good - either. It's amazing how they still haven't implemented much of the common sense features yet. Considering what it offers, it's still bloated.
I also think they should do what Ubisoft does, still release games on Steam but rarely put the marquee titles on sale. It would still allow options, cause less rage and still give them money. It's a compromise and one that's hard to complain about.
But yeah, EA isn't about the consumer that gives them their money. Only themselves, right up to the day they die prematurely.
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Ya, but one can hope... Time to save up $130 to buy the game, plus the story, and anything else with it...
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Ultimate solution to tell EA not to add DLCs: Don't buy the game, pirate it.
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Wrong, just don't buy the game. Pirating is not suddenly valid just because you object to how a company chooses to market its own products. They have the freedom to price, distribute, and market as they see fit. You have the freedom to buy or not buy. You are not entitled to the game experience however.
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No, you don't have any right to enjoy something you've not paid for.
Also don't buying their games for A or B reasons and pirating them afterwards is quite hypocritical.
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Ghost Busters.
And may you develop how a person who has devoted their time to create something is not entitled to try and profit from it if he so desires?
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Ownership of ideas is impossible, and, more importantly, harmful to society. Every new development and innovation was made by someone who 'stole' someone else's ideas and did something new with them. Without the freedom to use and alter ideas from external sources, technology, culture, and civilization stagnate and die.
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Telling EA NOT to make DLC is like explaining evolution to a religious person. Can't be done.
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I wouldn't say no DLC, I would say DLC that is good value for money.
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I really want C&C Renegade 2. But I know EA would fuck it up. :(
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When I buy a game I expect there to be no quality DLC for a couple months after release... if it's available the same day or a couple weeks after, that tells me it could have been included in the base game and they are just stealing my money...
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They released an article on EA's website stating that they want to hear from you so we should tweet them or something like that, and make sure these things are mentioned in your tweet: Battlefront 3 from DICE, 1313 from VisceralGames, KotOR 3 from BioWare... And no DLC...
I know a lot of you are pissed at them getting the licensing, but look on the bright side, WE WILL HAVE BATTLEFRONT 3!!!
Oh, and if possible, tell them NOT to use Origin...
Here is the article...
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