Public ASF STM listing

I didn't put it in ASF thread mainly because the listing can be considered useful for both ASF and non-ASF users, and is somehow a side project, as ASF as a tool is only helping making it happen.

Initial idea was brought up by Corran in 1:1 Auto-Accepting Steam Card Traders List and I thought that it'd be really cool to create a side project of automatic STM trade bots powered by ASF, for all users - especially me, as I'm super lazy when it comes to matching dupes, and very often I'm just being passive, patiently wait for people to send me trade offers themselves. Like with ASF - I created something nice for myself, and since it's useful for me, it can be useful for you, too!

How it works

Skipping technical details, the page links you active ASF STM trade bots that have been reported live in last 15 minutes. This allows you to easily trade your dupe cards, instantly, with any of them. Simply match any bot of your choice (Any bots recommended) by clicking its STM link, wait for STM to finish specific scan and send it a trade - due to being powered by ASF, you have a guarantee to receive a response to your trade instantly, allowing you to match the next bot with up-to-date results. Repeat until you run out of dupes, and finish your cards collection in notime!

I also recommend installing STM userscript (optional) to quickly fill trade window with matched cards automatically. This way matching dupes is easy and convenient, I can't even imagine manually putting more than a few cards at once.

I want to know more

You can read more (technical details) about the entire concept of public listing here, and ASF STM module here.


Thanks to Mole for current ASF STM design.
Thanks to Hyo for initial ASF STM design.

Is the project still supported?

As stated in my thread closing statement, despite of SG thread being closed, I intend to keep the project up-to-date and supported through non-SG channels.

Was it helpful?

Feel free to leave feedback in the thread if you'd like to. Bumps for visibility are appreciated too!

8 years ago*

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I see the list has been growing already!

As for the look of it; I'd just add some margin to the <a>'s and then it should be good enough.

8 years ago

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Yeah, with release of first stable ASF version with enhanced statistics on, I expect it to grow even more in following days. I'm wondering if I won't need some better filtering in near future.

8 years ago

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Maybe just sort them first so you can easily separate the two kinds? I'd say that should be enough for now.

The only thing I have been thinking about is some function that would let you see how many cards everyone has but I doubt Steam supports that and the calls would be quite heavy on traffic unless you cache it.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I've been thinking about that as well, but it'd put hard pressure on my small server, and it already has all heartbeats and reports to handle. I'm definitely keeping it in mind though - sorting by available cards could be really useful.

Added margin for now, thanks for suggestion.

8 years ago

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I have no idea about programming and I'm just tossing around ideas here but would it be possible to read the numer of cards available from a Badge Collector Showcase if the profile has one. That would still leave the problem of how to encourage people to use one and what about accounts below level 10 that don't have a showcase yet but it would probably take less resources than checking for the number of cards itself.

8 years ago

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That is actually much better attempt to handle this than parsing inventories, but it has one downside of showcase requirement - ArchiBoT for example doesn't have it.

I'll come back to this idea later, but it should be doable with some effort that even showcase should not be needed.

8 years ago

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Maybe let ASF report that.
So like ASF gets its own inventory for the first message to your server. Numbers will be out of date a little (dunno if on every heartbeat would be to much), but there would be no increased traffic whatsoever.

8 years ago

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That would be great if it is technically possible. With all the Steam fuckups over the last days I sometimes had to check if STM doesn't find matches for some of the bots listed above because a) it's currently overloaded b) the other bot has very few cards or in one case had too many cards for STM to function properly. (At least that's my assumption because with 7 or 8k cards there must have been some matches)

8 years ago

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I'm loving this new feature :D Makes it so much easier if you don't have to pay attention not to offer the same card twice because all trades get acted upon immediately.

8 years ago

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This is exactly why I love this as well, and why I created it in the first place. STM is okay as it is, but that immediate ASF response is still super-powerful. Glad to hear that you enjoy it too!

8 years ago

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Wow nice work on this <3

8 years ago

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Was wondering why my bot wasn't populating - ASFui does not appreciate changes post apparently, which was the version I was running until only moments ago (and before finishing this post I see it's already been posted to the ASFui thread).

Archi, thank you again for what you've done with ASF, and now for the creation of this list. I'd offer to "improve this awful code", but the last time I wrote in HTML was, hmm, during the First Browser War using Netscape Composer, so I think my skill is a little "rusty" :)

8 years ago

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Yes, I changed WCF implementation recently, ASFui will need to follow.

8 years ago

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hmmmm,... for some reason it doesnt list me since the unstable builds... will have to check if my compilation screwed something up =/
edit - couldn`t fix on m yside.. .will keep trying tomorrow...
great job archi o/

8 years ago*

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I've been constantly improving public STM listing, therefore actual ASF reporting method also changed since then. It's best to launch stock ASF first and check if it works, then attempt to create custom build if needed.

BTW, you might not need custom build of ASF anymore, depending on what you need from it - MatchEverything for trade bots exists for some time now.

In any case, if you're having troubles with making some steamID pop up, let me know which one is it and I'll check why. I checked 76561198341838970 and there is no record in database, which means that your bot should have no issues signing up. Stock ASF should have no troubles signing in, but depending on actual custom code changes, server might refuse to accept listing request from you, as it's designed to work with ASF code only.

8 years ago

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hey there! o/
my compilation only changes a line, breaking the redeem command so any key i send to my bots it tries to activate first on my main account (my knowledge doesnt allow me to tailor it properly and my lazyness claims it is harmeless to break the !redeem function only so i do not have to type it)

I keep on the updated build for improved performance and features. Up to yesterday I was running build, which should have the listing function.
I updated to version, when i claimed it wasnt listing me... and while trying to find out why it didnt work i have gone back to the official release (, checked if there is any new/old line on config files, etc... but I still couldn`t figure out where is the problem.

If I cannot figure it out by myself I`ll open a topic on the group to bother you o/

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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It's possible that eventually I'll add some cards count indicator, but that should be probably internal for sorting only, or on-hover at avatar, so it's not a big deal to add it later if we already have avatars.

I think that such informative site is enough, I don't want to ask for too much earlier, as it's supposed to be simple and nice, not something too fancy. I'm just sure that some frontend magician can add a bit of user experience into current concept and make something more enjoyable to look at, rather than raw data in it's current form. I'd do that myself if I had any actual experience in that - it's a bit hard to make a website made out of <h1>, <a> and <img> tags alone :3.

Thanks in advance!

BTW, if it helps you with design - apart from steamID, avatar hash and match everything properties that I make use of right now, there is also nickname property you can use, e.g. for display purposes.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Thanks! I uploaded your code and did some misc fixes, check it out -

It's definitely much better now :3. If you have any further updates/suggestions, feel free to send them back to me. Thanks once again!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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That's current code, I didn't even want to put CSS in other file as there is no need to for such tiny code. Feel free to send updated version if you feel like adding/changing anything.

8 years ago

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I love it. I am introducted to STM couple weeks and so far i only traded with bots because they are instant ( while it takes some time to load their inventory due to high item count) instead of users ( too much hype that cant wait hours to craft my badges that need has 1 more remaining card) :D )

But wouldn't it be possible if we were to send our duplicate cards to a STM bot, which then shows that i have card 1 and card 2 available and matches with someone who is searching for card 1 for his card 1x, and he can trade instant? And for the one who sent his card to bot to get a match can later collect his card from the bot? Or is it too complicated?

Btw your bot need to say " merry christmas" after a successful trade 🎅

8 years ago

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Thanks to @Hyoshi the page got some new look, I also separated bots from users, so they show nicely in 2 different rows now :3.

8 years ago

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Oh didn't see that someone else was working on something.
you can check this one out as well, perhaps there are some ideas to add? no bootstrap or other deps.

Code Pen

8 years ago

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It also looks quite nice, but I can choose only one and Hyoshi declared he wants to work on this yesterday, so I want to stick with his version, especially once I updated it a bit to match my expectations (e.g. rounded images now look nice).

Still, thank you too :3.

8 years ago

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No problem, I just thought it wouldn't make sense not to post my version.
What I can recommend:
use SASS for CSS as preprocessor.
It adds some nice features like nesting, variables (e.g. save colors as vars and easily change them), etc. just check their github page and/or my version.

8 years ago

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cries in json

View attached image.
8 years ago

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If it becomes more common problem, I'll probably add some pre-checks for excluding people with very low amount of steam cards from listing (that will also deal with private inventories with 0 steam cards).

8 years ago

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The other user caused problem (which ASF can't check as far as I understand) I've encountered so far is at least 2 or 3 bots on the list don't have Trade tokens set on STM.

8 years ago

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Heh, since my free-for-all alt account is listed there, I suddenly had 13 trade offers today. Normally I get them in 4-5 days even during the season sale crafting crazes.

8 years ago

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Which means my idea is working, because this is supposed to help both people that want to match their dupes, and people that want to be matched for those dupes. I'd be happy if people matched me more frequently, so I wouldn't need to match other people myself :3.

8 years ago

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Works like a charm, thanks :3

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Long live JustArchi !

8 years ago

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Bump for Winter Sale card trades!

8 years ago

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Nice to see that my code works properly in case of Steam downtimes and doesn't list bots that are offline, even if ASF running them is on. At least GabeN helped me with testing that one thing :3.

8 years ago

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Funny to see a bot I just configured to appear in the list. At least it confirms it is working correctly :)

As a side question, what are you using to sort the list on? It seems like the order is changing on every refresh.
//Edit: My guess is "Last time reported active"?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Order should not matter at all, you should consider all of the listed bots as active in last 15 minutes. They will change position all the time due to last report date, and that's intended as I also don't want to "favor" any of the bots, and the way it's right now makes it more or less fair for everybody, as every bot is "first" at some point of time.

Still, order doesn't matter, at all. I simply must display them somehow.

8 years ago

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Quite a few profile pics are not loading for me (and I assume other users); 11 right now.

For layout purposes I'd put a height: 64px; and width: 64px; on .img-rounded so they all still line up nicely. See attached image. :)

View attached image.
8 years ago

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very interesting, probably quite useful for those who trade regularly

8 years ago

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Might I make a recommendation for a future iteration of the listing?

Integrating with STM is fantastic, except when STM is down (such as now). Could the listing provide links to Steam profiles in addition to the STM liink? Even better, would it be possible to add a trade link to the ASF config to be transmitted to the public listing so that browsing users could send direct trades rather than routing through STM if necessary?

Also, free bump!

8 years ago

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That complicates things a lot, and it's that time of the day when I say "out of the ASF scope".

ASF is after all cards farming software, not cards matching one. Adding yet another config option of self trade token complicates things a lot, and has little to no point, as the next thing to do would be creating my own ArchiSteamMatch, and I'm not reinventing the wheel.

8 years ago

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Isn't bot.json has "SteamTradeToken" property already?
Not really need to be ArchiSteamMatch, just change the link for bot with "MatchEverything" to have direct trade link instead of STM.
But I don't understand where does number in partner parameter comes from.

8 years ago

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That token is for master, not for the bot itself.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Yes, I know, if it was less troublesome I'd definitely consider adding it, but in it's current form it's adding one extra bot config property for out of the scope ASF function, that's why I'm trying to avoid it, at least until I get angry enough at how STM is working. Luckily, it's working decent for now.

8 years ago

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Don't worry, STM with its userscript works for most cases, and I don't need to search the cards manually.
I only look for direct trade link if I need the cards badly and STM doesn't show any matches. And now it's easier since I added Archibot as friend. 😀

Just a little confused to your answer up there about trade token.

8 years ago

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Looks great thanks =) Helped me to trade a few dupes.

Is there a way to automagically trade 1:1 cards of different sets that have same or very similar value? I have many unfinished badges and would love to finish some by trading cards of other unfinished badges.

8 years ago

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Not with ArchiBoT/ASF at least. I'm also not aware of any script like this.

8 years ago*

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shouldn't that offer sending add items to trade boxes by itself? when i press send offer, it just opens trade window with person without any items added

8 years ago

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Only if you have STM userscript.

8 years ago

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i do have it

8 years ago

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It works for me - it loads trade offer with items after both inventories are loaded.

Still, it has nothing to do with public ASF listing. If there is a bug related to that you should report it to STM dev.

8 years ago

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I searched the discussions to find a possible list of these so called trading bots but this is so much better! Cheers! :freebeer:

8 years ago

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Steamownerid - anything wrong with leaving this empty if I just use it on the account i input in user and password?

8 years ago

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No, it is 0 by default and if you leave it like this then nobody will be able to use ASF owner commands.

8 years ago

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Considering there's a new user who runs 83 bots, all of them listed here and I'm pretty sure at least 82 of those don't have cards in their inventory it would be great to have a way to eliminate bots that don't carry cards or have private inventories / no Steam Trade Token set on STM from the list.

8 years ago

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Correct, that's on todo list.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Starting from next stable ASF version, all bots with private/empty inventories will be excluded, and all other bots will be sorted according to number of cards in their EQ (as opposed to last report date it's right now).

8 years ago

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Awesome :D Thanks a lot Archi. Looking forward to see what other bots beside ArchiBoT and Menel's bot are well stocked :)

8 years ago

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The change is live now.

8 years ago

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So many fewer bots now... pretty nice.
Now I only need to stack up on cards, so my bot will be on the top, forever always ;->

8 years ago

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Thanks, it's looks more clean now :D

8 years ago

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In long-run there will be more bots since people will update to new ASF version, but yeah the general idea of excluding empty bots is still here, and sorting according to number of cards helps.

8 years ago

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Is that already implemented (on server side), when using the prerelease/newest code?
Seems like it, since the first few bots never change.

Is there a treshold for "inventory empty"? My STM bot (which has currently only 10 cards) does not show up at all now. Most of my cards are on the ANY bot, so it doesn't really matter, I was just a bit confused ;->

8 years ago

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Yes, although server does not exclude bots that do not include/check their EQ yet (old ASF versions) -

Maybe your bot has private/empty inventory at the time of check. You can debug that if you want to.

8 years ago

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Well inventory was public and had 10 cards, when I launched ASF. Relaunched and now it shows up^^.
Possibly steam fuckup not reporting invetory ;->

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by JustArchi.