...create a giveaway for you lovely people?

In honor of breaking two milestones, I'm gonna give back to this awesome community!

I was lurking around the forums, as I am wont to do, and another thread made me check my profile. That's when I noticed that I had 3,000 entries AND 25 games won. Got my first badge.

Now, I've teased enough. Here's the giveaway for fun and profit. ePTc7

12 years ago*

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Good work. Giving feels good.

12 years ago

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That's what I keep telling 'em, but those wimmens just keep slapping me in the face, every time.

So confusing...

12 years ago

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I just gave away Portal today, and it felt very satisfying. I was happy to do it.

12 years ago

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That's because taking is bad.

Seno akta gamat! Akta gamat!

12 years ago

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congrats on making those two milestone

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

12 years ago

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Congratulation! May you have more good fortune in the future.

12 years ago

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ive just hit 3000 entries too, but im greedy ;)

12 years ago

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Thank you for the giveaway! I plan on buying the pack for myself so I won't be entering. :)

12 years ago

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You are one magnanimous son of a gun.

12 years ago

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Buy a pack for me too, i would but i cant because of i dont own a credit card <.< :D

12 years ago

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you should be able to buy an Amazon gift card with paypal money

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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also: ebay

note: not all online shops are trustworthy, you may have to do some research

12 years ago

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Great first giveaway!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Oh boy, I've always wanted to say this! ahem

Shanks for Tyrim!!

Ack, I've failed miserably D:<

12 years ago

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Congrats! And thank you!

12 years ago

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You get all 5? That seems unfair for the people who only own the 1 that prevents them from getting the other 4? :x Not entering either way :) Cheers!

12 years ago

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I'm not even sure how to respond to this.

12 years ago

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Why's that? ._.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Awesome giveaway, many thanks for that :)

12 years ago

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Lol I was about to say stop whining when I saw that title, but then I read the rest :3
Thank you very much for Giveaway!

12 years ago

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Thank you and congrats again :)

12 years ago

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damn, I just got back from work and I missed the window

12 years ago

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I'm quite late on this but I already own that bundle. Just wanted to say you're awesome for including the entire bundle :)

12 years ago

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Thanks for your contribution.

But you need more comments :)
12 years ago

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Need? I didn't realize there was a comment number requirement. What is it, like 5 comments per day? Or perhaps it's a minimum per giveaway entered.... Maybe you could link me to the page explaining the stringent rules concerning comments. Although... I am going to hate being one of those ctrl+c ctrl+v "thanks for the giveaway". Or a spammer. ;P

12 years ago

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"Need" is an appropriate word if you feel like being part of the community rather than simply taking from it ^^

There's no rule stating "you must comment", for a reason. People have to learn on their own terms, that taking part in the forums (in a positive manner), is a courteous service to the community as a whole. It proves that some people have different priorities that aren't so selfish.

The term "spammers" is a very common excuse I see to justify people's lack of comments. But trying to take part is better than not taking part at all ;)

12 years ago

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I take part when I feel I have something worthwhile to contribute to a discussion. If I have nothing to say, then generally I don't say anything. I personally don't see how a high number of comments is the determinate factor in being a part of the community.

For instance:
At my college, I have a specific area where I hang out. It's usually a large group, a community if you will. I don't often say much, preferring to listen and let other more outspoken voices be heard. However, I am well known there and people will occasionally ask my opinion or for advice.

So... Am I not a part of that community in your opinion simply because I do not have a high comment count?

12 years ago

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You are part of the community, I should have worded that better. That first line I wrote was referring to your preference to spend more time entering giveaways rather than talking with people in the forum. I meant no offence by it, I simply wanted to make that fact clear.

Now a community that involves face to face interaction cannot be compared to an online community. On top of this, Steamgifts is no ordinary online community because free games are at people's fingertips. Therefore you get a lot of people actively trying to take from the site without actually giving anything back. These people (in my opinion), are not part of the community. Other people's generosity is what fuels their presence on this site and when that generosity is all gone, they'll leave without even saying thanks. My point is, this site gives everyone privileges that should be appreciated either in the form of more giveaways or actively taking part in the forum (preferably both). If someone can tick at least one of these boxes, or at least try to tick one of them, I would be more than happy to consider them part of this community.

Quite recently actually, I've seen a few threads made by people who've made only 1 or 2 comments despite being a member for over a year. The thread usually asks for help from the "community" to help launch their youtube channel, or come up with ideas for a project they're making. These assholes are not only taking from the giveaways, but now they're trying to take from the forums as well. It's a two way street on Steamgifts, and unfortunately many people just don't care.

Sorry for the essay, but I'm just hoping you're not one of those people.

12 years ago

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I'm just hoping you're not one of those people.

If you'd peek at my profile, you'd notice I've given away games (Not as many as I'd like, by any stretch, but I do what I can with what I have) that aren't exclusively bundle keys. Many of them are group giveaways, yes, but again, that's not exclusive. I've won 72 points worth of non-group giveaways and have given away 152 points worth of non-group giveaways solely by profile stats. That's not including other things I've popped onto the forums to give away like Far Cry 3 (non-steam) and the rest of that Microsoft Bundle and something else I'm forgetting.

I agree on the point that there are people who try to take without giving anything. They're not a part of the community and the term leech is fitting there. However, I must state that I don't believe comment count or amount contributed are the most important factors in determining membership within this community.
I would consider someone a member if they give when they can.
I would consider someone a member who does not exploit the system and enjoys the games he wins.
I would consider someone a member that comments in a giveaway when the creator asks it of them.
I would consider someone a member who doesn't beg or spam or abuse steamgifts.

I am a lurker. I watch the forums. I am generous when I can. I enjoy the games that I win (even if I don't play them right away due to the giant backlog I currently have). I am a member of this community, and so is everyone here that simply has common decency, whether they have 1 comment or 1 million, whether they have no contributions or Crossbourne levels, whether they're CG himself or someone who signed up today.

That's just my opinion, and I apologize if it comes across as ranting or defensive, because I definitely do not mean it that way.

(Also, sorry for the repeated necromancies)

12 years ago

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I was just thinking about how even the pretend QQ threads bother me, but then you go and give away the entire collection...

I'm going to tag you as "Lovely"

12 years ago

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gz and thanks btw i like your avatar xD

12 years ago

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haha i somehow did felt it's not another QQ thread and i was ryt xD

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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NOT! >:(

12 years ago

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4,100 currently, 10 won. 2 of those were dev giveaways. You lucky bro.

12 years ago

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Congrats dude! I'm planning on doing my first when I get my paycheck, so that should be in a week or so :>

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by beltedbulge.