How long does it take for support to reply to your tickets?
Depends on the ticket. If it's about selecting a new winner, it will probably get resolved in a few hours. If it is something else, then probably a year or 2 or 3 or infinity.
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12 people in staff
to moderate 917.440 users
seems they are doing a pretty good job to me.
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Well, let us know when you start paying for their service, so you can make a formal complaint, rather than being a brat.
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Oh no, I'm not childish. I'm an asshole. We already discussed this :)
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You are complaining about the quality of a free service which has netted you a fair few games in the time you have been here.
The Support team have only a few members. They are unpaid volunteers with a life and responsibilities outside of this site. They come here and deal with tickets in their free time.
Recruiting new members for Support isn't easy. The site admin has to find people he believes would be trustworthy with the powers they will be granted as Support, and who would be willing to spend time dealing with endless tickets, all for nothing. There isn't going to be a great number of suitable people jumping forward.
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Feel free to offer your help by dedicating your free time to answer tickets without getting anything in return
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You volunteered to do it. If you are unhappy. Simply don't do it.
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I never said I was unhappy to do it. I'm telling you that you're free to offer your help if you think we're not fast enough.
You're the one complaining, not me.
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You could have resolved some tickets right now rather than reply to this discussion
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That we're not good little slaves answering tickets at any given time and that we sometimes use the website as regular users ?
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cg is looking to add more support members soon and created a thread in the staff forum for us to link applications, you can create a ticket in "Other" and I'll link it in the thead
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But you get the love of all those people you suspend. Isn't that enough reward? Where else would you get such comedy?
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and some havent been online for more then a week even some months :)
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hehe yeah lets do that
but indeed a few staff members for such a huge community I didnt know that
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It's a desire to vent our frustrations and hope for an acceptable answer. It seems to work well in most other situations but not here. I'm pretty sure that cg has read some of these posts over the years and I know for a fact that a couple of members of staff have also requested more help. The reluctance to get more (as in enough to comfortably address all of the tickets in a timely manner) just stymies me after all of this time of it being an issue.
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Considering this is all free, I'm not sure what you were expecting
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You're not doing yourself any favors by displaying a poor attitude like that.
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Glad you keep your priorities in check. Totally not hypercritical of you to say that.
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Are you implying that I've displayed a poor attitude somewhere? I'd be curious to know what you were referring too. :)
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it's really simple. I know it might be hard for you to comprehend this but... you... are... a... bumsuck :)
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So you made a ticket and they never answered it? What was it about and how long are you waiting for it to get resolved?
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Oh, this kind of tickets will probably take years to resolve. :/
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why would it be read? u had a double win without getting suspended before
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oh yeah i know got suspended due to his own thread
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The king has fallen and a vacuum has been created. A civil war among the nobles brews. Tis time of these where tranquility is a myth.
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For God's sake, let us sit upon the ground
And tell sad stories of the death of kings;
How some have been deposed; some slain in war,
Some haunted by the ghosts they have deposed;
Some poison'd by their wives: some sleeping kill'd;
All murder'd: for within the hollow crown
That rounds the mortal temples of a king
Keeps Death his court and there the antic sits,
Scoffing his state and grinning at his pomp,
Allowing him a breath, a little scene,
To monarchize, be fear'd and kill with looks,
Infusing him with self and vain conceit,
As if this flesh which walls about our life,
Were brass impregnable, and humour'd thus
Comes at the last and with a little pin
Bores through his castle wall, and farewell king!
Act 3, Scene 2”
― William Shakespeare, Richard II
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There's always been a few around for as long as I can remember. Konrads was just hogging the spotlight, making them harder to notice.
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A very long time, seems a bit excessive lol it doesn't seem like each ticket should take long, I'm curious what kinda volume there must be for it to take so long. Not complaining really, they are doing it for free.
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I can understand a backlog of User Reports and Unsuspend Requests but some of those other ones make no sense. I have been watching and have seen very little movement in the Other category yet I know that those get answered so are some being ignored on purpose because of content or because of the source? Why is that number staying so constant?
For example: I put in a report several months ago about a DLC I gave away a year ago that is no longer on Steam because the developer pulled the game. It is now reporting 0 CV. I was told that it will take time to correct the price but it was in the queue. That was 7 months ago. I see other prices get corrected all of the time so why is it taking this one so long? It's just a simple pricing change. The game will never return (I worked with the devs on the game so I know this to be true) so the price won't even have to be adjusted again. I have even re-opened the ticket and still have no response.
Example 2: A user here was threatened by another user who also has two unactivated gifts on their account. They haven't been suspended yet as far as anyone else can tell and the person hasn't had a reply to his support ticket over the incident. This person who was threatened is very active and has given away a lot of games here and causes no problems in the forums. His ticket is now three months old. Even a comment such as "we're looking into it and will get back to you" would be nice - and not automated either.
I know many people here IRL and have seen much more but I'll stop at just those two examples for now. I hope that cg understands the frustration that some of us who have been here for awhile have.
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Having gotten to know some support members, I can say that it's asinine posts like this (among other things)that cause me wonderment for why anyone would take that mostly thankless job. They also have my respect for having far more patience than I would with this masterpiece of entitlement,this recalcitrant, useless and undesirable refuse-eater.
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