When you make a GA if you see TWO red * next to game or DLC name it is a free one that give 0 CV and is counted as free game GA.
This one got ONE red * so something other you made a GA for was free before not this DLC.
Checked fast your last GA and "Alien Hallway" was your free game GA.
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Do you really think, as a person who's been here on SG for four weeks, it is of any use explaining SG basics to a user who's been around for four years? I mean, you're trying to be helpful and all, I get it, but hey, think a little before typing, m'kay?
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She was right though, as I was at that time well aware of those things. That game was not marked as a freebie while I was making a giveaway for it, nor were there any threads about it being given away for free at that time (there still aren't, unless I failed at searching the SG discussions).
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Well she was right or rather wrong by not reading whole sentence with understanding and than commenting.
She just had to end with "think a little before typing, m'kay?" like an entitled brat would do right :) while she herself did not did what she asked for --> "think a little before typing, m'kay?".
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She only commented about you trying to explain basics to a veteran SG user, and what she said there was right.
After reading your comment again, perhaps you weren't "trying to explain basics" to me, but were instead simply mentioning those mechanics as your reasoning/proof as to why CoH2 DLC isn't the freebie and Alien Hallway probably is?
In that case we both misunderstood your comment and intention, and if that's the case I do apologize.
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No problem. We all makes mistakes. English is not my 1st language so maybe I did not word myself clearly.
But yeah Alien Hallway is the game you are after.
I checked the Internet and I don't see any posts about it being free.
The only thing that would match is https://www.orlygift.com/giveaway but I don't know how to dig deeper.
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Orlygift does seem to be the source, though information is sparse on it now:
(Note: The above was edit-corrected, due to my initially confusing bundle and free dates.)
As far as the other matter, there's not really any way to justify your reply, only the option to apologize for it. Your initial comment was of course not warranting of criticism, though the fact that its edit occurred after ev had already gotten their comment out could mean that your initial phrasing may have been easier for ev to misinterpret than the final result. Not that that necessarily excuses their comment, either.
Perhaps what is really called for here is taking a moment to go out and relax ourselves with a treat-
I'm thinking a nice refreshing smoothie or milkshake? ^.^
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Well someone here said Alien Hallway it is marked with 0 CV since July 15, 2017 so I don't know who is right.
Well maybe me and eeev just typed at that same time and misundestood each other.
I also found strange that Moss Destruction is 0 CV while it was released on steam 1 march 2019 and developers were the only ones that give away some keys for free during beta-testing I think.
And about milkshake you have to try chocolate + coconut one <3 Like Bounty but for drinking :)
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Sorry, was distracted, and initially misassociated the information. I didn't get the edit through until after you'd commented. :P
Moss Destruction's free-listing was due to being given away in high quantity as a level 5+ AlienWare Arena promotion. Sometimes low quantity, high restriction freebies get put on the bundle list instead of the freebie list (and that's something we've seen more leniency toward since general staff took over for Shobo), but that's accessible enough that it's an easy qualifier for the freebie list.
Living here in the states, I do occasionally miss Bounty yougurt. Good stuff, that, and I typically don't even care for yougurt.
Hmm. At the moment I want a coconut-caramel-banana-blackberry milkshake, with whipped cream and cherry-chocolate drizzle on top. Maybe with some small, soft-form cheesecake filling pellets mixed in? Oh, and a hearty splash of scotch, to give it body. Y'know, nothing too complex.
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It's a tough one.
Pretend I give away a game today from a bundle I bought yesterday and it's not marked as a freebie, and I am unaware of it ever being free. But... 5 weeks from now, someone updates the server with the correct information where that game was given away as a mass freebie in November 2018. It changes retroactively from the date it was free whether I paid money for it or not. I lose my CV and it now says that I gave away a free game.
You're worrying too much about it. Nothing wrong with 0 CV games since inevitably, you're still going to get them in bundles and people will still want them.
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Well I think a little before typing and I helped. I laso don't care how long someone have an account created as there are people who are active like hell and under a year and there are people who have an account for a few years and are active once or twice a year.
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(unconsolidated Wikipedia linkage incoming) This is an occurrence of using argument from authority, where the number of years on SG is used as support for an argument not directly related to it.
...Not trying to argue either way... Just want to point that out.
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I used SGTools to check and it shows CoH2 DLC as a freebie, while it shows Alien Hallway as a bundled game.
I know how things work on SG, and I always make sure to check what kind of status the games I'm giving away have, paying attention not to give away games I have after they have been massively given away for free somewhere.
Making a search for "Alien Hallway" in SG's discussion doesn't bring out a single thread about it being given away. Anyway, I think several games I've given away were given away for free afterwards (Stories: The Path of Destinies for example), but since I made giveaways for all of them before they were given for free none of them should count as freebies on my profile.
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I think what steamgifts page shows while we create a GA is more important than what SGTools shows. Maybe SGTools have some bugs in it?
I don't know if Alien Hallway was given free somewhere so maybe moderators should check it and if it was never free than maybe change it. That would also solve your problem.
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Hmm, so it seems this really is the game that's causing the issue. I have given it away on 28th of September, 2018 and the game wasn't marked as a freebie when I was creating a giveaway nor was it marked as such for quite some time after that giveaway ended.
I've sent a support ticket, so hopefully I manage to sort things out with the mods.
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At first I used to blacklist people giving away freebies after the rules changed to allow such practice. But shortly after I gave up, and decided it's not something I should bother blacklisting people for. Perhaps because there's too many of them doing it, perhaps because it might not be as bad of a thing to do and partly because some people I have high opinion of started doing it as well and I couldn't force myself to blacklist them and I didn't want to have double standards.
I still think that people who grab free games just to give them away on SG in order to increase their "Gifts Sent" counter are kinda scum, but generally I don't care that much anymore to judge anyone for doing it.
But I will not allow my zero-freebie stats to be ruined like this.
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I agree I also don't like when people grab freebie just to give them away so they can have a higher "Gift Send" count but at the same time I'm happy when I see a GA for a freebie I might have missed so when I have older bundle keys for a game that became free, if I can give it directly to someone who wanted it I'm happy to do so but otherwise I imagine someone who missed it here will probably happy to win it.
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Yeah, I understand.
There were some cool freebies I missed, and I'd enter for their giveaways on Steamgifts I guess. But then again, if people who weren't interested in them weren't taking those keys, I might have obtained one for myself, which is what fuels my dislike of this practice regardless.
It's hard to pick a side, which is why I mostly stopped caring what people do with their giveaways. But I'm still bothered with having a freebie mark on my profile.
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I agree with you, it's quite infuriating when I miss something just because someone decided to grab a lot of freebies for whatever reason. I myself gave away quite a few freebies (20) most of them from bundles, when a game was given free before and ended up in a bundle afterwards. Or in other cases I just jump on a free key so I don't miss it and realize afterwards that I already have it. I think in either case it's better if I give it away and ends up at someone who actually might play it, than to let it rot somewhere in an unused key list.
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If you want to check the date yourself you can go to create a ga and write the name of the game to see if it is marked as a reduced value or 0 CV and from which date it was effective (I know it can be a silly method but I do not know another, and if you need to watch a particular game quickly, it works fine).
I hope it helps to solve your problem :3
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Alien Hallways - no points as of July 15, 2017.
Company of Heroes 2 - Whale and Dolphin Conservation Charity Pattern Pack - bundled as of April 10, 2018.
There seems to have been some confusion.
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Yeah, games can be retroactively added to the bundled or free games list.
But why is this sullying your account?
I know free games weren't allowed to be given away a while back, but since this changed I can't see any reason, why this should be a stigma. Many "free" games are very good and worth to be given away just for the fun these said games may be for the winner.
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You make it sound nice and all, but that's still RE-GIFTING. If people aren't interested in a certain game they shouldn't enter the giveaway for it, so someone who is interested in it can win. People who enter giveaways just so they can give those games away on SG in order to increase their "Gifts Sent" counter are scum.
Of course I have nothing against people who obtained their game by paying for it one way or the other, but have given it away after the game was unfortunately given for free so their copy gets marked as such as well. But I don't want to sully my account doing something like that.
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You make it sound nice and all, but that's still RE-GIFTING.
No it is not. Everyone is free to do anything with their steam keys that they get from external sources, SG has no rule regarding them.
Regifting of SG-won games is still against the rules, as they required to be activated.
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Except it literally is. When you get a gift, then give it to someone else, that act is called re-gifting.
I still oppose the idea of re-gifting games from massive giveaways on SG, even though it's not against the rules anymore. But anyway, that's not the point of this thread.
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SG giveaways wouldn't count as gifts either by that standard, can't win a giveaway that you don't enter :]
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It's not (at least, not always). A game that's been free before generally remains with this "No Value" tag forever, but that doesn't mean that everyone who gives it away has got it for free. I've just checked, apparently I've given away 7 no value games; all of them were parts of bundles I've actually paid for, but that happed after they'd been given for free at some point.
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Yes, you have a valid point, and I'm a bit on the fence since I missed some giveaways because of those key farmers. But of course not all free game gibs on SG come from such mass giveaways. ;)
Also, you are a Steamgifts veteran and I understand that you have a different system of value concerning giveaways.
Edit: After reading Adam's post I'm assuming I got you wrong. Of course re-gifting SG wins is totally not allowed, and I thought you meant peeps who are getting free games just for the purpose of making SG giveaways.
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Just send a ticket but honestly, I think it's cool that we can make GAs for games or DLC that were free. Not everyone gets the freebie when it's free and although I have a pet peeve with all the leeches who get 10 copies of every freebie to make GAs (mostly because they don't get that they're not getting CV out of it and they prevent other people from getting the freebies), I think people who give not only freebies but other things as well show that they care less about gaining CV and more about sharing games.
So I wouldn't worry about your account being tainted by it. In my view, it's a good thing
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That's the point of SG imo. Get someone's unwanted game and be happy. So many games were free that are decent at minimum, or even great, it would be a waste to exclude them from SG's simple and fair randomizing feature. A lot more convenient than having random keydrops, or making individual topics "for people who are interested in game X "
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I don't mind losing CV as long as I can get rid of that freebie mark on my profile.
But by making this thread I got more confused than before, since people said that this CoH2 DLC isn't marked as freebie in giveaway creation on SG, even though it's marked as one on SGTools.
That means I have no idea which game is causing the problem and why. Perhaps I should make a support ticket asking mods where the problem is first.
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I can help with elucidating that.
SGTools fetches its data on what games are RCV/NCV from SG, more specifically the list of bundled games. The problem is that that list includes both RCV and NCV, and it does not differentiate between them. The only way to know which are NCV and which are merely RCV is to check each and every game in the list against the GA creator, and it's quite likely that knsys maintains that manually, acting on user reports (and possibly on mod reports when they change a game's status). ESGST also works that way, which is why sometimes it also has NCV games appearing as RCV or the other way around. Anyway, I reported this mismatch to knsys, so he'll probably fix it soon.
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Yes, but that's not what I'm talking about. My point is that games stay in that list after going NCV. Case in point, Alien Hallway, or any of the games that HB gave for free in the past. And, as you correctly said, there is no public list that only includes NCV. As a result, looking only at that list, you can't tell which between RCV and NCV something is; you can only tell that it's one of them and not FCV. This leaves the GA creator as the only way to know which it is.
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games stay in that list after going NCV
Of course, because that date is still relevant for the time in between it was RCV before NCV, so taking it out wouldn't be correct.
Instead there should be either a NCV list or the NCV date should be added to the list as an additional column. Unfortunately cg does not do neither.
(There are also some games that are only NCV but not RCV)
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Okay, wait a second, I think we had a communication problem.
Naw, it only contains RCV dates.
I wasn't talking about the dates, just about what games are shown in the list. Actually, I didn't even think of mentioning the date as a factor in the explanation, which is why I didn't realize you had said "dates" in your first reply before you stressed that point now. But I can see why you'd think I was referring to the dates; I didn't specify otherwise, either, and the fact that the display is the same for RCV games and NCV games holds true despite of whether we're thinking only of the games or also of the date. So, in short, we were agreeing all along, but we were talking about two slightly different things without realizing it, and that made it look like we were disagreeing. Words can be tricky! :D
If I were to restate that part of my explanation including the dates, it would be something like this: only the RCV date is given (or the NCV date if the game was never RCV and went straight to NCV), and no visual indication separates RCV games from NCV games, so you can't tell which is which (much less when an RCV-turned-NCV game went from RCV to NCV).
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I just noticed I have one "No Value" giveaway in my profile and that really triggered me as I've never given freebies and I'm still against freebies being allowed as giveaways.
The game, or rather DLC in question is "Company of Heroes 2 - Whale and Dolphin Conservation Charity Pattern Pack". I got it in Humble Strategy Bundle 11 months ago and gave it away shortly after.
What is this about? How do I get it corrected? I don't want this sullying my account.
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