Well, TBH i think catfood is healthier than most food we eat normally..
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So not surprised. I've heard plenty of bad stuff about processed pet food. It's pretty much as bad as processed human food, the only difference is that human food has some standards, pet food has barely any. And considering some of the things that are done with our food, that's saying a lot.
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"Chicken by-products include head, feet, entrails, lungs, spleen, kidneys, brain, liver, stomach, bones, blood, intestines, and any other part of the carcass not fit for human consumption," it isn't unfit it just isn't marketable. My grandfather's favorite part of a chicken was gizzards. The FDA legally has to certify all canned pet food as fit for humans cause they don't trust people not to eat it.
some people pay extra for liver, kidney, brain, cheek, and tongue(and in japan eyes), sausage casing is intestine(and probably the filling has some of those other organs, maybe a bit of lung even in addition to what you'd think of as meat), stomach is tripe, blood is an additive in many foods and some puddings, you boil bone hooves and connective tissue to make the jello you feed your kids, and in that show where the researcher lived with the pack of wolves the alpha got to eat the lungs so apparently they actually like/prefer those, and the only reason I don't give my dog chicken bones is they can shatter and perforate an intestine...if they come in ground meal form they can't do that.
the thing about dogs in dogfood is wrong, but also hypothetical(the article contradicts itself later with all the implications it makes but at the beginning clearly says they don't do that, there just isn't a law against it either(and honestly how many people do you think have a pet murdered(put to sleep) and then say "here dispose of this" for me instead of burring the animal? what do they go and dig up the lawns of the recently x-parrot owners?)). And I don't see an issue with my dog eating cat any more than you'd have a problem learning there was rabbit in there. (I like rabbits, I had a pet rabbit and I loved her(and she was smarter and more social than any cat I've met, peppy could do some simple tricks and would follow you around and nudge you if she wanted to be picked up or run around chasing you to play. who ever trained a cat))
I do have a problem with including 4d animals, but they put them in human food too(which I also have a problem with) if they can get it to limp into the slaughterhouse and it isn't visibly shaking or oozing it goes in the grinder, so why should link eat better than me?
long as its fresh and disease free roadkill not getting used somehow is just wasteful. if I hit a buck and killed him I'd take it home if it weren't considered illegal poaching(maybe if it were close enough nobody'd see), I know it just died so its fresh good meat(and as clean as anything you'd get hunting) why not.
if that centrifuge thing is gross to you I'm surprised you don't know thats the exact same way they process canned tuna. just spin it, scales bones guts and all and gather what squeezes out the sieve holes into the outer drum. besides dogs and cats have different needs than us(can't feed them raisins or chocolate for one), the bonemeal is actually good for them(as is a little bit of vegetable or grain mixed with the meat cause their prey usually has that in the stomach which they'd usually eat in the wild(you've probably seen your indoor outdoor cat do it anyway)), if you're feeding a hawk for any reason you'd actually need to get extra bonemeal to mix with dogfood or hamburger meat else he gets all bowleged and brittle so you've done more harm than good taking it in and setting its wing.
theres no more preservatives in their crap food than our crap food(maybe less depending on what you eat). but I'd hope they kept the fortified vitamins you could overdose on controlled enough that example couldn't happen. something must have broken in one of their machines, that bag was probably recalled and nobody noticed.
natural =/= less harmful, cyanide is natural. night shade berries are natural. grapes can kill your cat.
natural vs synthetic preservatives is meaningless half the time its even the same chemical, the fake stuff may even be safer if its more pure without some of the byproducts you find in some extracts.
oh noes not cheap filler grains...better give him some of my food(cheerios) instead thems the good cheap filler grains
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Humans eat animals/plants / animals eat plants,plants eat shit = > we are what we eat :O :O :O IMPOSSIBRU !!
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Have you been infected with Toxoplasma gondii by any chance?
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I had cat food once and it was too dry. Dog food has a weird after taste. I prefer human food. Its nice.
I also tried herbivore food. That stuff was ok, fresh wheat grass juice makes my mouth hurt and makes me feel like I just drank a tetra-espresso. Is that normal?
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I have heard catfood is actually pretty healthy, it contains a lot of protein and vitamins. Too bad catfood carries the stigma of not being good for humans, the large food-corporations just want us to buy their expensive processed junkfood instead of cheap and healthy food. :I
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Never tried catfood before, but jerky treats for dogs are actually pretty good. Tastes just like jerky you buy for humans actually.
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It's kinda sad, but the food that we've bought for our dogs is actually healthier than some of the stuff that's meant for people. lol Given the choice, I'd much rather eat Halo brand pet food than deal with some of the rubbish that I was served in public schools. That tasted worse than dog food. And it looked like diarrhea. :<
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So now I have a
New job that I
quit. It was
terrible. Only
1 weeks pay :(
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