Maybe I'm vindictive, but I'm not buying it out of dislike for EA.
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I'm buying it so EA knows what kind of games they should make. If you idiots don't buy ME and it doesn't have phenomenal sales, they're never gonna make games of this caliber again. ME3 probably costed them an absurd amount of cash to make and I'm pretty sure they'd rather just copy the Activision formula of CoD.
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I'm pretty sure after TOR's record-shattering development costs and subsequent financial success, they are aware of what BioWare means to them.
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The thing about good games is that there are thousands of them. ME2 is one of my all time favourite games, probably in my top 3, but I can survive without ME3.
I'm not going to put up with EA's bullshit just because someone who gobbles it up willingly calls me an idiot on the internet.
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EA is not "making" the game, however. They're just publishing. And I won't buy it because I don't want to put up with Origin.
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If loosing an entire franchise that I enjoy greatly is the price I pay to send devs and publishers alike a message then so be it. That message of course being that regardless of the quality of the game, shafting the consumer is not the way to go. They want the game on origin thats fine, but also release it on steam. Want to charge for DLC, okay, but make sure that its POST RELEASED CONTENT that doesn't affect the base story. Many more... so many more...
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Femshep for me, though I play both. I just like Hale's acting a lot more (in most cases). Also, Thane and Garrus 5eva (dats moar dan 4eva. leik dis if u cryed errytime). The romance options are more interesting for Femshep with the exception of Broshep's Tali (pleasebegaypleasebegaypleasebegay).
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I've now read the article. Multiple things come to mind.
I've read fanfiction more erotic.
On the other hand, those weren't many. This is about the quality of 96% of them.
Dear god, I need to read some of the better ones to get the gayness out of my mind. Need. Heteronormativity. Now.
Oh, god, the WORDS. So many euphemisms and metaphors and all of them crap. My muse just curled up and died forever out of fear.
Please, god, let someone from Fox News stumble across this. Please, make this the best Fox News story in history. Gamers everywhere will rejoice.
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If Fox did cover this they would not realize the point of the article though, because it's not even implicitly mentioned in the article I linked.
Few here will understand the point of the article as well because I linked to it without giving context in order to make a slam against broshep players being secretly attracted to men :P
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"If Fox did cover this they would not realize the point of the article though"
That's my point! It will be wonderful!
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Never played Femshep before, i may do so.
Would be great if they added the possibility of actually having a gay Shepard, just because. ( i have the tendency to have several saves, which allow me to do alot of stuff on critical points of the game, without having to replay the whole game).
The article reminded me of some dark corners of japanese porn, and to that extent, i'm certain he could do better :P (not that i like it though). That aside, i have to silently nod to his last words.
As far as the game goes.... i think i'm going to wait till there's a price drop, and specially due to that particular day one DLC which really got to my nerves when i read it.
Anyone's got that companion you just love to have in your team, no matter your playstyle? personally it would be Thane and Garrus, i just love the few comments they have and interactions. (and i'm fascinated by Thane's voice aswell, but no one knows that).
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How odd, i saw the Asari as a very Feminine figure, not just by looks, and next to Jack they were the most emotive couples in the series IMO.
Also, as hard as it is to admit it, some games can put every single bit of "manliness" out in just a couple of seconds, granted not all of them can achieve that, but those who they leave you thinking too deeply about stuff :P, i tip my hat off for that.
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Well, other than mining. Personally, I preferred the Mako. Still though, I really like ME2 and apparently ME3 is meant to be taking the best of both.
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Jim Sterling? Is that the guy who gave Witcher 2 one of the lowest review scores on Metacritic. At the same time, he complained constantly on Facebook about his computer randomly locking up and he set his Steam profile to private so people can't see how long he actually plays games for. Reading his review, it's obvious that he never finished the game.
Because of his bad journalistic integrity i quit going to Destructoid. Although, i wonder how much they're paying him to promote ME3
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I stopped paying attention to Jim Sterling when I realised the man was a complete twat. I don't think I even really noticed his reviews.
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Yeah, that was my first thought and don't get me wrong, I like people like that... but then I read a little bit more of what he was saying and I realised the man is a completely egotistical, self-righteous piss-slurper a large enough portion of the time that I couldn't stand him any more.
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Maybe, but after repeated incidents which spread outside of Destructoid, I'm not so sure it's a persona, and that's the issue I have with him. Personas? All right, go nuts, you're awesome. Actually being a racist, hypocritical, mysogynistic, arsestreak on the human race? Not cool. If it is a persona, then that's fine, but he is too good at it and that's not fine.
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Nothing, just discussing. :D I was about to say something along the lines of "agree to disagree?" in my next post whatever you said, because I'm aware of how quickly debates on the internet can spiral out of hand.
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Would you mind explaining that something later on?
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Ah, this. Heard most of it, but this article a) told me some parts I didn't know and b) makes me either think that i) Jim's even more of a hypotical arsemunch than I previously thought given his history with attacking women or ii) you're right and it's just a persona and he's just way too fucking good at it for his own sake.
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I'd be interested in any sources you have on his attacks on women.
I'm only aware of one incident in which he was attacked by a feminist and then got into an insult competition with her, much to the dismay of the white knights of the internet.
I mean he did 'cross the line' at at least one point but it's not like he went out of his way to be an asshole (in this one case I'm aware of)
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If it's the same incident we're talking about, he went majorly over the line and camped out there for a while. I have read about a few second hand incidents. I'll try to find the source, but it was a long time ago I read it and I don't think I saved the blog post that analysed everything and came to the conclusion that he's an irreconcilable dick.
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Never mind, I get it now. Now that article makes slightly more sense. Kind of.
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why are people them them in this industry, first the stupid flame war on twitter now this. i think they are for getting the key reasons for Jim Sterling sucks, he should stick to writing in the funny pages, and i dont understand why he wrote this, nobody was complying about total avoidable gay routs you can take in ME3, only that the writer focuses too much on that and that this game is going to cost us about $120 us when all of the DLC's and part of the game that were deliberately cut out to make more money. and on BIo ware they havent had a good game since jade empire.
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"BIo ware they havent had a good game since jade empire."
Conclusion: Dragon Age: Origins sucks. wat
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Actually, I'm perfectly okay with DA2. Haven't finished it yet (given everything else in my backlog, it'll be a long time before I will) and I'm not going to claim it's problem-free, because what game is, but I actually like what I've played of it so far. It's telling an interesting story and I like the different direction it's gone in so far.
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ok i can respect that, different taste ant all, let me give a better example SWTOR, or that sonic rpg
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I like TOR too. You're not going to win with me. :P I'm a fan of all of BioWare's stories, which I view as the most important part of their games. Yes, I know they're games, but the stories they tell also require player choice, so they can't be made into movies and still be as enjoyable. It's different to see someone kill the Rachni Queen than it is to do it.
The Sonic one, I'll admit, I've never played (been meaning to pick it up though) and I've never actually heard anything about it, even in passing.
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who wants to win, if you feel that their must be a winner then by all means, A WINNER IS YOU. what i am saying is that their way of story telling is neat that first couple of times, but after that it gets pretty boring and predictable. and about sonic, you your a fan of him emulate it. it dosent really feel like a sonic game and the DS controls are annoying. the plot is strange and non cannon. the only really good part was that the chaotix were cut out.
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Never played a Sonic game in my life (well, not really. Got about two levels into one of them before hating it), so I'd be going into that empty-minded.
As for predictability, I do know where that's coming from, and it is starting to become an issue, but I view it as the journey and how it happens, not the what, and that makes each game new and special in its own way, even if Reapers or the Star Forge become repeated in the next game.
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i dont mid repeated location either, but take portal and portal 2 for example. i knew that i was in the same rooms as before but something felt more exciting, so strange and new. no about bioware, i did feel betrayed a little because i was expecting alot more from them in TOR, and DA2.
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I know when I'm trying to enjoy something I spent my money on, I just love hearing people badmouth it!
I feel like a lot of the hate for DA2 is not really that valid. It just seems so common for people to bag on it and never actually back up any of what they're saying with examples or arguments. Even when they do back it up, the things they seem to have a problem with don't really justify the hate in my opinion.
Then again I've only played the demo and heard someone really intelligently talk about cool things the game did, so what do I know.
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like i said before different taste, i was not impressed by it but that is my opinion on it. to me it was underwhelming, it could have been a contender. i really could have play it before the first one and would have know it. but even if i do back it up it just a opinion.
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And why would he do that? Dragon Age 2 was a perfectly fun game that contributed a lot to the DA universe. No, I'm not being sarcastic. I loved that game, it was easily in my top 10 for last year and I still don't get why so many people hate it. It does have some legit issues (the reused maps), but overall it was a well crafted and written, if rushed, game.
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1 - It's a role-playing game which you even can't make a choice. It's "on-rail shooter".
2 - Game mechanics is "fun" rather than realistic. Spawning enemies from ceilings? Check. 43241324 enemies who jump off from roofs and corner you? Check. Ability to play without a real combat planning and just mashing "r"? Check.
3 - In DA:O there are PLENTY of environments; dwarven, elven, human cities are completely different. Here all we have is Kirkwall (which has NO CHANGE over 30 YEARS) and 3 dungeon types to roam. Seriously, can't they make more maps?!
There is no logic in DA2's scenario. You can be a blood mage, do blood magic on the street, in front of the Templars. Anders can be a blood mage too. Orsino (arch-mage) is (nearly) disgusted of blood mages because they are rebellious and abuse the power of being a mage (which is a serious business for him). What did he do at the ending? He tried to wipe off the Templars by using blood magic. See the contradiction?
5 - Dragon Age 2, if you progress enough to finish it, becomes a JRPG on an instant. Incredibly powerful and with ridiculous powers (SPOILER: ability to move statues and give life to them?!), the last boss of DA2 is just awful. Defeating Arishok is much better than it and hell, it's more fun.
With these and many more of "Bioware's laziness" made DA2 the worst game Bioware ever made (the second is TOR and by the looks of it, ME3 will be the third or even second). A lot of "fans" loved it because it lets you to get in bed with Isabela. Without an effort... sigh...
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Regarding 2, don't even try and pretend that DAO didn't have some bullshit spawning sometimes.
Regarding 4, could it possibly be, you know, character development? Sometimes views change.
Regarding 5, again, mages could be ridiculously overpowered in DAO. Giving statues life actually seems like a minor power for an accomplished mage.
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2 - Yeah, it had but not that frequent.
4 - Nope, it can't. Views don't change like "We must teach them." to "KILL THEM ALL!!! RAWRR!".
5 - What you don't know is that it's not a mage doing this. Here, watch this - spoiler.
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jade already handled most of your points, but I'd like to point out how calling a game that is neither on rails nor a shooter an on-rails shooter seems pretty silly to me.
If your gripe is that the game is linear, then so what? Many fantastic games are linear, linearity is not inherently a bad thing. In fact when you're trying to deliver a strong narrative linearity can be a great thing to help pace it and tell a compelling tale.
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This. Thanks, I couldn't think of the right wording for it that didn't sound completely petty.
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no i think it pretty clear that this whole thing is blow out of proportion, they were wrong for what they said, and see was wrong for what she said. Jim Sterling on the other hand has made this a gay rights issues when it really just a couple of disgruntled fans venting out their problems on the wrong person. the real problem that i can see is the Ashes DLC that cuts something that should be in a completed project not a DLC.
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compare those who defended her to those who offended her, they are minuscule in the big picture. like a said they both said things they shouldn't have. it should never have escalated to that level, but it did. now i would also like to remind you that you, your self did not harass her, so it would be unfair to say that the all or even that majority of fans did this. and the ones that did are venting their anger out on her, for other things even those she has nothing to do with ME3. Am i defending them, no, am i saying she has no fault and is an Innocent victim, no. but we should consider that out of the entire fanbase this was only derived from a small percentage
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It's still incredibly shameful and disgusting that hundreds of 'fans' went out of their way to launch personal attacks on someone.
I never said that all or a majority of the fans did it. But as a decent human being it makes me feel terrible that anyone would ever think that personally harassing someone, ESPECIALLY completely unprovoked, is ever justified. The fact that their justification was a video game that that person spent months of their sweat and tears working on so that they could enjoy it, just adds to the level of sickening that this whole situation is.
You may paint it as 'yeah the fans were bad, but she said some mean stuff too!'. Let me be as blunt and clear as I possibly can, they are in no way equally at fault. The fans were beyond out of line. If they had complaints then those complaints belong in a customer service email or some such thing. They don't get to manifest themselves as attacks directed entirely at one person's personal twitter account.
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let me clarify i did not sya you said anything i was just presenting a point. th ewhole fanbase is being bashed over a small percentage. as they did initiate it, with out warning it was unprovoked, i cant take that away form you but when she said what she said, it just put oil on the fire. do not expect to insult people and not have them come back at you, internet 101. and i do believe that they were complaining but they went on def ears which made them even angrier. im not painting anything here it just the facts. i agree totally out of line and it is wrong, but they only thing we can do now it not let it happen again.
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i cant because i never meant to say that the whole fanbase was being bashed for it, it is a typo. but if you look at my earlier post you see that, i even used you as a example of a fan that stood up for her " i would also like to remind you that you, your self did not harass her, so it would be unfair to say that the all or even that majority of fans did this" this was a small percentage of people venting and taking out heir frustration on her. this was not meant to be an argument but i just wanted to point out, that the writer of that piece Jim Sterling, had it wrong on why the people were angry in the first place. it was not about the gay characters but about the Ashes DLC.
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So when a fan stated that she was "obsessed with shoehorning homosexual relationships down gamer's throats.", that was because he was mad about DLC?
You can really see that this person simply has some concerns to voice about the Ashes DLC
I mean yes these are cherry picked examples, but the difference is I'm not the one generalising. You're generalising by trying to gloss over the fact that some people were legitimately completely awful and even more out of line than others. Jim's piece is clearly targeted at those people.
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i have never once said that what those people had done was not wrong, but you cant not say that those fans angry was purely because of the homosexual rout in ME3. that is one person who said that, not every one who was harassing her was calling her that, right. please realize that people some time tend to interconnect their issues and vent on the wrong person. Jim article was aimed at that those people, yes. but let me ask you this would their have been such a big stir if the Ashes DLC was not known. remember pot tend to boil and if you fill it to the top everything is going to come out.
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that i did not, i only read a select few, and of the few i did read it seemed to me that they blamed her for the DLC being cut from the game. that is why Bio ware came out ans said she has nothing to do with ME3. and the DLC is a big thing(it was out for half a day, all though you couldn't buy it). people are feeling that they are cutting out in game content to only resell it later. but you do agree with me that this was not only a homosexual bashing but them, and that only focusing on one part of the issue makes it seem like a total different issue.
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So is he trying to saying to pay all the overpriced stupid DLC that should be included in the game? (No I didn't read the link article or etc) I do know that ME3 has the world DLC I've ever seen.
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Aren't avid writers also supposed to be avid readers, so they can know what they're talking about?
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i am boycotting the game due to the 2 realse date dlc's i loved both 1 and 2
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cracked on day one I hope because fuck origin I almost always buy games out of respect for the developer. But for me origin deserves nothing but loathing and mistrust.
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I just hate EA because everything they touch becomes shit. Just like alchemist do that, i suppose. But without gold and shiny part. Th one and only game that they made and that i enjoyed was The Sims. Guess there's nothing to make worse there, that's just a fun life sandbox. Also, wheel dialogue all the way, lol.
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133 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by Ninglor03
Today Jim Sterling posted a really insightful look into what it means to be a broshep player and experience the glory that is Mass Effect. If you're curious then be sure to check it out, though I suppose it will not be as satisfying as experiencing the full affect on March 6th.
Don't worry there's no spoilers for ME3 in there.
Is anyone here super excited to get their sweaty hands on some sweet, delicious ME3? Personally I think I can wait for some kind of price drop / no longer being tied to Origin, because fuck EA.
Also the eternal question, Femshep or Broshep? Hint: there is only one right answer, and yours is probably the wrong one.
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