Dude, go with her. Why are you even asking? Everything is better than going to the cinema alone, and going with somebody you have a crush on is even better.
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Meh, I never cared about after-credits scenes any ways (that's what the BR release is for).
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In Spain we don't have Netflix or anything, and the only digital TV provider we have are about 40euros monthly and they are shit...
When I say "BR" it is codename for BluRay-RIP wink, wink
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"Everything is better than going to the cinema alone..."
Are you serious? That's horrible advice. Nobody should be scared or hate going to the cinema alone. Or anywhere really. Nobody is going to care. All the people there won't point at you and say, "WOW LOOK AT THAT LOOOOSER! HE/SHE CAME HERE ALONE! HAHAHAHA".
Anyways, OP I don't understand something. You said you like her but you want her to go as friends?
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Jesus, where the fuck did I say it was because of peer-pressure?! I mean because it is BORING not to have anybody to discuss the movie with, that's it.
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I would say that there are movies I prefer to watch with people to discuss about it, but there are others that I don't mind watching alone.
But in one thing I think we all agree, if you don't ever go to the theaters alone, do it because you don't want to and not because "people will look funny at you".
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i agree he should go with he rand then at a romantic part nudge her face with his nose, then kiss her when she turns to see what hes doing. then while making out put your hand on her belly and just rub it like shes a puppy <3 best dates ever
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From a gay guy's point of view, it is a very dangerous thing that has other guys fall over it.
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Yea but he has to go slow, and start out as friend first or something, shit idk, my gf is my pc so I have no idea.
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We already know each other, but we're not super close. Still a good idea?
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Why not? Just tell her you'd like to see the movie and you're not keen on going alone.
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What do you have to lose, chance to gain a good friend and have a great time or watch it alone either way you get what you want.
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Your picture and your response are like perfect together lol. But there's nothing wrong with getting to know the girl you like better. And who knows she might like you back or fall for you too as you guys hang out more. I say go for it.
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Haha, he should approach her dressed as Batman and do the "I'm Batman." thing. I bet she'd love that.
But yeah OP, go for it. There's nothing to lose and it sounds like a really enjoyable experience. I mean the worst case scenario is that she's too busy or that she's already watched the movie, in which case you could just reschedule or pick a different movie.
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Dude, dont overthink it, girls are humans just like you and me, well at least most of them, and you dont have to be afraid to them.
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What you need to do AS A FRIEND is buy some FRIENDLY popcorn, and cut a FRIEND size hole through the bottom of the FRIENDSHIP tub. (It won't have to be a big hole, I can only assume.) Then during the movie, you accidentally slip your peener through the FRIENDSHIP hole and ask your FRIEND to reach in to the tub to get some popcorn. HA HA HA touched your pee pee.
You should go see Mr. Go. Best movie ever.
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This is probably second worst place to ask for a advice about girls in the whole internet.
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Lol 4chan. Last time I was there, there was a thread where a dude asked if his penis is too small(pics were included ofc.)
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You actually like that boring-ass tween shit movie and you have a girl you want to take with you? I fail to see your problem. Given it's a lame chick-flick movie, she'll most certainly love it. The only issue would have been if you didn't like it and if it was worth it to bear through it for her sake. But since you do, just go with her.
P.S. Why would you want to watch that and not Guardians of the Galaxy?
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Shut up, you retarded dumb-ass. You're just a self-righteous ass-hole. It's statistically proven that there are movies which are meant to appeal to male audiences, others made to appeal to female audiences and others(most) for both. Saying I'm sexist for acknowledging an obvious fact is like saying I'm racist because I said black people have thick lips and curly hair, when in population geography books those are the main features used to describe the back race. So sick and tired of people like you, spouting big words
like "sexism" and "racism" without having the vaguest clue what they're talking about. IDIOT...
P.S. And yes, I stand by what I said. MOST girls(reversed proportionally to their age) like shitty, retarded, dumb-ass movies like The Fault in out Stars(make no mistake, it's a BAAAD film) because there's probably something about how their brains works, as opposed to guys, which movies like these have exploited for decades and always will. And there's an ultimate proof of this: the incredible, almost hallucinogen popularity of some of the worst movies ever made, The Twilight Saga. And keep in mind I said "most"(in case you're an even bigger idiot than I thought and you failed to notice the capital letters), not "all", therefore I never stated that girls can't have good opinions. Also, if you read my other post, you'll see I'm a fan of A Walk to Remember, so I don't consider all chick-flicks to be bad. But this particular one MOST CERTAINLY IS.
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I doubt I can say many more logical facts that others haven't said. The Fault in Our Stars, though it can be watched by both genders, is mainly for women. Not sure why you think a stereotype is sexist. If I said "Women belong in the kitchen," that is sexist, mainly because it offends a particular gender. However, not all stereotypes are offensive, which is where you fail to realize things. To further prove that stereotypes aren't all offensive, let me give you this. "Proffesional football is a black people sport." Is that racist? No. Because it is a statistical fact. Did that really say faggot? The majority of players in the NFL are black. It isn't racist, and the fact that "The Fault in Our Stars" attracts women more than men shows that it is a chick flick. People like you that get offended and call sexism at everything can be really frustrating.
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No, I don't find that offensive. Then again, I don't get upset over small things.
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I'm beginning to think there is no solid reasoning.
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#######"Proffesional football is a black people sport." Is that racist? No. Because it is a statistical faggot."
Then you talk about "solid reasoning".
Go jump in a ditch bro.
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That is a big typo though holy shit. Again, you seem to have no reasoning.Then again, after seeing you on other threads where you show your ignorance, I'm not very surprised.
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I didn't notice the typo, only the stupid crap you said. Ah someone calling me dumb and spouting shit like faggot lmao weak.
P.S: Why do people remember me and stalk me here? Getting old, I never even seem to recognize your guys usernames....I think maybe its because I tend to not focus on idiot users though, to much wasted energy.
Peace though :-)
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Where to start...hm. Okay, I never called you dumb, k? You, however, are calling me an idiot repeatedly. And I said faggot on accident?
P.S: You are a dick.
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Great now you make no sense.
You wrote faggot first off, second off if you don't see how you come off as homophobic and sexist throughout this thread you are pretty much an idiot.
P.S: Go fuck ya self ;-)!
If you use the word faggot as an insult your IQ can't be super high....
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I called you ignorant, which isn't as harsh. I wrote faggot because... well to be honest I have no idea why. I never even used it as an insult, it was a typo. you have no solid defense of my obliviousness, you just insult me. I don't come off as sexist and certainly not homophobic.
P.S: It is easy to be rude when you are safe behind your screen.
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"I called you ignorant, which isn't as harsh."
To me it actually is worse, if not at the same level, most people I know would agree...guess thats up to opinion.
"I wrote faggot because... well to be honest I have no idea why."
This is the oblivious part, being homophobic/sexist without realizing or even knowing you are doing so, you just admitted that. That obliviousness, thats all I meant really.
I could care less, your post are gonna come off as they are seen though, not what you mean in your head. I would not get on your case for spelling, thats dumb, not on a forum, maybe if I was your teacher.
"P.S: It is easy to be rude when you are safe behind your screen."
Same to you man, but no I actually speak my mind in real life...ends bad sometimes, ends good sometimes, but its whatever, no way of proving that here, but yeah I speak the same in the outside world also.
You can call me dumb if you like just don't expect rainbows and sunshine to be my response.
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When I say I wrote faggot because I don't know why, it's because I don't know why I typed it. In the context I wrote it in, the word faggot destroys every grammar law. I never meant to say faggot, I meant a different word, it isn't my obliviousness, I have a lot of things in my head at a time.
P.S: Even if you won't, I will: I am truly, truly sorry if I offended you at all. In my opinion, I hadn't offended anyone, and I know many that would agree. To each his own. If you wanna keep talking about this issue, and perhaps explain a few things I may be missing, feel free to add me. Have a good day.
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I am not one to hold a grudge, I don't agree that it does but whatever, you are free to think that, no issues here.
No problem man, sorry if I came off as harsh in anyways also, happens sometimes, with everyone I feel at least sometimes.
"To each his own."
Of course :-)
"If you wanna keep talking about this issue, and perhaps explain a few things I may be missing, feel free to add me. Have a good day."
Would but I am beat(Plus its basically just the words meanings and all that jazz), I just moved boxes for 8 hours, gonna go rest...you have a good one to...
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Why is is it sexist? It's just a well known fact: there are movies which are meant to appeal to female audiences, movies for male audiences and movies for both genders. Because, another well known fact, men's and women's brains just don't work the same way. And there are very well documented studies which prove through cold-heart statistics that most chick-flicks are unbearable to watch for the majority of male audience. And statistics don't lie.
That's not to say that all chick-flicks are universally bad and unwatchable. Statistics only deal with majorities and minorities. There can never be unanimity, as there can never be a rule without exceptions. For instance, I watched A Walk to Remember a few years back(chick-flick by excellence) and I really liked it, could go as far as to say I loved it. Because it was good. The Fault in Our Stars is NOT(unless you're a girl and you go for the shitty chick-flick cliches and don't mind the bad writing and acting, cause you just wanna see the guy kiss the girl). Same way I watched The Expendables 3(the epitome of movies for men) a few days back and I said I'd rather put a gun to my head and fire it than to ever watch it again. And exceptions go for people too: there are guys who enjoy chick-flicks, no matter how horrendous they may be(yes, even The Twilight Saga), and girls who actually dig movies like The Avengers of Guardians of the Galaxy.
And since he posted this, he obviously asked for my opinion(just like for everyone's else). And all I did was wonder why he likes a shitty movie Fault in Our Stars. Is that a crime? I also said that his lady friend would most likely enjoy it, even through it's a really crappy film, fact which I'm willing to bet my life on seeing how most girls(especially young ones) chew this stuff up like bubble gum. And please don't say that's a stereotype too, because it's more than proven by the popularity of the immensely idiotic Twilight Saga.
And I didn't judge him. All I said is that he has no real problem and therefore no reason to make this thread. He's free to watch whatever he wants. Hell, there are people who consider Michael Bay's Transformers movies to be the greatest action movies they've ever seen. They're obviously a bunch of idiots, but who am I to judge? But it is my right to ask why he likes the things he likes, am I right?
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You forgot "They're obviously a bunch of idiots, but who am I to judge?" I smell something here too...
Oh, in another answer too... "let the rest of us(who have a brain) enjoy the finer things in life." I thought master Yoda was wiser than that...
Not gonna debate on the rest, just supporting all Yeliena said...
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Guys an idiot, if you notice on these boards, whenever someone has a different opinion then him you are automatically dumb to him.
Its like 3rd grade logic up in here.
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Guardians of the Galaxy looks a lot more corny then any chick flick, see how that works, opinions and all.
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Its actually a fun movie, and pretty original. The Fault in our Stars just plays on the same lame theme that too many movies are using these days: "Love goes beyond all boundaries." Its bullshit, and everyone knows it.
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Ehh was judging it based on first impression of google images, not offense meant, might be good, just like this movie the OP wants to see might be good.
I have seen a handful of these types of movies, sometimes they are actually well done, just have to get the whole male mentality out of the way first...
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Yeah...right, you go watch some Twilight Saga and let the rest of us(who have a brain) enjoy the finer things in life.
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Hate Twilight, but if you think one does not have a brain because of a different opinion it is probably you that is lacking the brain, always the dumb that say shit like this lmao.
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Yep, the action movie with the talking cartoon animals is the pinnacle of male-film viewing. Who's up for some Sharknado too? We can all watch it ironically and tweet about how bad it is.
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Buy the tickets and hand her one, then whisper in her ear "We are gonna watch the shit out of this movie" and back away slowly.
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u must kiss ur self if go alone wtf man its not a movie that u can see alone
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There's nothing wrong with going to the movies alone. Watching movies is a solitary experience (unless you're going to a slasher/grindhouse/kung-fu movie fest), so if its something you really want to see, then do it alone if necessary.
Dining alone can be a bit rough, but you get used to it, eventually. Having something to read helps.
Drinking alone in a bar has the full bell curve of emotions, depending on what you're drinking and how quickly.
Crying in a dark room... that's best done alone, too.
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Tell her you're going to this movie and you want to bring a friend. Be sure to use the word "friend" so that she knows you're going as "just friends."
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Didn't work for me last time i said that to a girl, nearly 2 weeks ago. Since then i went back to my corner and met this special thing called Whiskey, since then we both went places i couldn't have done so on my own.
I was knocking on heavens door once, no one came to open the door, how rude people are these days, so i walked away and went back to hell.
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Asking does not ensure that she will say "Yes." If she says "No," however, then you ask someone else.
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Are you going to ask the SG for advice for every little thing about your love life. Dude, everyone is different, if you're haviing confidence issues, asking gamers isn't your best source of advice. You either just do it your way or pick up a self-help book.
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Start practicing your yawn-stretch-and-squeeze.
In all seriousness, I generally think movies are a terrible idea for a date. I know you said friends, but c'mon ... You don't want to waste two hours not actually spending quality time talking and engaging each other. Better lunch (not dinner, which is more formal) and a museum. Of course, in this scenario, you'll need to manage a conversation. With a movie, you don't.
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That movie is better with a girl trust me. It's a tearjerker and when she cries (which is 95% sure with this movie) you'll be there to comfort her. Winning.
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It doesn't matter if there is nobody in your family, friends, or anyone who don't like what you want to see, do or make. Just do it yourself, you are free, you are unique and you don't need the acceptance of anybody else.
Good luck :)
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So there's this girl I like who I want to ask to a movie as FRIENDS. But the movie is The Fault In Our Stars(It's finally playing in Korea after 3 months). I really want to see this movie, but it might be really awkward seeing this by myself as no one in my family or my friends want to see it. Do you think it's a good idea?
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