People want profit :/ My opinion is the same as yours.
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while it's true that people only want profit, please stop and remember when you were a kid collecting cards. usually you would trade 1:1 your doubles, but sometimes the trade would not be even because trading some rare card or something like that. and when you collection was over, you would just give away all your doubles, wouldn't you? there was no profit (intended as $€$€) involved back then, just the desire to complete a collection, and anyway the ratio of the trade would change dinamically and unsurprisingly
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And if you get 3 of 6 and somebody want to exchange for his 4 of 8 it seems fair cause it's the half of collection... So is reasonable to exchange ie. 1 Magicka card for 1 Go Home Dinosaurs but like andreaandrea said - some kids want to exchange nad GAIN not just simply exchange for pure joy of making somebodys day ;)
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But the fact is that you could sell one go Home Dinosaur on the market and buy back 2-3 Magicka cards from that. It's not even a matter of profit, but a lot of people will feel like they're losing out. The person making the profit is the one trading 1:1 with the Magicka cards.
Some people don't care about the cards value, and they will trade any card for any other because they do it just for the fun of it. However, the majority I've traded with are trying to not lose any value from the trade.
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I think if the market wasn't there, I'd have a much smaller Steam wallet and that would be sad. ;)
Seriously though, it would probably have some effect and make things a bit more nebulous, but there would still be an understanding that some cards are scarcer or more in demand than others, and thus more valuable.
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There are some nice things you can do on your profile at higher levels so collecting cards to craft badges has some value to a lot of people.
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There are many that share your opinion on the cards. My opinion is right in the middle, I like selling most cards to buy more games and I also like to keep some cards and buy more to craft badges and level up my profile so I can get the cool extras like being able to display my favorite games, games/items I have to trade etc and I like the backgrounds that you get from crafting badges. IMHO Zombie Driver HD has the coolest backgrounds. (My current profile background)
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Supply/Demand. For instance, since TF2 is a free game there will be more cards for it floating around than a game like Triple Town making them less valuable.
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The odds of getting a booster pack is really low for each user. I have 21 out of the 34 Steam games and all but Dota 2 I'm able to receive a booster pack and I've only gotten one single booster pack and that was less than 24 hours ago.
Edit: Sorry, I have 21 out of the 34 Steam games with trading cards*
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You increase your chance by having more badges crafted.
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Cards don't drop in free games like dota2 and tf2, you have to have bought the retail version or bought stuff in the store prior to the TCG starting. If you spend I think 9 dollars in the tf2 store you get a card drop, same with dota2.
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Pretty sure you get 4 card drops and an extra for ever $9 after that spent.
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For TF2 from Orange box you get 5 card drops free then 1 per $9 spent. (I got the 5 free) Not sure about the other "premium" versions of TF2 or DOTA2. I'm guessing if you actually paid for DOTA2 (paid valve that is) you will get free cards + purchase unlocks.
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Supply/demand creates value for your digital card you got for free.
Supply/demand creates a greater value for the other guys digital card he got for free.
My gramps gave me a gold coin growing up. Your gramps gave you a gold coin growing up. They look identical. We are both older now and you offer to trade them just for shits and giggles. I take them to an appraiser and the appraiser says mine is a 2 carat gold coin and yours is a fake. They look the same and we both got them for free, except more people want mine. So you have to bid competitively to get it.
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People suck :>
cant wait for the extinction of humans :0 woo long live roaches!
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Fuck the market, market is where the PEOPLE choose their price and not the game itself - Just look after the game, if it's a game that is 20$ retail price and it's isn't on sales much and or less people have it then the cards of the game worth more than a another game that is 20$ also but goes more on sales as more people have it. Yes, there are some people with stupid offers as 1:2 for shit items but, it's a thing you'll have to deal as they will be always there to offer their stupid offer. Let's say for example tf2 cards worth almost nothing and will be worth nothing at all on the 26th since many idle account of other users will now drop cards so the demand will be less since more people will have it - What about the solitaire? Thousends of copies were given away and many many people have the game and the cards worth less than usual, now let's say BL2 which is a not such a common game, yes a decent amount have it but, not alot for it to drop by price worth, therefore I think that 2 solitaire cards will do a good offer for 1 BL2 card which is quite fair.
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hey , Do you want 66% off coupon for galactic civilization II : ultimate edition?
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People are greedy as hell even the tf2bp swap bot is now charging you a real money monthly fee if you want a fair trade otherwise it takes off points when you trade cards to it. Its all about the money now, has been for a while.
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I'd prefer 1:1, but as others have said, cards aren't actually equal.
Trading cards from the same game at 1:1 is pretty much okay because the cards within a single set are pretty much equal. (Even that isn't going to be perfectly equal, though.) But once you are comparing cards for different games, various additional inequalities become a factor.
1) Different games are owned in different amounts, which affects the overall supply of cards. All other things being equal, a game that sold 10,000 copies is probably going to have 1/10th the cards floating around as a game that sold 100,000 copies.
2) Desire for badges/sets will vary by game. Again, all other things being equal, some games are just going to be more popular. This may be even more of a factor with bundle games, as there may be a larger percentage of people who own said games that don't actually care about them. This matters for both popularity as well as just having different percentages of people who care about cards at all.
3) Cards per set varies by game. Game X has a 5-card set, while Game Y has a 9-card set. If you are lucky and don't get duplicates in your drops, you only need two more cards to complete Game X's set, while you'll need four more cards to complete Game Y's set. Should cards be traded between the two at a 1:1 ratio? With strict 1:1 trading, people out for badges/xp/coupons would be trading cards from large sets for cards from small sets.
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I'd imagine if cards aren't marketable people would still consider to take offer based on cards rarity and/or how much that card is floating early DOTA 2 beta wave. People were willing to trade a copy of Skyrim for 2x DOTA 2 free copy.
So there always be people who will trying to take profit from "rare" cards even if they're not marketable..
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By your logic trading Pokemon cards is the same as giving me your life for a spoon.
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Think like this. Instead of simply trading it with you, he could sell it in the market and with the money he gets he could buy both cards he was asking for. Of course the profit would be slightly smaller. That's why the cards are not worth all the same.
Nevertheless, there are people trading 1:1 simply because they have tons of cards and they trade the cards other people need in order to finish the deck, so for that people they are more valuable. They take advantage of that fact and simply try to make profit. Those are the ones I have most :).
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I wouldn't mind trading card for card within sets. I wouldn't trade an offspring fling card for a Strike Suit card- mainly because of the market price. Why would I trade you a card that I could sell and then buy two of your cards for on top of paying steam on the devs a 15%(total) cut.
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If those cards are from the same game and they have the same "quality" (like they're both foil or both normal) then they should also cost the same. If you try to trade a foil Borderlands 2 card for TF2 normal card, of course you won't succeed.
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What are your thoughts on this?
If someone has a card I don't and I have a card that person doesn't, I'll probably would like to trade it, but suddenly the other person says that IF you want to trade those cards you need to give him ANOTHER card because of the price tag on the market...
IMHO a digital card is a digital card, for me at least they don't really have a price :/ Why not just trade 1:1 and make everyone happy?
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