If you were alone, in a big open place, right before the sunset, and someone is running in your direction (you are the objetive) completely naked, but you can't outrun the person, what would you do:

1) If it was a man?
2) If it was a woman?
3) If you can see a flaming desire to hug in the other person's face?
4) If the person have a horse mask on?

(You don't need to say what would you do in these 4 scenarios, but say what would you do on 3) and/or 4), they are cool)

The big open place leads to 3 other places: A forest with lots of bushes and a few trees (not big enough to hide behind); A strange crater full of little pointy rocks on the ground and some medium-sized rocks (that go up to your waist only); Your house, with all your family inside (don't forget that the naked person can hug anyone he/she encounters). You can continue running, if you want.

Just curious, and don't ask me how I managed to think of this right before going to sleep :|

11 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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Why do the fap? You have a woman, nude, remember?

11 years ago

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Same answer to all of them. I'd ignore them and continue on my way.

11 years ago

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But what if the person is going for you?

11 years ago

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1) Blackmail

2) Blackmail

3) Take a picture, run away, blackmail

4) Call the police, wait until they're forced to take off the mask and put clothes on, then blackmail

11 years ago

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3) But you can't outrun the person, what then?

11 years ago

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3) Shoot them and claim self defense. 'MURICA.

11 years ago

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Good answer.

11 years ago

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  1. Punch him.
  2. Enjoy the sight.
  3. If it's a man, Punch him. If it's a woman, enjoy the hug.
  4. Well, that's awkward.
(Actually, I think I would just run away if I'd see any of the above...)
11 years ago

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I'd run away no matter what and probably call the cops for indecent exposure.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I see what you did, there. =]

11 years ago

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I laughed so hard. Thanks for this

11 years ago

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  1. Get naked as well
  2. Get naked as well
  3. Get naked as well
  4. Get naked as well and put on a horse mask
11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Would do the same

11 years ago

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  1. Assess the threat
  2. Assess the threat
  3. wtf? Doesn't make sense.
  4. Assess the threat.
11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

11 years ago

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4) Do not resist, it'd only make it harder

11 years ago

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I would stop running cause humm... I´m sorry i'm sure i scared you, ok let me put down the horse head for a minute... hahaha
Well if the dude/girl was coming right after me i would simply stop and ask wat is going on.

11 years ago

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I would look for the person chasing the individual.

11 years ago

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1) Laugh and ignore him unless hes yelling that he needs help or something.

2) Watch and maybe walk up to her depending on a few different things

3) If it was a man just push him away. If it was a female, hug her back possibly unless theres something sketchy going on.

4) Same answers as above depending on male or female. Either way I'd laugh

11 years ago

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In all situations, I would run to the strange crater, hoping to slow down my pursuer. In the first two, I would check why they were chasing me once they were limping across the sharp rocks. In case 3, I would probably try to keep my distance and talk them down, but if they got too close I would try to sidestep them and introduce the to the ground, then run away. If situation 4 is the case, I would check myself and my environment for any improvised weapons.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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All of the above except the rocks, they hurt.

11 years ago

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  1. Punch
  2. Punch
  3. Hug, punch
  4. Take mask off, punch
11 years ago

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1) If it was a man?


2) If it was a woman?

Moar hug.

3) If you can see a flaming desire to hug in the other person's face?

Even moar hug.

4) If the person have a horse mask on?

Wait you can't hug me that's going to smack into my fac

11 years ago

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Running my direction...hmm...

1) Step aside and continue walking
2) Do not step aside, stop walking and observe if attractive. Otherwise, read #1
3) Clarify this please.
4) Read #1.

As soon as I sense is going for me, I punch.

11 years ago

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  1. Try to side step and trip him
  2. Take pictures
  3. If its a dude see #1 if its a woman probably hug her
  4. This
11 years ago

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1) stand as close to a wall, making sure he doesn't touch me.

2) open my arms and smile.

3) refer to answers 1 and 2.

4) answer 1 again, unless it was a hot female body under the mask, in which case answer 2.

11 years ago

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1) Run away.
2) Run towards.
3) I find this question very strange.
4) Don Juan? Is that you?

11 years ago

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1) "Hey, how's your day?"
2) "Hey, how's your day?"
3) "Hey,u-uhm-"
4) "Hey, how's your day?"

11 years ago

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I all cases, try to find something to defend myself with. The person is most likely insane or high or both. My life may be in danger.

11 years ago

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1) Get naked and run towards them

2) Get naked and run towards them

3) Get naked, run towards them and give them a hug

4) Get naked and run towards them

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Agmeuz.