was this special enough for a 50th weekly bundle?
Ephemerid looks cool but not interested in the rest and don't want to drop $2.50 for the one game...
Oh well.
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Since I'm a penguin, this bundle does not interest me as it lacks games with Linux ports. :(
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Wine is fine,
Linux is better.
I run a few games in Wine, but none of these games look interesting enough to me to consider getting this bundle. I've bought a bunch of IG bundles, but without any native Linux games this one is a pass for me. I like to support devs who port to Linux.
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If you like to support devs who make Linux ports then why would you buy their games in a $2 bundle? I'm sure the 25 cents they'll get will help them out a ton.
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I also buy them from Steam, GMG, GG, GOG, etc,etc. What's you issue with buying from bundle sites that the devs themselves put their games for sale on?
You seem to be on a high horse, get yourself a shorter horse or get off it completely else you might be in for a embarrassing and painful fall. ;)
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Paying 25 cents for a video game doesn't seem like much support at all. If you throw a quarter to a homeless person you haven't supported them. Supporting something as it related to artists means you go out of your way to help them out. Speaking of high horses, if that's what Linux support is like I'm not shocked that most games don't release for it.
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So I take it you only buy games at full price and never from bundle sites? Your high horse isn't even real, but a balsa wood fake but you still argue against something you partake in yourself. And you ignore the rest of my post which lists some of the other online game store I purchase from.
You also seem to have a high horse hatred of Linux, why is that? What has Linux done to you? In fact what have I done to you? You seem to be angry about many things much more relevant than if I want to purchase this bundle or not. Might I suggest figuring out the root of your hate and work at finding a way out of the abyss.
It looks like more agree with me about the quality of this bundle, and the OP even asked for our opinions.
And btw, Valve has done more in the past 2 years to advance Linux gaming than any other company, and for that I am very grateful. SteamOS is a Linux distribution. SteamBoxes are Linux PCs. If you dislike Linux so much I suggest you try UPlay (UPlay won't even run under Wine) or Origin and stop supporting a company that has been working hard to bring Linux gaming to the mainstream. Why would you support a company working toward something you dislike so much?
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I buy tons of bundles, I just don't try and claim that I'm doing anyone but myself a favor when I pay pocket change for video games.
I don't hate Linux, I just think that the number of people who use it is so small that it's not even worth porting for. The last chart I saw from Steam said that only 1.16% of all Steam users run Linux.
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Ah hmmm, I said I like supporting devs who port their games to Linux, I do so by purchasing their games from various sites (which include bundle sites, which apparently you buy from too).
So, in your logic, should I should not care about supporting devs who port to Linux when their games are on bundle sites? Should I not consider supporting their Linux ports when their games are on sale? I'm trying to understand what your issue really is and I suspect it has nothing to do with me, Linux ports or bundle sites.
Maybe you should re-read this post and its comments, since you seem to forget how you got us here in the first place.
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And I said that your not supporting anyone but yourself by paying next to nothing for games.
If you wanted to support a dev for porting a game to Linux you'd buy it at full price. What you want is simply to purchase cheap Linux games, not support devs who make them.
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I support devs who port to Linux, whether the game be full price, on sale, or from a bundle site. It is my choice to do so, just as it is your choice to hypocritically complain about something you do yourself for some unknown, but hopefully more relevant, reason.
When you expect everyone to (think/behave/act/have the same talents or habits/etc) as you then you are bound to be a frustrated and unhappy person. A little introspect would be beneficial for you.
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It's not my fault that you couldn't comprehend what I said after I repeated myself 3 times for you. Have fun with your handful of Linux games, I'm out.
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Comprehend what?
1st your mad that I don't pay enough for Linux ported games.
2nd your mad that I or anyone else, including devs, support Linux at all.
3rd you buy bundle games yourself but you hypocritically complain that others aren't doing their part when they buy bundled games.
You are all over the place with your hate.
All that equal is a very frustrated and unhappy person who vented their personal problems on a member's post because you can't control the direction where you spew your bile. My question is why did you even reply to my post in the first place and then keep digging yourself a deeper hole with each successive post? Think about that honestly.
I truly hope your life gets better, you achieve contentment and you learn to deal with people, even those on the inter-webs, better.
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I'm not angry at all and I don't hate you. I copypasted my responses if you need to read them again though.
If you like to support devs who make Linux ports then why would you buy their games in a $2 bundle? I'm sure the 25 cents they'll get will help them out a ton.
Paying 25 cents for a video game doesn't seem like much support at all. If you throw a quarter to a homeless person you haven't supported them. Supporting something as it related to artists means you go out of your way to help them out. Speaking of high horses, if that's what Linux support is like I'm not shocked that most games don't release for it.
I buy tons of bundles, I just don't try and claim that I'm doing anyone but myself a favor when I pay pocket change for video games.
I don't hate Linux, I just think that the number of people who use it is so small that it's not even worth porting for. The last chart I saw from Steam said that only 1.16% of all Steam users run Linux.
And I said that your not supporting anyone but yourself by paying next to nothing for games.
If you wanted to support a dev for porting a game to Linux you'd buy it at full price. What you want is simply to purchase cheap Linux games, not support devs who make them.
It's not my fault that you couldn't comprehend what I said after I repeated myself 3 times for you. Have fun with your handful of Linux games, I'm out.
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I thought you were out already?
Just couldn't help yourself, could you.
And why have you edited your posts? Mine remain as originally posted, not edited much later to change the tone. I would call that unethical, and a little childish.
I hope you find your way out of the abyss of hate and hypocrisy you find yourself in.
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"And why have you edited your posts? Mine remain as originally posted, not edited much later to change the tone. I would call that unethical, and a little childish."
I didn't edit a single one of my posts. You can tell because there isn't a * next to any of my time-stamps. I sightly changed the formatting when I copypasted all of them to make it easier to read. It's kind of telling that someone who can't read would make things up about forum posts though.
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It seems like the average Monday bundle. At least there are only 2 repeats in there.
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294 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by TwixClub
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1,598 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ingrid88
i think some games havent been bundled before
8 of them this time so $2.49 for first 24 hours:
Talisman: Digital Edition 76%+ (CARDS)
Redux: Dark Matters 83%+
Ephemerid A Musical Adventure 95%+ (CARDS)
Air Guardians 55%+ - incidentally, the studio behind this game has the rather unflattering name of Lazy Bum Studios LOL
Borealis 64%+ (CARDS)
But to Paint a Universe 66%+ out of 3 reviews
Monomino 53%-
One Night 62%-
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