So i have been wondering on the forums for quite a while now, and i notice time and time again how people show hate towards others that give away bundles or bundle games.

I wonder why? Why is it that wrong? For example there was someone who wanted to open a giveaway group and said that the requirement would be 30 CV (And some other things) and one of the people commented that he should make it 30.01 CV because 30 is the cap for people who giveaway bundles.

I personally am not employed at the moment, and i cannot buy games and having quite hard time to even buy bundles. Some of the games in these bundles i know i will never play (100% sure of it) and i know that there are people who might like them and it might make them happy. Thus i give away these games (I am not even looking at CV as such.. just saying in general) but it feels like i am some sort of an outcast on this community because these are the only types of games i am able to give away at the moment.

I personally do not care about the CV system nor my contribution rating. Giveaways should be without any gain to begin with... But it just feels bad when so many people just say that i am some sort of a bad person to give away only bundles

11 years ago*

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Because 90% of this site is still bundle GA's even with the CV system.

11 years ago

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Why don't people get extra CV for giving away games on the wishlist?

I don't care about price. I care about how good the game is.

And the community has decided that the games on the wishlist are "good."

Given the number of users, it would be hard to exploit such a system.

11 years ago

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That's actually a nice idea. Why should people gain CV for crappy games which are discounted 90%, and not gain CV for Batman: Arkham City, which is number 5 on the wish list?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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People tend to forget that the site doesn't revolve around them and just because they can't enter the giveaway doesn't make it any less than another giveaway.

If the people who complained stopped buying bundles for a week or two, they'd have lots of giveaways to join and saved enough money to get a a newer game of their choice.

Win win!

11 years ago

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I stopped buying bundles for a months, still don't have enough money to buy a non-bundle game. Not everyone is given weekly/daily allowance, and thus don't apply your case onto other people.

11 years ago

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Possibly because some people feel that since they've spent X amount of money, then anyone who enters the same giveaway as them should have spent the exact same amount to be eligible to "compete" for the game that's being given away. Just a guess.

If it was really considered to be such a bad thing to give away games that have been bundled, then there wouldn't even be an option to do it on the website. Just disregard the naysayers and focus on the people whose day you may be able to brighten by giving them a small gift that they'll enjoy. It's all about the feels, man.

Optimistic point of view is quite optimistic. :P

11 years ago

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Originally SG didn't allow to give separate games from bundles, but it was a support nightmare because people gave them anyway, and there was no way to tell if the game was the bundled version or not. Even now that's the case, which means that some desired games have bundle status forever even if they were on a single bundle.

11 years ago

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Because in this site there are lots of people who just want "batman arkham origins" and "skyrim legendary edition" giveaways with $1000 CV because they can afford to buy every single bundle and also spend $50 on games, so they dont understand that there are people who are happy winning a bundle game (like me, i won "hoard" and its great for me).

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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thanks for reading and support :)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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There's no "hate". It's an ongoing joke (and will always be there).
Try looking it the other way around: "i notice time and time again how people show hate towards others that give away" free games.
There's plenty of non-CV giveaways. There's also forum giveaways and puzzle giveaways, which are usually kinda funny by themselves.
If they are not enough for your taste, a single copy of Fortix (1$) will put you above 30CV.
If you just can't bear looking at those CV-giveaways, install Steamgifts Plus (I suggest doing it anyway, look for it in the forum) and filter them out.
Try and enjoy your stay. There's a good chunk of decent people here. And there's lots of free giveaways. Just don't count on them. Random is random.

11 years ago

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Fortix is on the bundle list. Your information is now outdated.

11 years ago

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Any unbundled stuff for on sale for 1$

11 years ago

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The thing is - As i already have stated. I do not care about my CV or that i cannot enter those kind of giveaways. It's every mans choice what to do with their game.

I just do not understand why so many people are so much against bundle games giveaway. I am not complaining that bundle giveawayers are capped at 30 CV... I don't mind having 0 CV to begin with.

It is just annoying to see other people saying "Make it 30.01 CV so bundle giveaway people cannot join" . Well why? It is for the person who makes it to decide and not anyone else.

11 years ago

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people whining about other people giving away bundled games are the ongoing joke.

11 years ago

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Its also true that the price you pay for a game isnt the same as it value, ie. if i buy a $50 game for idk $3 im still giving away a game that is $50 no matter how much i paid for it, im choosing to give away something that is $50 instead of using it/playing it/re selling it.

11 years ago

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I question the truthfulness of anyone here that claims they paid full price for anything they gave away, even if it's a steam inventory item. I naturally assume that people only pay 25% of the full price, if even that.

11 years ago

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I payed full price for the copies of Fortix that I gave away, as well as the Binding of Isaac soundtrack. And I also payed 100% for a copy of Lone Survivor during a semi-drunk spur of the moment "HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS MUST GET MORE FOR OTHERS SO GOOD LOVE THE DEVELOPER"
And I'll most likely do so with a few of my favorite games that rarely/never go on sale when I get the money. This site hasn't seen very many Advent Rising giveaways, has it?
Though pretty much all of my others were gotten for cheap or were from trades.

And I believe quite a few folks payed full price for Fortix for some of Delta's events. But I do understand being skeptical. Seems like too many people want cheap contributor value, and only buy games to give away when they're on sale for at least 75% off.

11 years ago

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ElChosy - Yet again. I am not into the argue of who pays more. This is simple speculation. I can pay only for bundle games because right now i am not employed and out of them i want to play only 1 or 2... The rest i don't mind giving away.

Who cares about CV? I might just make it outside steamgifts to begin with >> just go to the forum list and randomly pick a name.
All i want to say is that for some reason people tend to show a lot of hate to others that giveaway bundles. Yes there are a lot of people who are concerned about a CV value... But come on >
> there is no need to bash someone who gives away games. As i stated at the original post just seeing people comment things like "Make it X amount of CV so bundle giveawayers cannot enter" is just disappointing (I am pretty sure that the person it was addressed for will not take that comment to begin with. But that one exists and that is what irritating me)

11 years ago

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Hey dude, im with you. I dont care where the game came from, its a game, its free, im happy.

11 years ago

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I don't think users here hate bundle games or other users who are giving away mostly bundle games - instead the hate goes toward those that don't read the FAQ or use the forum search and complain that their CV does not increase or whine because they can't enter giveaways with $30.01 CV requirement.

In my opinion, giving away bundle games is just fine - because the reason why you give something away should be sharing (sharing the joy of gaming), not increasing your CV.

11 years ago

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That is my opinion exactly. It is just sad to see sometimes posts like "Make it X amount of CV so people who give away bundles cannot join".

I don't care if i cannot join - But it is disappointing to see such comments. As if even with me giving away what i do can is not enough and people expect/demand more =/

11 years ago

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about 1k entries on bundle games summs it up very well

11 years ago

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Thinly veiled whine. You've been here two weeks and somehow think you should be free of scrutiny? You may not agree with the CV system, yet you agreed to join the site and thus follow the rules (and inevitable learning curve) accordingly.

It's unfortunate that as a "newbie" you are currently lumped together with the "noobs" (or "leechers"). But to be fair, this is the Internet; you shouldn't really be surprised by anonymous hostility.

Edit: In other words, I completely sympathize with you. But, how did you think this topic would appear at all dissimilar to the myriad of other "I don't care about CV, but..." threads?

11 years ago

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It's not an "I don't care about cv but..." thread, nor i whine about anything.

It is a simple question to which i was hoping to find and answer from people who are longer here then i am. It is just making me feel as if the community here demands more then just bundle games. Well guess what - I think that you should be thankful to anything you get as a gift... Even if it is only a piece of bread if at all

11 years ago

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I think many people do not want to understand you :D
I would love to get a spare key from the previous bundles I didn't participate in. Like the EA Bundle. If someone would gift me Sims I would give him all my points and my future points (I am a sinner too and gifted Bundle-Keys ;) ), I think it is "sad" if I see some giveaways that are for contributors over 30.00 but I don't care... Sure I would be happy if I won something but I wouldnt win anyway since the win chances still are small. But who cares, I didn't lost something so everyone may make giveaways for 30.01. I wouldn't be as happy as I am now, because this site is kinda like a hobby for me. And if I see these people complaining about bundle giveaways I dont really understand it. To be honest sometimes even 5$ is too much for a bundle and if some nice guy spent these 5$ and gifts me a bit from this bundle, I wouldn't complain or look how much he paid for this. By the way there are people who paid more for a bundle than everyone else for the game, so if someone pays 1000$ for charity in Humble Bundle and gifts the games in addition would you still complain about it.. I think yes because you just think all people who gift Bundle keys try to robb someone.

11 years ago

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But that's the thing. No one tries to rob anyone. Bundles are given away just because the companies trying to make a bit more profit.

It should be no one else business what i pay for it. Why would you even consider what i pay for any game? It is my right to get what i want for the price i want - If it is 0.5$ or 10,000$ it is none of any ones business but mine. If i decide to give something i own people should be rather grateful then actually saying "Ow its a bundle give away - You are not good enough"

11 years ago

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If that is truly the case and your intention was not to complain, you have poorly worded your OP. All of your (incessant) comments in this thread have been about how you're "not talking about CV" and "not whining about giveaway exclusion" while your original post appears as a contradiction.

If you are honestly only dismayed at the isolated attitudes of people who look down on bundle giveaways, then you are spreading a broad generalization about what "everyone" thinks. Very few of this community actually perpetrate the discrimination you are claiming. So once again, unless you are veiling more typical notions behind your thinking, you are blowing this way out of proportion.

Most of us give away shit because it feels good and everyone gets a warm fuzzy, not to drape ourselves in accolades and judge the plebeians.

11 years ago

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Look, i have no idea how i have offended you. Not ones i have generalized or said everyone. And yes i am on this website for only a couple of weeks. Yet i just asked about a feeling i have had. Information was the only thing i was looking for. Either to confirm that it does happen and if so then why, or to dismay it. That would be all. By no means i tried to offend you, nor anyone else on this forum, and well English is not my native language so i admit that i might have worded myself poorly.

11 years ago

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I don't hate users giving away bundle games, heck I even ofter add bundle games as extras to my puzzles. I hate ppl who comes to forums crying about how they CV is not increasing because of bundle games etc. If someone wants to give away bundle game, just to make someone happy, for the joy of sharing etc - it's wonderful! The problem is a lot of ppl don't care about actual gifting, just wants to cheaply raise their CV with just cheap bundle games and then feels entitled to these imaginary e-peen number on their profile page and if they CV won't increase over 30$ they come QQing into forums and yelling how now they never gonna create GA again. If the sole purpose of them creating GAs is to farm CV they got their standards wrong and deserve all the hate that's coming towards them. But it's hate towards these people, not towards bundle games in general.

11 years ago

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Don't hate them...

Then here's a giveaway for RUST

11 years ago

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I don't hate bundle giveaways:) I've only given away one non-bundle game. Logically, whoever wins the game doesn't have it, so it doesn't matter to them whether the game has been bundled or not. A game is a game. Also it's nice to give away any games at all, so don't feel like you're not being nice<3

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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No hate from me -- I gave away plenty of bundle games, and won some which made me happy.

That said, I like the CV system -- which made me give away games, and made some people happy in the process.

So all is good. Don't worry. Be happy.

11 years ago

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You only need to give one non-bundle game away to break $30.01 CV. During a sale you can pick up a cheap piece of DLC for sometimes as low as $0.25.

11 years ago

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Yet again Clockian. I am not talking about CV system at all.

I was just talking about a few random comments i've seen on the forums when people say things like "Make the CV higher so people who give away bundles cannot enter" and have just a simple question - Why?

It's not that i care so much nor i feel all slicky in my pants because i cannot enter some giveaways. I don't mind not being eligible for some because the people who make them have a reason for it. It just feels bad when you see people hate you and practically demand games that are not bundles to be given away here.

It's almost saying - "You gave away only bundles. Well you no good enough until you give something else that is not".
And please do not misunderstand - This has nothing to do with the CV system. Only peoples reactions and comments

11 years ago

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I could careless what people do...I think to hate/punish someone for giving something for nothing is purely retarted's my opinion on that matter...haha

11 years ago

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I certainly don't hate people who giveaway bundle games or even users who ONLY giveaway bundle games. Hell, one of my favourite groups that I was a part of was called Only Bundle Giveaways. I think it absolutely makes sense to give away the parts of the bundles you don't want and what better place to do it than here? It is unfortunate but there's simply too many people who bring down the "reputation" of bundle GA creators with the myriad of "why I stuck at 30 CV?!" threads and other such behaviour. It's generally the attitude behind the GA creator rather than the GA itself that people don't like.

Edit: Holy shit that took 6 tries to get this comment to post. -_-

11 years ago

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Personally, I don't care what someone has or has not given away as long as they do not complain about their CV, not winning enough/at all, or being unable to join groups on here. The exception being the topics that are basically making fun of those and hiding a private giveaway or puzzle. I only make most of my giveaways be for 0.01 CV because I'd prefer to give to someone who understands how the site works.

11 years ago

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Thanks for the replies all of you. It seems that the entire community of the website is divided into three (Or at least that's how i understand it).

1 - The group of people who understand what a giveaway is and cherish it

2 - The people who giveaway games for gain and find themselves above else due to the points they have

3 - People who are that greedy that they want more and more but don't want to contribute to that cause

Just for a note. I have never been offended by any post on the forum as i believe that no one should have hard feelings about strangers on the internet. I just believe that in such a community where giving is the main theme - It is sad to see that some people regarded as "Less good" as compared to others because what they actually can give.

11 years ago

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I totally agree with your just a note statement....and because some people are not putting up assassins creed 4, batman,etc dose not make them any different then the people putting up bundled games at all...that's just an idiotic way to think...a free gift is an awesome thing and a nice to be able to have something like this online.

11 years ago

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That's usually the people who don't giveaway in the first place

11 years ago

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maybe the peeps are very young or are broke or are students in high school or a university...who cares who gives away what??? that's my point

btw... if people are so worried what other people are giving to steamgifts...maybe those people need not come here and enter giveaways...if you give you just come here for free entries for free stupid to hate/punish someone because of them putting up bundled games or not putting a game up on fkin retarted how some peoples minds work

11 years ago

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Dude, i live in a third world country, Paying for a brand new 60 bucks game its about a 4x~ hours of work, basically either you play or you eat.

And yes. there are many games in a bundle, from a different genre, people dont like some of them, and they give them away. I usually give the spare games to frieds, but i know what they play, and what they dont play, i give it here.

11 years ago

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dude I live in the usa and I am not rich by any 60 bucks is outrageous for a game I agree totally...and yes food is more important but to be able to get a free game makes life more enjoyable

11 years ago

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and the only thing that gets on my last nerve are the people that put up a steamgift...and when you get nothing...those clowns should be kicked off steamgifts forever and there steam account frozen...cant buy anymore games from that ip address...that's how much I hate those id throw my 2 cents in the mix...hahahaha

11 years ago

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Does that happen a lot?

I personally won only 1 game so far (Which made my year by the way! As i have had Trine 2 and wanted the complete pack) and i did receive it... So i cannot judge. But does that happen a lot when people make giveaways and give you nothing? And if so - Are there any regulations about it?

11 years ago

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I hear it happens a lot from my friends...won darkness 2 for merry xmas he wrote and burned me and the 2 others that where in his other 2 giveaways...not right at all...totally got me upset but its all

btw...I have I think 2000 entries...won 4 was giving to me by a friend and didn't receive winning isn't that easy

11 years ago

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"And if so - Are there any regulations about it?" That tells me that you need to go read the FAQ right now. It is stickied in the forums.

11 years ago

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what is the facts you are talking about???

11 years ago

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you cant take blood from a stone right???...and there will always be clowns in this's a fact...and to complain to steamgifts about a bad apple may ruin the whole bunch...that is what my mama taught

11 years ago

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I did read the FAQ's -.-
I have asked if it actually happens. Look it is a website of a stranger promising to give you a game for free... The fact that you might not get it is just your respect for the future for that person (If at all... We are talking about internet strangers after all). It was asked out of curiosity and nothing more

11 years ago

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Dude... if you read the FAQ then you should know that there ARE regulations about not giving the gift after your GA ends. THAT'S why I told you to go read the FAQ. And no, you didn't just ask if it happens you asked if there are regulations about it. I even quoted you.

11 years ago

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I know exactly what i asked -.-
And yes i read the FAQ's as well where it says something about bad keys and that you need to wait for a week to receive a gift.
I only asked what's being done in such a situation and is anything being done to begin with. This time "bloodraven43" said that he didn't get a gift and i wondered what was done. That was all to it

11 years ago

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I will not do anything...I think the gifter is young and dumb and thought that would be a funny joke to screw 3 people for fine with will be kids...I know what I can do..but im smart enough to know better...karma I

11 years ago

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Bundle giveaways are hated because they're useless. Why would I gamble for a game I can pay 1 dollar to buy? Seriously? No one with a Steam account is THAT POOR. If I don't buy that bundle means I don't want the game. So even if the account points aren't worth much, given how quick someone makes them, why would I waste my time entering a giveaway for a game I don't want. If I do want it, I'll just buy it because it's a buck. That way I'm sure I'll get it, not wait for the result of a giveaway.

11 years ago

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maybe...just saying...that I only want one game in that bundle and its comes up on steamgifts...ill enter it...that's the flip of the coin...wish people would think with both sides of their brain every now and again

btw...don't enter it then you will not have to waste your

11 years ago

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They are very much ok if they're giveaways for games which are from the BTA tier, cause that's when people that might only want that particular game from the bundle become relevant.

11 years ago

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yep...and that's why I like the big variety of games on steamgifts...I may not enter but I like the fact that I have the tons of games there to choose from...its all good I think...steamgifts is a fantastic thing for everyone I think...and for the poor and kids its even better as zomby2d pointed out.

11 years ago

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Actually, there are people that poor. Some only uses Steam for the F2P games and whatever they can get gifted to them.

The other issue is those who can't buy the bundles due to the lack of a credit card or other form of online payment. (Especially minors) Just because you and I have the means to do it easily, it doesn't mean everyone does.

11 years ago

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When i registered here a year+ ago it was nesessary to have a $50 worth in games on my account, did they change that?

11 years ago

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well 60 bucks is one blockbuster game I would think everyone on steam would have at least one game for sure

11 years ago

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Yeah, that and as an example, i cannot get games from Amazon (like the xcom bundle that was at 10 bucks) because i dont have a US address.

A friend and me, we are both Mexicans, but we live in the border with US, i have a debit card registered in mexico, no issues, but my friend study @UTEP in el Paso Tx. His Credit card was used for the first time in US, so when he tries to get a bundle, or pay in steam, he cant, the Card is locked to a US Ip Address as well.

11 years ago

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yep...some people can not see the big picture in life or are just miserable anyways and like to complain and

11 years ago

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What i never get is if people are that poor they cant afford $1. How have they got a PC capable of playing games and the electricity to run it and internet to download and play those games ?

11 years ago

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Minors, as well as some adults, have all those things provided by their parents. It doesn't mean they can freely access the parents credit card or have any money of their own.

Plus, I've fell on hard times before. Lost a job, didn't find another one right away so was piss poor for a few months. I still had a good computer and Internet access (even though I'd taken the smallest possible plan) and didn't spend any money on anything but the essential. I could probably have afforded a $1 bundle back then but I probably would have just skipped over them and kept every dollar to pay the bills.

11 years ago

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lmao...did you ever hear of mom and dad...birthdays and holiday presents...I am santa cause im old but just sit back and think abit when you were

11 years ago

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Why would you say something like "Bundle giveaways are useless"? It is someones effort to make someone else happy. So what if i cannot buy a game for 60$? And yes! There are people that poor! For a lot of people it's the choice of getting a game or paying rent... I am in fact one of them being unemployed for the moment and there are A LOT of bundle games out there i would love to try out. So to you it might not mean anything but for me 1$ might be the change between overdraft and no overdraft.... You cannot judge the whole world on your own experience

11 years ago

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Says the guy who has only given away SpaceChem and whose first win on the site was a bundled game - Septerra Core...

PS: Not all bundles have a $1 tier - Indie Royale, Bundlestars, almost all Humble Weeklies. Just to name a few.

11 years ago

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I got both Darksiders on humble bundle and Battlefield 3. Got it from there because i couldn't pay full price at the time but hey! Who can say these are useless? And these are only a few games that have been out there

11 years ago

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I got the max paine complete bundle recently...prince of Persia bundles and many others...bundles are awesome

11 years ago

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dude...I have been trying to win septerra core...I remember playing it long ago...will I buy freakin way...will I play it if I win it...hell yeah...different stokes for different folks

11 years ago

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I'm not saying it is a bad game in fact I don't know what it is like because I've never played it. I was merely pointing out that the poster I responded to who claimed "Bundle giveaways are hated because they're useless. Why would I gamble for a game I can pay 1 dollar to buy?" had in fact only given away 1 bundled game and had enter and won another bundle game (Septerra Core).

So while they claimed to despise bundled giveaways they were happy to both contribute and win bundled games.

11 years ago

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The issue is there are two kind of people making giveaway from bundle games. There are those who do it simply to share and/or can't buy anything else than bundle game. There are also those who just try to get some CV quick by giving the cheapest thing they could find.

The issue some people have is obviously with the second group, however it does impact those like you who just like to share whatever they have left from their bundle purchases. My best advice is don't take it personal, you're not the intended target of most of the haters. There will always be people who are happy to simply win a game, no matter where it came from.

11 years ago

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I couldn't care less about bundle giveaways. So long as it makes someone happy, that's all that matters. I only dislike it when someone whines that their CV value is stuck on 30$. But that's more about stupidity, and less about bundled games. lol

And as far as I'm concerned, giving away games isn't the only way of supporting this site, which is why I don't put CV restrictions on any of my giveaways. I'd rather hide 'em like little Easter eggs, so that people that frequent the forums can find 'em.
And no, don't bother looking. There is not a giveaway hidden here. I just used that as an example. :9

11 years ago

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haha...yeah the cv hunters are ridiculous...I don't care if there are only 7 people in the may not win...won darksiders 2 with 3k entered...and eventually great games are free to enter....putting a cv on your giveaway is stupid.

11 years ago

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I don't understand CV hunters, but I really don't care about 'em. And giveaways with a 1,000-5,000 contributor limit don't bother me either. Folks can do whatever they want with their shit.
I only roll my eyes at them when they act like it makes them better than everyone else. I don't see it that often, thankfully, but it has happened before.

Whatever. We'll always have assholes in each group. lol

11 years ago

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yep...agreed...totally...such as real

11 years ago

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Great bundles today, even the basic. Tell me that you would still not accept any of those and you will make my day.

11 years ago

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I never have a problem with people giving away bundle games. So long as you contribute something to this site, I'm fine. What really gets me are the people who've never given away anything.

11 years ago

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Let me guess, i was the one who led you to create this thread? I did comment about increasing the entrance requirement to a recent new group from 30 to 30.01 because of bundles.

11 years ago

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and the purple eyed monster surfaces....hahaha

11 years ago

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Your comment was only one in a couple similar. It was the easiest to give an example of. And it led me to this curious question.

Also if it's not too hard i would also be glad if you could give a reason to that comment as well ^.^

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by perilomo.