Click to order the Bundle of the Damned (4)

$1 min, two tiers, $4 total for 5 Games, 3 Albums, 1 comic, 1 Groupees Coin

Tier 1: $1 min
Hush: Into the Darkness
Bacon Rebellion
Sam Haynes - Welcome to the Horror Show
Ossonor - Dreadful
S. J. Tucker - Witchy Ways: an October Mix-tape

The Land of Lamia - World of Monsters
Roadkill du Jour Anthology
Derek & Brandon Fiechter - Dark Lullabies
$1 Limited Edition Jacky Coin

Tier 1: $1

Hush into Darkness 39% 1 click $9.99
Bacon Rebellion x ? 0 click ?

Tier 2: $4

Hatred 76% 1 click $19.99
The Land of Lamia - World of Monsters 100% - 0 click $4.99
Demented x ? 0 click ?

View the previous Damned Bundles below:

Bundle of the Damned (1)
Bundle of the Damned (2)
Bundle of the Damned (3)

List of games for each bundle provided by user lamu here

PSA: Do not forget to click the "donate" option when purchasing your bundle. Proceeds go to the Tolga Bat Hospital

thanks eeev and SouruRiibaa!

psst... maybe you wanna try this bundle here

9 years ago*

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Will you be getting this spooky bundle of the damned?

View Results
Nahhhh. Dun want this.
Maybe? Hints plz
Trick or treat! Smell my feet!

This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :D
Edit: "Trick or treat! Smell my feet!" LMAO???! XD

9 years ago

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Funny, voted for it! (lonely vote)
We will see...

9 years ago

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Thanks Rachel :3

9 years ago

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isn't it rather a bit late to put the bundle on the site :D
well I still need the pre-order, will get this one for sure.

9 years ago

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Lol my dear , you call this late ? The deus ex machina bundle was released at midnight my time 0.0

9 years ago

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yup I call 2-3 am a bit late :D
If I'm not mistaken, usually they release the bundles in the evening for EU time zone.

9 years ago

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Yeah I usually see them before 12PM PST. I remember a couple of weeks ago they released a bundle around 9PM PST, I don't think it had a pre-order yet, but regardless I found it strange for it to be up at that time.

9 years ago

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Love the Bundles of the Damneds! Usually has one or two good games and some good industrial music CDs.

9 years ago

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Nice! Obligatory pre-order!

9 years ago

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Bundle of the Damned 3 included::

The Last Door – Collector’s Edition
Blinding Dark
Go To Bed: Survive The Night
REalM walk of soul
Bad Mojo: Redux
Damnation – City of Death (Alpha)

Other Content:
The Last Door OST (The Complete Remaster)
Go To Bed OST
Throne of Anguish – A Tale of Shadows
Amia Venera Landscape – The Long Procession
The Gathering – Horror vol. 3 (comics)
British Showcase Anthology (comics)
The Fang (Graphic Novel)

Bundle of the Damned 2 included::

Survivor Squad (greenlight, desura, drm free, win, mac)
Lucius (steam, win)
Best of Collide
47 Decembers
Alone Architect EP
Undead Legions (greenlight, desura, drm free, win)
Postmortem: One Must Die – Extended Scythe Cut (desura, drm free, win)
Neverside – This Is Our Gun

Other Content:
Among The Frozen
BlackSoul (greenlight, drm free, win, mac, linux)
Clown Town
Burn Zombie Burn (steam, win)
Live Collide Collection
Noctua #1
Horror in the west
Super Eurobit and The Seventh Enochian Key
The Blind Eye

9 years ago

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thanks :) will add this to op

9 years ago

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You're welcome :) Can't wait for the hints! Let's hope for a proper Halloween bundle :D

9 years ago

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Most definitely will get the bundle. One of the series that always include some good stories or comics, and they are from the creepier types, hence the bundle's name. I love them :D

9 years ago

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i have one impatient dollar here, waiting for the pre-order option. ^^

9 years ago

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i think the preoder will be more expensive than 1$

9 years ago

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ok, then 1.25$. will gladly pay that. can't imagine it being way more expensive than that.

9 years ago

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I can imagine 1.50 :)

9 years ago

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in groupees chat says that $2.50, must be a good one bundle (maybe)!

9 years ago

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prolly the 1 other thing is 1$ coin so that explains the big price

9 years ago

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includes a 1$ coin? this coin is usable to buy another bundle?

9 years ago

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probably...i don't say it is...and yes..coins can be used to purchase bundles(but they can't be used on preorders)

9 years ago

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interesting, thanks for the info!

9 years ago

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I hope it includes Cryostasis like the first bundle did. :p

9 years ago

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I'd love that too :)

9 years ago

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Haha! That would be amazing :D But too good to be true!

9 years ago

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^ this, I strongly doubt Cryostasis will be bundled again

9 years ago

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Yes, please take my money! ^ ^

9 years ago

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I like the name, but that's probably about everything this will have going.
I thought it would contain 4 copies of the game Damned when I saw the thread tho. Great game. If it's in there I gonna buy a trillion copies of it so I can give the game to friends.

9 years ago

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Heh Damned is pretty great game. Monsters are OP like crazy though once you figure how they roll. :)

9 years ago

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Yeah, the devs even said they are supposed to be OP, but once you figure out how survivors work it gets easier. I once played on a server with some chinese girl and she just ran through and got to the exit on her own. :D

9 years ago

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Oh yes. Some people were amazing.
If you learnt the maps it became more a game of luck. :)
Which was the sound based one? I remember running like crazy every time I set off a sound. Fun. :D

9 years ago

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Depends. The Lurker worked with traps he would put up and when you run past them he'd know where you are. The Phantom only sees you when he hears you (running, random traps, flashlight click)
Oh, I love this game. I used to play it every weekend with a group of people. We would drink and play all night long. Good times. :D

Btw: There will be a new monster soon! :O

9 years ago

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Yeah he could work out where you had been... so running til no more sounds set off was alright. ;)

New monster... :O Wonder if that means more achievements. e_e

9 years ago

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Maybe? Damned is the only game I have 100% achievements on :D
~Maybe there are some people in K's group that like the game as well and we could play some day? My original group of guys I played with is scattered D:*

9 years ago

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Well grats on that then haha. :)
That'd be great. I wanted to join you guys in The Ship but somehow got the day wrong. (Thought Sun instead of Sat). :s

9 years ago

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We're playing right now! Not The Ship, but Magicka. Per3zat can play later so we will switch games anyway since Magicka is limited to 4 players.

9 years ago

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Magicka is awesome but I always ended up killing people rather than goblins. :)

9 years ago

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Yeah, we mostly killed each other.

9 years ago

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Depends on what's in it :O

9 years ago

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checks when the thread was created

17 hours ago

y u do dis groupees?

9 years ago

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CyanicGroupees HQ10:16
Delayed. Some interesting stuff happened.

cyanicGroupees HQ10:18
There'll still be preorder. It just might be a while until it happens.

Welp, that explains the delay.

9 years ago

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Well, it's the bundle of the DAMNED, so I expected interesting stuff happening :D

9 years ago

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hahaha this bundle is damned

9 years ago

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I wonder if the fact that it's delayed means that someone backed out.....

9 years ago

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I wonder what "interesting" stuff happened ... that could be possible though D:

9 years ago

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I'll go the optimistic route and imagine it being an unexpected addition of a AAA™ title that requires some contract signing and other time-consuming suit-wearing thingies.

9 years ago*

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cyanic Groupees HQ said 2 hours ago "Delayed. Some interesting stuff happened." "There'll still be preorder. It just might be a while until it happens."
edit: oh oops, has been posted already. sorry...

9 years ago*

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hey eeev :) i had added that already up on the OP. thank you my dear! <3
edit: hopefully this bundle comes out soon!

9 years ago*

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Being a horror fan, I'm kinda interested... but I'll wait for hints/confirmed games as previous bundles weren't that exciting imo. :o/

9 years ago

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I just love horror & creepy themed games, Pre-order is a must, but some hints would be nice still:)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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after more than 24 hours still soon...

9 years ago

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they just use the same soon™ as I do
in the last century I worked for a software company with customers that often asked for the new release. Our answer was always "in summer", we never told them which summer :P

9 years ago

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This one has started now.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Now some hints please :)

9 years ago

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Launched ! pre- 2,5 $ :D

9 years ago

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Oh great you broke groupees! 502 Bad gateway :(

It's back :)

9 years ago*

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$2.50 preorder. Well, let's see what the hints are. :)

9 years ago

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For the preorder?

1&2 were $1, 3 was $3 after any preorders... :s Definitely want to see some hints. x_x
Actually not hints... hints are kinda bullshit. I want to know what I'm paying for. D:

9 years ago

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you sure can, if you wait and pay more than $2.50. :P

9 years ago

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Maybe not worth it. Maybe I just hold on to it and buy 3 pizzas.
Pizza good. Blind preorder bad. :)

9 years ago

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pizza good? i won't compare pizzas with blind preorders but pizza is bad for your health. ;_;

edit: besides how the hell you buy 3 pizzas with $2.50? you can't even buy one here with that much money. ;_;

9 years ago

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Are you against the cheese or the bread? Or the tomato sauce? O_O

Edit: Discount section/make your own.

9 years ago*

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pizza is not healty and this won't change when i say i'm not against any of the things you just listed. i mean, using plant-based cheese would have been better of course but we're not living in an ideal world. .-.

9 years ago

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Well, I eat pizza with whole grain crust, lots of veggies and no cheese. I think it depends on what you consider pizza. :)

9 years ago

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dammit cg! my comment is gone. i hate the sg hiccups. ;_;

anyway, long story short what i was saying is i should definitely give it a try one day.

9 years ago

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Plant based cheese? That doesn't sound in the slightest bit healthy or natural.
You take the vegetable away and turn it into "cheese"... I'm not even sure what you're eating any more. Hardened vegetable oil?
Like.... the nutella stuff minus the cocoa? :s

Ain't nothing wrong with ordinary cheese unless it's against your religion or something. :)

Best pizza is low carb pizza! Get that sugar out the diet. :)
I recommend the flat mushroom base because it's easiest to cook. Other fun bases include bell pepper (higher carbs) and if you're prepared to spend a while cooking, crispy bacon (0 carbs but more cals.). ^_^

9 years ago

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by plant-based cheese i meant cheese made from plant milk. sorry for the confusion. i confuse alot of people today. :|

edit: no wonder why you didn't get what i meant. apparetly it's called vegan cheese. .-.

9 years ago*

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Ehh... yeah, I looked up vegan cheese. I'm shocked by the amount of carbs in it to be honest. :s
Some brands have more than 1/3 of my intake.
I'd take real cheese over a high-carb substitute any day and have my carbs come from fresh veggies. >_<

9 years ago

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or you know, you can stop eating cheese altogether. you don't have to choose one. you can choose none. :P

9 years ago

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When there's nothing wrong with cheese why would I stop eating it? :(

9 years ago

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well, first of all animals suffer for our pleasure. but before you tell me to keep my vegan shit away, i'll go with "it's not healty" statement. and i don't know why you're so obsessed with low carbohydrate but there are actually different types of it. it has been awhile since the biology class but i know some of the carbohydrate types are not as dreadful as the media wants you to believe. i can look more into it but ironically enough my hands are full with an unhealthy high carbohydrate food. and i'm pretty sure this doesn't have the friendly types of carbohydrate. you know what they say. do as i say and not as i do. .-.

9 years ago

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I was just having fun about having guaranteed pizza instead of gambling for potentially cruddy games. :(
I am under no illusion that generic store bought pizza is healthy. :(
You can believe what you want is healthy but if you're going to attempt to tell someone else what you think is healthy don't just expect them to accept it blindfolded.

Cheese = animal suffering now...? Did I miss something? Cheese and milk is a staple of many cultures and doesn't involve slaughtering animals and grass fed pasture cows are the ones that create the best produce.
And I never called vegan cheese shit, just a substitute, which is what it is. Like that gluten free flour for coeliacs.

I'm not really obsessed with low-carb. I'm more obsessed with cats and video games than I have ever been with low carb. You gave me your opinion and I gave you mine and the reason why I'm not having vegan cheese and the extra sugar, the fact that my reasons were to do with low-carb food and lifestyle does not make me obsessed. Besides I get intense headaches if I eat to much sugar... that's just not fun over cheese. :(

The media rarely says carbs (other than pure sugar products) are bad for you. (At least in American&UK) They'll tell you whole grains are good despite there being next to no evidence for anything other than oats having true benefits for humans. Coca-cola will try and tell you not only that carbs aren't bad for you but sugar itself isn't at all bad for you and it's all about "calories in, calories out" despite most people knowing that's the root cause of metabolic diseases like diabetes. :s

And I agree, there are plenty of carbs that are extraordinarily good for you, they are called fruits and vegetables. :) In particular those green ones. Such as avocado, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, curly kale, etc. Full of potassium and nutrients!

9 years ago

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oh my. so many letters and i can sense some hatred out of them. if i was seeking for hatred, i could have bought the bundle as well, amirite? i'm an unhealthy person that needs to sleep early to stay alive. so i'm gonna postpone reading this.

9 years ago

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You are mistaken if you think I hate you. Life's too short to hate people. :( But if you hate me that's fine, you're entitled to your opinion.
I saw on reddit the potential game "Hatred" but they've been wrong more than once before about what's in the mystery bundles of groupees.
Sleep well.

9 years ago

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The truth may upset you but actually milk & cheese implies animal suffering because of:

· Animal slavery. It's not the free will of the animal that lead it to a forced "job".

· Raping repeteadly animal of choice (cows, goats, sheeps, etc) so they can produce milk (mammals produce milk for the first year of life of their babies and not under any other circumstance).

·Torturing of the animal (physically, emotionally and psychically) and its babies, whics are separated from their mother as soon as they are born and sent to the slaughter house shortly after if they males or forced to do the same jobs as their mother if their females.

Featuring: In most cases, poor alimentation, animals fed with steroids, antibiotics and stuff to have higher production.

PS: The problem with sugar is the refined sugar (mostly). Not all the carbs are bad for you, as you said, the ones found in fruits are veggies are excellent to keep you healthy and your body alkaline, but people tend to forget that sugar is a drug (it actually is), that too much sugar impedes neurogenesis to occur (and just a 33cl coke can is way TOO MUCH), and all the refined sugary crap as corn syrup and stuff like that have a glucemic index way to high, so you are practically inviting diabetes, weight and all kind of health problems come in.

PS2: I have studies in Nutrition, Holistic Medicine and a long etcetera. If you have any question/doubt feel free to ask.

9 years ago

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It doesn't upset me. Why would you think it does?

Your use of language is very clearly trying to push an agenda which quite simply isn't all that true these days or if it is, telling some stranger on the internet is the worst way to go about it.
Animals can produce milk before pregnancy, I don't know where you read that's its never possible. Even male animals can produce milk under certain circumstances.
I don't know what the farms are like where you are from but the ones here are really good, nice open green fields and I remember all the campaigning against battery farming. Free range is still something people talk about and they have that proud little logo on the boxes.
Currently I live in a town surrounded by farmland and woodland. I've met a few local farmers and listened in on a talk about the farm year on sheep herding about a year back.
The young have to be with their mothers for several months. Not taken away as soon as they're born otherwise they die of starvation. Do you really think a farmer would just throw away their livestock before they're mature. The man who did the talk would actually stay out in the field during lambing season to make sure he's there when they're reading to birth and he's been doing the same process for decades, not just a sudden switch because of rules&regs. He even makes them houses out of stacks of hay so they have somewhere warm to sleep. Never mistreated his animals and deeply cares for their well being.
Farmers know what antibiotics are doing to the animals and they're avoiding them and the ones I met don't use steroids. You're more likely to find all that kind of stuff in countries of America or Asia where there are no bans in place like the EU.

PS. Did you not read, my last paragraph is about how good fruit and veggies are for you. :(
I know about sugar being a drug, lights up your brain more than heroin. x_x
The glycemic indsex, know about that too, learnt about that from a very young age. Potatoes are pretty vicious on that scale and they're not refined.
PS2. That's fine, I'm already in contact with a very good qualified nutritionist and several doctors. :)

9 years ago

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First of all, I say that the truth MAY upset you, not that it will (I'm not a English native speaker, though. If I make a mistake or I'm not clear enough, please forgive me),

Secondly, I'm talking about something that's real and it's actually happening in most places of the world, Europe is only a piece of the cake and what rules&regs say don't matter much at all as farms have showed us before (I'm from the Canaries, so I'm European politically speaking). My wife's grandparent was a farmer, her sister is nowadays too... I know what happens there and I know that not every farmer sells his soul to the devil and try to take care of the animals until certain point, but there's still slavery, raping, etc. The milk you say that animal could produce before pregnancy -if so- it's not even a start to make business.Anyway, I'm sure that not all the cheese/milk you buy come from free range happy humane farms -due to almost every product you buy contains milk and you don't choose it-.

I'm not trying to push anything on anybody, don't misintrepret me please. Don't read me as if I were an angry vegan, because I just not... I'm only providing information from what I really know (College, Master and independent courses I've done), and a lot of information gathered for over the years.

I won't judge anyboy 'cause I've on the other side too.


PS: I'm sorry, I misunderstood your paragraph about carbs. My apologies =)

9 years ago

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Nah I understood what you said and I asked a different question. I asked why would you think it does upset me?
Suddenly I feel like I'm responsible for the actions of the entirety of Earth. Difficult to influence countries I'll probably never even visit. :s

You say raping and slavery, it's hard to believe that you're not pushing anything on anyone when you come out of nowhere and use inappropriate words such as those and it definitely comes off as judgemental. There are people partaking in human slavery and trafficking even in Europe. If you feel that strongly about other animals being captivity then what do we do for our own species in peril? Are other animals more important?

I only brought up the milk because you said "not under any other circumstance" which just isn't true. :s

You shouldn't assume people don't know anything either just because you've taken courses. There are very few people who haven't at least studied things like Veganism/Vegetarianism through books, school and information on-line and not come to their own conclusion at least in the UK. Veganism is definitely one of those things that you should make your mind up yourself with facts as it can be dangerous and detrimental to your own health and well being and worse for children brought up as vegan but by all means, if you want to be a vegan go ahead. Just don't expect everyone to jump on the bandwagon. :)

9 years ago

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Pizza is the #1 healthy food. An average pizza contains all the food groups in one slice. :P
Actually, depending on what you put on it, pizza isn't necessarily bad for your diet. As with most things, consume with moderation.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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yes, a pizza might be healthy but that image in your comment doesn't look like it. :P i'll go with jbmccune's ingredients, Zomby. sorry. :/

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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it doesn't show me that warning on bundle page. O.o

9 years ago

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lol my friend said there was and i couldn't look in class so I took his word for it o.o
he says that when you go to pay, you have to verify your age.

9 years ago

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i didn't buy it. i was just talking about the bundle page so don't take my word for it. :D sorry for the confusion.

9 years ago*

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