it has occasionally im thinking of the SNES doing fairly well against the genesis/megadrive when i was just getting into gaming, youd be right with the vast majority of comparisions i had a dreamcast which on paper should have been way better than the PS2 i got later but in fact wasnt so profitable and was the final nail in sega's hardware division :(
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None of them. I ll just throw some new components on my PC when the time comes.
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Blue paint and throw it into the sea. Then i can try to do something with my life.
i might buy new cpu, mobo, and ram. Haven't concluded in specifications yet.
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Steam's basically selling a prefab linux PC. Calling SteamBox a console is like calling everything Alienware creates a console.
If SteamBox wins, it's a win for PC gaming. It's just a PC.
I'd say that the benefit to SteamBox is that it normalizes expected hardware between a greater number of users. While programmers already design toward the most common system specs, if this group becomes the majority group, programmers will have less of a need to adjust for a low-power median performance level.
We're continuing to see see a little more of the console ease-of-use coming to PCs and consoles are implementing a lot of the BS that PC users used to deal with that they didn't like. I've witnessed this over the last fifteen years.
My 'console' will be an AMD R9 290X sometime 1Q 2014. Unless Nvidia does something fantastic, which I believe they will.
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Clarification: "If SteamBox wins as a console,..."
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I am extremely happy with nextgen. As a proud owner of Hd7870 and FX8320 I feel I'll be safe with my rig for next few years, since it already runs stuff faster than nextgen consoles are supposed to (new cod, bf4 - both downscaled in resolution and/or fidelity (on consoles), both run great on ultra on my rig). Given that new DX is more cpu/gpu friendly (50% increase in fps in bf4 compared to the old one) and AMD Mantle is on its way (and the number of devs keen to support it is growing), it should be a great generation for me. Games already look fine IMHO. My wallet is content.
Plus - my steam/origin/uplay backlog is getting MASSIVE. And it GROWS. I almost don't feel the 'need' for that nextgen right now.
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Exactly. Why would I throw 500$ on limited hardware I don't need while I can build something better for similar money, and get the option to make music, edit videos, work and browse internet on it? In the future the equivalent of my current PC will be even cheaper, and consoles will remain the same (= below it's capabilities). One day I'll have an option to upgrade it for the money I save on games (which are usually a lot cheaper on steam) - and enjoy even greater experience, if I ever feel that I need it.
When x360 and ps3 came out I had a good reason to go and buy one. Now I see none. And I'm happy with it. Moar moneyz saved for other stuff.
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When the 360 and the PS3 came out, I was pretty jealous of the gaming available.
Then I noticed that a lot of XBLA games were being released on PC. And a lot of the console games I wanted to play were being ported to PC with better graphics, and alternative games existed for the titles that weren't porten. I decided I should just drop a 100 USD GPU into my system to match a 299-399 USD console.
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Originally uploaded 5 June 2013, somehow prophetic.
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I just play on the PC and don't really need the new consoles. But I was always a fan of Nintendo. Their games and new console ideas just interests me much more and looks fun rather than the others which just seem to mostly focus on the performance and graphics.
It's very unlikely that I'll actually play it myself but still, I'm looking forward to what the next Super Smash Bros and Zelda game would be like.
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I made this topic in hopes someone would perhaps change my mind. I had already decided to go with steam this gen. I was just seeing if somebody could convince me to go back to Playstation. Instead I get you. I am not pathetic for trying to open my mind, you are, for closing yours. I get it, you have a Hard on for Sony, I did once too, but then I did my research.
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Yeah sure, to change your mind.... Thays why you cracking off everything that ain't Steam... Looks like you're the one who has a has a Hard on some service here....
Also if you actually did research you would have know there would be very little differences.
But I stop here, I already gave you my 2 cents, not going to make 3 cents of it.
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If I had the money I would probably buy an XBOX, but since I don't have any.. I'll just keep using my PC :P
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PS4. But that's only if I were forced to choose one, no more, no less, and had no PC option. Talking as though we only had a choice between the big three, as media and fanboys dictate, is a false choice.
I'd gladly buy a PS4/XB1 if the price were about 200 USD, which is what I plan to spend to push my PC above console performance once again. I'm currently leaning toward PS4, but paying for full online support on any console seems a ripoff if you already have to pay for internet access besides.
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Actually, the real question is: what will happen to the industry due to the fact that nextgen sucks so much balls?
Few months ago I still had a lot of hope regarding nextgen capabilities, but not now. The "PS/Xbox will outclass pc for years" dream is over now. A budget PC can easily compete with console hardware, BF and COD is a proof. The 'optimization' dream is over aswell - with console architecture being so close to the pc, the optimization benefit will not be as massive as it was in current-gen. And it shows. Also, PC games are (and will be) getting more and more optimized thanks to the new DX and Mantle. Even if they, somehow, heavily optimize future console titles, what will they achieve? Full 1080p and ultra settings in, say, BF4? Great, but it's already achievable on not-so-expensive pc.
New consoles will most probably not sell as well as current-gen did. Less people will buy console games. How will it affect the industry? More PC-centric development? Creating artificial boundries, so that PC versions would not outclass console ones too much? Almost totally exlusive-based console market (bullshit from financial perspective, I know)? Uglier, simpler PC->console ports or console-> pc ports with slightly enhanced graphics? Or maybe the end of big graphical advancements?
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Nintendo's Wii U has a weird controller-one no one really wanted, and isn't as innovative as it is cumbersome. Innovation kept them going last generation. This generation? They should be worried. Right now, the 3DS is carrying them, but that'll only go so far...
Microsoft messed up right at the beginning with this next generation, layering their console with tons of invasive DRM and trying to call it a feature. Pretty much everyone was pissed and, even though Microsoft backpedaled, their greed cost them dearly with the heaps of bad PR it garnered. Add to that the fact that their system is $100 more expensive, while not as powerful as Sony's PS4, and things aren't looking great.
Sony actually did pretty well early on. Once they saw the train-wreck the Xbox One reveal had become, they made sure to point out that the PS4 wouldn't have the same "features" as the Xbox One, which made a lot of folks pretty happy. As a more powerful system with better support and $100 less on the price tag, I think Sony's on top.
Some people are complaining that they'll be charging for PS+. I'd like to take a moment to point out that Microsoft has already been charging people for an Xbox Live Gold subscription (required to play games online) for years.
To the people who keep saying PC will win: PC always wins anyway. It's a given. It's such a solid platform that it's place in the game race hasn't been questioned in a long time, especially not after Steam started gaining, well, steam.
Oh, and for the record, I was an Xbox and PC fan this current generation. I've never ceased PC gaming, and I'm on my third 360. Microsoft's poor choices (and constant updates which remove features and make my 360 dashboard more and more ugly) swayed me away from them with the next generation though, and decided me firmly on buying a PS4 once there are actually a few next-gen titles I'm interested in.
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This Dorkly comic seems kind of relevent to this thread. :p
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Who will win the "next gen" race?
Nintendo has a weird controller again, Xbox has too many restrictions and Playstation wants to charge for PSN now. To make matters worse for them... Steam is now in the race.
Which system(s) are you getting (if any) and why?
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