
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! - created by adam1224 <3

Games need attention because it's SG.


  • I AM FEMALE Gender does not matter sorry

What's your favourite game?

Mine are:

The Witcher 3 for PC
The Last Of Us for console

I am enjoying Zelda Breath of the Wild right now on my switch. Can see that being a favourite!


Thank you for all the whitelists! Thanks for the chance to leech my +1s ^^

Stats: (my source and I'm an expert so I'm credible)

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7 years ago*

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Good are Games?

View Results
Addict Barbie
There are 2 Genders
We love chicken and kitten always <3333
Steamgifts has non binary

This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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But I'm a grill gamer?

7 years ago

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Yes :)

7 years ago

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The fact you could be a female makes that important since the average player is a male, so your opinion has more value (?)

I will point that in a valuable sentence:
Your opinion would be more important for me (?) yes I said that

7 years ago

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Well the deleted comment above from Silverio said that I need to stop telling everyone I'm a girl.

I'm glad my opinion matters

7 years ago

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Maybe you are, maybe you are not...

Haven't seen any proof yet, to be quite honest.

7 years ago

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I, too, can upload random photos onto the Interwebs..

7 years ago

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Vecchia, you have to believe! Dont just expect a live streaming, because ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , that wont happend.

Soo... peace?

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Besides, I have yet to see anyone else eating cheesecake out of a cup. P

7 years ago

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No one ever asked me for proof of being a boy. :(

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Your opinion matters because you are a person, not because you are a woman. You made a post criticizing "male discrimination", yet you are glad someone else, a complete stranger, says your opinion is important because your gender. Wich, for me, makes no sense at all.

I deleted the comment because I didn't want to pursue this nonsensical discussion (not because of you, but because it never leads to a conclussion) and because my english isn't good enough to talk about this topic.

I also deleted my comment because it sounded a little bit hostile and it wasn't a hostile comment.

7 years ago

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My favorite games are Fallout New Vegas and Portal 2.

7 years ago

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Loved Portal 2 both single and co-op.

Plan to play all the Fallouts at some point but to be cool on SG I have to play all my wins first.

7 years ago

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Can we be friends?

7 years ago

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Yaaaaaay :D

7 years ago

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You know what, I really love your threads. Hopefully you can keep up with them. My favorite game is Devil May Cry 3, and in second Batman Arkham City. I'm starting to really like GTA 5, but, unfortunately, my pc can't really handle it yet, so I'll push that to another date for now.

7 years ago

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And the worlds most unpopular opinion goes tooooooo... You Mr Usernam :D

I was known as annoying stab girl with spam threads so careful what you wish for.

All three of those I need to play! I've started GTA V twice now, I feel a third times the charm coming soon! :3

7 years ago

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Just a hug, since some people were being idiots.

Mmmm. I loved the Mass effect saga, a lot of japanese VN, Baldur's Gate, Starcraft...

7 years ago

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I played 20 hours of the first Mass Effect but haven't went back to it for some reason D: I need to go and play it again :O I also want to play Baldur's Gate with my boyfriend however I don't think he wants to carry me through it yet xD

Whats your favourite VN? Mine is Steins;Gate <3 Tuturruuuu~

7 years ago

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Loved Tsukihime, Ever17: Out of infinity, Fate/stay night and Saya no Uta

It was kind of a pain to legally get them, because they are the kind of games that wouldn't be published in the west without severe censorship, and people like me would never get a censored version.

7 years ago

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I got 3/4 of the way through Mass Effect, put it down, and never picked it back up.
Baldur's Gate, on the other hand, is just plain awesome (and still holds up)

I do recommend the Enhanced Edition Trilogy mod, which smooths the transition between games somewhat and lets the other characters carry over as you've advanced them, which is a definite plus for immersion. though, playing BG1, TOS, SOD, BG2, TOB from start to finish is effin long, even if you skip a lot of the side stories

Seeing below that you won Torment, that and Baldur's Gate go head to head for greatest RPG of all time. Baldur's Gate is like the pinnacle of traditional/classic RPG, fantasy world, a nobody who goes on adventure and becomes a great hero, etc. Torment on the other hand is very unusual, strange setting, unusual story, weird characters, etc. not a major spoiler, but, your main character is an immortal with amnesia, and your best friend / npc is a floating skull. And that's merely the beginning of the game

7 years ago*

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Gothic 2, The Witcher 1, Call of Duty 2, Torment, man, there are so many!

7 years ago

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CoD2 is awesome +1

7 years ago

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I won Torment actually. Playing some long games atm so it has to wait ;-;

7 years ago

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The game I've played the most is Tetris. There's something special about those falling blocks. After that, my favorite game is star wars battlefront 2(the good one). And 3rd place I would say Insurgency or some other realistic shooter.

Because my computer literally got fried recently, I've been playing Pokémon Go. It ain't that bad, really enjoying it so it could be added to the list.

And my stats aren't that good, need to do more giveaways :p

7 years ago

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Oh man! Tetris is a great game to go back to every so often. Always amuses me :D

Oh man I'm sorry to hear that! I stopped playing Pokemon Go before all the major updates... So I should redownload it and check it out. You think its worth joining back into it?

Meh, I don't know how I did it, just luck I guess. People accidentally hitting the whitelist

7 years ago

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I totally missed the pokémon go hype week/month when it came out(I only started playing 3 months ago), but from what I understand it is not as much as a social thing as it was before.

Now they have some of 3rd gen pokémon in the wild, which is my favorite gen(yeah sorry guys for not being the 1st) and if you have high level pokémons(and at least a couple friends) kyogre is available for you to raid.

So yeah you should give it a try if you like 3rd gen and if you live in a fairly dense/populated area(if you don't, don't even bother, rural areas suck(which is kinda sad when you think that in the main series you spend most of your time out of town)).

And I don't really care about whitelist. 40+ added me on their list, most of them I don't know, but the ones I know I'm happy to be in their list because they were also in mine :)

7 years ago

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Thanks for the article.
Congratulations on over 1k WL.
I enjoy Portal series, SimCity, Darkest Dungeon, Don't starve. And I like Witcher as well.
And many more hard to choose favourite. :)

7 years ago

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You're welcome!
Thank you kindly!
Darkest Dungeon made me rage quit... I need to finish that damn game :( Witcher is just fantastic :3

7 years ago

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Football Manager (insert year)
Batman Arkham series
The Witcher series
Final Fantasy X
Binding of Isaac
Baldurs Gate 1 & 2

7 years ago

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Don't post your whole library, poo head :O

7 years ago

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Favorite games include (but aren't limited to, because I'm one of those assholes who can't really decide what their favorites are and keeps changing them):

  • Portal 2
  • Dark Souls
  • Life is Strange
  • Fallout: New Vegas
  • The Witcher 3
7 years ago

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I've only played , Portal, LiS and Witcher but they are amazing! Very fine tastes my friend ^^

I need to play the Dark Souls series, but bloody blight town man... It stucks ;-;

7 years ago

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With an alias like yours I thought you were a Dark Souls 3 fan :/

(There's a shortcut than enables you to skip most of Blighttown. You can open it from the start from Londo Ruins with the Master Key, or reach it from the forest as well. There's just a couple platforms, an elevator, and you're directly on Blighttown ground level, near the boss.)

7 years ago

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I actually really liked Blighttown :p Then again, I had fairly steady fps, unlike most people from what I understand. I gotta say though, you haven't fully experienced Dark Souls until you've been to Anor Londo (my point is, you should keep trying :p)

7 years ago

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1k+ WL and your last WL win 1 year ago. Maybe you do something wrong.

7 years ago

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I only enter for wishlisted games. Like right now all that is coming up is Civ VI and so I'm entered in like 6 giveaways right now. I don't just enter everything and I rarely want bundled games

7 years ago

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My favorite games are old school games like Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Quake, Wolfenstein, Witchaven, MechWarrior, Unreal Tournament, UT2004 and a lot of flight sims. ^^

7 years ago

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Ohh nice list of old school games! Sadly I've only played the new DOOM and Wolfenstein but both are amazing. I doubt as good as the originals though :(

I am terrible at flight sims! I would be a horrible pilot xD

7 years ago

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And there are so many more like Redneck Rampage, Outlaws, Shogo, Blood, Kingpin, Halo, etc.

It does help with military flight sims to have some Thrustmaster and Saitek gear. ^^

7 years ago

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I loved Hexen. I've played very few FPS so it was a real departure for me (usually I'd play point-and-click or RPGs), but I loved it!

7 years ago

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The golden age of the FPS and did you know that hexen means witches? :-)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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In all honesty I only knew when playing Hexen II. Hexen is a German word.

7 years ago

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Games teach reading? Wow! Like, no shit?
Next up: Scientists reveal that people reading books are better at spelling O_O

7 years ago

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I told you. Very credible source.

Newspapers are confirmed expert opinions! <333

7 years ago

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Truly happy about the slowed aging tho! Been pumping out HOG´s to me mum since i made her have a steam acc =)

My fav game ... too many great titles, but probably Duke Nukem 3d since it dominated my teenage years, and steam background, and has been the first sg win i had to air-punch on :D (prolly had been Mechwarrior 2 if it had run on my pc back then and i had´nt to return it in favour of Duke3d & Crusader No Remorse)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Off the top of my head I'd go with Civ 5/6, Dota 2, FTL, GTA 5, XCOM:EU, Ratchet and Clank (the early PS3 and late PS2 ones anyways), and Portal 2.
EDIT: And Endless Legend at the moment. Only played like 10ish hours so far, but really liking it!

7 years ago*

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ooo FTL. I didn't even think of that game:O
You probably know, but just incase you don't: the awesome dev team behind that game is working on their 2nd game:D Steam page.

7 years ago

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Oh yes! I'm rather excited for it (as you'd imagine, seeing as I have x-com on that list as well)! It's startling when you realize how long back FTL was released!
Didn't know they already had a Steam page though, I had only seen some gameplay on IGN(?).

7 years ago

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not enough people talk about ratchet and clank, these game were great !

7 years ago

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Loved those games, a Crack in Time is the only game I ever bothered getting 100% of the trophies!

7 years ago

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Mario 64. Or Fallout NV. Or Goldeneye. ME1/2. I can't choose... This question isn't nice:(

7 years ago*

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Favorite games of late are Rimworld and Stellaris, but I like mostly everything.

Favorite games of all time include Simcity 4, War of the Roses, Buck Rogers TSR version for C64, Medieval: Total War, Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, Dungeons and Dragons Online, and anything that has decent Texas Hold 'em Poker.

Some honorable mentions include Zelda Link to the Past, Ogrebattle 64, Fighter's Destiny, Megaman 2, The Civ series, Mount and Blade, The TMNT original arcade game, That old Ghostbuster arcade game I played as a kid, Baseball Stars, Contra, Mortal Kombat 2, Super Mario Kart, Wasteland, Goldeneye, and Faceball 2000.

Probably forgot a few as well.... ^^

7 years ago

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I enjoyed many, many games but I really can't set up top lists :)

7 years ago

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At least pick one that you maybe come back to or the story pops in your head here and There! Or what about if someone had never played games before. What would tell them?

7 years ago

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Arcanum of Magic and Steamworks Obscura for being the first cRPG I played that had incredible freedom for a game of it's age
New Vegas for having a really intervined, awesomely written world
Dishonored for fluid, superswift mobility and sneaking awesomeness (kitenic stealth is my favourite, static a'la Thief a bit less, Hitman's disguises are bullshit)
Terraria for creativity and fun of exploration
and thinking about it I have an awkwardly huge backlog of RPGs that I know they are good yet I don't play them... :(

7 years ago

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My most beloved game of all time is Planescape: Torment, everything else remains far far behind ;)

7 years ago

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I recently got that. Need to play it soon!

7 years ago

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You certainly do ;) I'd warn you about walls of text and how this is like a mix of video game and epic book, where you gotta reqd it all to truly appreciate it, but knowig your Goodreads profile you're good to go ;)

7 years ago

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Actually, I just finished The Witcher 3's main story. Still have the expansions to play through. I'll be honest though, I found the story to be too long. It should've ended with the last stand at Kaer Morhen. Think about it. You have Roche, Vex and so many other cool characters by your side, fighting with you. Lengthen the game if need be to make that the last part, but the finale was just so weak. Not to mention the boss battle was waaaaay too easy on the normal difficulty.
It's a great game overall though.

Also, keep up the good work. Probably might not be the best to bring controversial topics on this site, but you probably already knew that :D
Anyways, I was planning to whitelist you, but I already did, so.. :P

7 years ago

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I agree.the last boss fight was very easy I felt like it was just the perfect length. I really loved the pacing and I took my time with it:D

Yeah I knew it would start something but I thought people would be mature enough for it to be worth it. I guess I'm just the wrong person to talk about it...

Oh thanks:3

7 years ago

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my fav games are :

  • the witcher 3
  • fallout series (can't pick one :( )
  • TES séries because morrowind oblivion skyrim are all awesome, didn't played the 2 first
  • Final fantasy 10, (and lot of other FF but this one have a special place in my heart <3 )
    also, special mention to
  • Time splitter future perfect on wich i spent hundreds of hours with my friends during my teenage years :3 one of the few game i wish they remade and put on steam !
7 years ago

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I'm actually play8jg FFX right now and I'm loving it. My first FF I've actually played :3

7 years ago

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Looking back through my reviews, here are some of my favorites I think are worth considering playing:
Favorite over the past year: No Man's Sky
Previous Year: Planetbase, Hue, Limbo, Infinifactory (really good year)
Prior couple yrs: Stanley Parable, Her Story, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, The Swapper, Waking Mars, To the Moon, Spirits of Xanadu
Farther back I wore out Defense Grid and also really enjoyed open world driving game FUEL.

7 years ago

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I was waaay too deep into management games last year with FM16 and Motorsport Manager. I love them, but one of my new year's resolutions was to stop them and play something else, including my wins. I really enjoy Sleeping Dogs right now.

All-time favorites are the Civilization and UFO / XCOM series and I was amazed by Thea: The Awakening and FTL.

7 years ago*

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Thea: The Awakening is a real gem!

7 years ago

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Witcher 3, Legacy of Kain series, Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer, Planescape: Torment.

7 years ago

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Skyrim and Life Is Strange are probably my favourites. I still think Perfect Dark was the best FPS of all time though :P.

7 years ago

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