So for the first time ever I was suspended on SteamGifts this week, because apparently I received a bundle of four games four years ago and had somehow neglected to activate two of the keys, and somebody just noticed and reported me to Support. I don't know how I managed to activate two of the keys but not the other two, but the reason I'm posting is that when I was suspended, I was instructed to activate my unactivated keys, BUT, when you're suspended, you can't access your won keys page.
So I literally purchased the two games on Steam, and then filed a support ticket, and was unsuspended. That fixed my problem, but for others who accidentally overlook activating a key and get suspended, wouldn't it be preferable for them to be able to see the keys they're supposed to be activating, if that's what they're being asked to do to be unsuspended?

OK, maybe I used too many words there. Have a cheapie GA:

4 years ago

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Do you think users suspended for an unactivated win should be able to access their won key in order to activate the win?

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Complicated. You would want somebody acting in good faith to have access to their keys, just to check and activate those keys and clear the suspension.
But you don't want a potential scammer acting in bad faith to access their keys. They could potentially siphon off more keys from giveaways they won after the suspension.

But honestly i am no support member and can't tell if my thoughts are actually relevant.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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But they can only view keys for giveaways they already won. What harm would it do to let them see those keys? If they are being suspended for not activating wins, they need to see those keys to activate them. I wouldn't even want to reroll an old key like that if it was marked as received because that user probably already sold or traded it.

If a user wins games, they should be able to view the keys unless the giveaway is going to be deleted, but if that was going to happen, it probably would have already happened at the same time the user was suspended. I don't see any reason why the giveaway creator would try to take keys back from old giveaways that weren't activated when those creators don't even know anything is wrong since it was marked as received.

Also, they will be able to see the keys again when their suspension ends. If the user is permanently banned, then maybe they shouldn't be able to see them.

I should have went to bed a few hours ago, so maybe I am just overlooking something.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Except in some fringe cases where they may be suspended before viewing the key for another recently won game.

I do acknowledge this as the only situation in which this rule makes sense at all. It just doesn't seem to outweigh all the obvious negatives with the current system since they occur for completely regular cases, while this is agreeably a fringe case.

In theory, it should be possible to avoid this by adding some automated logic for suspended people, for example automatically removing them from all entered giveaways at the moment of suspension, or simply excluding suspended people from any winning roll in the first place. I know, I know, any additional features would come at some development cost, but this should be the simplest way to go about it. (Admittedly, I don't like how this enforces the 'no wins while suspended' rule even further, as it should technically be at the creator's discretion.)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Ah, I understand - thanks for clearing that up.

However, for that specific case, I actually would argue that it makes for arbitrary punishment to confiscate a key that was essentially "clean" ( before the user got suspended). I don't see how this is reasonable since it's completely random whether the person saw the key "in time" or not. Heck, an user acting in bad faith could even have scripted automatic checks (or just be very active) to secure all keys up until the very second he got suspended, once again punishing them less than everyone else.

If I understand correctly and this is the only fringe case left, then I am actually even more convinced that the current system has to go, for those reasons mentioned above.

EDIT: After some additional thought, I do acknowledge that this takes away the creator's ability to re-roll the giveaway after the suspension based on the argument that the giveaway ended before the suspension. However, I feel that conceding this minor point in the re-rolling rules (that giveaway creators can no longer force a re-roll on giveaways that ended prior to suspension) should still be acceptable for everyone.

EDIT2: In case my reply got a little convoluted: My original argument only makes sense if we assume that the giveaway creator no longer has the right to re-roll a giveaway if it ended before the suspension started. (If not, then the giveaway creator could retroactively trigger the re-roll after the suspension, signalling that the key should then not have been revealed in the first place, causing a paradox.) Therefore it only makes sense if the rules for re-rolling are also changed (as stated in first EDIT).

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Yep I agree with this. Or at least remove all entries that end before the suspension period.
All the re-roll tickets that are created during the suspension period are accepted anyways. Why make it more complicated by asking GA creator to create re-roll ticket if they find their potential winner currently serving suspension?
If in any circumstances suspension period is reduced they can always enter the said GA again.

4 years ago

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I like the idea :o) but to be fair ... maybe the punished one can enter the site earlier (false positive and such cases, punishment lifted) and then he/she come back and can enter group/public GA's but not Invite only and such ones, that you maybe got from solving a puzzle or solving a jiggidi.
I would not be able to get all this GA links again or willing to do all the work to solve jiggidis again and such stuff.

So maybe if the automatic "entry kick" would be stored for that member till 1 day after the punishment end regulary, that he can use that links to enter the Ga's if he joins the site before they end or at least can write there a sorry if somethig happend.
Or only till the reg. punishment date to enter the Ga's if he/she comes early enough back.

4 years ago

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That's a nice point on invite only GA. Normally there wont be any issues with ITH I think, once solved with or without login, session is saved for a long time, at least for me. Jigidi might be a challenge, but if anyone has a habit of solving jigidis chances they are solving it by logging in. So much issues with that site. I have already given up on jigidi unless its a special one.

Anyways providing a log regarding removed entries would be really helpful for false positive cases. A somehow similar feature just like that in ESGST's MY Entry History.

4 years ago

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If i close my browser all are deleted, so saved session isn't available for me in such a case.
Gaffi, below, gave a superb feedback to handle the problem in a easy/easier way.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Thats a great idea. Bought.
The staff needs now only to activate cg :o)


4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Please read my comment above :o)

4 years ago

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"I will say to anyone, including OP, who finds themself in this situation, you can always seek out the giveaway creator and try to resolve with them. Assuming they are still active here, there should be no trouble for them to view the key they sent and relay that information to you."

  • actually that was my chief frustration. The Suspension message included a link to the GA which I had won four years ago, but because I was suspended, I couldn't view the giveaway. I could open it in an Incognito window, but because I was suspended, I couldn't see the key and I had no way of reaching out to the giveaway creator because I couldn't post or do anything else on SG.
4 years ago

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I suppose his intended meaning was to follow the SG link to e.g. his Steam profile and attempt to contact them there? Although this can also get complicated if they're the type that are very cautious of random friend requests AND have comments disabled so there is no way to leave them a message. If the intention is to allow contact with the creators, SG could at least leave the message system open during suspension.

4 years ago

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Speaking from a purely technical perspective, shouldn't it be possible (but require CG etc revising site code of course) to allow them access to only the keys for which they have been suspended? I have no idea about SG's database structure but it seems likely that there would be some association between the support ticket and the GA in question, possibly also between the support ticket and the ban. This case-specific blocking would also only be effective if combined with blocking entry to new GAs obviously.

From an ethics / moderation perspective, I have no idea if the above technical approach would solve this or additional things would need to be considered. i am very anal retentive about activating my keys and marking received asap so i have no horse in this race, just thought to ask is all.

4 years ago*

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I thought of this as well, it would definitely be the most appropriate solution (though some will probably still disagree) at the cost of considerable development time, as I'm sure it'd require a restructuring of the logic behind the giveaway system, which is why I did not suggest it as a realistic solution (historically, SG has evolved very little over time, suggesting there is not enough manpower for larger changes).

4 years ago

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Right now suspension blocks access to the whole parts of the website. Not to individual pages. So things would need to be changed on the admin side.

Still it should never be done in a way "haha, I forgot to activate those 10 wins, now I will activate them (bc you found out), and I will be clean". It would still count as another strike.

And I would be resistant in simply unlocking website to people who did not activate 11 out of 12 won games, then simply get a chance to activate keys (that could be supposed to be sold, but user did not found the buyers etc.) and we lift permanent suspension like nothing happened. Some users do need to prove they will not break the rules in the future. And telling them they need to show some effort before they can use the site again is the only "guarantee" we have they will learn their lesson.

(And there are still users that do literally nothing to address the situation, and just pops in now and then and ask when they will be unsuspended...)

As Gaffi wrote - few bad apples spoils the fun for everyone. Though if it would be for people that did not activate 1 or 2 wins for the first time - I would give them benefit of the doubt, and allow to see this 1 or 2 keys on the won page. But surely not for repeated offenders or people with dozens of inactivated wins.

That's actually something I'd name an improvement - 1st suspension would truly act as a reminder of "we have those rules, you need to follow them to use SG". Not as hard block some people need to wait out, as they don't want to (or can't) buy their win straight away.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Ah it looks like my suggestion was based on a partial understanding then. Yeah, sounds like there is a bit of complication on the "ethics" (or punishment or whatever you wish to call it) side of the equation.

Perhaps, a simple reminder banner / pop-up similar to the "You won a giveaway" one that triggers at some pre-determined intervals if neither "received" or "not received" are clicked? (e.g. "Reminder: You have x unactivated win(s). Please address or risk being banned." after x days/week/month/etc. I could see this as being helpful for honest folks and reducing burden on gifters + mods but at the same time not really changing anything for the scammers.

But again, it has the same limitation as most solutions in that it would require code changes.

4 years ago

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We already have reminder on the /won page, that all games need to be activated on winner's account. So no one can even say "I did not read guidelines":

Please remember, all games you receive need to be activated on your corresponding Steam account to remain in good standing. Users failing to do so will receive a suspension.

Not received can "stay" for as long as both creator and winner agrees. Say creator messed up and key did not work, but they promise they will buy winner game on the Steam sale, that starts in 2 weeks. I would not want to get constant reminded I did not mark giveaway as received or not received for 2 (or more) weeks.

If key or gift is sent and creator does not have feedback after a week - we have request received feedback ticket category. Also we do not suspend users for not leaving the feedback, unless it's some extreme case. I remember only one user that was suspended for it.

If giveaway is marked as received before winner gets a key - winner risks suspension. We wait 7 days after giveaway end to see if it's the case of "I marked as received and creator sent me game 5 days later". But if giveaway is marked as received, and at least 7 days passed from the GA end time - it is ground for a suspension.

Site also doesn't have any automated check if someone activated the win. It would be helpful, but SteamAPI is so unreliable it would be impossible to implement.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Then i have a maybe "dumb" question.
Should we report now, as example, each user instead with a reroll ticket that it get solved ?
Without that are the handling time year(s) and obvious much more complicate as needed for the staff because not supported with the right tools.

Don't get me wrong, i like most of the staff members and that isn't mean in a bad way, i am really curious if we, as users, can change something at our end to make it easier for the staff members.

If i need to pick the "wrong" category to make it easier for you... no problem i am willing to do it If it looks strange or not, as long as it work for both sides...

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Good points. Out of curiosity and also bc I am probably very behind the times, is site development still all done by CG or is it a team of devs?

If it was open-source or something I could submit PRs to I might be interested in contributing (assuming help was wanted / that you guys would be interested). I have primarily worked with C# and Java code bases on Oracle DB's but I did web development at a large fortune 500 company for over a decade. No offense whatsoever if you guys are not interested tho.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I've never understood this argument since a person acting in bad faith would already have saved copies of all their won keys in advance because they knew the consequences beforehand. The current system does in fact on purpose go after people who act in good faith.

I was in the same situation as OP. Because I was not familiar with the rules and thus had unactivated wins, it never occured to me to simply copy+paste the keys somewhere else. Thus, I was forced to obtain all the keys through other means, essentially serving as additional punishment. Only a person acting in good faith would NOT keep backups of the keys.

4 years ago

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Yes, the current suspension method makes no sense.

Person acting in bad faith simply saves copies of all his keys in advance. When caught, he activates them thanks to his backup and pretends he didn't know better.
Person acting in good faith is likely to not notice anything until he gets suspended. He wants to rectify his mistake but can't because he no longer has access to his keys. So he is forced to spend additional time and money to obtain duplicates of every win.

So the current system is easily abused by people in bad faith and skewed towards additional punishment against people in good faith, whether it's intentional or not.

It's unlikely that it'll change though since it's been like that since I joined the site several years ago.

Also, want to know something even more flawed about the system? You might be unsuspended (in good faith) before succesfully activating everything. But in that scenario, you better double check that you remembered all of it, because if you later on happen to win one of those games and then activate it, you'll now be flagged for a multiple win, which will trigger another ban which will now be stricter because it is a second time offense. Yes, that happened to me because I had overlooked a single DLC worth less than one dollar.

4 years ago

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I thought one ore two unactivated wins do not cause a perma ban has that changed?
At least the persons i have reported, after they won a game from me and a sgtools check said that there are unactivated wins, only got suspended for a few days or weeks.

If you would have waited it out you would had access to your keys again.

Or did i do understood something wrong here?

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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It depends on the severity. In my case I got an 'indefinite suspension' because I had about a dozen unactivated keys.

For a regular offense, I suppose you could technically wait out the 1-2 week suspension and then activate the keys afterwards. However, in practice, the majority of gifters have a non-tolerance policy against suspended people and will withdraw their keys ASAP (which is supported by the rules), meaning that by the time your suspension is lifted, you will likely have lost all those keys anyway.

It's almost as if the system is constructed solely to make sure that your keys are lost unless you acted in bad faith and would have kept backups.

4 years ago

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Sorry when i say it so direct but
a) They don't "loose" something, they only don't "win" something.
b) If someone have a dozen unactivated wins then it isn't a mistake in my eyes and it should not be possible to restore the "unguilty" status with activating them "as soon as you got catched".

4 years ago

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That's completely fair, you are entitled to your opinion. I am only arguing based on the implementation of the current rules. I can change my wording to instead claim that people in bad faith 'win slightly more' than people in good faith under the current system.
I agree that a stricter set of rules in general might also fix the issue, which is mainly inconsistency.

4 years ago

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I see it the same that the ones with bad faith win much too much at sg.
When reports to bad apples/black sheeps need ~1 year to be looked at then is something very wrong.

So in the end is each one dumb that don't cheat, use a autojoiner, exploit with the ru shop games, sell wins and whatever else. At least it feels more and more this way. Of course overdrawn written but you get what i mean...

4 years ago

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For b) it can be a mistake if for example a user who removed games from his steam acc and removed some sg wins that way like here.

4 years ago

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Ok true, deleting them from the account and realize later that give a problem are possible.

But i think none of the "possible" handlings would prevent that cases.

4 years ago

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However, in practice, the majority of gifters have a non-tolerance policy against suspended people and will withdraw their keys ASAP (which is supported by the rules), meaning that by the time your suspension is lifted, you will likely have lost all those keys anyway.

What are you talking about? Withdrawing keys? There isn't even a feature for that in SG. And even if there was such a "feature" what would be a point of that? Withdrawing revealed keys(almost certainly) with the hope that the winner who broke the rule didn't use/gift/sell the said key?

As far as I know you won't lose any of the keys for the games you already won on SG. Even if one of the GA creator finds out that one of his prior winner is serving suspension currently, he/she can't request support for withdrawing the key that he/she sent to that particular winner.

The only scenario where gifters with a non-tolerance policy against suspended people can act on is when they find the potential winner currently serving a suspension. In that scenario the gifter can ask for the reroll and support will grant it. Is this the scenario that you were talking about when you said that you'll most likely have lost all the keys?

4 years ago

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If I understand you correctly, we are distinguishing between two scenarios here. I was talking about both of them:

  1. The person won a key and then got suspended
  2. The person wins a key while being suspended

We agree that in case 2 the creator can always ask for a re-roll.

In case 1, if I understand you correctly, you are claiming that re-rolls are not supported and/or do not happen. I'm fairly sure that it is still possible to ask for a re-roll, at least unless there have been some subtle changes since my own suspension several years ago. Also, my discussion with Gaffi further up the thread seems to be in support of this ( I based my statement on my own experience, which was that most of the keys I had won several weeks prior to my suspension had been removed one way or another during my suspension, most likely because the winners did 'withdraw' the keys by requesting a re-roll once they noticed I had been suspended at a later point in time.

I do agree with you that it doesn't make that much sense to do it because anyone acting in bad faith would likely already have saved/used the key, but I suppose it gives people a feeling of justice to request it regardless.

Admittedly it's still a bit strange because since these giveaways were already marked as received, the creators would need to be quite persistent to follow up on the withdrawals/re-rolls since everything would already look fine on their end. Perhaps I've remembered some details wrong?

4 years ago

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I can clarify this a bit. By coincidence, the community train ended right around the same time as I got my suspension, and I had noticed that afternoon that I had won a few GAs. However, when I sat down and had time to activate them, I was suspended! Fixing my suspension and getting unsuspended took about 24 hours, after which some of the keys were there, but in one case the gifter had obviously asked for a reroll (which I totally understand) because all they could see was I was suspended (ratbag criminal that I am!).

TLDR: if you win a game and then get suspended, the GA creator can ask for and will probably be granted a re-roll.

4 years ago

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In case 1, if I understand you correctly, you are claiming that re-rolls are not supported and/or do not happen.

No I didn't say like that. Re-roll tickets can only be created when someone wins the game, and that particular ticket determines whether the ticket gets approved or not. If there is non-activated wins, the winner gets suspended, loses the very key he/she won and for any other keys he/she wins for the duration of the time.

What I wanted to say was there is no way that any gifter could recall/withdraw the key after you revealed and activated the key.

So let's take this as example for you situation. You won game "XYZ", someone checked you, found out some non-activated wins, reported and asked for reroll. Reroll was granted and you got suspended. You will never get the key for XYZ if reroll is granted.
Earlier that week you also happened to win games ABC and IJK.

Now this is where I got confused.
CASE 1: You didn't have time to reveal/activate the keys for ABC and IJK. When your suspension ended, you were re-rolled. GA on won page is no more. You "lost" the key.
CASE 2: You did reveal the key or activated the keys. When your suspension ended there were no keys, or no GA on the won page at all. Both the just revealed ones and the activated ones.

If it's the CASE 1, I think it is right(not sure tho), because the gifter's for ABC and IJK saw you were suspended so they had the option for re-roll.... though the very reason you got suspended might be because of not activating ABC and IJK.

If it's the CASE 2, If that's true then why? I don't see any reason at all. If it's already revealed what use is highly already used key for the gifters. Unless it is not the gifters with a non-tolerance policy against suspended people like you said, but it's done by the support itself. Well I see some reason for that, maybe the support are trying to stop sellers, traders and re-gifter's. Maybe those bad parties haven't gotten rid of everything. If that's the case support might have to consider normal parties that genuinely made the mistakes too. Other bad parties may already have a way to overcome that hurdle just by coping and storing the keys.

4 years ago

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because I had about a dozen unactivated keys

My first thought was.. How is that even possible. Who stumbles like that.
But now... uhh.. Just curious.. How the hell do you have that many wins? (3k+) In just 5 years.

It's like 1.7 wins.. Per day.

I'm 1 million % confused 😂

View attached image.
4 years ago

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Well, I think it was 6-12 keys anyway, I just gave the generous estimate to make sure I had nothing to hide.
They were winnings over my first months on SG, I didn't get reported and suspended until a while later.
I genuinely had not read the rules properly and it didn't occur to me that it would be common sense to activate the keys, so I started leaving them on the Won page while still marking them as Received, deducing that it'd be reasonable to save them until I had time to actually play the games. Of course, in hindsight, the rules make a lot more sense (although the penalty still does not).

As for my general winning rate, I've been on average in at least one Steam giveaway group since shortly after I started, which helps (at least on paper, since in practice you are also obliged to give a similar amount away), and other than that I'm just very active on the site so I can micromanage my points between forum posts/events, other group giveaways and high level/short duration giveaways and generally try to avoid anything where the points/chance ratio is too high compared to alternatives. Also, during my first year on SG, the level distribution wasn't as skewed as today (more and more people enter the higher levels now), so by rushing to mid-range levels (4-7) you'd have quite decent odds relative to others.

4 years ago

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Huh.. That all made sense :) And once again, just curious. No ill intent.
I have just never met someone here, sporting a (in very loose terms) 170% win-rate =) Insane 👍

View attached image.
4 years ago

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I was suspended twice when I forgot to activate 1 of several simultaneous wins. So I made unsuspend request to get an access to my won page so I could activate my wins. Both times support unsuspended me in half an hour with a condition that I would activate the keys as soon as possible, so I did that.

4 years ago

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Yeah, I'm kinda retard 'cause I made the same mistake twice...

4 years ago

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There are addons (e.g. ESGST) which can mark all games you own. Check your won page from time to time that all games are actually marked as owned and you should be fine.

4 years ago

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I check myself with sgtools from time to time and even with that I managed to miss 1 unactivated win.
Anyway, thanks for the advice!

4 years ago

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sorry to ask but how van you forget to activate a key?
wouldnt there still be a red number at the top implyying that there is still something available?

or do you reveal and mark as received even before you actually tried redeeming?

im honestly asking this out of interest of how this can happen?

4 years ago

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I won several GAs at once. Revealed->activated->marked as received->said "thank you"->repeated. For 1 win I just missed "activate" step.

4 years ago

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hmmm.. i see.
never won that many GAs that it ever occured to me for this to happen.

4 years ago

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I was suspended for not activating a won key. Problem was, my account showed by date that I HAD activated the win and it was in my active library. Immediately I open a support ticket and contact on Steam the moderator who suspended me. We all know how these things are not addressed on a timely basis and I did not receive any action or response until 5 days of my 7 day suspension had already passed.

The PROBLEM? I was informed that apparently the SG review tool can be glitchy and report incorrect findings. So yeah, there's issues.

My helpful suggestion would be that users first get a warning and perhaps 24 hours to respond. I realize that this might benefit abusers but IMO the risk of false negatives should be better weighed against false positives.

4 years ago

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99,9% of the unactivated wins aren't false positives and the most of them don't do it by mistake.

So a very strong


to your suggestion with a respond time

4 years ago

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99,9% of the unactivated wins aren't false positives and the most of them don't do it by mistake.

I don't actually believe your claim of 99.9%. You've offered no evidence of it and I'm 99.99% certain that it is not possible for you to know a user's intentions to that degree.

I'm not even convinced that whether a user activates a gift or not is actually an important thing to enforce.

Regardless, I find these kind of speculative debates to be pointless and that 92.375% of all statistics are made up on the spot. :)

We are each entitled to our opinions.

4 years ago*

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I see rulebreakers with not activated wins, nearly, daily.... and they aren't a few bad apples.
I would be easily have a full BL with 1k only with them.

Think for yourself if that were all mistakes....

4 years ago

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I suspect its a majority but not 99.9% as i got hit once by an unrecognised DLC so they thought i had not activated it when i had. I sent the proof that i had activated on account and it took them three days if i remember correctly to unsuspend me. Being found guilty and suspended without warning is not fair either. I now run SGTools when it works on my account regularly to try and make sure i don't make a mistake when i activate games. I wish Steamgifts has this feature for people to check without having to resort to external tools but it is what it is. I can also see issues where giveaway creators make a giveaway using the wrong steam appid by mistake especially with games of the same or very similar names which i have done and i got someone suspended due to my mistake.

It would be nice if first time offenders did get a warning regarding this but i also understand that would make the system/processes much more complex and then to police it would take more effort.

4 years ago

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The exact % isn't important each one that use this site for a long timeframe know how invested it is from "bad apples".

Sure it would be great if none get a false positive and the support would look directly into tickets that come as a response of a suspension.

But thats complete unrealistic because of the fact that the staff is extremly understaffed, the most listed ones are inactive, and the ones that are around have partly not the right tools or rules to act how it should be done.
And how it should be done is in the end, sadly, defininitive not in a softer way that the abuse gets stronger (it is still very strong... or i would not catch people with 38 not activate wins in 4 years .... or 46 not activated wins that a fem. friend found as "highlight".. and sadly we aren't the only two ones that find such users.... -i have around me very many people that share their black sheeps that they find and alone for them i would need 1-2k spaces in the BL [and trust me that don't feel right]-).

4 years ago

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I don't disagree that the bad apples need to be hit with a ban/suspension and those caught with 38 not activated games in four years need to be hit heavily for multiple breaches. The people who have accidently made a mistake in activating a key or SG that have suspended people for activating the correct game but due to SG not being able to detect the game in a library should not be hit with a suspension without a warning especially if its a first offense. Its about appropriate punishment for the offense committed.

4 years ago

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You have an unactivated win, you serve the suspension. I'm fine with that. It's one of the cornerstones of this site (and one of the very few in place to keep people "honest"), and I'm not keen on seeing it changed.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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The thing is, the giveaway creator has not yet released the key at the moment the email is sent. Also, not all giveaways are delivered in this manner. sometimes the creator will send it by email, or need to add the winner on Steam to gift the game directly.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Suspended until you activate, but don't give you access to activate? SG trolled you. XD

Seriously, though, the solution was provided earlier. Put in a ticket to get access to key, and activate soonest.

4 years ago

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I don't want to sound rude or anything, but if I break the rules in real life and get caught, I will be fined or jailed, no matter if I apologize. In some circumstances, fixing or compensating the fault is a condition not to get a harsher punishment later.
We are talking about SG suspension: a few days where one can not use a recreational website.
In my opinion, a suspension should be served unless it was issued by mistake. It's not a big deal for someone who did a mistake once in good faith. For the one who auto-enters every GA he can and is caught with numerous unactivated wins resulting in a long suspension, it's a well deserved punishment in my opinion.

4 years ago

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