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It's basically a standalone expansion, they wanted to make a new Counter-Strike that would look better, had a Singleplayer mode, and give them the chance to change some other stuff without everybody raging at them(Like map changes, you can't do that with an existing game, everyone would go mad :D)
Thing is, it doesn't really look that much better, the singleplayer is bad and the gameplay changes weren't liked by the community either(I don't remember the game that well myself, which is probably for the best)
It just wasn't worth the extra money, it didn't do anything "better" than CS.
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What kind of atmosphere do people want from CS? It's just 10 epople shooting on a map, and yet CS GO had more ''organic'' design of some maps with better soundscapes.
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CS:GO feels like a step toward CoD, BF, etc. I'm not going to say it's just another clone, but, in my opinion, it's loosing its roots.
People want that traditional feel of a competitive, yet still fun, FPS which is exactly what 1.6 provides.
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I've played modern BF and Cod games for a bit (I don't like regeneration and ironsights in FPS games) and CSGO doesn't even remotely feel like those games.
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IMO CS:GO it's awesome. It has nearly all the good things that 1.6 had and the revamped classics maps are welcome touches. The new additions, like Arms Race game mode, Decoy Grenade and Molotovs are great additions to a successful formula.
The only issue that i have is that it needs some classic CS 1.6 maps, like cs_assault, also considering that officialy there are only 2 hostage rescue maps.
Also, i like seeing my Weapon Specs just to see which one is more convenient. Thanks to this, i discovered that i can kick some butts with the P500 + Sawed-Off. Shotguns feel that pack a punch, Submachineguns feel fierce and Pistols feel great when attacking from a far distance.
I hated CS:S because i didn't liked the new maps nor the changes to the classic maps. Also, i had the bad luck to play with hackers which ruined the fun pretty quickly.
CS 1.6 it's the best because it has all the great things that we loved and it runs on nearly all PCs.
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Personally, i love CS:GO. BUT i haven't played source. I played CS (1.6 i suppose) when i was a kid because my brother liked it, but it wasn't until now that I have fallen in love with it. I recently bought the CS complete pack, and tried to play 1.6 again. And man it feels too old for me (and I suck or everyone is a hacker, because i'm not bad in CS:GO). So yeah, I have yet to try Source. What do you guys prefer from CSS comparing it to CS:GO?
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The average Playerskill level in 1.6 is quite a bit higher than in Source or GO, i find it unlikely that you ran into a lot of cheaters, but it's not impossible of course.
Global Offensive is also quite a bit easier to play, just from how weapons handle, the net code works, and some other small things, being good in Global Offensive doesn't do thaaat much to get you to a decent level in 1.6.
Anyway, i'm only replying because i want more people to see your post. I've never read a single illegitimate reason as to why Source is better than GO in any way. Maybe someone will show me one by answering your question :D
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Really? I've always found the players in CS 1.6 a lot easier than any of the other CS games, and also the guns are easier to handle! Maybe the players are easier since I join the wrong servers?
I don't really prefer CSS over CS:Go, considering that I have played CS for quite a bit (Used to play the game pirated for ages)But I've pretty much felt that both games are the same, I can't really explain why, but whenever I jump onto either game, its pretty much the same feeling.
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I didn't play too much of 1.6 in the last couple of years, so it might have changed, but that would seriously surprise me.. ah what the hell, i'll just play some matches tomorrow and see for myself :D
You mean Source and GO feel the same? Well they aren't that different, but after playing GO i had big difficulties getting a good game in Source, the weapons felt different(recoil patterns were "weird")
And it felt like clear hits didn't actually connect(Source netcode was always weird, i think that they tightened that up in GO, i'm very sensitive to that kinda stuff so it would definitely throw me off.
Especially after not being used to it anymore.
I used to play CS with a pirated copy too, like 7-9 years ago, but those guys really sucked, no comparison to people on legit servers, and you had to deal with a lot of cheaters. Which was fine by me, i always liked a challenge :D
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I know you read much but CS:GO is way better (that's my opinion). Well 1st CS:GO has got a ranking system and competitive mode. The characters are good designed and the weapong do a "logical" amount of damage. The "buy" system is very easy when you get used to it and the animations are just great. The bad thing is that (as always) there are hackers... bad people that want to ruin the game.... That's all from me, hope I helped !!!
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i think that CSS better from CS:GO
and its same ...
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