Will this system (DLC for DLC) "conquer" the gaming world and the whole gaming industry?
Yep, it's all subjective. Paying $20 for a chair, paying $200, why not $2000? Maybe $0 and buy pillows to sit on the ground?
The market is king
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It's too late to do anything, gaming industry is leading slowly to crisis which might be much more worse, than was in 1983... Unless Blizzard will show to Activision middle finger and throw away from them, Ubisoft will start doing good games again, and EA will finally bankrupt for what i doubt may happend.
And sadly it is our fault in most cases, because we buy all of... "Sweet lies"
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if i don't like a game, i simply don't pay for it. i'm not gonna tell people to stop buying them or EA/Activision to stop releasing CoD/BF games.
Same goes with DLC, i have games that have 5+ "expansions" and i don't even care.
in any case, it's consumers that want to be treated as such. ┐(ツ)┌
if they want to pay $500 for a 2-hour long campaign or a pack with 5 skins, it's up to them. 🍉
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Kinda disappointed. Hoped for something big, instead got same thing that for example Overkill did - release skins you can use with DLC-exclusive weapons.
EA just packed all those skins in one package instead of loot-boxes. Which actually makes them a bit better I guess?
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Seriously I don't care. And I think a lot of ppl allowed it by buying tons of crap for sims series. So players are at fault too by investing in cards packs, cosmetics dlc's if there wasn't market for those it would be pointless to release them. But on the other hand I like what Ubi is doing for example with AC:O.
P.S. StillPre-orderingBioWareGames XD
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I didn't buy DA 2 and imo ME:A was nice XD so I'm quite lucky. :D
But still whole hate at publishers should start with some statistics for how well dlc's and other stuff is selling(there is always much more criticism about situation and very few opinions from ppl who acutally bought dlc/game/etc.) and there is always option to not buy.
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The best sims are sims 2.
And even there were paid addons - for example you can buy certain clothes or furniture (and some of them requires specific dlc's). Although I would never buy it. Reason is actually the same why I don't buy stuff at "bethesda's creation club". There are better items made by community and they are for free.
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Honestly - most of "creations" looks like poor and unpolished version of free mods. And amount of money they charge for it is astronomical. I wonder why some people actually buy their stuff I assume they do - because it's still alive
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I still don't get the stigma associated with DLC. DLC in and of itself isn't a bad thing. It's content. It literally means "downloadable content", that's as non discriptive as it can get. Now some of that content is good and has a fair price (take the Witcher 3 expansions for instance, or the Dark Souls DLCs), some of it is absolute ass and costs an arm and a leg, but DLC isn't inherently bad. When expansions where common place no one lost their minds like this.
I guess it's because the term DLC got a bad rep when it began being used since the first relevant instance was that ridiculously expensive horse armour for Oblivion and I get that people got hung up on that, but let's not automatically burn something at the stake because it's being called "DLC". We have to move past that.
They're selling extra content for something that didn't come with the base game, that's not really so out there, it's not really unheard of.
You can criticise them for selling shitty DLC (and lord knows they do that, hell this specific one seems to be just hats for your cats and dogs, sounds like an ironic mod someone made to poke fun at TF2 or something like that), but not really for selling DLC, even if it is for something that was an added purchase on top of buying the game.
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I am not saying that DLC as a term and a product is something bad or useless
I am just accusing EA and EA-like companies who is selling crappy stuff for a price of a good product
I have nothing against DLC and this kind of game support
I have no regret buying useful dlcs for my fav games but selling dlc with a low quality of added stuff and requiring another dlc to use that dlc is something else...
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I am shocked and confused by the fact that EA (the most cruel and greedy game publishing company of all the time) has beaten itself in a rush for the money.
EA published today (13 march) a DLC for a DLCin Sims 4!
According to that topic this DLC can be bought and activated without any other DLC's but you wont be able to use the cosmitic items and other stuff without other DLC which was aimed for pets. I dont care about Sims 4 but I feel like that this will be the nearest feature in game industry.
The previous threat to your gaming experience and money were lootboxes (The most recent hype was about Star Wars Battlefron 2) but after negative reports from players EA changed that system a bit.
Do you think that the history will repeat itself (we will force EA to change their gaming policy by reviews) or this (DLC for DLC) will be the common thing in the most games that will be created in future?
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